What's on your mind?

The next morning was like a dream, I woke up next to Sasuke.
Like I always wanted to, he had a morning hair which was sticking in every direction.

I got out of the bed and crawled out of the tent trying to be careful and quiet not to wake him up.

I got my shoes on and walked to the camp fire, it was quite cold in the morning so I got some wood from the forest and then started a fire.

I knew that Sasuke would be moody without his morning coffee so I quickly got out some coffee from the bag, I heated up the water and poured the coffee powder inside it.
I stirred it and left it next to the fire.

We had packed food in our bag so I just needed to heat it up again.
I walked to our bags and got out packed sandwiches, I wanted to toast the bread a little.
It would feel like it's fresh and crispy.

I did everything to toast the bread, and when I was finished Sasuke woke up.
He sat outside the tent on the grass, I immediately handed him his coffee.
He smiled at me and immediately took a big sip from the warm coffee.

"Here is your breakfast too." I handed him his sandwich, Sasuke thanked me I just pressed a small kiss on his forehead before starting eating too.

Our morning was domestic and peaceful and I was glad that we didn't need to pack in a rush and run.

All of this felt like a dream.

"I told you there won't be many people. We can go back whenever you want okay?" I say as I lead Sasuke to one of the chairs.
My hand on his waist possessively, I don't want anyone to flirt with him.

I could already sense some people's eyes on him, staring at his tall and slim figure.

I mean I would check him out too, if he wasn't already mine.
I glare at those guys or girls who are looking at him, narrowing my eyes at them.

I suggested drinking even though Sasuke isn't a big fan of drinking.
He doesn't have a high tolerance, which he hates admitting.

Which is kinda funny because he is really honest when he is drunk- super honest.

I remember when we got alcohol in our hands for the first time.

It was a good memory.

As I snap out of my thoughts the music isn't that loud a few older guys are drinking alone or with friends. This bar wasn't popular and honestly a very few people were here.

We sit at the bar counter where we could already see a bingo book hanging on the wall next to the radio.

I raise my brow and glare at it but Sasuke snaps me out of it by pulling my shirt.

"Yes?" I ask glancing at him bumping my knee againts his.

"What are you gonna order?" He asks me as he takes his cloak off. I follow his body with my eyes, his thighs that wraps around me as I fuck him against the wall.
His waist that I grab while I pound into him from behind while he is on his knees.

Damn, does he really have to look this hot?
It should be illegal.

The harness on his chest with the little Uchiha clan symbol, looks really good at him.

"What can I get for you boys?" Before I even could answer the bartender is already in front of us.
He has a big scar on his left eyebrow.

"I want just a beer." I say and look at Sasuke.

"I will have a whiskey, neat." Sasuke's smooth talk made me shiver.

"What you guys even doing here aren't you two are too young? Just to walk alone?" He says as he gets a cup in his hand just to pour the whiskey.

"Ahh, we just wanna grab some drink and move on." I say it's better to be careful, we are not familiar in this place.

Kakashi could've got really angry so we could be in the bingo book.

We can't let our guard down.

"I see, even ninjas can get some rest." He says and looks at us.
Then I noticed Sasuke wearing the Uchiha symbol and I am wearing my ninja pouch full of shurikens which most of the people could instantly recognize.

I smile at him, I am sure he was a ninja too in the past.

"I guess we can catch some break too." I say and shrug.

"That's right." He says and moves on.
I look at Sasuke he was just looking down at his whiskey.

I bite my lips, maybe, I should have lied?

"Sas? Are you okay?" I ask him and put my hand in his thigh I give a little squeeze to get his attention.

He nods a little, and drinks from his whiskey, I was worried that he might be anxious in this place.
"I'm okay."

I drink from my beer and talk with Sasuke for the rest of the night.


I should have known that this gonna happen.
Sasuke drinks three whiskeys, and he is already totally out of his mind.

He isn't loud or anything but he laughs at anything I say.

"Well, I think it's time to go home." I say as I drink my second cup of beer.

I look at Sasuke and he was giggling, his whole face was flushed from the alcohol.

Okay, I have never seen him this happy before.

"Hey, I would like to pay!" I shout so the guy could hear me.

"That would be 32 ryō." He says.
I hand him the money out of my frog wallet.

"Come on Sas, we are going home." We have been in a little house in the woods it's abandoned but it's a really nice place. I mean we cleaned it up a little.

