
As the month's went by.

I got less and less calm about Sasuke situation. I mean, he was alone! Who knows what kind of people are there. Sasuke alone with his thoughts are also not a good pair.

I rub my temple, and sigh.

He might hurt himself, I know he has very bad days, he gets really cranky if he has a nigtmare. Those days are horrible, he is not eating.

Sometimes I wake up feeling him sobbing into my back m, holding onto my shirt.
He doesn't say it, but he is terrified to go to sleep.

Those days, I hold him tight in my arms, I feel him trembling. Shaking, sobbing into my shoulder. Almost like he just wants to scream of pain.

I just hope he is alright.

He left such a long time ago.

I started wondering what is he doing, I mean of course he send me letters, but he doesn't talk about where he is.

I told him, that I could just drop these stupid studies and visit him.

I miss him, of course I miss him. I missed him too, when he was rogue.

I know he doesn't say that he misses me, but I know he does. I can feel it.

I guess it's a soulmates thingy.

I chuckle at my own words as I write down whatever comes to my mind.

Most times I am just rambling to Sasuke.

Hey Sasuke!

I know you are probably busy.

I hope you are not overworking yourself!
Are you eating properly? Getting those vitamins I hope.

I have been feeling alright I miss you a lot. It's very boring here without you. I don't have a partner to spare with!

Have you seen anything interesting?
Geez, I have so many questions.

Since I can't do anything here I started reading.

Well more like I read what that pervert old man wrote.

It's that book that Kakashi always read, I wanted to read it in past.
Jiraya always said it wasn't for me. Even though I sometimes sneaked to him while he was sleeping and started reading it. Jiraya was really a pervert!

Now that I started reading it I know why he said it's not for me.

There is a lot of sex scenes in it. Very detailed ones!! I was basically choking when I started reading it.

I think I looked like a tomato, I don't know how can Kakashi read it with a blank face.

I swear I can't decide who is the bigger perv Jiraya or Kakashi.

I think about you a lot, I mean oh god don't misunderstand that I connect my thoughts to you while reading that book!!!

I swear I am not like that. Shit, I made it even worse now, didn't I? It would be a waste of ink so, sorry.

Well, I can't say anything else since nothing interesting is happening here.

I love you.

Lots of love, from Naruto

I finished the letter and send it with a hawk.

I seriously need to do something useful.

I groan in my hands. Fuck it's already dark outside.
I could train a little, that never hurts right? Unless you lose an arm, hahaha. Get it?

Why am I even talking to myself?

I get in my shoes and leave.
The cold kisses my skin, I was stupid that I'm going outside in just a T shirt and my pants.

It's getting cold.

I walk down on the streets I am going to my favourite training ground. It's the oldest one, so there isn't a lot of people. It's mostly just me and Sasuke.

I usually have a sparing match here with Sasuke. Most of the time it leads to us
touching each other .

I mean he is hot.
People just need to look at him.
Guys are checking him out too! I am not a jealous type but it does bother me. I am dating the most gorgeous person, and I feel like I am the luckiest man alive.

Fuck I really had to bring him up didn't I? I look up to the dark cloudy sky, the moon peeking out barely.

I hope he is okay...


"Fuck" I run on snow trying to find a shelter or something.
I just saw a snowstorm coming I need a place where I will be safe. It would be so much harder to navigate.

I don't wanna get lost.

I see a little cave or something like that.

Damn it's snowing really hard. It's also really cold. I wasn't prepared with enough clothes for this shit! The snow flakes hitting my face, it stings a little bit.

I step into the big dark place. I brought some sticks with me so I can always start a fire. I get the sticks out of my traveling bag. Carefully, I put them in a pile.

I do the familiar hand signs. I feel the burning in throat as I let the flames burn the wood.

I slowly sink to the floor getting out a book that I have been reading. This has been a really long journey.

Before I can even start I hear my hawk flying towards me. Even in this big snow my little hawk was loyal to me. I scratched the bird head a little.

The animal stays next to me, probably enjoying the warm too.

I open the letter, with my kunai.

I start reading Naruto's letter, of course it would be him. He is the only one who sends letters to me often.

Nothing changed I am not surprised.

'I think about you a lot'

This idiot! I try to hide my res face even though nobody is here.

I feel myself smiling at his stupid behaviour.

Of course, Jiraya is the bigger pervert, but Naruto is also pervert if he thought I would misunderstand that. I would have never thought about it that way.

I feel myself getting warm all over my body reading the
'I love you' part. My stomach full of butterflies.

I get out some paper and something that I can write with.

Dear Naruto

I have been alright.

