Why me?

I was leaving the village.

It was a really nice place the village wasn't even more than 50 people.

They made me work everyday though.

I am glad that I can help people it makes me feel like a normal human.
They didn't recognized me they didn't knew who I was.

It's definitely weird when people doesn't know who I am.
When I go through a more crowded village they instantly recognize me.

Maybe even say some shameful things.
They act cold and maybe even throw things at me.

It was getting chilly winter was coming.
The wind was stronger than most of the times.
It was October already which means that it has been two years since I am traveling.

Was it worth it? I ask myself so many times but I still can't find the answer for it.

I know I had changed I found some peace in silent.

That nothing were bothering me.
That I could just focus on myself.

I look behind me as I walk out of the little houses.

I started walking away from the little village.

I was currently at the land of lighting.
Which isn't really far away from Konoha.

I will have to send a report to Kakashi soon.
But hee will just start bothering me with his stupid letters.
Like last time I sent him a letter saying "I am staying in Takigakure" and he was asking me to send a picture of the place or even send a souvenir.

I of course didn't respond and also didn't bought anything from there.

He just like Naruto.

I didn't even notice but I started walking slowly after thinking about Naruto.

I still haven't forgotten the dream it was strange and yet still comforting.
I wanted it to be real.

His hands were warm and it felt like home seriously.
I was in Konoha a place that I could never call 'home'.
But if Naruto was there everything was just better.

I don't wanna admit but eating with Naruto and forgetting all of our problems seems great.
Just even talking with him seems promising.

But this will never happen I shouldn't think about him.
It's not like I deserve him.

He is just different from 
everyone else.

He was always there for me.

He never gave up on me.

But why did he go this far for me? 
He said because we are friends but...

What if I don't wanna be just friends?

What if I wanna hold his hands? 

What if I wanna wake up next to him every morning?

It will never happen but it's  still looks like I ever wanted.

I would love the warm feeling that he gives me every time I hear about him or when I am with him.
The feeling that makes my head dizzy, the feeling that makes my face red.

I look up to see the moon high in the sky.

It was getting late I should set up a camp.

I started to search for a good place as soon as I saw the perfect place. I set up a campfire, and did the familiar hand signs.
I could already feel the burning feeling from my throat.
As the fire came out of my mouth the wood lit up.
The dark place wasn't so dark anymore with the fire having this bright orange light.

I sit down with my back leaning to a tree.

I got out my diary. I bought this in the closest village after I left Konoha two years ago.

Sometimes I just only write a word. Sometimes I write pages.
It helps me to see how I got better in expressing myself with words.

I get out a little pen and start writing.

I didn't do anything today.

I don't even know why I write into this.
I realized that I started thinking about more Naruto.
I just miss him.
I wanna be there for him.

Even if I am scared of losing him and hurting him.

I put the date at the top of the page and close it.

I placed the book back into my bag.

As I am trying to find something I found something else.
Ah, there it was.
It's Naruto birthday gift.

It's nothing big but I want to surprise him.
I didn't wanna tell him that I am coming.

I wanna see his shocked face.
Hell he probably thought I would just send him a little happy birthday letter.

I hope he knows how much I appreciate him.

I let the fire burn while I tried to sleep.

Even though most of the times it's hard for me to relax and let myself to calm down.
Some nights are easier and some nights are awful.

After a while, I drifted off to sleep. 


When I woke up there was a fucking bird in front of me.

Don't tell me.

I sat up quickly seeing that Naruto didn't listen to me.
Even though I told him to not fucking write back he still did!

Fucking shit!

Goddamit I wanna move on from you, stop making things harder.

And my morning boner doesn't help, at all.

I mover my hands slowly to my hard dick.

"God I hate doing this." I mutter as I pump my member slowly.
It was already leaking with pre cum so I used that as a lotion.

I bite my shirt as I feel myself so close.

I twist my hand a little , I groan in my shirt as I let my head fall back.
I close my eyes as I feel myself come.

