I promise I'm gonna be happy

I look up from my papers to see that Sasuke is sleeping in the living room.

While I'm still working on the kitchen table for some reason I have an office upstairs but I forgot to go there. It was much better here, with Sasuke.
I pack my stuff and tip toe to upstairs.

I get in my office and sit down to the wooden desk.

I put my books next to a picture which Sasuke and I are on.
It was after he got out of prison.
Right before he left I asked Sai to do a picture of us. As a celebration that he is finally free and that he can he happy.

I smiled widely, I didn't know he would leave.
So I was genuinely happy that he got out and that we could finally hang out.
Get closer like the good old times.

Thinking how many things we are going to do together.

After we took the picture he told me he will leave.
I was fucking devastated, I had planned out our whole week.

He will leave me again.
He slips out of my reach again.

I was sad, and after Sasuke left I had to start to study, and when I couldn't focus I argued with people a lot. They didn't understand me, nobody did at that time.

I was frustrated but writing the letter to Sasuke was the best idea I had.

I'm so thankful for being so stupid to write to him.

Now I'm the happiest man alive I will be married to him in 1 month.
I can't believe it, still feels like a dream. It's just sounds so surreal, if my 16 year old me who was crying in the forest after Sasuke left would hear that we are getting married, he wouldn't believe me.
I would tell him to listen to his heart, always.

I look at all these papers lying around on my desk, need to stop loosing focus.

I hear a knock on the door I look out and see that it's already dark outside , god I didn't notice how the time went by.

I see the door opening, my fiance comes in.
He is wearing a dark shirt with dark black pants.
They are baggy so I can't see his legs.

"Come on take a break we should eat dinner." He says his voice is soft and a little bit cracky he probably had a good nap.

"Okay." I get up and stretch my body.
I can hear some bones crack. That is definitely not healthy, I think.

I go after Sasuke watching him go down on the stairs.
My eyes slowly move down on his body.

Watching his ass move as he is walking, the way the muscles on his back moved as he walked.
I thought about pushing him against the wall and fucking him right there, but at the same time.
I was hungry I mean for food and Sasuke too, but I was more tired right now.

He moves so carefully, when I say carefully I mean that he walks quietly, so quiet that he is like a ghost, like he is floating
I can barely hear his steps.

"Are we eating leftovers?" I ask but he shakes his head.
I frown.

He points as the bag on the counter my mouth waters as I see the Ichiraku ramen.

"Oh god, you did not! Thank you babe, I love you so much." I grab him by his hips and pull him into a long kiss.

"Fuck, I love you so much." I smile in the kiss.
I give him a last quick one and we sat down.

"Did you wrote the letters to Gaara and Bee?" Sasuke ask as he slurps some noodles in his mouth.

"Not yet, I will immediately write it after I'm done eating this." I say and eat my ramen happily like a little kid.

"Okay I will lay down in the bed you shouldn't stay up late." He points at me with his chopsticks.

"Okay okay I won't." I raise my hand in surrender and laugh.

Sasuke said he will go and shower.
I went back to the office and started writing a letter.


I meant Gaara, I know you hate formalities so I will drop it.

As you may know I'm getting married soon.
The date is
May 26
And I would love to have you here too.
I can give you the guestroom in our house if you don't find a place to stay.
Just let me know if you can come or not.

PS: Also let me know if you have any allergies!

Naruto Uzumaki

I finish the letter quickly.
I open the window and whistle to summon a hawk.

As soon as I see it coming closer I let it land on my arm.

"Hey buddie." I pet it with one finger.

I give the letter to the hawk, it was actually Sasuke's.
He loved biting me but seems like that this day he is in a good mood.

"Send it to the Kazekage." I say and let it go.
I close the window since it's kinda cold outside, very chilly.

Even though the room needs some fresh air, ah I will just open it tomorrow morning.
I shrug and sit back down in the chair.

I take out another paper.

Hey Bee!

What's up man?
You are doing right?

As you may know I'm getting married in a month.
And I would be really happy if you would be here.

The date
May 26

Just send back a letter saying if you can come or not!

Naruto Uzumaki

I finish this one too and give it to another hawk.
I sigh as I go to the bathroom and switch the lights on, I squint my eyes at the sudden brightness.
Searching for my orange toothbrush with tears in my eyes from the sudden brightness.
As I finally found it, I put some toothpaste on it and brushed my teeth.
Thinking about how good it would be to be in bed already.