I just got into a cave running away from a snowstorm.
Translating these scrolls have been pretty easy. Nothing I couldn't do.

Yes, people are nice to me.

I think about you a lot too.
I hope I can go back to you soon.

Yours truly Sasuke

Is this too embarrassing?! I probably made a fool of myself. I almost torn the paper, but I remembered Itachi words.

He always said to communicate, use words.
Just words be honest with yourself and with others. Even if the truth hurts.

I sigh as I pet the hawk that was waiting for me to finish all this time.

I put the letter in the hawk little bag, I also got a sticker of a ramen bowl it's silly but Naruto will like it.

I let the hawk fly away, disappearing into the distance.

It's starting to get late I look outside its dark and the snow is falling so heavily. If I would step out I wouldn't see anything.

I sigh as I finally read my book peacefully.

It's a story unrequited love.

If Naruto would have never written me that letter I would have probably never confessed. So the main character is someone that I can relate to a lot.

I am happy that I did. I always thought, as the time goes by Naruto will find someone. A girl who will love him, give him a family. A life that I couldn't be in it.

I feel happy with him. Thinking that now touching him feels normal but in the past. I touched him with an intention of hurting him, killing him.

The wood cracks, I snap out of my thoughts. It was late, and I was tired. My leg was hurting like hell.
I get my sleeping bag out, I roll it on the uncomfortable ground. I sigh as I sit inside getting my shoes off. I put my cloak down too, folding it neatly.

I get my blanket tucking myself under it, the warm comes back to my body after minutes.

I fall asleep minutes later.


When I wake up the snow is still falling but it wasn't unbearable.

I slowly sit up. Trying to rub the tiredness out of my eyes. My fire isn't burning anymore. That was when the cold weather hit my body. I bite my tongue, as I get my shoes and my cloak on. Like it would help.

Fuck it's cold, I get up, I put my hair in a bun. It had gotten longer. It would just make my work harder if it was in my face.

Shit, I need to go outside and get some wood. Just by thought I start shivering.

I walk out but my legs were sinking in the snow.

"Fuck this is high." I raise my legs as I walk in the snow, it was reaching my knees. Making my pants, wet as it started melting. I found some trees and cut some of the branches with my katana.
When I felt like I had enough, I slowly went back.

I can't stay longer in this snow.


"Hinata!" I run to her. I haven't seen her in a while. She looks up to the sound. I jog to her and put my hands in my pocket.

"Naruto-kun I haven't seen you in a while."
She had a gentle smile on her face.

Hinata was an incredible friend. She was so nice to me!

"That's true maybe everyone could get some barbecue these days? I think that would be good" I suggest, we had that traditional that we tried to gather every Friday to eat.

"Hmm, that does sound good, Shikamaru is with Temari in the sand right now. So I don't know if they can make it." She started walking. I was walking beside her my hands still in my pocket.

"They are really happy together, I think Shika will propose soon." I say and shrug. It was true! Shikamaru looks like he doesn't care but I have seen him standing in front of a jewelry shop.
Hinata blushed.

"If they m-make each other happy." She blushed even harder, we got a few stares. Us walking around just the two of us, Hinata blushing. The rumours could start.

I look up seeing a familiar hawk flying towards me. I had to squint my eyes just to be sure.

Sasuke! I smile widely.

"It was nice talking with you Hinata, we should really make this plan happen!" I said, and rushed away to a more private place. Leaving Hinata alone.

Motioning to the hawk to land on my arm. As the beautiful brown bird lands. I grab the letter, excitedly.


I am actually scared to read it. Why am I scared to read it?

I slowly open the letter but as soon as I saw 'dear Naruto' aruto' I felt relieved. I mean 'dear Naruto' is kinda personal.

A smile comes to my face as I start reading Sasuke pretty handwriting.

He doesn't talk much but I can see him trying to hold a conversation with me.

Kinda cute.

I sit down on a bench. The letter is still in my hand.

I sigh and close my eyes.
The birds singing and I can hear people sounds from the streets. It's a sunny day even though it's really cold.

So peaceful.

"The letter is mine now ops." I hear as someone grabs the letter from me, wait!!!

I quickly turn around and see Sakura standing there. A proud smile on her face.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! I can't let her read it.

"Ahh, Sakura please give it back." I plead I can't let her see it.
I wouldn't be able to watch the look on her face when she finds it out!

And who knows if Sasuke would be even comfortable with me telling Sakura!

Lie, lie!

"It's an important mission and Kakashi said that I can't show it to anyone." I rambled trying to get out of this stupid situation.

Please believe me!

"Okay okay, I will give it back." She gives it back to me,a pout on her face.