I feel my hands getting sticky with my cum.
I groan in disgust.

Hell it would be so much better if Naruto would do this.

I flush as I notice that the bird is still here.

Sasuke what the fuck you just masturbated in front of a bird!!
I snatch the letter from it and make it fly away.

What the fuck is wrong with me?
I groan in my hands as I rub my eyes.

I have to shower first there is no way I will read the letter with cum on my fingers.

I get a towel and go to the little lake that I have seen not far away from my little camp.

I kneel down to wash my hand.
After that I slowly undress.

I let my feet touch the cold water.
I start walking to the middle.

The cold water made my skin have goosebumps.
I sigh as wash my face with the cold water.

I let myself float on my back as I enjoy the quiet.
The birds where singing it was early in the morning.

I enjoy the water getting my hair wet.
I close my eyes and enjoy this peace.

My mind is clear and I feel calm.

It's rare for me to feel like this.

It makes me enjoy it a little.
I swim a little , even though it's hard with one arm.

I wash myself off and dry myself with my towel.

I dress up and walk back.
I put the towel on my head so it sucks up some water.

I got out some food from my bag I will have to buy myself I don't have much left.

I stared at the letter besides me.
Should I read it? 

But it will probably just hurt me. I bite my lip as I let it there without touching it.

I start reading a book but I still glance at that stupid letter a lot.
I narrow my eyes at it and roll my eyes as I open it up.

Who would have thought that I can't control myself?

Now what's on your nasty mind?
I open the letter and start reading it.
He talks about how he was hanging out with his friends.
And of course the miss you again.

Can he fucking stop it already?

He shouldn't write things like this it just makes me want him more.

I read the other parts until I get to the last sentence.

The moon is beautiful, isn't it?

I read out loud.

Is he? I furrow my brows as I stare at the page.
Feeling my hands start shaking.
I hold the letter in my hands so tight that I accidentally even rip it.

Maybe he doesn't mean it.

But what if he knows the actual meaning?
He has been saying that he is studying to be a Hokage he should have get smarter right?

Should I say it back? 

What if he doesn't mean it? 

I get a paper out and start to write.
I have to tell him.

Even if he doesn't feel the same , even if I scare him then I will be finally sure that I won't be able to hurt him.



You never listen to me.

What can't you understand about 

Please don't send me more letters.

And now I am watching your other stupid letter.
Seriously you need to get smarter beacuse you clearly still don't get what I am saying.

You are still as stubborn as you were huh?

I won't go to your birthday.

I can't go.

Naruto you should realize that I am a terrorist who almost wanted to kill you many times and now you want me to go to celebrate at your party? 

Naruto I don't wanna hurt you anymore.

If I go I will ruin it.

The others won't be so happy to see a traitor at your party.

Live your life without me.

So finally with that thought that you're able to live without me.
I can finally die happy.


I didn't even notice that my vision is started to blurry.

Why do you  make feel weak? 

Why can't I escape? 


Tears escaped my eyes.

I can't live without you.
I don't want to feel this way.
I shouldn't be in love with you.
I should have knew that my feelings are gonna show.

Why can't you get out of my head?
I pull my knees up and bury my head to my legs.
I breathe slowly trying to calm down.

I am always good at keeping everything in control.

I like to be in control.
It makes me feel safe it's like nothing can goes wrong.

But when I am with Naruto I am not in control anymore.
My feelings aren't in control anymore.

And then I could just suddenly find myself laughing with him.
Or smile until my cheeks hurt.

After a while I calmed down.
I burn the letter with amaterasu and send my letter with the hawk.

I packed everything away.

It was time to go back.

And started to go back into Konoha it's October 9.

I can't sleep today I have to get there .

I could teleport but I don't wanna use my chakra that much.
I can never know what will happen.

Did Konoha change?

I hadn't changed much.

My hair got longer I got taller too.

I wonder how Naruto looks like is he taller than me now?
Is he still wearing orange?

God, I hope he isn't. 
It's an awfully bright colour but he looks good in it.
He looks good in everything.

