My fiance

I step out of the shower the steam hitting the mirror.I couldn't see myself in it, so I wipe it off with a towel.

I have been in, for a long time. To be honest, I felt stinky and disgusting so rubbing everything off my skin and then enjoying the warm water felt amazing.

I sigh disappointed that Naruto didn't join me, I don't even need to invite him he would just jump in knowing that I don't mind it.

What was Naruto even doing this whole time?

He is probably asleep, we have been walking for a whole day without stopping just to reach this place.

So I guess that's also one of the reasons why this shower felt so good.
I needed it.

I dry myself with a towel I just shake my head to get most of the water off my hair.
I don't bother to dry it, perfectly, knowing that it will never get curly even if I don't dry it.

I open the door only in a towel around my waist.
Praying in my head, I want Naruto to be asleep, I'm still sore from two days ago.

Ugh, that fucker destorys my insides everytime, even if in that moment I enjoy being pushed into the mattress and pinned down while he thrusts into me.

The hickeys didn't even disappeared yet.

I walk outside to see Naruto sleeping.
A soft smile comes to my face as I look at him.

He is so- I don't know, cute?

I tiptoe to my bag not to wake him up.

Oh wow this is somehow his bag!
Oh my, now I have to wear his clothes such a shame, I smirk knowing that he loves when I wear his clothes.
The problem is that I stole so much that now we have to buy new clothes for home everytime we stop in a village.

I chuckle a little, and dress up in a big black pants and a white shirt with an Uzumaki crest on it.

Naruto likes bigger clothes, he has more muscle than me so they are big on me. That doesn't mean he is stronger than me, I can still kick his ass if needed to.

But that's why I like them these are so comfortable.

I look out, it's getting dark outside. I have been inside for a long time seriously.
I am surprised that the hot water didn't run out.

I tiptoe back to the bed and get under the blanket.
Feeling the warmth radiating through my body.
Oh this is comfy, Naruto wasn't lying. I see watch his body as it goes up and down.

I just close my eyes and drift to sleep.

I hear footsteps walking around in the room. Just like walking up and down.
The fuck?

Ugh, must be Naruto just getting water and then forgetting something, I try to ignore the footsteps but it just doesn't want to stop!
I breathe in before breathing out trying to calm myself down.

I sit up, and see Naruto walking up and down like an idiot.

I furrow my brows, as I sit up rubbing my eyes.
I couldn't feel anyone else's chakra so what was Naruto so nervous about?

"What the fuck are you doing?!?" I hiss at him, it was already dark outside so I didn't wanted to throw a shuriken at him. He would just scream, he gets scared too easily.

They would throw us out of the hotel.

He stops, and his eyes widen.

Then he smiles at me widely, just as I was about to ask 'what's wrong?' he disappeared into a puff smoke.

I sit up and get a kunai out, is this a trap?
I activated my sharingan to look out for a near chakra but I saw no one.

I get up from the bed and get my shoes on. I don't bother to cover up even though it's probably freezing outside.

What if Naruto was kidnapped? But why wouldn't I wake up to it.
Stress was getting to me as my heart beat fastened up.

I open the window and jump out.

It was already pitch black. I have to look for him.

I jump on the rooftops trying to look for him, the cold night gave me goosebumps on my skin.
I shiver from the cold.

The streets were empty, I saw no one and sensed no one, only the people sleeping in their homes.

I have been searching for him for 5 minutes now.
Then I finally feel his chakra getting stronger and stronger!

"Fucking finally." I curse as I jump and run through the house.

Now I just have to see what I will have to deal with.
I don't even have a plan.

Doesn't matter Naruto would run after me without a plan.

He is alone?

Is this a trap?
I stop, my feet glued to the ground, I think about all the possibilities.

What should I do?

If this a trap, I could still just teleport out of the situation, with Naruto with myself.

Fuck it.

I jump of the roof top landing like 10 meters away from Naruto.

