Chapter 17

"Oh damn!! Why didn't you tell me that?! And now your husband is dating?!" Holly after she told her everything.

They are at the backyard of their house far from the door and she make sure that Danny won't eavesdrop. She told Holly about Jack, Everything that happened in her life including Danny dating someone.

"Well, I can't blame him." She said. "I just want him to be happy. " She continued.

"And how about you?" Holly asked.

"I don't. Just let him be, besides it came from him, he felt something to that woman he never felt when he was with me. I have to think of how to get rid of Jack." She said and they saw Glen coming near them.

He stop in front of Holly. She was about to introduce them to each other but she wasn't expecting the next thing happened.

Both kiss each other, lips to lips, in front of her eyes. She's just there sitting and currently stuck still surprised. She blink her eyes several times to get herself together.

"I was about to introduce you to each other, how dare you both for not telling me you're together?" She said pretending to be irritated but the truth she is happy to know about these two.

"Oh we're sorry. " That's Glen and sat on the empty chair next to Holly.

"It's a shame! I can't believe this." She said while the two are just laughing at her.

"Actually, I was the one who called her to come here." Glen said and Holly nod.

"Really? Oh my God! How dare you both! Don't tell me that she also knew that I cried on her boyfriend's shoulder for a long time now?!" She said and Glen nod. "Oh damn!" She said and slap her forehead as she felt embarrassment.

"But don't worry, babe! It's okay!" Holly said.

"How long are you together now?" She asked.

"Well, I must say, a month as officially together, we dated maybe for..." Holly look at Glen seems like she isn't sure with that.

"3 months, We've dated for 3 months before she said yes to be my girlfriend." Glen said staring at Holly. The both suddenly kiss again in front of her.

"My Gosh! I suddenly feel like a shame." She said. Ignoring their sweetness.

"Don't be Jess.. It's okay. He told me the day you were drunk and everything, Yes I also knew about Jack that time." Holly said and her jaw dropped.

"Oh! Damn you, Glen! I told you're the only person who knew it all" She said and Glen laughed

"Oh c'mon! But look, seems like your husband was jealous because of our closeness. I know him, I can feel his jealousy." Glen said and she shook her head.

"Let's put him out of this." She said and the both just look at her. "I swear I'm okay. I'm more concern if how can I get rid of Jack, I don't want my husband to know. Not yet." She said.

"Why? That's what I am curious about, why you can't tell him?" Glen said and she rolled her eyes.

"He should be the first to know the answer of that question." She said.

"Seriously?!" Both said and she nod. "Oh c'mon." Glen said.

"Let her be, Darling." That's Holly and she smile to her best friend.

At somehow she's happy that Glen is the one that her best friend been dating for these months, she felt relief though. Her best friend is really lucky to have someone like Glen Power in her life, he's truly a gentleman.


"You seems happy now?!" That's Holly while Glen is driving. She smiled.

"It is too obvious?" She asked referring to her happiness that showing on her face. Her best friend just lift an eyebrow. "I got rid of him, what's wrong being happy?" She said .

Finally, thanks to Glen's friend. It's a big help now that she got rid of Jack. Unfortunately he is in prison now, She's thankful that she has all the evidence against Jack.

The operation went well, they set an ambush to get Jack in jail. She use herself as an ambush while those police in operation were hiding around. They came out before Jack even got a chance to touch her. But still her husband has no idea about it.

"Well, let her be happy for now." That's Glen. "By the way, what's your next plan for your husband?" He asked and suddenly her smile faded.

"Maybe I'll just go with the flow." She said. Both at the front car frowned.

"What do you mean?" Holly asked.

"I don't know. I'll just do what I should do. Being a mother to the only daughter of mine." She said.

"What about being a wife." Glen asked while looking at her at the review mirror.

"Ah, Yeah! About that. I know that he'll make me sign the divorce paper soon, so maybe I'll wait." She said and smile.

The couple at the front feel awkward by her acts.

"Don't you think, you're weird today?" Holly and she keep the smile on her face.

"Nope. Am I?" She asked innocently. She saw how her best friend rolled her eyes. She smile widely and look out of the window.

"She's weird" She heard Holly whispering to Glen. She pretend not to hear.

A while ago at home before she leave..

"I'm almost done, I'll call you once I'm there." She said on the other line and hung up the phone. She get her stuff and get down on her bed. It was Glen she was talking with, today is the day that she can get her freedom.

She walk out of the nursery room where she and her ex husband agreed that they'll both use different rooms from now on. While getting near at the stairs she accidentally hear two people talking down the stairs.

Danny's voice is way too familiar and the other voice is familiar too, but she is still trying to figure out who he is talking.

"I'm sure of it now, Rod. I swear that I want to marry her." She suddenly said "Ah!" Means that she already knew who the other person is. It's Rodney from the band. One of Danny's closest too, Rod is in the country for a visit.

She stand on the edge of the wall where she can't be noticed. Even though she doesn't want to hear anything of it, she can't help because she's curious.

"What about your wife?" Rod asked.

"Ah! Do you mean her? It will be easy, She just need to sign the paper." She heard Danny which it feels like she got bullet in her heart. She already knew what he is talking about.

"Ellaine, Mum needs to go!!" She yelled to let those two know that she's coming down and for them to make alert.

Unfortunately she didn't see her daughter aside from Danny and Rodney who are pretending watching the television at the living room.

"She's out with Rodney's wife and kids, they just went to buy something." Danny answered. She just nod.

"I'll go for a while." She said pretending like she heard nothing.

She walk out of the house without even waiting for Danny to response and wait to call her best friend that she's on her way.

She blinked multiple times to stop her tears from falling.


"Jess, are you okay?" She heard Glen and she look at the review mirror to look at him in the eye. She simply nod.

"You can pull the car over here. I have to go to somewhere." She said

"Why?" Holly asked.

"Just pull over. I'll call you later." She said and Glen did what she asked for.

"Call us!" Holly said as she get herself out of the car. She nod and wave to say her good bye to them for now.

They left without asking more and she's thankful with that..
