Chapter 19

A week later....

"Please sign!" Danny calmly said while she's just sitting on the opposite side with her spoon in the air when Danny place down a piece of paper and a pen in front of her. She got shocked on what she read but she control her emotions.

She put her spoon down and get up the chair. She turn around to walk away.

"I am tired, I have no time for that shit!" She said.

"You'll sign it as I say so!!" Danny said which it cause her to stop from walking away. She look back.

"Is that how you do it? Forcing a person to do what they d--"

"Cut it off, Just sign it!" He said. She rolled her eyes and look away from him to control her tears. "It's a divorce paper, I've found my lawyer and now I am asking you nicely to sign it! Don't wait for my lawyer to ask you himself." He said.

"Nicely? You don't seem nice as you talk.We're not together anymore, Dan! And what's the point of signing that paper? We may be together in one roof but we don't love each other anymore. What's the different between that and signing this shitty paper?" She said. "You're just wasting the time." She said.

"The point? The difference? Oh yes! We are not in love with each other anymore, but signing this paper off is the most important thing! You're gonna ask why?? Oh yeah! I am asking nicely to sign the paper so that I could propose to my girlfriend as soon as we're divorced!!" He said and she almost lost her balance, Though she already knew it she still feel hurt hearing him saying it infront of her face. She nod instead so that Danny won't notice that she feel hurt.

"Good! But I am busy today. Sorry!" She said and was about to walk away.

"You'll sign or you'll leave this house and will never see your daughter?!" Danny said threatening her, it cause her to stop from walking. She rolled her eyes once again and turn around to face him.

"You know why can't I? Not because I still have feelings, but because you're asking me rudely! I'll make you suffer from this if you won't be nice to me!" She said and walk up the stairs and head straight to the nursery room.

As soon as she lock the door, Her tears started to race down her face. She slide her body down with her back on the wall.

How could she face him again if she knew starting from this moment he'll never stop until she sign the paper.

She knew it! She knew it this will come her way!


Danny is currently thinking of how he could beg his wife to sign the divorce paper. He knew it won't be this easy, but for what he see, Jessie is giving him a hard time.

He sat up as soon as he saw her coming down.

"Don't look at me like that!" Jessie said and was about to walk pass by him but he grabbed her wrist, she flinches the moment his fist touches her waist. He didn't mind it because she tried to get off.

"I AM FUCKING NEED YOUR SIGNATURE!!" He shouted because he already lost his temper.

"I'm not going to!!" She said and pushed him off. He chased her and grabbed her again unfortunately he didn't mean to push her off the wall on her waist.

She almost scream for pain as she sat down on the floor. He got shocked too, He tried to kneeled down to say sorry, but his tongue was cut off when he see blood coming out her shirt from her waist.

"W...what happened?" He asked and she tried to get up but he stopped her, He lift her shirt and there he saw a bandage with full of blood. He took it off and saw a cut on her waist by the knife. He look at her eyes. She cover it right away and try to get up, he tried to stop her but she didn't let him make her stop.

"Tell me what's that?!" He yelled when she sat on the couch and he's just standing in front of her. He got the first aid and wait for her to explain.

"You don't care! We're not together anymore, you don't care about my life!" She said without looking at him and busy cleaning the blood.

"Tell me!" He said but she just glare at him.

Though he is puzzle, he left her there and see her daughter still asleep.

He walk out of the house dialing Glen's name.


"What did you say?!" Glen on the other line, obviously shocked on what he said.

"You said you were with her the last time. She didn't get out the house since she came back. What happened Glen?!" He asked frustrated.

"I don't know! She just asked me to pull the car over. She called a taxi and that's it!" Glen said. "Remember when I called you? I just want to make it sure if she goes home safe, but the next day you told me she just got home the morning, I called her and asked where she stayed, remember? You were with me that time, you heard her say she just stay overynight at the hotel!" Glen said.

"I know. But she was so strange when she got home, please tell me Glen what else happened!" He asked

"Nothing happened! Please stop bothering other people!" A voice behind him make him turn around. Jessie, she's done cleaning her wound.

"Nothing? You're telling me nothing while you have that? It's a bloody wound Jess. It looks like you get stabbed." He said

"Oh you are concern? Nope, you're just asking right? I'm okay. Still fine and alive, what's the use of telling you if I do? We're getting divorce anyway." Jessie said and get back inside left him hanging.

He's concern and worried, yes! Because it's a serious matter and how his mind can behave if he won't know how she get that wound?! Oh damn! Of course he has the right to be worried and has the right to care about her though he keep saying he don't care at all, that woman became his life, It was his lover and a mother of his kid how he wouldn't care at this matter and she is still his wife! She is still his responsibility!!

"I think you have to tell me about that." He calmly said as he follow her inside.

"Nope, I have nothing to tell you about, Dan! Stop this attitude that you will pretend that you don't care about me at all, and all of a sudden you will care when something bad happen. Cut it off!" She said.

"So something bad happened?!" He asked.

"I'm not going to tell you everything. Call your lawyer and ask him to come over tomorrow and ask him to ask me by himself. I will only sign the paper if he do it so." She said.

"But he's not here for the whole month. He went back to his hometown because of emergency." He said.

"Then, let's wait until he get back. She said..

" I'm serious, Jess!" Jessie look at him.

"And so Am I. Don't worry, I won't break my promise. I'll do it, just let your lawyer ask me himself." She said and the silence between them begin.

They both just watch the television, both are sitting at the both corner side of the couch. He have Ellaine sleeping on his arms.

Jessie get up from there and walk with her hand on her waist. She might still feel the pain. She walk closer to him and kneel down, She kiss their daughter and he just watch her.

"Goodnight, Baby." She whisper to their daughter while Ellaine is still sleeping. She kiss her one last time before getting back up on her feet and walk away.


Jessie lie down on her bed at the nursery room, since her daughter loves to sleep with her Dad.

That night, she got stabbed, yes. She went out of the hotel was about to go home but she was raped and even get a stabbed by Jack.

Yes, Jack is out of prison again and at this moment he is back in LA to hide because he was reported by the police around the Ireland.  He got a fake passport to escape from this country, she didn't tell Glen. She has no face to face him nor her best friend.

She's scared. She was too scared that night, Though she was about to die, but Thank God she's safe now.

She didn't knew that day Jack was just following them after they leave  the court, she has no idea that Jack make an escape exactly the same day, She was raped at the car and was stabbed when she tried to escape from him. Gladly she was safe when she escape from his car, She went straight to the hospital to get an appointment, the next morning she went home without talking to Danny.

She was hurt badly. She was emotionally, physically, mentally hurt and now her husband want to divorce her. She's tired, too fucking tired!

What a great hell timing!

She'll sign it! No matter how much she doesn't want to give up on him, she'll sign it, not because on what happened to her, not because on what Jack did, but because she want to set him free, she knew he is not happy being with her anymore. She's not the woman he loves anymore.

She's nothing to him but history. It's the end... The end of her reason to live.

She doesn't want to say it, but she's too damn tired! She's tired fighting for nobody seen it!!!
