
Sasuke and I hadn't really go out after my fight with Kiba, the words spread quickly and it was only a matter of time before it got to Kakashi.
It wasn't surprising.

I was called in, Sasuke too, but after a big argument I told him that I don't want him to get in trouble.
So he stayed home while I went to the Hokage office.

When I walked inside, some eyes were on him, I could feel them sending daggers into my back.

I knocked on the door and saw the elders and Kakashi waiting for me.
Shikamaru was also there and I just clicked my tongue.

"I am here, so let's hear this shit." I say loudly, so everybody heard what I said.
They probably felt that I was angry, I could feel my chakra boil too.

"Where is the Uchiha?" Utatane asked, she was one of the elders, I just looked at her.

"He isn't a part of this." I say bitterly putting my hands in my pocket. Shikamaru just looked at me, with a knowing face.
He knew that I wouldn't hit anyone without a reason.

"You hit Kiba, why?" Kakashi asked, I just shrugged, it was none of their business.

"He was talking shit." I say looking at my former teacher.
Is he really gonna be on his side?

"Naruto, I know you wouldn't hit someone without a reason, but people saw you. This is gonna influence your Hokage studies, you know that right?" He explained, and I nodded, at least he was on my side.

"I would still like to talk with the Uchiha, I don't feel good about him." Utatane said, I just narrowed my eyes at her.
What the fuck was her problem with Sasuke?

"We know Sasuke has been staying at your house." Homura said, the other councilor.
Naruto hated him more before, but now he is really questioning things.

"He is with me, just for some time." I admit, Shikamaru just smiled already knowing probably that we are more than just friends with Sasuke.

"Is he hurting you?" Kakashi asked, I just looked at him in a confused expression, but shook my head.

"He would never do such thing." I say, it wasn't the entire truth, I glance at my bandaged arm.

"We all know he is dangerous, he is lucky that he is walking freely." Homura said, and that was when I just shut my mouth and said goodbye.

No one said that I am obligated to stay there, I told everything they wanted to know.
I closed the door behind myself and walked away.

Even though I could hear Kakashi yelling after me, I just walked away, freely.


Days had spent and now the rumour and the news started to quiet down, I was glad to hear that.
I hated dealing with drama like this, I hit him so what?

He is a fucking Shinobi isn't he? He shouldn't act like he does from one punch.

I cursed Kiba to Sasuke the whole night after I got home from the hokage office.
Saying that they wanna blame it on him, and that I wouldn't let this.

Beacuse I was sick and tired of hearing that Sasuke was the bad guy. When he wasn't, he was manipulated and lied by this whole fucking village.

They used him, made him stay quiet.
It was so sickening.

Even though Sasuke was pretty calm about, he understood why I was mad but told me to let it go.

He was right, of course he was right, if I don't let this go it will eat me up.

I sighed as I closed my books, I was feeling a very bad burnt out and Sasuke sensed it.
He had a concerned face everytime he looked at me.

We were still doing great, I mean. Me and Sasuke.

The sex was great, Sasuke was amazing in bed, he made me even question if he was a virgin before we had our first time.
It's not like it mattered, I would love him no matter if he was already intimate with someone else.

I am not a douche.

"Naruto, what's wrong?" He comes up behind me snaking his hand on my neck and my shoulders then on my chest before leaning down to shoulders.

"Nothing, just tired I guess." I say trying to fake a smile.
He shook his head straightening up, pulling me with himself..

I just follow him, like I always did, I would follow him everywhere no matter what.
He knew that, he knew really well the power he hold on me.

Sasuke used it really well in bed, I definitely didn't mind that.

"Sit down, and write a letter to Kakashi that we are going on a vacation." He demands and I look at him confused.

"I can't do that right now-." I say trying to refuse but Sasuke just looked at me.
Like that-

With his scary eyes, his mangekyou swirling in his eyes.
I gulp and get out a pen to write.

Sasuke went away and laid down in the bed, I glanced at him and I could see him watching me from across the room.

I spin the pen around my fingers, like a kunai.

Kakashi Sensei
(Lord sixth)

I will go out for a vacation, taking out some weeks.
Me and Sasuke will be leaving, and no I'm not going rogue.

I just want to relax, I will continue my studies and please don't follow us.
Sasuke will definitely feel them and I am sure he won't appreciate them.

The future hokage ;)

I finished the letter and sealed it quickly, I opened the window and whistled for my hawk.

I only needed to wait a few seconds before my hawk came and landed on my arm, I quickly handed it the letter.

"Send it to Kakashi." I say, the hawk opened it's wings and flew away.

"Let's pack." Sasuke said, and I summoned some clones to help me pack.
After we finished, we packed up some things and after that I killed all my clones.

Memories of checking Sasuke out, and Sasuke actually kissing one of them came back.
I gasp and run to Sasuke, who just smirked at me, I look at him very offended.

