Chapter 28

Dan is just standing in front of her patiently waiting for her to speak up.
They are like that for a minute.

"I have somewhere to go, I need to meet up with someone." She said trying to avoid him again but when she moved, he did the same. He's blocking her with his whole body.

"I saw you just met up with someone and now you're going again to met who this time?" He said

"Just let me be." She said begging him.

"So you're pretending." He said. "Why do you have to?"

"Your phone is ringing." She said avoiding his eyes. He shook his head while staring at her before he answer his ringing phone.

As he answer the phone and turn his body around she find a chance to escape but to her surprised he grab her by her waist which made her stop from escaping and make her froze.

"I'm somewhere the area Glen, Just tell everyone that I have something to do. I'll meet you up again by tomorrow." Danny said before hanging up the phone.

He put his phone back on his pocket before carrying her on his shoulder and forcely asked her for the key.

He let her down after locking themselves in her home and she can't do anything but to stay here.

"Dan, please I have something important to do." She said couldn't hide it anymore.

"There you go you said it. Do you really want me to force you like this what all I want is to know if you're pretending or you might have amnesia." He said.

"And if you have amnesia, do you even know what had happened to us I'll just let you go without introducing myself to you?" He continued.

"And now you know, can I go now?" She said coldly. He chuckled.

"You're still the same. I just can't believe that we're going to see each other after five years and you're acting like...." he shook his head and let a sigh.

"And what is it for you if I'm acting this way? You can just act the same." She said and threw her purse on the couch.

"I don't care what happened to us! Well let me tell you, I actually have waited for too long to see you but not because I want you." He said. She look at him and saw how his mood quickly change from the moment he was begging her.

"I waited so long to ask if you really care about your daugther? You know what?... ah!!! This is making me crazy... wow!" He sigh. She can feel his temper

"You know I don't really care about us. But for goodness sake, your daughter! I have been waiting for years just to tell you this. What is Ellaine for you?" He asked and they both became silent.

She was taken a back by his question, she doesn't really know how to feel when he asked her that, but what she hate right now is seeing those tears in his eyes, She can feel the pain in his eyes.

"I don't care if you are with someone now or if you are married now, I don't care!" He said crying in front of her. "You don't have to love me again if you don't love me at all, Forget about us, I'm fine with it. I am here and waited for this moment to ask you a favor." He said and wipe his tears with his shirt.

"Every time I tell myself we are fine without you, We're living okay, me and Ellaine... but you know what? It's not. It's not fine, not because of me." He said, he walk closer to her and held both of her hands with his head down the next thing he do surprised her. He kneel down there crying. She try to help him to get up but he didn't even move.

"I'm doing this for our daughter, Ellaine. I saw not just once but many times, She's crying and hoping to see her mother. She's getting jealous to every kids.. Jess.." He then look up at her.

"She don't tell me all those thing, but I can feel it. I can see it. I am a father myself and even if I can raise her on my own, just being me is not enough for her. She wanted to have someone who can talk to whenever she can't talk to me. And that's you, her mother." He said and it's breaking her heart hearing all this, it even breaks her heart to see him doing this.

"I'm asking you... just for Ellaine. Please be a mother to her. She needs you." He said begging her. She help him to sit down on the couch and he let her do that.

He continue crying while looking down and keep on wiping his tears away. She get him a glass of water and try to comfort her.

"Even if I hate you, I'm still happy to see you. And I just wish Ellaine could meet you again. She know who you are, I don't have any reason not to tell her who her mother is. She deserves to know that."

"Ellaine never asked me even once why you're not with us, even though I know how much she wanted to ask me that but she never did. She never ask me about you but I always wish for you to show up before she even ask me and now I am here and I chase you even in your home not only because I was curious whether you have amnesia or you were just pretending but because I needed you for Ellaine. I am will to forget all the pain you've caused me. Just come back to Ellaine. Help me because I am not the only parent here. We both are." He said.

"How is she doing?" She started after she gather all her courage to start to talk about their family now.

She thought everything is fine, she thought that they're living well without her, but after hearing all of this she is blaming herself for leaving them.

She didn't even know that her kid is the one that suffering with all the mistakes she'd done. If she could only go back to the past, She might take all the pain and stay there with them.

"She is doing well but my sister always told me she is not okay of me leaving her all the time because of my job. She is so lonely." He said.

"I want to see her. Just give me the address you're staying, I'll flew there in a week." She said don't know anything more to say.

She doesn't want to let him see her emotions so she is controlling it again. Even speaking in a cold way and let him once again think how she was 5 years ago. Danny shook his head while smirking.

"Do you even think I'll let you do that? I mean, do you ever think that I would let you do whatever you want now that I am here? What if you run away again? No! I won't leave the country without you. I have to make sure that you will come with me on the way back to dublin." He said which it make her nervous.

"No, I'll go in a wee---"

"No! I'll come with you and in order to do that, we have to be together all the time, I mean I have to make sure that you won't run away. If in a week, Alright, I'll go with you or if my schedule won't allow me, I'll ask my sister instead." He said and she couldn't believe what she heard.

"You know what? You're being funny, I get it that you don't trust me anymore but...." she sigh trying to control herself from getting angry. "I'm supposed to meet someone today because I have some important thing to do but okay... let's talk about this later I just have to make a phone call." She said getting her phone from her purse on the couch while shaking her head.

She then dial a number while Danny is just sitting there watching her. They make an eye contact then she rolled her eyes while her left hand is on her waist.

She walk away from him to talk on the phone.

No matter how important her meeting right now she won't still be able to go no matter what she do because Danny lock the door and the key is on him.

"I'm sorry, Something just came up. Just keep me an update, Rick. I'll call you when I'll be able to meet you." She said on the phone after a few minutes of talking.

As soon as she hang up she turn around and see Danny sitting comfortably on the couch still watching her. His eyes are still a little kind of red after crying earlier.

"Your boyfriend? Or maybe husband? Ah.. by the way I'm sorry for entering in your house and being rude infront of you after five years. I was just really desperate." He explain

"It's just someone. We have something to discuss about." She said and just comfortably sit on the single couch.

They made eye contact once again, She's been trying to control herself since earlier but she can't help stare at him.

"Are you married? Or have a boyfriend? If you don't mind." He asked and she just keep on staring at him.