It was almost lunchtime I am almost at the border of The land of fire.
I will be in Konoha in a few hours if I don't stop.

I walked hours until I reached a place where I could buy foodm
I get into a bigger village than the last time.
There are some people outside, kids running around.

It's peaceful.
I see no ninja here so I guess they are against it.
There are villages where they hate ninjas hell there are places where you need to pay to walk through if you are a ninja.

I have to buy food I don't have anything just one onigiri.
Which clearly won't be enough for me.

I walk into a little shop.
It's really cozy and an older lady smiles at me gently.

Until she notices my rinnengan of course.
After that she looks at me coldly.

She doesn't talk to me I just buy more onigiri and some little tomatoes next to it.

I also buy some bread with lettuce next to it.

I pay and then make my way out of the village.
The people who noticed me all looked at me coldly.

I get some scared glances too obviously beacuse I am not wearing my cloak.
I have my tantõ on my chest and I am wearing a shirt that has the Uchiha crest on the back.

But I think the most that caugh their attention was my katana and my rinnengan.
I don't blame them , I would be scared too if some powerful ninja would walk in a village that hates ninja's.

I usually ignore but this time it's  making me uncomfortable so I try to walk faster.

It's dark, I am almost there, I can see village lights, oh yeah, they are probably doing a festival because The fourth great ninja war ended on Naruto birthday.

I tried to kill him on that day.
Guilt comes over me quickly it even makes me question if it's a good idea.

The doubt vanished after Naruto smiling image comes to my mind.

I was dumb.

I could have never killed him I loved him too much.

I finally saw the gates of Konoha.

There's a lot of people.
Most of the people are in kimonos.
They are all in their best clothes.
Everyone is smiling.

Konoha has changed since I saw it.

There were flowers everywhere.
Lights shining through the whole city.

The lights are beautiful and the village how should I say.


Everyone is having a great time.
The food smells amazing people laughing and talking fills the whole village.

I try to make my way into the crowd.

I check through with my sharingan for every chakra.
There are a lot jounins on the roofs watching the crowd.

I smirk and walk through.
I try to cover my face with my hood.

It's almost midnight
I look at a clock on a building.
Is there going to be fireworks?


There is a lot of people there why? 

There's a stage.

That's where Naruto is probably gonna say his speech.

Everyone starts to count down.
Just like when it's a new year.

Kakashi is walking on the stage. He is wearing his Hokage clothes.

Is he gonna do a speech? 

I jump on a nearby roof and sit down.

He goes to the microphone.
"Good to see so many faces" 

The talking goes quiet as everyone is listening to their leader.
"We are celebrating The fourth Great ninja war October 10 was the day when our powers ended this."

"We lost a lot of people" He nods .

"I am not the one who will do the speech today I wanted the war hero to give this speech."

"He saved everyone."He stands away from the microphone.

"So please welcome."

"Naruto Uzumaki!"

Everyone clapped I was shocked to see Naruto in a suit?
He looks.


He was smiling widely waving his hand.
He runs to the microphone and thanks Kakashi.
Girls were screaming his name, I can understand he is handsome ,strong ,and he is the hero of the village.

He is the dream guy everyone would want.

"Thank you! Thank you!"
He yells happily.

He looks so proud as he glances around the crowd.

He really made it.

"I am gonna be honest I didn't practice so I am gonna improvise" He rubs his neck nervously.

He was nervous I could see that.
Hell I think everyone could see it.

But he was still wearing that stupid smile.

"The war was hard for everyone we lost friends, family, lovers."He spoke into the microphone.
"It was hard but we couldn't have done it if we gave up, everyone who helped medical ninjas, sensor ninjas, everyone, we made this possible."  
He smiles as everyone nods and whistles.

"And I am thankful that finally, we can live peaceful times" 

"I couldn't have done it without my friends" 

"I can't say thank you enough for this" 

"I hope you all will enjoy this festival and I hope I didn't ruin it with my bad speech"
He laughed.