This bastard did it on purpose!
We finished the packing in only a few minutes, me and Sasuke got big cloaks on.
He grabbed his long black on and I grabbed the white one that the konoha Shinobi's usually had to wear.
I pull the hood on my head and Sasuke does too, we moved out in secret quickly.

Just in case Kakashi really sends someone after us.
We were able to sneak out through the gate and it was easy.

I laughed after we were finally save, the sun was already going down and I just enjoyed the fresh air and the late walk with Sasuke.
He seemed to be still on his guard, probably watching for chakra with his rinnengan.

He had a better sensory ability than me, so I just let him be.

It was late when Sasuke broke the silence.
We didn't say a word while walking, just kinda enjoying the others company.

We were holding hands as I gently rubbed my thumb on his soft skin, he only let me do this beacuse we were alone and it was very late.
Probably like 2 AM?

"We should find a shelter. We are both tired." His calm voice said as he looked around. I look at him, his eyes are softly looking for a spot to sit.
He has his black hood on but I could see his face pretty well.
Damn, why is so pretty?

I smile because no matter what he does he still looks beautiful. Like seriously he could be sick and would still look good!
My boyfriend is just a natural beauty, I guess?

I look around too trying to find a place where we could rest peacefully, after some looking I spotted a place where we could find shelter for ourselves.
I stop and head there dragging Sasuke with me.

"Well, what do you think babe?" I ask standing at a very little clean spot, just enough for us.

"I think it will be good for tonight." He says and gets out two big blankets

Doesn't matter how much we hurried we basically brought half of the house with us.
I grabbed the big tent, I have from my bedroom, honestly I think I never used it?

"Hey, I grabbed these cool lights! Maybe we can put it inside the tent." I smile at him and he just nods, not even glancing in this way, I roll my eyes, he is so lame.

After minutes I sit down groaning.

"Fuck! I can't do it." I say I look at the tent in my hand.
Sasuke comes back with some woods in his one hand. He was out there collecting some fire wood and even if he has one hand the still brought a lot.
I look at him impressed.

"What are you doing?"
He puts the down the wood, and walks over to me.

"I can't put this shit together." I am moving it around as it would help, Sasuke sighs behind me.

"You have to put this left one here." He grabs the tent stick, showing me how to do it.
I just observe what he is doing.

"Also, this one goes under this one with the yellow sticker on it and done." He gets up and sticks it in the ground, I fixed the tent making it more secure and it was done!

I looked at him like he was some kind of god, my savior!
He rolls his eyes at my childish behaviour.

"Aw come on." I whine and grab his hand to pull him back right on my lap.
He could've easily dodged this move, if he wanted to.

I smirk as I look at his skin glowing with light red colour on his cheeks.

"Thank you for everything, you have no idea how much I love you." I say and give him some small kisses on his lips, he melts into my touch and I couldn't resist not touching him.

He puts his arm around my neck pulling me into a kiss.
I could never forget how good his lips taste it's seriously addictive.
He grabs my hair pulling on it a little as I put my hands on his waist, it was my favorite thing to do.

His waist were so small that it was made for to fit in my hands.

Licking his lips for approval, he parts his lips just enough to let my tongue in.
As our tongues dance around each other the more we let our voices out, we grinded on each other for more friction.

He whimpered in my mouth as I push my tongue against his.

I slow down the kiss, we shouldn't do it here we are still too close to Konoha. I slowly pull away as he stops mid air, confused that why did I stop.

"Hey love, we should stop I would love to give you everything you want right now." I say, and look at him his face is red and his eyes are full of lust.
Why does he have to be so hot? Now I kinda feel bad for ruining the mood, maybe a quicky would have been okay.

"But, I can't we are still too close to the village, it will give us trouble if they decide to follow us." I give him a forehead kiss as he gets up from my lap, he nods understanding why I was concerned and why I stopped.

He starts the fire as I make the tent comfortable, putting some cozy pillow and blankets.
Honestly this tent looked more comfortable than my bed.

I get my scrolls out.
It's so much easier to carry stuff like this, it's a scroll that was made to observe things and later on when you need it, you just active the seal on it and bum.
You can carry anything around.

I put the lights on the 'ceiling' inside that I told about Sasuke, it looked very welcoming if I had to be honest.

It looks good, I crawl out to see what Sasuke was doing.
He was sitting in front of the fire, I could see the fire burning in his eyes.

Something was on his mind I just didn't know what? I noticed it before now, he had this thing on his face that always looked like he was feeling something weird.
He looked uncomfortable, and I thought maybe he was just unhappy in Konoha, and that it won't take too long for him to find a mission and leave again.

I sit next to him laying against a tree, I sigh I should talk to him, it's never good if I let him overthink anything.

"What's on your mind, you are really quiet. I mean you always are,but not with me." I say and close my eyes waiting for his answer.

He lets out a big breath, like he needs to get ready for this conversation.