I studied all day! I'm so tired, Sasuke is probably warm under the sheets.
I wanted to cuddle with him all day and stay in bed.

But he forced me out of the bed saying that I need to take responsibility, he is right but still! Could have been at least more understanding.

I spit the toothpaste out and dry my mouth with the towel.
I stayed in my pajamas all day, I don't bother to change.
I stayed inside the whole day, so I felt like it was not important to change into another set of clothes.

Walking to the office to shut the lights off, I walk to our bedroom quietly not to wake him up.

I look at Sasuke we don't shut off the blinds at night.
The moon light calms me down before I sleep.
I slip under the blanket and I can feel Sasuke warm body.
I reach for him and hug his from side ways.

He is the little spoon.

It's like I'm home not in the house but Sasuke in my arms so close.
It really feels like home.

I kiss his head and whisper and whisper a quiet 'I love you' before going to sleep.


"What will you buy for Naruto and Sasuke?" Ino ask as she sits next to Sai.
I sigh and shake my head in defeat.
I had been in the same team as them for years and yet it's like I have no idea what they like!

"I have no idea." I really had no idea, the hospital was so busy these days that I didn't even had time to get a proper sleep.

"What will you guys buy?" I say maybe I will get inspiration.

"Oh I bought them matching kunais, and Sai made a painting of Sasuke and Naruto." She shrugged.
Ah, a painting is a good idea! They are so good at this, ugh!

"Wow sounds really great! I still have no idea what to buy though." I laugh at my own stupidity, I still have some time to figure it out but it would have been nice if I was already done with it.

"You still have one week, don't worry about it Sakura."Ino says with a gentle smile, as Sai kisses her cheek.


"Did you bought anything for Naruto and Sasuke?" Temari ask as she slips under the sheets too.
I sigh and nod, it was late at night and my wife was just getting inside the bed.

"Yeah I did." I say, I already had it for a long time, I wanted to get it done before I forgot.

"What did you buy though?" She puts her head on my chest, I kiss her head quickly.

"I bought them two ticket for a traditional house where they can stay for a whole week, it will be like a private spa with a onsen and stuff." I say yawning, tired from working besides the lord sixth.

"Like a honeymoon?" She laughs, it was kinda like a honeymoon, yeah.

"Yeah, like a honeymoon." I agreed and close my eyes.


"Do you know if Sasuke and Naruto  even want kids?" Tenten asks, as she plays with the warm water.

"Kids? I don't know they never mentioned and I never asked." I say as I think about the last conversation that I had with Naruto-kun.

"Maybe they will adopt someday." Ino said as she lowered herself in the water.

"Naruto kun would be a good dad." I say as I relax in the hot water, to think about it Naruto would be an amazing dad.
He is kind and thoughtful, and kids already like him, he could protect his family and Sasuke too.

"Hinata do you have a hair tie?" Sakura asks me as I give her one, from my wrist.

"Well Hinata what did you bought for Naruto and Sasuke?" Tenten asks me, I smile shyly.

"I only bought picture frames Naruto-kun told me he wants to have pictures around the house." I say, I have bumped into him two days ago.
He had to go to the Hokage office to talk to the sixth Hokage. I was just about to go the academy to help Kurenai sensei with kids.

We talked a few words and he told me that he likes to just watch the pictures in the house, he didn't had a lot of memories in the past and now he wanted to make more things to remember.

"I have talked to Kakashi sensei ,and we bought together some fancy plates and kitchen things. We bought matching frog mugs." Sakura chan said twirling her hair around her fingers. I smile knowing that Naruto loved frogs.

"I can't wait to see the wedding!" I say, I was really excited for them.


"So what did you bought for Naruto and Sasuke?" Kakashi ask me as I hand him the report of a robbery in the village.

"I got a coupon to Ichiraku where basically Naruto can always eat for free. It's silly but he will definitely like it." I shrug and laugh, I always used to take him there, in the past I was the one who always paid but now Naruto always offered to pay.
Like this he won't have to.

"That's a good idea." He nods, I agree.

"Of course, his husband Sasuke will eat freely too." I added, he smiles behind the mask.

