Your skin


We have been dating for months now.

We didn't tell anyone we both agreed to keep it a secret for a while.

Living with him did some changes in my life. Of course it would, Sasuke was a clean freak after all!

My house is clean I don't eat ramen that much anymore.
He is trying to teach me how to cook it's not really working if I have to be honest.

Who am I kidding? Sasuke looks so hot in an apron.

Living with him makes me happy especially since I have someone waiting for me at home.

Saying that "I am home" and then he walks out from the room saying "welcome" makes me happy- this is what I wished for since I was a kid.

Coming home to somebody.

Well after I came home from a little mission.
He was on our bed taking a little nap.

So how did we end up making out on our bed?

Sasuke I breathed against his ear.

"Let me get the shirt off you."
I said we have been making out for 20 minutes now.

He moaned as I placed my hands on his nipples. He looks beautiful his hair is messy as I look down at him. His eyes were full of lust.

"Naruto." He was arching his back under me.
"Let me undress you."

I said it was so hot here,I help Sasuke get his shirt off quickly.

I take off my shirt too and I move on to fidget with Sasuke pants.

Looking up I see Sasuke checking me out.

"You like what you see?" I asked pulling off his pants with one motion, he was already half hard.

"You have a nice body." He commented putting his hands on my abs. I tensed up to the sudden touch, he was following the lines of it.
He was tracing the lines with one finger.

I look down at him,he is so beautiful. His hair was sticking to his forehead. His face flushed and he has a smirk on his lips.

The lamp isn't on, the only thing is the moonlight that is letting me see Sasuke beautiful shaped body.

I pull him into a kiss.

"You have a small waist." I said grabbing it,I stroke his skin with thumb.

I move my hips against his, grinding against his boner.

He moans into my mouth sending a shiver down on my whole body.
His soft lips against mine moved to a rhythm. I slip my tongue into his mouth as he lets me deepen the kiss.

He groans and bites down on my lips.

Fucking gorgeous.
I move my hand into his underwear then I slowly start stroking him. Pumping his member, he was already leaking with precum.

He is a moaning softly under me. His eyes are shut tight losing himself under my touch.

"You are sensitive." I whisper into his ears. I twist my wrist doing the same up and down. Making his breath hitch.

"Ahh,Naruto,let me come." He pleaded pulling me into a kiss by my neck.
I wanted to tease him more.

I pull his underwear down fully throwing it somewhere,finally letting him free.
I pull away from him.

"You are making me hard- you will take responsibility right?" I ask biting down on his neck, leaving hickeys on his collarbone.

"You don't want to disappoint me do you?" I breath against his chest, stroking his abs and twisting his nipples. His eyes looked down.

I get my pants down and my underwear with it.
He immediately taken my dick in his hands.
He twists our bodies now he was on top.

He was sitting on my thighs as stroked my cock. I let my head fall in the pillow as I grab his hips.

He brings his hand onto my hard member- he slowly brings his face closer I feel his breath on my sensitive skin.
He licked the head and taking it in his mouth and went down on my cock without gagging.

"Ahh fuck." I grab his hair and tugging on it. His tongue was circling around my member.

He is bobbing his head up and down.
I grab his hair doing a faster tempo.
"Sasuke-"I moaned as he pushed his tongue down on my tip.

"Yeah, you look so good sucking my dick." I look in his eyes.

"You are taking me soooo well" I praised him.

I grab his hair stronger.
I feel him breathing through his nose.

Hearing those slurping sounds are making dick twitch.

"F-fuck" I am almost done-

"I love you-" I growled feeling that I am finishing soon.

"A-ahh I am coming." I gasp as he went all the way down.

"Yesss." I groan as my breath hitched letting myself cum in his mouth.

I fall back on my back. Trying to slow down my breathing for a moment.

I sit up and bring him to my lap, he puts his hand on neck looking in my eyes. He looked at me with a smirk, his eyes were kinda teary.

"You did really good I should reward you, right? I will fuck you real good." I promised him.

I grab him so I was on top of him.
"P-please let me come " He begged while kissing me.
"I will make you feel good Sasuke."

I bring my fingers to his mouth.
He started sucking it just like minutes ago with my dick. I flush at the image.

When I thought it was slippery enough I pull it out.
I bend down, before showing one finger up.
He gasps tugging on my hair. He buried his face in my neck feeling his hot breath against my neck made me shiver.

I slowly started moving my finger in and out, I bended it trying to find his prostate.

"Naruto fuck- yess." He was moaning as I finally found it. I brought my finger out and licked it to make it slippery enough to push two inside.

I didn't want to hurt him so I take my time preparing him.

"More." I added the third finger, he stopped for a second as he gripped the sheets under us.

I chuckle as he lets out a moan when I pulled my fingers out just for a second.

I watched my fingers disappear in and out of him.

"Fuck! Yesss yes."

He was pulling on the sheets, he started moving his hips down onto my finger seeking for more pleasure.

I just watched him mesmerized.
"Fuck Sasuke you are driving me crazy." I started fastening my fingers.

