Chapter 18

A few hours later, she reached her destination after she rode a taxi.

"Excuse me, do you still have available room?" She asked the lady in charge for the check in.

"Yes. Which floor and what view do you like?" The lady asked her back.

"Anything is possible." She said and the lady nod. She wait patiently.


As soon as she finally get an available room to stay, She walk straight following the lady to guide her to the room which on the fifth floor.

She thanked her and close the door, She walked straight to the room and let her body lie on the smooth bed.

She close her eyes, She just want to rest for a moment, She want to be alone for the mean time, She want to free her mind, She want to think nothing at this point.

But her mind doesn't seems want to cooperate. She suddenly found herself in tears, She sighed and stare at the ceiling and end up thinking about her husband.

Her phone suddenly rang, and It's her mother that calling her, maybe wanna know about the situation between her and her husband.

She decided not to answer that call and turned off her phone.
How could she tell her mother that her husband is now planning on marrying someone else? How could she tell her mother that her husband is working on process for their divorce and sooner or later he might force her to sign that damn paper!

And if that thing happen, she'll break in to pieces for sure. She has no idea what's gonna happen to her role as Ellaine's mother, now that her daughter is closer to her husband's girlfriend than her.

And even though she is the mother, she is sure enough that her daughter will choose her father over her. What do she expect? She left them for too long, She can't blame her daughter nor her husband.

She let out another deep sighed! What's the point on going on here if in the end she couldn't still stop thinking about them? And if she tell Danny about the situation she had with Jack, he might be back but without love for her, sympathy instead. That is really the reason why she can't tell him.


She woke up without knowing where she is not until she realized it. She want to get up but her body give up.

The lady from earlier was asking her if she want to order something by phone. She order wine instead of food.

She's not in the mood to eat anything, though her stomach is crying for some.

Again, she's starting to lose herself, She's starting to forget the reality over and over again by getting herself drunk.

Though she knew that she'll only cry in the next morning, she doesn't care. As long as she'll forget about Danny for tonight...


Danny was too busy talking with Jackie over the phone, Never realized that it's late at night now, Glad Jackie ended instead of him, He hates saying goodbye to her just to cut off the call, He wants her to do it first.

He'll admit it, he is falling hard on her and he loves the feeling that he has for her.

He walked up the stairs and went straight to the room where her daughter is and that when he only realized that someone's still not home..... His wife.

Jessie said she'll go somewhere but didn't let him know if where, He doesn't mind because he don't care. He was busy talking with Rod at the dining earlier.

He just shrugged it off and lie down next to his daughter not even try to call his wife if she's coming home tonight.

It may be rude of her as a husband to hear it, but he don't really feel anything at all, unlike before.

His heart quickly changed the moment he fell in love with Jackie.

He chose to be a father and not a husband to Jessie anymore, Yes! Because he lost his patience waiting for her to come back. Now that she is back, It's too late. He already found someone. She's damn late!

Though he doesn't understand why she is back all of a sudden aside from the news he heard that she broke up with the guy, He still gave her a chance to be their daughter's mother.

His phone suddenly rang, He quickly pick it up, he thought it's his girlfriend but it's Glen on the other line.

"Nope! She isn't home yet." He responded when his mate asking about his wife.

"Okay, just wanna make it sure. I can't contact her, Just worried about her." That's it and  Glen hung up before he even ask for more.

Why is he so concern about his wife? Why it has to be his best mate? Why it has to be Glen?!

He has no idea what's going on with them but he has a bad feeling about it.

He doesn't feel jealous but he feel anger that why it has to be Glen of all people in this world?!


He woke up the next morning, and Ellaine is playing around. He smile as he sees her laughing by herself. It's nice to wake up every morning seeing his angel.

He get up and washed his face and brush his teeth before he goes down the stairs with his daughter to make breakfast.

Since Jessie is not home yet, he has to make breakfast for Ellaine as he usually do.

A moment later he heard someone knocking on the door.

"Wait a moment!" He yelled as he sat down Ellaine on her chair and gave her food. He ran through the door and as he open it, there he saw his wife, looking down and walk straight without looking at him. She even bumped him a little. He frowned.

"What's wrong with this girl?!" He asked himself frustrated. He slammed the door as he goes back to his daughter.

"How nice your mother gone overnight and didn't even say hi to you as she goes back!" He said looking at his daughter.

He shrugged it off and started to eat his food that he prepared by himself.


It's 10 in the morning and he has to go to the studio for a moment, But his wife hasn't come out to the bedroom yet, He already knocked her twice, because he can't bring Ellaine with him, and he can't even change his clothes if Jessie locked the door..

"I need to go and I can't bring Ellaine with me, So please open the door!" He yelled while he left Ellaine downstairs playing by herself.

There is no answer, It seems like no one is in the room.

"Jessie, Please!!!" He almost shouted and he is getting to lose his temper. "I'll break this door if you won't open it!!" He said trying to calm but he knows he failed.

At the end, he had no choice but to kick the door. It goes open right away. Jessie is not there, but every pieces of her clothes are on the floor. She might be in the bathroom because he can hear the water from the shower. He ignored it, again he had no choice. Maybe he can't leave her daughter with her. He sighed and get his own stuff.

He left the house without telling Jessie. He doesn't care. Maybe he won't come back for a week. He doesn't want to see her for a reason.