"Yeah, I tried to get something that bring back memories and give new memories." I say awkwardly.

"Hmm yes, thank you Iruka you are dismissed." He says and goes back to his paper work.

I take my leave.


"Of course, I bought them some heavy weights! So they can work out when they are home!" I say feeling happy for my friend, Naruto was getting married! That's amazing.

"So you say I should make Naruto dance on the wedding in traditional Sunagakure  dress?" Gaara says at this point he is really considering.

"Yes! A dance battle sounds very promising!" I say excited, I would definitely join to the dance battle between Gaara and Naruto!

"You should buy blankets for them!" Tenten says and claps her hand together.

"Sounds great." Gaara agrees and he was finally done too.


I was walking towards Iruka house.He had moved in a better place.
The view from here is really beautiful!

I was in my black long sleeved black ninja clothes and my orange pants.
I had my konoha headband on since I had to show taijutsu to kids today, and I didn't had time to change.

I haven't seen Sasuke all day I kinda miss him, before I get home I'm gonna make sure to buy something for him.

I bite my lip nervously, as I knock on the door.

I hear some shuffling from inside like someone dropped like 5 things down on the floor. I frown at the loud noises coming from inside, then I hear steps coming closer to the door.

Iruka opens the door and smiles awkwardly, as he almost falls out of the house.

"N-aruto, hey!" He close the door behind him, and he walks outside like nothing has happened. I ignore it already overwhelmed with this whole thing that I will need to ask him.

I lean on the railing as I look at the buildings, the view.

"Don't tell me you had a fight with Sasuke." He says already looking at me, like I'm a dead man.
I shake my head and sigh, I wouldn't be alive if I hurt him. I would be probably laying on the floor while Sasuke put me under genjutsu where he is torturing me! A chill runs down my whole body!

"No I didn't had a fight with Sasuke." I say, I thank God that I know how to please Sasuke when he is irritated.

"Then did you guys cancelled the wedding?! I swear to God, Naruto you can be so stupid sometimes! You have any idea what could happen?" He says angrily pushing himself off the railing and coming closer to me.

I raise my hand in surrender, scared from the look on his face.

"No no! I didn't ,we didn't fight ,we didn't cancel the wedding. Geez, don't worry." I laugh as I see his face relax in relief.

I roll my eyes as I go, and lean on the railing, just as I was minutes ago. I look down at the buildings, this was a pretty high place in Konoha so the view from here was magnificent.

"Then ,why are you here? Are you having second thoughts?" He asks now sounding more serious.

"No not at all. Sasuke is the love of my life. I could never let him go." I say, that's how I truly feel.
He is just everything to me.

"Sounds like you are still in love. That's good, I hope that never changes." He laughs, I straighten myself as I start walking back.

"Naruto?" Iruka asks from behind, his voice is worried.

Shit, I didn't meant to do that.
I don't know what's happening to me! My emotions are all over the place, I am scared that I will fuck up everything!

"I- just wanted to ask if you..." I try to find the words that would suit the best to this situation.

"Will you attend the ceremony as my father?" I turn around and see Iruka with wide eyes.
I smile softly buy I'm pretty sure it come out just more awkwardly.

"N-aruto." His voice was shaking then he broke down crying.

"Is that what you wanted to talk about?" He ask like he still can't believe what is happening.

I nod, I wanted him to be there as my father.
He was the first person who showed me what it's like to have someone you can rely on. He always had been a father figure to me, he gave my tips on school, later on Jiraya helped me how to flirt with girls, he gave the not so avarage sex talk with pictures of naked girls.
I was frightened at that time, I was 12! Come on.

Then he finally got himself together and smiled at me.

"You can count on me!" He says and goes for a hug.
I have gotten taller, stronger than him.

I don't need him to protect me anymore.

But I always know that I will need him in my life.


It was the day.

Today is my wedding with Sasuke, I barely slept I was so nervous the whole night!

I turn around to only see a pile of black hair.
I slowly get out of bed the floor is kinda cold so I tip toe quickly out of the door.

I smile and close the door behind me, I silently celebrate  that I was able to escape from Sasuke magical hearing.

Everything will be perfect, at least I hope so.

I have done my speech already.
I think I did great!

I will have to wake up Sasuke soon though.