"Ahh, nar-uto fuck fuck oh- god yess!"

"I want you inside me." He moaned into my ear.

"I knew that you liked it rough babe." I made him turn around to his stomach. His face was buried in the sheets, his stomach down on the blanket. His ass was in the air.

He is perfect I run my hand down on his back. As I said he really does have a small waist.
His body type was so beautiful, his waist was perfect to grab it.

I slowly put my member to his hot lentrance. He turns his face so he can look at me.

Pushing in slowly just to make sure that I am not hurting him.

"I will grow fucking old if you push in that slow." He hissed at me.

"Impatient are we?" I smirked down at him, he just rolled his eyes.

I finally thrust into him with one motion.
Sasuke was so tight and warm, it was really the best feeling.

"Look at you taking me so well." I started kissing his back and ear to ease the pain.
I leave hickeys on his back too until he gets used to it.

"Move-" He said as he breathed in as I started moving.
I move my hips until the tip and move back slowly.

I pin him down by his waist, this position was perfect to his prostate.

"Yes Naruto, keep going!" He whispered before I hit his sweet spot.

"Keep talking like that and I will fuck you until you pass out."
I growled thrusting into him faster. Giving what he wanted, what he loved.

With my other hand I grab his hair and pull his head back. His eyes rolled back as he moans for me.

"Shit harder g-give it to me harder." He screamed, I bite down on his shoulder while thrusting into him harder.

He arched his back more, I go and start pumping his cock.

He was a mess under my touch, now that I was stroking his member too Sasuke could barely talk.

"Ahh yes fuck me harder!" Sasuke head falls back out of exhaustion.

"Naruto!" He grabbed the sheet again as I hit his prostate. His dick started leaking, I already knew that he was close.

I am trying to move slower and deeper.

"Sasuke shit." I felt him tightening around me.
"Oh god, I love how you fill me up." He was mumbling but it was enough for me to hear it.

"I am so full Naruto." He moaned, I changed our position.
I lay on my back while he is sitting on me.

"Ride me." I told him, he was surprised at first but quickly realized that he can control our movements.
He slowly started doing circles.

He raised himself up and down.

I bring him into a kiss. I grab his hair so he bends down to me.
I help him while I thrust into him, he moans in the kiss, I lick down on his jaw and grab his ass spreading his cheeks.

The position is driving him crazy.

He looked so hot like this, he grabbed my thighs giving me a beautiful look of him.

"I am coming, oh shit I am coming." He groaned and as he slammed himself down one last time he screamed.

He came onto my stomach.
"Wait for me babe ,I am not down yet." I was really close, as I felt Sasuke tighten around me.
He started going up and down in me I watched my dick disappear into his ass.

"Fuck ,you are so gorgeous!"
He bites his lip as I praised him.
"Only for you."He moaned, he was getting overstimulated.

I could tell it by his how his whole body started to shake.
That was it I reached my limit.

I came inside him letting myself thrust in a few last times.

He let out a long sigh.

I slowly push myself out watching as my cum start to leak out.
He was on my chest breathing heavily.

"Are you okay? " I started doing circles with my hand on his back.
"I am, I am just tired."He whispered, I kissed the top of his head.

"You need to shower nobody wants to wake up with dried cum in his ass." I tried to sit up but he didn't moved.

"Hmm, I don't care." He is clinging to me more. That was the last thing he said before falling asleep.

I sigh, I grab him and sit up with him and lift him in a bridal style and head into the bathroom.

His body wasn't heavy, he was very light.

I put him in the bathtub and start a warm water, it wasn't very hot. It was the right temperature.

I let Sasuke sit in it, I checked the temperature before he had gone to the shower instead.I just washed myself quickly and see that the tub were filled with water.

I stopped the water and went to get some pants on, I got a new pair of underwear and a black sweatpants.

I didn't bother getting a shirt on, I walk back to Sasuke who was still in the same sitting position as I left him.

He looked kinda cute with all the hickey's over him.

I wash him softly and gently, he murmurs something, I didn't understand anything but he didn't woke up either.

I clean him, it would have been embarrassing if I woke him up when I was basically getting the cum out of his ass with my fingers.

His face scrunched up a few times, I made sure to not wak him up.

Drying him was a different story,I summoned a clone. My clone was lifting Sasuke in the air while I quickly dried him.
After that I killed my clone and the memories of other me checking out Sasuke naked ass came back.

I scold myself for being so immature.

I was tired by the time I finished and I wanted to was cuddle and have Sasuke in my arms.

I give him a clean underwear and I just put a sweatpants on him so he doesn't get cold.

Lifting up Sasuke was easy so I just brought him back in our room. I slowly put him on the right side of the bed.

As fast as I could I went next to him too and wrapped him arms around him. That's when I knew I was really home.

I kiss his head and close my eyes, I listen to his breathing.
It was calming and I felt like I was at ease.

I absolutely hate writing smut,it's very hard for me to write it. I love to read it but writing it? No no.

I hope it wasn't that bad! I tried hahaha.