As we step out in the cold night Sasuke let's out another chuckle.

We walk in silence for a while Sasuke has been okay walking on his own without a support.
Honestly, this cold air is probably sobering him up.
We are out of this little village when Sasuke finally talks.

"You know whaat is funny?That you still love me after I blew up your arm." He laughs, I smile at his drunk confessions.

Damn, he is really out of his mind.

"Well, I blow off your arm too." I said I remember that fight really well, how could I forget?

"I also gave me a blowjob!" He says laughing histerically, I flush at his comment. I will never let him drink again.
Even though he is really cute and funny.

"Yeah, we are almost there. Are you okay?" I ask and look at him his eyes were looking up at the sky.

He nods and opens his mouth but closes it, I waited for him to say something.

"I would have neverrrr thought you would kiss me that night- I really thought I look like a complete fool."
His voice started getting quieter with every word.

"You never gave up on me. So thank you, and I love you." He said.

"I love you too Sas." I hold out my arm for him he takes my hand and links our fingers together.

"Oh, you know what else I like about you?" He asks.
Is this some kind of quiz show? I wonder.

"No, what do you like about me?" I ask him, I am curious about his answers.

"Your dick haha." He says while laughing like some drunk guy, oh he is drunk.

I roll my eyes at him.
The sky is so beautiful. There is a full moon today.
It's really pretty I love walking late at night.

What makes it better? That I am with Sasuke.

I let out a sigh we have been going through rough times but seems like everything is good now.

"We should get married." He says and shrugs, he said it so nonchalantly that I was knocked out of my thoughts.

I stop and look at Sasuke, with wide eyes.

Is he being serious?
Wait he is drunk so he is probably joking.

He won't remember anyways but people say drunk thoughts are the truth. At least that's what Shikamaru always said.

Has he been really thinking about me marrying him?

I mean I was thinking about it for a while now.
I have been looking at rings a lot, but I wasn't sure if Sasuke wanted to get married. He doesn't seem like a person believes in marrying each other.

I know that I would never stop loving him. I could never leave him.
But I would have been happy with just us being together no need for rings.

Maybe I should really buy a ring for us and start a family together.

I mean Uzumaki Sasuke does sound good. I would like to see him in a shirt that has the Uzumaki crest on it. That would really mean that he is mine.

He would look really good in that.
Maybe I could also fuck-

"Naruto, are you okay?" He said and shakes my shoulders to get back me into reality.

"Yeah I was just- I don't know, let's go we are not that far away." I say and pull him next to me.


We had gotten back to our bed, and I was already deep asleep.

Then I feel something in my lap when I slowly open my eyes I see a person sitting at me.

As my vision isn't blurry anymore I see Sasuke grinding against me?

Oh my god, is he still drunk?
I get on elbows to speak but he cuts me off.

"I am not drunk anymore." He says as he keeps doing circles against my crotch.

If he keeps doing this I won't be able to keep myself calm.

"F-fuck babe." I say as I grab his hips to stop, trying to push him down.

"Let's get this shirt off." I say and grab his shirt as he helps me get it off.
I sit up and start kissing his neck. He is really sensitive on his neck.

I hear him let out a small whimper, and I bite more down on his neck.

I bite his skin to leave a hickey, I give it a small kiss to release the pain he let's out a big sigh.

I keep kissing his neck as he fidgets with my pants.

"Fuck baby do you have lube?" I say I didn't bring any.
He only nods and doesn't say anything.

"You are still overdressed." He says and gets my shirt off with a rough movement.

"Impatient are we?" I smirk at him, he only looks down on my abs. He traces his fingers on my skin.

"Fuck yeah, I want you in me so hurry the fuck up!" He helps me get my pants off too and my underwear.

"There is the lube." He hisses impatiently.

He points at his bag beside our bed so I could have easily reach it.
I open the lube and squeeze it on two of my fingers. It was warm on my fingers.

I lift my fingers to Sasuke's needy hole and gently push one finger in, first.

I grab his neck to bring him in a kiss.
I start moving my finger inside of him, seems like he is still tight even after fucking him so many times.

I bite his bottom lip then I move to his neck kissing it and giving him love bites.

I add another finger he lets out a whimper as I start moving my two-finger in him.
I curl my fingers to brush over his prostate. His breath hitched as he started rocking his body againts my fingers trying to get more friction.

"Fuck- yess."He kisses me roughly I kiss him back letting our tongue meet.