It's currently 7:32 in the morning, I glance at the clock.
I'm gonna make breakfast and we have to go where we can get ready.

So I will wake up Sasuke at 8:30 and we will be there just in time.

I am excited, but I'm also scared that what if I mess up something?
God I'm shaking, I'm freaking out I can't stop smiling but at the same time I'm terrified.

I made some pancakes with eggs, a quick and easy food.
It will up our stomach for some time.

I added another bowl with full of tomatoes for my love.

I should pat myself on the back beacuse this looks good! Not even close to what Sasuke can cook but I hope he will like it.

I slowly make my way up, and open the door quietly.
Sasuke was still sleeping but he was in another position.

"Sasuke, babe ,please wake up. I made you breakfast." I say it quietly, not trying to sound loud.
He moves but doesn't wake up.
I put the plates down on the nightstand, overthinking that he might hit me.

"Sasukeee good morning!" I say a little bit louder.

Sasuke eyes snap open and he looks at me, like he wants to kill me.
I gulp as I see his sharingan is activated.
Oh fuck! I fucked up, the blood in my veins froze as I try ease his mood with a small smile.

"Naruto I swear to god if you woke me up to have more sex- " He says while threatening me.

Now I remember why he might be in a scary mood, yesterday we were having sex all night, that's why he was still sleeping.
I smirk and laugh.

"I'm sorry for waking you up but you need breakfast beacuse we have to leave soon." I point at the clock in the room.

"Shit , you are right." I go back to the plates where I put them and sit next to Sasuke as he start eating.
I have my head on his shoulder.

I can't really believe that we are going to get married.

"Can you believe that in-" I look at the clock.

"5 hours you will be an Uzumaki!" I say smile excitedly.
It's like my dreams are really coming true!

He smiles as he pops a tomatoes in his mouth, chewing slowly. He tells me that he chews so slowly beacuse he loves savouring the flavor.

"Yeah, sounds good." He says quietly and keeps eating.

Even though Sasuke said no sex we still had one round in the shower.


I say goodbye to Naruto as he gives me a quick kiss. We needed to get ready in a separate room, it was a tradional thing in Konoha.

"I will you see you soon, gorgeous." He winks at me and grabs my ass,  I just laugh  and push him away, then roll my eyes.

I knock on the door as I hear a 'come in' from inside.
I step in and see a beautiful woman with black hair and dark eyes.

She had glasses on and her hair was in a low ponytail.

"You must be Uchiha Sasuke! Nice to meet you." She smiles gently.

"Yes, I am." I look around the room it's very clean and organized. Not even a single dust on the things around us.

I thought these tailors were always messy everything on the floor, I guess I judged wrong.

"The white suit is here, it has a beautiful fabric." She says politely as we walk to the white suit.

I didn't want to wear a uchikake, so me and Naruto agreed that we both will be wearing suits.

"Its all handmade I made sure it's comfortable and that if it comes to dancing you will be comfortable." She explains and she brushes the fabric wrinkles.

"I like it." I say as I look at it.

"It's not a heavy fabric and it can be easily removed if you know what I mean." She winks at me, I smile and chuckle at the perverted comment, my face flushed.

"I never got your name though." I say as I offer my hand for a handshake.

"Oh Ana, my name is Ana." She smiles and shakes my hand.

"Well let's dress up then!" She claps her hand and get the dress off from the hanger.
I go in a little place where I have privacy as she hands in the suit.

I get it on myself, and since it was personally tailored for me, it was beautiful.

I found myself attractive in it very much, it snatched my waist and it my ass plump.
I found myself attractive in it, I hoped that Naruto will like it too.

"God! You are perfect in it!" She says and smiles, I thank her.

"Let's make it more tight by the waist." She steps behind me and makes the suit more to fit on my body type.

"Yes it's perfect." She steps back and looks at the white suit once more.

"Come on let me make something with your hair a little." She offers me a chair and I sit on it.

"So how did you meet your fiance?" She ask as she brushes my hair, I smile at the memory.

"We meet in the academy. Then we got in the same team, so basically we had to be together all day especially when we had missions." I say as I smile thinking back, it was nice.

"So you got together at a young age?" She finishes brushing my hair.
She starts to braid a little piece of my hair. I watch as she focuses on her work.