Oh, thank god.

"Thank you Sakura-chan, do you wanna go and eat Ichiraku?" I ask trying to calm myself down with an amazing food!

"You will never get tired of it do you?" She asks while laughing.

"Imagine getting tired of it." I roll my eyes.

Ichiraku is the best! How could I get tired of it?!

"What have you been up to? I didn't see you in a long time?" I ask, as we started walking side to side to the Ichiraku.

"Oh,you know I was helping at the hospital like always. I have been really busy with that." She does look kind of tired.

"Hmmm, but you are the best medical ninja! So you should feel proud. You are amazing Sakura never forget that." I grab her shoulder. Giving her a supportive smile.

"Thank you, Naruto."


Am I ready to go back?

No, I am not, not at all.

Kakashi told me in a letter that I can get a break, it has been 8 months since I left Konoha.

I haven't seen Naruto since then and I am kinda nervous about that.

I feel my palms sweating.
We sent letters to each other every week.

I like the memory of me getting happy that he sent me a letter. I was always happy it just made my day. I have all of his letters in my bag. I just keep them with me. As a memory.

As I see the gates I remember that it's a little festival today.
Shit. I can't remember why there is a festival today.

I don't wanna meet with anyone, that's the last thing I want.

Even though this festival is kind of peaceful, there will be still a lot of people, they lit up lanterns.

It's beautiful I used to watch it with Itachi when I was little.

It was nice.

As I see all these people, I stop.

There are so many people I wanna go back to. You know what im just gonna turn around and leav-.

"Sasuke, I am surprised that you came back so early" I hear Kakashi voice behind me. Are you fucking kidding me? How could this happen?
Was he waiting for me at the gates?!

"Hn, I wasn't planning coming back early but I wanted to see the festival." I said while turning around seeing him in his Hokage clothes.

"Is that so? I thought you hate festivals?" He said, with a teasing smile.

I give him a fake smile.

"No, I love festivals. I love meeting new people." I say with a fake high pitched voice.

"Sure, well enjoy." He left, with a laugh.

I didn't want to deal with him anyway, so I'm glad he left.

I go into the crowd feels kinda nostalgic, just like at Naruto's birthday. I push people away, hitting my face with the hood on my head.

That was nice.

I feel myself smiling, as I quickly look around not like anyone is looking at me.

Hmm,maybe Naruto would be happy if I get him some ramen? Or that would be weird?

After a second of walking in circles, I decided to buy some Ichiraku but I wasn't expecting to see Naruto already there.
He was alone talking to the owner.

I could say hello and maybe we can eat together?

I lift the curtains. As I bend down a little. To step in the little place.

"Hey." I say awkwardly behind Naruto.

As soon as he hears my voice he turns around. His eyes widened. After that, he started smiling like crazy.

"Sasuke! Are you real?! Shit,I didn't feel your chakra hahaha." He was already rambling,he got up to hugged me.

Finally, I feel his two arms wrapping around me.


"I missed so you so much." He whispered, so only the two of us could hear it.

"I missed you too." I felt myself melting into his touch I press my face into his neck, breathing his smell in. He just showered I could feel it.

"Are you hungry, I just got here too it could be a date?" He smirked and he started waggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and push him away.

He is such an idiot.

"That would be good." I sit down to the old chairs, Naruto sits right next to me. His thighs touching mine.

Naruto orders me the same as him.

As we wait he tells me about his days, and how he had been helping at the hokage tower. He also whines that how much Kakashi makes him work.

"That's because he is lazy and wants someone else to do his work." I tell him, Naruto looked really mad and started muttering that he will get revenge somehow.

"Oh shit sorry, I am talking too much. How were your travels? I mean we talked, but you probably did more than you wrote in your letters right?" He looked at me as he rested his head in his palm.

"Not really I was just translating." I shrugged.

"Hmm, I see well thats doesn't seem so fun though." He smiles, it wasn't fun. It was horrible. My eyes still hurt from using the mangekyou sharingan.

"Three bowl of ramen." The old man said with a smile. I was only one eating one. Naruto and his fat ass was eating two.

"Thanks, old man!" Naruto looked at his bowl with sparkles in his eyes.

I roll my eyes.

"Let's dig in!!"He broke his chopsticks and started eating.
I did that too.

As we continued to do small talk while we ate. The ramen was good like always, even though I would die before admitting it.

Minutes have passed and of course, Naruto finished already two bowls when I was only halfway with mine.

"I will pay."He said when I was searching for my money.

"Are you sure I can pay for both of us?" I said.

"I am sureee." He put down the money and thanked the food and we left.

"I am so full." He pats his belly.