He arches his back so my fingers slip deeper.
Damn, I grab his hips and start moving him so he is basically fucking himself on my fingers.

He is moaning letting his voice let out loud, his hair sticking to his forehead.

Fuck- he is so perfect.

"So gorgeous." I whisper Sasuke cracks a little smile.
I just brush my fingers over his nipples to his abs and his dick.
I start pumping him slowly.

He bites his lip as he starts moaning louder.

"More- fuck Naru I need more." He pleads.

"I will give you everything." I give him a little kiss I grab the lube again and squeeze more.
I slip the third finger in, Sasuke then bites down on my shoulder.

I hiss, a little but the pleasure makes me forget it really quickly.

"Fuck Naruto, I need you- not your fingers." He suddenly grabs both of my arms and holds them above my hand. Even if he has one hand he is definitely crazy strong.

He positions himself and sinks down on me. I gasp as I feel Sasuke warm hole tightens around me.

I let out a big sigh, I feel Sasuke's tight hole suffocating me.

His eyes roll back as he moans.

"You feel soo- good Sasuke." I say, as I thrust up a little.

"Yess-!" He arches his back and starts going up and down on me.

I try to get out of his hand.
I wanna touch him so bad and fuck him hard, this feels like torture slow and deep.

"Babe let me go." I try to say it without stopping since Sasuke didn't stop. He lost himself in his pleasure.

He wouldn't say anything just continue moving.

Yeah, im not gonna play this I outpower Sasuke and finally grab his hip to start a faster tempo.

He gasps and lets his head fall back, I sit up to kiss his neck.

I thrust up my hip rough and fast.

"Oh my god- oh yesss right there!" His voice was trembling.

He is so beautiful, nobody can see him like this.

"You are mine nobody can see you like this." I growl and kiss him.

"Fuck yes! I'm yours- I'm all yours!" He kisses me back, I grab him by his neck. I push my tongue against his hungrily.

"Fuck yeah, you are." I link our fingers together and just look at him.

"I'm cumming- I am haa coming!" He screams as his cum drips on my abs, he starts slowing down.

I flip us over, so I am on top of him.

"I didn't come yet babe, you aren't gonna let me unsatisfied are you?" I whisper in his ears making him shiver.

I grab his legs forcing them to open, I pin him down by his hip and start pulling all the way out of him and then filling him all the way.
He arches his back and cries in pleasure.

"Oh god, Naruto!" He screams as I thrust in his already destroyed prostate.

He tightened around me, and I smirk as I pound into him harder.

Oh fuck, this feels too good!

"Yes like that- f-fuck me Naruto." He whispers only just to me, like it was a secret.

I kiss him tasting his sweet lips. His soft lips now are bleeding as I bite them too hard.

I just force my tongue in his mouth.
As our tongues dance around each other I wrap my hands around his dick.

"Shit!" He hisses as I kiss him to silence him.

"I won't last long Sasuke, can I come inside?" I ask him with a smirk as I bite him under his jaw.

"Yeah, inside I wanna feel you filling me up-" That was the last straw, I came inside Sasuke I continue to thrust but much slower.

I am moving my hands on Sasuke until he finishes again. I collapse on top of him as I kiss his neck and chest lazily.
He smiles and buries his hand in my hair.

We fell asleep cuddling as I think about buying him a ring as fast I can.

I promise.


Just as I promised.

We were travelling for a month now, it was really nice just walking and holding hands. Not caring what they think about us.
We didn't worry about anything!

It was really nice.

"I think we could go to the cheaper hotel or are we gonna stay here for a while?" I ask and try to look at Sasuke but he has his hood on which was covering most of his face.

Sadly I couldn't admire his beauty. I pout at this he insisted on keeping it on since he doesn't want people to see his eye. He was also draining his chakra with putting up a genjutsu on his face.

"We can stay for a while, I think we deserve a break." His calm voice made me smile.
I still get excited no matter what he does or say.

It's like I fell in love more and more every day.

"Sounds good to me but! We definitely have to find a ramen shop." I whine, I didnt eat Ichiraku for months now.
I am having withdrawals.

"We can find something after we got a room for us." He says and we walk to the not so cheap hotel.

I have a lot of savings and we help a lot of people who most of the times give us food money or things we need.

We don't have to really work for it.

As we step in, Sasuke gets the hood down and finally- I can see his calm pale face.
With his beautiful purple eye.

"Hey, what can I help you with?" The lady asks me clearly checking me out.