"No, we got together 1 year ago." I say and shift my legs a little.

"Ohhhh and who confessed first though?" She laughs, I feel myself blush.

"Me, he was shy or maybe more nervous than me?" I say, the only thing that matters is that in the end everything worked out fine.

"Ah yes I see!" She said, it was very nice of her to start a small talk beacuse I can't start one to save my damn life.

"Well sounds good. I wish you guys the best!" She finishes my hair by putting a little flower in my hair.

"Thank you. I wish you the best too." I say as she fixes my suit for the last time.

"You are good to go!" She opens the door for me as I walk out.
I could hear the guests already outside laughing and chatting.

As we talked with Naruto, we go to the room before meeting with everyone else.
We can have a few private minutes before we will meet with a big crowd of people.

You can see the guests from up there, since there is a big window.

It will be calm and quiet, and we can talk in private.
I take a right turn and I'm there.

Naruto should be in there already.

I take a deep breath and open the door.Naruto was already in his black suit, hugging his strong body.

He wasn't facing in my direction.
I close the door and walk up to him.

He turns around and checks me out, not hiding his smirk.
I smile at him and hold his hand.
He is so scared to even look in my eyes.

"Why aren't you looking at me idiot." I say sarcastically as he gulps and finally look in my eyes.

I can see his eyes soften and then like all his problem about the wedding wasn't there anymore.

"Well, do you think I look okay?" I say and step back a little so he can see me perfectly.

"You are more than okay, y-you are absolutely gorgeous." He brings me in a soft kiss.
I melt he was the only person who I really loved and now we are going to get married.

"I love you." I say and kiss him again, he smiles in the kiss as I bring my hand in his blonde soft hair.
He wraps his hand around my waist.

We taste each other lips softly.

"I love you too, babe." He says as he pulls away.

"Are you nervous?" He ask as he rubs his neck awkwardly.

I shake my head. I wasn't nervous I was excited.
It would be a new beginning in my life.
And I was looking forward to it very much.

We looked down on the guest and see how many people are here even though we could have invited more people.

Naruto said that he won't invite Kiba and we didn't.
He still didn't forgive him for saying those things to me.
Which I don't really mind, seriously.
Couldn't have cared less about his opinion.

I could beat the shit out of him everyday if I really wanted to.

"Well, shall we go?" He says offering his hand to me. I take it we wraps our fingers together and walk out.


"I don't know how I got the right to be the 'priest' but Naruto asked me and begged me so here I am." Shikamaru says it with a bored tone. I look at Shika offended, please not like I went down on my knees to beg him.
I just only fake cried.

The people around us laugh.

We were already half way and now the vows were the last thing we had to do.
I was kinda nervous about it since I did do mine and I memorized it.
But still Sasuke looked calm as ever.

How can he be so calm? I am here terrified of everything right now, and he still has a soft smile and no nervousness in his eyes.

"Sasuke you go first." Shikamaru turned to him, he nodded understanding what is gonna come right now.

He takes a deep breath and looks at me.

I'm mesmerized by how gorgeous he is, I can't take my eyes of him, seriously.

"This is not how I imagined my life will turn out.I'm here standing by your side.
The most important person in my life.I had done a lot of things that I regret.
You gave me a second chance and I will be forever thankful.
As soon to be your husband, standing by your side makes me excited.
I am gonna start a new beginning with you. You have no idea how nervous I was, that I will fuck up this speech.
When you were studying I was writing it down on little papers. Trying to figure out something.
I thought it won't be good enough, and it isn't, but I know you understand my love for you more than anyone else. So I don't think I have to put it in words.
You chased me my whole life, now I promise you, that I won't run away from you, not anymore." He finishes with a big sigh, he smiles in relief, my eyes got watery thinking about all the things that happened to us.

I laugh with the guests and I smile at him. My soon to be husband looked at me with watery eyes.

I look at the crowd and see everyone, who matters sitting there.

Sakura chan ,Kakashi sensei, Lee and Guy, Gaara, Ino, Sai.
Everyone who supported me.
And of course Iruka Sensei.
He was a father to me in my whole life I could be never more greatful to him.

"Well it's my turn now to embarrass myself.
Seriously I have been studying to make speeches this whole time, and I feel like I'm still so bad at this." I say and smile as I hear the people laugh, especially Iruka who was the one teaching me.

