Chapter 15

"Ellaine, It's Mum." Danny said telling her daughter about her. She's just sitting on the couch while they are in front of her. She saw how Ellaine hold her father tight. "It's okay, It's okay. She won't hurt you, Baby. That's Mum." Danny said and her daughter started to whine.

"Shush! It's Mum." Danny continued. She's just letting him until the baby cool down. "Look, Minimal, look!" Danny said and he get up on the floor leaving Ellaine there. He sat next to her and she wasn't expecting him to wrap his arms around her.

At that moment she felt like her world stop, for a long time she felt safe again to be in this arms. How she wish it will last forever.

"Look, I can hug her because it's Mummy, right?" Danny said and she look at their daughter who stops crying and just looking at them both. "I can hug her, right? Because she is Dada's wife and Ellaine, Mum." Danny said. "Let's kiss. It's better, I promise she'll run to you." She heard him whispering. She look at him and she felt lost in his eyes. The guy she fell in love with.

If there has a change it might be his look, It has no love and now that he wants them to kiss not because he loves her but only because to make Ellaine believe that she's really her mother.

She was just getting prepare for the kiss when Danny smacked her lips with his. That was just like 0.1 second and she wants more.

Before Danny got a chance to turn his head, she landed her lips on his again. She felt him shocked but she didn't mind, She wrap her arms around his neck, pulling his head not to break the kiss.

She was stop by a little arms wrapped around her. She doesn't want to stop but Danny pulled away and she has nothing to do but let him be. She carry Ellaine in her arms as she felt her eyes watering.

"I missed you!" She said hugging her daughter. She's referring to both, She missed Danny's and her little one.

When she look at Danny, he is standing there seems disappointed for what she'd done. She ignored it for a moment.


She spent almost 2 hours with her daughter before she fell asleep in her arms. It was so Good that her daughter is calling her Mummy now in just a short period of time.

She left Ellaine in the nursery room and get down the stairs. She saw Danny in the dining drinking wine.

"Why did you do that?!" Danny said as he saw her. She sat opposite him. "You know that I am with someone now, how the hell you do that." He said and get herself a glass of wine and drink with him.

"You said let's kiss. I did what you asked." She said not looking at him because she knew if she'll do, she'll saw anger in his eyes.

"I said kiss, yes! But smacked would be enough." She ignored him and drank all the wine in her glass. It was nothing for him and worse he didn't like the passionate kiss she gave.

Better not to tell him that she missed him. She pour her glass again which caught Danny's attention and he stop her.

"And since when did you learn to drink a lot?!" That's him getting the bottle of red wine from her hands.

"Why? Am I not allow?" She said trying to get back the bottle.

"You're not!" He said and drank all the wine from her glass to empty hers.

"That was mine!" She said.

"Nothing is yours! You'll sleep with our daughter, you can't drink!" He said and she rolled her eyes.

"How easy for you to find someone else?" She asked all of a sudden and it left Danny's wine glass in the air.

"Coming from you!" He said and take a sip of his wine. If he only knew.

"Yeah." The only word she managed to say.

"Stop acting like you've done nothing. You're the first to find, you're the first to cheat, so don't reflect. Oh yeah just like what you've told me. It's not my fault if I fall in love with someone else, just like you." He said and she remain silent staring at him. "By the way, where is he, now?" He asked after drinking all the wine from his glass. He pour his glass again. She sighed.

"I dumped him." She said honestly.

"Oh really? Why? You get tired? Ah! I knew it!" He said pointing a finger on her. "You came back to me coz you can't find your next target, Am I right?" He said and she just look down. Danny smirked before taking a sip on his glass. "Poor me!" He said.

"But luckily I'm aware now. You can't fool me at all." He said. She looked at him.

"Are you mad at me for what I did?" She asked out of the blue.

"Do you really have to ask me that question?" He said and chuckled. His face turn in a serious mode when she didn't say anything. "Do you wanna know? Yes I am! I really am! I even hate you too much for leaving us behind and now you're coming back just like nothing happen?! If you're gonna ask me if I'm still angry with you, Yes, I still am! I'm sorry but that's what I truly feel. I hate you!" He said like he's just throwing something didn't even mind that it hurts her.

She never thought that he'll feel like this.

"But maybe I can forgive you, but not now and remember, I can never forget what you did to me and to your daughter!" He said and she just nod.

"I'm sorry!" She said almost whispering while looking at him. He chuckled while holding up his glass.

"Sorry? Funny!" He said and drunk all the wine on his glass. "Your sorry can do nothing! It will not heal the scars you left in here!" He said pointing at his chest. "It will never heal! I'd loved you, Jess..." He paused and shook his head. ".. I'm sorry if I can be the husband you were expecting when you came back. I'm done, I've had enough with you! You broke my heart in to pieces.. So don't blame me if I can't be the same guy you married." He said and get up from the chair.

"Thank God that he gave Jackie to me, Jackie was there in everything. She listen to my heart when it fell into pieces. She was there picking those pieces to bring them back together. She made me feel love again, I felt everything that I never felt when I was with you." That's it and he walk away from her though he's swaying because he's a little bit tipsy.

Tears streaming down her face. She just let them fall, she doesn't care at all. all she can see is blur because of her tears.