I force a smile at her, and talk in a polite voice.

"We want one bedroom please." I look at her as she looks down at some papers.

"Okay seems like you sir and your friend is lucky because we have one more room." She frowns and she stopped smiling.
"Oh no, but it only has one bed. Sorry for that, but we got some ninjas in this hotel right now but if they leave we can immediately give you sir a room." Oh, silly girl.

I smirk and I hear Sasuke laugh a little behind me.

I shake my head and look at her.
"That one room will be perfect." I say and watched her frown then she realized it.

I crack a smile as she realizes it.

"O-of course sir." She turns around give us the key.

"81 room, here is your room key it's on the second floor to the right. Hope you will enjoy your stay." She rambles awkwardly.

"Thank you, we definitely will." I say and move to Sasuke and lead him while I have my hand on his waist.

"She said they have ninjas here probably the Konoha Anbu, we have to be extra careful hide your chakra as the best you can." I whisper it to Sasuke.
This village is one of our allies, we do stay here sometimes since there is always attacks and there is a lot thief.

So our ninjas have to protect the village.

"Okay." We walk up on the stairs and walk to our room.
I look to the left and instantly see two Anbu member.

"Anbu to the left." I whisper as Sasuke gets his hood on as I sneak fast past them.

We were able to sneak past them without them noticing us.
I unlock the door quickly and open just be able to squeeze ourselfs in.

"Fuck, that was close!" I say as I go to the bed and jump on it.

Oh this is nice and really soft damn.

After sleeping on the
hard floor for weeks this feels like heaven.

"Idiot get your shoes off first." I hear Sasuke cold voice I start to laugh at him.

"Yeah of course I just wanted to make sure if it doesn't break from a lot of moving.
Like hard and fast. Just the way you like it" I smirk and sent him a wink but I instantly get hit on the head with a pair of slippers .

"Hey!" I rub my head where it hit me and look at Sasuke whose hand are on his hip looking at me.
Oh shit.

"Shut up idiot, now get off the bed and get your shoes off." He turns around and goes to the bathroom.

I roll my eyes at him and get my shoes off, and throw them somewhere .

I climb in the bed looking at ceiling.

I was just looking at it for a while zoning out.

Then I realized why isn't Sasuke next to me.
I lift my head and look at the bathroom and hear the shower running.

I didn't even heard the shower running.

Wait how long have been Sasuke in there?
I just shrug it off.

I look at the door for some minutes .

Yeah right.
I have to buy it.

I have been thinking about it since Sasuke confessed about wanting to get married while he was drunk.
The more I thought about it the more it made more sense.

The Uchiha's love is the deepest and when they love someone they will only love one person in their whole life.
I know that Sasuke is emotions are strong when I say 'I love you' his sharingan most of the times spirals alive.

I just need to find the best ring for him.
I sigh, that's gonna be hard though.

I could just leave a shadow clone here now, and buy the ring.
I instantly sit up and do a shadow clone.

I get a hoodie on just to make sure no one sees me.

I look back and hear the shower still running so I leave.

I make sure to close the door quietly, I run down the stairs.

I manuver among the people saying 'sorry' if I bump into them.

Then I realize that I have never been here I always just walked through this village.
Or stay on the rooftops looking for possible threats.

I don't even know where I can buy a ring.
Fuck I should have planned this better.

I notice an old lady sitting at a bench just enjoying the sun.
Yeah it's not that cold so it's the perfect time to be outside.

"Good afternoon! Can I ask where could I buy some proposing rings? I want to ask my partner the big question soon but we have never been here in this village. Could you please help me?" I explain to her rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

She just smiles at me gently and motions me to sit down.
I sit next to her waiting for the answer.

"Oh dear, aren't you too young to get married?But of course I will help you." She says with a little shake in her voice.

I smile widely.
Oh thank God, it would have been really bad if I would have to send clones out to search for a store.

She point to the main street end.
"We have to go there and to the right. I will walk you there since I live in that street." She explains and get ups and fixes her clothes.

"Oh thank you for the kindness." I put my hands in my pocket, I bite my lip nervously, the situation is kinda awkward even though the lady is very nice to me.

What if it doesn't fit Sasuke finger?

What if he doesn't like it?

What if he says no?

"So how long have you been together with your partner?"
She ask looking at the ground.

"Oh almost 1 year now." I say blushing just thinking back to my memories with him makes me fall in love with him more .