"Thank you." I said quietly.
This relationship stuff was still weird for me but I started getting used to it.

"Why are you thanking me?"
He laughed.

"For the food...and everything else." I mumble, I already thanked him, when I was in prison he did visit me. One time, but that's cause he beated up the guard.

I didn't say anything, I just said thank you. I think that was enough. Of course, Naruto started lecturing me that how I shouldn't say thank you. Beacuse we are best friends and that's what best friends do.

I didn't admit it but hearing him say that we are just best friends, it was painful.

"You are so sappy." He pushes my shoulder playfully.

"Oh fuck you." I look at him with my sharingan activated.

"You love me." He leaned close while we were walking. I push him away with an annoyed face.

"Sometimes I wonder why." I said. He just laughed at that.
This bitch.

"Hey, do you wanna buy a lantern too? A matching one?"
He pointed to a little shop where we could buy those. I look at the shop, there wasn't anyone.

"Thats a great idea." I started walking to the shop.
We looked at some classic ones.

Naruto found one with flowers on it. It was beautiful. It was very detailed, I really liked it.

"This is beautiful." I said.

"It is! I will pay." He said.

"No Naruto at least let me pay half of it." I grabbed his wrist and looked at him. I would feel guilty if he payed for everything.


"Okay okay, you can pay half of it." I searched for my money and gave it to him.

As we stepped outside Naruto was holding it in a little bag.

"Maybe we could light it up on a rooftop?" I suggested. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Okay! Let's go." He grabbed my hand and jumped on a rooftop. He almost tripped on his own legs, almost bringing me down with him. I was lucky that I activated my susanoo and grabbed him with my purple arm.

He was laughing while I was just looking at him. I swear to god, he is gonna kill us one day.

His blue eyes were beautiful in the moonlight and his smile. I felt myself zone out.

"Babe? Are you okay?" He cupped my face with his warm hands. I didn't even notice that the susanoo sinked back into the the ground.


"Are you sick?" Then he put his hand on my forehead.
"You are not warm."

"I am okay. I was just thinking."

"About what?"He looked worried.


Oh my god lie something Sasuke!

"Uh, the last time I watched this festival was with Itachi." I confessed. It wasn't a lie, but I wasn't thinking about that.

His eyes immediately softened.
"Oh,babe." He brought me into a hug. Feeling his warm body pressing close to mine.
We stayed like that, not talking. Just enjoying the other ones touch.

These times I wished that I had two arms.

"It's almost time!" He said excitedly, pulling away from me.

"Yeah." I look down at my hand

I feel his hands on my face he makes me look into his eyes.
Then he leans closer and closes the distance between us.

God how much I missed this.

His warm lips were on my lips.
I felt warm in my whole body, as we started moving our lips together.

He wasn't shy at all but the kiss was still slow and soft.

Our tongue meet. I felt him grabbing my waist pulling me closer. I felt him smile into the kiss. I grabbed his hair pulling him closer. Tilting my head to the right, for better access. Pushing our tounges against each others.

Pressing our lips together again and again.

I don't know how long did we make out but I felt Naruto lean away and then he put our foreheads together. Catching our breaths, I was still in shock for a little time. One of his hands was on my cheeks, stroking my skin softly.

His eyes pierced into mine.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered.

I felt myself smile at his random compliment.

"I love you." He breathed out.

I kiss him again and whisper it back.

"I love you too." This was a beautiful moment.

It was perfect.

"Hey look." He points as the people started lighting up their lanterns.

He grabs ours too and hands it to me.

I do my handsings and blow a little fire.
The lantern lights up, giving light to us.

The lantern flower shape looks beautiful.

"Wow." He looks at it amazed.

"We should let it up together." He suggested.

"Hmm okay." I feel his arms around my shoulder as he brings himself closer.

I let my head fall on his arms.
He grabs my hand as we hold together our lantern.



"3!" He counts.

We let it go together. We raise our hands up high up, the lantern finally starts floating in the dark sky.

I feel myself smile as we watch it go up with hundreds of other ones.

It was like stars in the dark sky.

Suddenly the city wasn't so dark anymore it was showering in light.

Every kind of shaped lanterns was up. Some of them were hearts shaped, some of them were simple with no drawing in it.

"It's beautiful." I said, looking at the sky.

"Yeah, it really is." I look up at him as I see in his eyes the reflection of the lanterns.

He saw me looking at him so he turns his face to me as he gives me a little kiss.

"You are amazing."
He said.
I blush at his comment.

"I love you Naruto." I say and kiss him.

So yeah, I have no idea what to say so, here is that picture that inspired this chapter.