"Please enjoy" Everyone claps for him.
Even though he improvised he was really good.
It wasn't boring it was straightforward and it was moving.

He said with a smile and stepped back. He was waving with his hands looking through the crowd.

I jumped off the rooftop walking towards Naruto.

He was accepting a lot of gifts from friends , fans , seriously everyone was gathering around him.

And he responded to everyone as the same he didn't made an exception.
He laughed , joked.

I get my gift in my hands.
I waited patiently for my turn.

After minutes that felt like hours.
When the last person left.

There was no one else just the two of us.

I was finally right in front of him.
He smiles.
I take my hood off.
So he can see my face.
His eyes widen as he sees me.

"Sasuke!!!" He jumps in joy.

"You are here oh my god you said you won't come."
He pulled me into a big hug.

I felt myself blushing at the sudden closeness.
I wasn't touched like this since I left the village.

Naruto insisted back then that friends hugs often so he basically forced me into it.

I couldn't tell him that I enjoyed it.

"Of course I will be here I can't miss you giving a speech," I said while smirking at him.

"Ah, you were here? " He rubbed the back of his neck while laughing.

"Was it really that bad?" He ask as I shake my head.

"No it wasn't that terrible." I smirk as he hits my shoulder playfully.

"I have something for you" 

"It's nothing big I just wanted to say thank you for everything"
I said looking at my hands holding the gift.

I don't wanna lookup.
I really didn't wanna see his face.

"Sasuke you-"
"It's nothing great it's really stupid" I mutter fastly.
I was probably making a fool of myself.

"Thank you Sasuke seriously I don't even care about the other gifts yours is probably the best" 

He wrapped his fingers on the gift.
He opens the little box.

Then he holds it out for me. Like I am not the one who bought it.

The necklace started shining because of the lights on the streets.

I had one too but with the moon.

"Wow uh, Sasuke this is the best gift that I ever got," He said softly.
He says while taking big breaths.
Is he gonna cry?

I look at him softly, I am praying to God that he isn't seeing that how red I am.

I am so glad that he likes it.

We stay in silence just looking at each other.

Then he moves his hands and put the necklace on.
It looked so good around his collarbones.
"Well, how does it look?" He ask as I just smile.
"It looks good on you."

He looks at me as I look at him back.

His blue ocean eyes can really make you feel like you are floating.

"I wanna kiss you so bad right now" he said looking at me.

Yeah, I would love that.
I think in my mind.

Wait, my eyes widen at his sudden confession.


"Huh?" I blur it out as Naruto was still looking at me.

Naruto looked up he was so red after he realised what he said.
He immediately starts to swing his hands around nervously.

"Uhh just kidding hahaha" 
He laughs.

"It was a good joke right?" He laughs again.
God , it's sound so forced.

I step closer to him.

If he is gonna be a corward then I will think this opportunity.

I get so clothes to him that I can feel his breath.
"I thought you want to kiss me" I whispered as I look into his eyes.

Our nose is touching.              My heart is beating so fast

I am probably blushing like crazy but at this moment here with Naruto.

Nothing matters

It's just us.

"Can I kiss you?" He said locking eyes with me.
I chuckle at hearing him still being a gentleman asking for my permission I just give a small nod.

I close my eyes and finally.

I feel his lips on mine.

He touches my waist pulling me closer.
He starts with small and quick kisses.

But then I put my hands on his neck. deepening the kiss.
Our lips fit like we meant to be together.
His soft lips connects with mine as we move it.

It was perfect.

He was here with me.

Touching me.

Kissing me.

And suddenly I thought I was floating.

Well I couldn't post it yesterday but this chapter is way longer than I thought it will be hahaha!

I promise I will try to post every chapter quickly but seriously I get home from school and I just wanna lay down and do nothing.

And I am saying this while doing math.

I should be studying seriously!

Anyways here is the chapter!
They finally kissed!
As I said it's not a slow burn so we won't have to wait for any kind of sexual tension and others.

Yeah that's it.