"I have been married for 47 years now. My husband is at home waiting for me." She laughs .

"He was very clumsy when I meet him. He was so nervous at our first date he dropped his wallet almost 5 times. I think I fell in love with him that day." She talks so desperately. Like she is talking about the biggest secret in the world.

I smile, I wanna grow old with Sasuke.

"Hmmm that sounds really nice to be honest. Our first date was at a ramen shop. It's my favorite place and we have been going there since we were kids."

"We grew up basically together." I say to her as she nods and smiles.

"How old are you dear? You look so young." She asked with a concerned voice.

"I am 19, soon I will turn 20." We were almost at the end of the street, even though we are going kind of slow since she can't keep up a faster walking.
I don't mind it though, it's nice.

"Tell me more about your partner."

"Oh well..." Should I say 'he' she can't really judge me that would be rude but I know a lot of people aren't supportive.
I mean I already know where to go so if she is rude I can just leave.

" I was a really bad kid ya know! I got into a lot of trouble just to get some attention. He was lonely that time too. I wanted to talk to him, back then, but I don't know why I didn't bring myself to say something. We were rivals." I started explaining my smile only growing wider.

"He is very kind, I mean he acts cold to everyone but when he is with me he shows his real personality. He was an absolute asshole in school, he was an arrogant bastard! He humiliated me a lot of times. We were placed in the same team for my bad luck, thats what I thought back then." It was the truth, at that time, it felt like a curse.
Everybody was amazed with Sasuke, and I just felt like a bug that people would crush with their shoes.

"I am thankful now of course.
I am really happy with him.
We got into a lot of troubles together but we had fun too.
I guess we both needed each other, we got something back that we could never experience ever again? After some times things started to go awful. When we were 13 we walked on different paths. So I had to get him back, I couldn't let him do anything stupid. He was my best friend when we were 16, I finally got him back. It costed a lot almost got killed just to save him."

The lady listened to me quietly, Sasuke and I had a lot of misunderstandings, he needed to gain pain in order to grow stronger.
That's what is fucked up by the Uchiha clan, if you don't experience pain in your life you will be weak.

Sasuke wanted to get strong, he never wanted to be weak.
So his old rouge self was created by his own agony.

"I was so happy I felt like everything was like it should've been. We were placed in a hospital, but it was worth it! I got him back that made me the happiest.
Everything was right but he had to leave for 2 years saying that he needs time to think. I didn't understand my feelings at that time for him so I said 'yeah that's understandable' and it really was! He suffered since he was a kid . So I let him walk out of my life once again. He left and I felt really empty. Like everything falled apart again. I wrote him a letter were I basically confessed that I love him and I was really shocked that he felt the same."

I gulp as I glance at the woman who is just looking at me curiously.

"He came back at my birthday I swear to god it was the biggest surprise ever. We confessed to each other under the night sky. There was a festival that time so the lights were beautiful. We have been together since then. I just know he is the right person that's why I wanna marry him. "
I finish the story my whole face is flushed I am kinda uncomfortable since this was the first time that I told someone about my relationship with Sasuke.
Of course I loved rambling about Sasuke, but it was different to ramble to a stranger than to my friends.

"This person looks like he makes you very happy.
I wish you the best." She said with a soft smile.

"As you can see we are already here. Now go and buy a beautiful ring for this boy of yours." She shakes my shoulder, her grip strong and reassuring.

I thank her again, but she just wave's it off.

I walk in, I see a bored guy at the counter looking out the window.
As he hears the door bell he immediately straights himself out and put a fake smile on. He kinda reminds of Sai in a bad way.

"Hey sir, how can I help you?" He asks as I walk to the counter looking at all these shining jewelry's.

"I'm looking for a proposing ring actually." I say as I'm looking at the ones with no big diamond or any kind of stone has in it.
Sasuke wouldn't like that he would love the ones that are simple.

"Do you have anything in my mind?"

"Uh yeah I don't want any big stone or anything on the ring I just know my partner wouldn't like that." I say and shrug.

"Okay then I would suggest you these." He motions with his hand at a section where there were only simple rings.

I look at them trying to figure it out which would look perfect on Sasuke.

I skip it over and over again with my eyes when it lands on one.

Nothing big it's a simple one.
It's shining beautifully, I ask if it's possible to carve something inside the ring the guy nods.

"And you can do it right now? How long will it take?" I ask him baffled as he nods.