"Sasuke you have no idea how happy I am, to stand by your side. As you join the Uzumaki clan.
It's really a new beginning.
I have been chasing you, yes for I can't even count how many years.
I just want you to know how big of a crush I had when I saw you for the first time after years at 16. I wanted to stay focused, but you really had to wear a shirt where you were showing your whole chest. I couldn't even focus." He laughs, and I laugh too, god he was so hot in that outfit, I wonder if he still has it?

"Yes your outfits were all terrible distractions for me, and I couldn't take my eyes off you. Do you have any idea how much I thought about you?Now you are here, a fully changed man." I say as I hold his hand tightly in mine.

"My husband, we have a different bond beacuse I believe that we are soulmates and that we can't live without each other.We bought a house and start a new life.
No matter what you had done .I have no regrets in meeting you Sasuke, even if our paths broke up at some point you continued to shine like gold in my memories.
And you still do, but now I don't have to depend on my memory anymore.I will wake up next to you every morning. I feel that's the only thing I will ever need.
I will love you until the day I die." I finish it as I see Sasuke tear roll down on his face.
He was holding back this whole time.
I smile at him as I hold his hand tight.

"Now you may kiss your husband." Shikamaru says as he yawns.

I immediately kiss him and finally, he was really mine.
He was my husband .
Sasuke was an Uzumaki now.

Uzumaki Sasuke, I couldn't be happier.

Just as I promised I will love him until the day I die.

I've dug two grave for us.


"So, you know that even though you will have a honeymoon for two weeks after you are gonna be working extra hard with your studies?" Iruka walked up to me, I gulp just as I think about two more stacks of paper in office.

"So harsh Iruka sensei!" I say as I smile while drinking a glass of whiskey.
Sasuke was talking with Kakashi and Ino, at first I was nervous to leave him alone with the others but it seems like he doesn't mind.

"Yes, being the hokage won't be easy, you need to get used to it." Iruka says, I gulp he was right. Being the hokage won't be easier, just harder.

"You are right, if you don't mind I need to see my husband beacuse he is looking at me with very threatening eyes." I say and quickly walk over to him, he smiles as I kiss his cheek.

"Hey, can I stole him for a dance?" I ask, Kakashi and Ino nodded, I lead my husband to the dance floor.

It's so good to say, my husband.

"You look gorgeous by the way." I say as I bring him closer by the waist and hold his hand.

"I know, you told me like a hundred times this day." He says and smiles at me, I look at him and it was the truth!
I am the luckiest man alive.

"It's the truth, and I can't stop saying it baby." I told him, he rolls his eyes at me. I just give him a quick kiss before spinning him.

He laughs and I do too, I live for these moments these happy moments.

"I know, you are head over heels for me." Sasuke said with a soft smile, I nodded agreeing.
I was so in love with him, I would burn the whole world down just to save him.

"You know, it's good to say 'my husband'." I tell him, he flushed and nodded, I caress his suit on his waist.

"I love you." He said and I kiss him deeply, the guest cheered and clapped, I smile into our kiss enjoying the taste of his lips, I could feel the whiskey sour taste.

"I love you too." I tell him, he smiles, the music stops and I pull him to the bar where they served us drinks.

"Can I get a whiskey, neat?" He says, the bartender nodded and went to make his drink.

"Be careful with drinking." I say to him, he just rolls his eyes. I didn't ask for a drink, I wanted to sober up a little.

Me and Sasuke sit down to the bar, they will soon bring out the food too and if I had to be honest, I was already so hungry!

Almost starving, there were some appetizers on the table but they weren't enough for me.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I ask him, Sasuke just raises a brow as he was drinking his whiskey.

"Yes, I mean I didn't forget my vows, so now I'm just trying to enjoy our night." He says, it was the truth. I was so nervous during the whole time.
The feeling of everyone watching you and then terrified of fucking up! It was so stressful.

"Okay, if anything is bothering you. Just tell me, I'll handle it." I tell him holding his thighs with my two hands.
He rolls his eyes.

"You know that I can handle anything." He says, I knew it of course. I just didn't want him to feel uncomfortable or anxious.
I wanted him to be happy.

"Okay, I know, just tell me if anything is bothering you." I tell him, he nods understanding that I'm worried.