"I was just thinking that, would it really that bad if we didn't hide that we are together?" Sasuke asked, and I looked at him shocked.

I really didn't know what to answer, it would have its own benefits but also probably a lot of bad things too.

"I am pretty sure both of us would react differently to the things after that, I don't think you would be able to deal with people asking about it." I say, Sasuke was a private man, and I respected that.

I would never force him to do something he isn't comfortable about, he chuckled and nods.

"That's probably true, yes." He agrees with me and I just smile.

"Also, I would be just happy if they asked about you. You know how much I love bragging about you. But also there would be a lot of hate towards you, beacuse of your past. There would be benefits of it, I would be able to hold your hand and kiss you in public." I explain, he rolls his eyes laughing with me.
His expression now was more soften, like he relaxed a little.

I was just glad that I could help with his concern that was probably on his mind for a long time now.

"We should heat up the ramen I got." I smile at him, I get up quickly from my spot ,and grab it from the bag. I brought it with me, I hope I didn't spill it, we didn't run or did jumps, so it should be fine, at least I hope so!

I got the two ramen in my hand, and place them close to the wood.
It was getting dark, it was kinda cold at night, so the air started getting more colder by the time it was 3 AM. I wasn't freezing but Sasuke was, so I gave him one of the hoodies I have.

We chatted for a while when I thought it was the perfect temperature I let myself dig in this tasty ramen, always the best.

"Hmmm, this is so good." I say it with a full mouth, the ramen was so flavourful it was just so good!

Sasuke just roll his eyes at me. "You say that every time."

"Imagine getting tired of ramen" I say, and I stop as I realize that I say this whenever we eat ramen together, guessing that it became a habit of mine.

I smile and look at my food, sad that it won't be here for a longer time, will be eating it pretty quickly.

"Ahh, this was gooood." I say and do some slaps on my stomach as I straightened up.

"We should go to sleep, which direction do you wanna go tomorrow? I mean you were the one who almost travelled the whole world." I say as I get my shoes off and get in the tent, wanted to talk about where to go after this. We need to clarify a destiny, not just wander around.

I thought the ground will be much more harder, but the tent was really comfortable and I felt like I was sleeping on a mattress. A really good one, let me just add that.

"You really weren't joking with the lights." He looks up as Sasuke gets in too, I roll my eyes. I am a man of my word, of course.

"Aww, come on it looks cool!" I say, throwing my blanket on me.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." He rolls his eyes at me.

I grab his hand and pull him into my chest, he was in my lap again.

He puts his hand on me to support himself not falling completely at me.
Fuck, this position was hot.

He looks down at me his hair covering most of his face.
Not his eyes though, I could see them perfectly.

I love his eyes, I could get lost in them, is that cliche? Maybe, but I didn't care. He was god damn beautiful.

I grab his collar and pull him into a kiss, forcing him to bend over more.
He leans down so I put my hands on his hip, and then my hands traveled to his ass.

He slowly lets himself down on me more, I feel myself smiling in the kiss more.

As our tongue moves together the make-out session is a little bit rougher than last time.
Dang, is this tent getting hotter?

"Fuck." I hear Sasuke whispering and then reconnected our lips again.

I feel myself zoning out then I hear something outside.

I put my hands on Sasuke's mouth and switch the lights off quickly, leaving us in almost complete darkness.

I put one finger on my mouth to tell Sasuke to stay quiet.
He instantly activates his Sharingan, looking around us.

We heard footsteps to our right, it was coming from the road. We didn't really go further inside the woods so a Shinobi ninja could easily sense us.

Three people if I count it right, they were talking in kinda gibberish, maybe they were drunk.
I switch in Sage mode to see where they are perfectly.

They are on the road,I could hear them talking, but couldn't figure out what they are saying. They were limping and laughing every two seconds so.

I think they aren't looking for us.They would send someone from the Hyuga clan to look for us with their byakugan.
They could easily find us like that, especially if the Hyuga is someone like Hinata.

As I see they are leaving I let my guard down.
I give Sasuke a little relieved smile, before he let's out a sigh he was probably holding.

"Sorry." I whisper and kiss his forehead, he smiles a little.
He was probably stressed and tired too.

"Let's just sleep." He crawls out of my lap, laying next to me, but he puts his head on my chest.

"Yeah, good night." I say as I look at his black beautiful hair.

"Good night." He snuggle closer to me.
I also hear a little "I love you" barely, but I could hear it.
I feel myself smiling widely,looking up on the ceiling.

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, as I listen to Sasuke's calm breathing.

Good night, it's almost midnight and I am really sleepy, which I can't believe beacuse I had been laying all day.
Anyways, I almost completely changed the chapters here from the original, Kiba and Naruto fight was much more intense but also much more dumber.

So I changed it.

Anyways, I love Naruto sticking up for himself and Naruto.
We love a protective boyfriend!

Anyways, I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter and have a great weekend.
I am so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open.