"Two minutes it depends what you really wanna carve inside it." He says nonchalantly, I gulp.

"Can you write 'my one and only' then?" I ask him, he nods and gets out the ring.
He walks over a machine, and to be honest I don't really know what he wrote but when he handed it to me, it was perfect.

I smile widely this will be perfect!

"Thank you, this is far more perfect!" I say and now the guy was genuinely smiling.

"Sir, do you need a box? If you do, black will be good?" He turns around waiting for my approval.

"Hmm,yes black will be good."
Sasuke loves the colour black, it won't really matter.

I was shaking, I was excited and scared how am I gonna do this?

Does even Sasuke want a big wedding?

Or does he wanna pick up my last name?

Sasuke Uzumaki does sound good!

Or does he want a small wedding? With only like really close friends?

Does he want a big wedding? You already thought about this!

Does he even want a

Ugh I should stop thinking I didn't even asked him yet.

"There you go sir. Okay do you have a card or you are gonna pay with cash?" He asks.
Oh yeah, the money.

"I'm writing a check if that's not a problem?" I say as I reach for it to my pocket.

"No not at all."
I already knew the price so I just wrote the check .

I got this from Kakashi saying that this is my parents money that they left behind.

I rip the paper and give it to him.
He smiles at me
"Thank you I hope your girlfriend will say yes." He says.
I just chuckle, oh god these are so funny.

"Thanks I can't wait my boyfriend to say yes." I say and just turn around I hear him gasp but I just smirk.

I get out of the shop it was getting darker.

Well time to go, and buy the things I need for the perfect proposing scene.

I already had that planned.

I just need to get some little things.
But first there was something that I needed to get done.
To ask someone.


I was walking in the woods, I was almost there.

It was already really dark so it was kinda hard to see.

As soon as I saw the grave I smiled.

I wanted to tell Jiraya I haven't been here since I started dating with Sasuke.

I sit down, I bought some flowers to put it beside him.

"Hey old perv what's up?" I ask, it was so quiet.
I wondered what would he say to me being with Sasuke.

"I'm going to be married soon. If everything goes as planned." I rub the back of my neck.
I was so scared honestly.

"You know Sasuke ,Sasuke Uchiha? He and I have been together for a long time now. I just wanted to get your blessing- I guess. I have been so happy with him." I say smiling widely. I hope he didn't discovered that I left a clone.

"I already bought the ring. I have a plan already.
I wonder how would you react that I'm dating a boy. I mean you teached me how to spy on women's in the onsens and how to be a playboy. Hahaha but Sasuke is everything- I ever wanted.
That's why I fought so hard to get him back. I don't know if you believed me I'm sure you did. You were a terrible sensei sometimes , ya know! But you teached me a lot and I'm greatful for that." I just miss him.

I suddenly hear someone behind me approaching me from behind.

As soon as he is close to me I turn around and point a Kunai to the strangers neck.

"Ayee don't kill me!" As soon as I realize I almost killed Iruka, I step back quickly.

"Iruka sensei what are you doing here?" I ask it's really late so it's kinda weird to see him here.

"Well the Hokage made us patrolling outside of the village for you and Sasuke." He said.

"What? Why? I left a letter!" I say crossing my hands right in front of my chest.

"Yeah but everyone is so worried about you. So every jounin is outside. Every night." He adds, my head falls down with guilt.

"I can't come back, I have things to do." I shake my head in disbelief.

" I know I heard what you said ." Iruka said with a soft smile, it was a genuine.
Is he happy for me?

"Ohh you probably heard already the rumors I don't think it's so shocking." I struggle to say it, it was horrible that our secret got out.
It would have been our duty to let people know in our own time, when Sasuke was ready.

"Yes, I know I'm just mad that you didn't told me seriously Naruto! It's important, you stupid!" He hits my head with his fist.

"Ouch! Iruka sensei why would you do that? That hurts." I whine rubbing the spot where he hit me.

"Are you gonna report me?" I ask if he will I have to get out of here fast.

I wouldn't be mad if he did this is how he would show that he is trust worthy to Konoha and the Hokage orders.

"No- I won't so just go, and get that fiance of yours. Also after you guys done please come back I don't wanna sleep on the trees anymore." He pulls me into a huge hug.
I buried my face in his neck.

"Thank you Iruka sensei!" I say and run off.

Now everything is done!

This is not the last chapter! But we are coming to the end, hope you guys are excited!