"Sorry Sasuke, can I have a dance with Naruto?" Tsunade asked as she walked over us.
I look at Sasuke who only nodded and I made sure to kiss his head before being pulled to the dance floor.

I hold Tsunade's hand as we dance to the music.

"So, married huh? How do you feel?" She asks, I smile and nod, if I have to be honest I couldn't be happier.

"I'm feeling amazing, Sasuke is just- the love of my life." I tell her, she nodded.
They knew, everybody could see how much I adored and loved him.
I didn't bother to hide it.

"Good to hear, I wanted to talk to you about your honeymoon." She said, I frowned at her.
She smiled and looked at me telling me to wait until she finishes.

"So, I know we gave you two weeks but I figured that you both deserve more than that. I am letting you relax for a month, you both have been through a lot. Make up for the time that was left out." She said, and patted my back then left, I didn't had time to thank her.
I grin at Sasuke, the waitresses slowly brought out the food and soon the music was stopping.
Me and Sasuke both sat down and everyone else, I was so hungry my stomach was grumbling loudly.


The food- it was amazing, I ate so much that I am not sure the cake will fit inside of me.
Shikamaru invites me out to smoke, I tell Sasuke that I'm gonna go out to get some fresh air.

He nodded and we walked out with my friend.

"Do you plan on having kids?" Shikamaru asked as he leaned on the railing lighting his cigarette.

I shrugged, the kid theme didn't come up for us, I knew that I wouldn't mind having kids. A real family.

At the same time, he knew that Sasuke was still damaged, sometimes I still woke up to the raven screaming and crying in his sleep.
Nobody knows if Sasuke will ever get better, the trauma he got is always there in his head.
It's burned inside his mind.

"We didn't really talk about it, I want kids but if Sasuke doesn't. I will respect that." I said, shrugging. It didn't matter, I just wanna be with Sasuke.

"Sasuke might not want to, after all who knows, maybe he is scared that the Uchiha clan information will get out to new generations too." Shikamaru said, that was true. Since Sasuke was pardoned, they sealed and codded every information about the Uchiha clan, now nobody could find anything about them really.

A few useless things maybe.

"Maybe, he also changed his name for this reason." I admitted, Shikamaru hummed.

"He didn't wanna remember the Uchiha name, not anymore. I do understand that, after all he will always remember it as a cursed name." I explained to Shikamaru, who nodded flicking off his cigarette.

"True, it makes sense for him. The memories he has isn't a blessing for him, it's a punishment." He said, and I completely agreed.

"Let's go inside." I said, we went inside and saw that Sasuke was talking with Kakashi sensei.

"Uchiha!" Sakura yelled, Sasuke just raised a brow at her.

"He is part of the Uzumaki clan now, ya know?" I say, kissing Sasuke's cheeks, the raven smiles at me.

"Sorry, totally forgot that you have a possessive husband now." Sakura teased, I laughed. Sasuke smirked humming.

"Sorry." Sasuke shrugged, I laughed, I slowly let my hand fall on the ravens ass.
I was just keeping my hand there, not grabbing.

At least not yet.

"Let's dance?" I asked, Sasuke nodded, I lead him there. A few other people were already dancing, we just joined.

"Are you happy?" I asked him, he just looked at me, raising a brow.

"Fuck, Naruto how can you ask stupid shit like this? Of course I am, we just got married." Sasuke said, I laughed and smiled at him widely.
I look at our hand, the rings already in our fingers.

"Just making sure you made the right decision, ya know?" I say teasingly, he rolls his eyes at me.

"I couldn't have made a better choice, I am happy that you gave me another chance." Sasuke says and now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"I always loved you, and I would have been stupid if ever gave up on you." I tell him, Sasuke smiles softly.

"I promise that I will love you forever, Naruto Uzumaki." He says as I spin him around, I can't stop smiling at him, pure happiness was just going through my body.

"I will promise to do the same, Sasuke Uzumaki." I tell him, then we kiss.

For the hundred time, but the way our lips meet, it still feels like our first.

It's something I would never change, in our life.

I love you, my one and only.

The end

The fic came to the end! I am kinda sad, that the fic had to end, but I enjoyed writing it. So much!

Thank you for reading and every sweet comment I have gotten on this fic!

Thank you!!!!