He was just sitting on a blanket.
As he heard me he looks at me and smiles widely.

"Naruto what the fuck! What the fuck is happening? Why was there a clone? Mostly why the fuck are you here?" I shout, not bothering that people must be sleeping.

I am seriously gonna break his jaw, I walk closer to him angry.
Fuming with anger.

"What the fuc-!" I got dragged on the blanket as he grabbed my arm, I just sat down with a big force. My ass was hurting already and now more, it was already bad!

"What the hell? Naruto! You can't do shits like this! Especially not in the middle of the night." I hiss as I hit his head with a loud 'bonk'.

"Awwee! Sasuke I'm sorry. But I really couldn't thought about a better way to do this." His voice was low and shaky.
He was fidgetting with the blanket under us.

I frown ,what?

"What do you mean?" Did I forget an anniversary?
No I was counting right!
It's further away.

So what did I forget? A birthday? Some special day?

"I love you Sasuke." He says and turns around to get something from a picnic basket.

"Naruto I swear to god if you only woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me that you love I will beat the-" I say, but was cut off.

I stopped talking.
Naruto was on his left knee holding a little black box.
My eyes widen.

"I know this is a surprise or maybe, not that it wouldn't shock me if you already guessed. B-ut." His hands were shaking as he was holding the box .
His eyes were soft, tearing up as he talked.
I was stunned, no words came out of my mouth.

"I love you so much, and I know you are the right person for me, I just want you to be with me forever." He opens the box with his other hand and-
There is a fucking ring, I gasp.
This was too much right now, I was still stressed from thinking that something happened with him and now he is proposing?

Please tell me this is just a dream!
I open my mouth to say anything but no words came out.

"Sasuke, will you marry me?" As soon as the words came out of his mouth, a tear slipped down my cheek.

I feel myself crying, and I quickly wipe it off.

"Sas, would you say something? Beacuse I feel like I'm making a fool of myself." He chuckled, his voice wasn't shaky anymore, he was just waiting for my answer.
I knew that I needed to give him the answer, but I was so shocked and emotional that the words couldn't leave my mouth.

"Naruto- oh my god, yes." I say as the words finally got out of my mouth, he leaned in for a soft gentle kiss.
Our lips meet and I melted in his touch again for a hundred time.

We were just tasting each other's lips, I pull away from his lip.

"Don't you wanna put that ring on my finger, idiot." I say with a smirk which turned into a smile.

I couldn't see myself how much I was blushing but since Naruto looked like a tomato.
I was sure I looked the same.

Naruto gets out the ring with shaky hands.
I hold my breath as he lets the ring slip on my finger. It was perfect.

I flush as I quickly read what's inside the ring.

Naruto smiles widely like he is the happiest person ever.

"Its perfect! Oh thank god I would have been really mad if it didn't." He says, relieved.

"Naruto, I am so happy." I say he always made me happy, he made me feel like a human being.
Now I don't think he is the happiest.

It's me.
It's definitely me, he always made feel better.
He made me a good person.

He gives me a lot of little kisses which I gladly give back.
Ugh I'm crying so hard, tears were falling from my eyes.
These weren't sad tears, I was genuinely happy.
Always with him.

"I love you." I say and he stops, he brings our forehead together and kisses me deeply.
He wasn't rough, it was gentle and soft.
I could feel him smiling in the kiss making me blush.

"We should eat." He say and I just nod.

It was definitely worth getting up in the middle of the night.


This week was very different from our other months.
We will be getting married when we get back.

Our relationship will take another step.

We haven't planned anything yet, we mostly did some exercises in the bed, and of course relaxed trying to see everything before going back.

I flushed as I thought back on the memories we made these past months.

I guess, we could say we are pretty tired from our activities, so we go back in a slow pace to Konoha.
When I say slow I mean really slow, we always stopped whenever we got tired.

I decided to stop for the night, Sasuke agreed that we don't need to rush getting back.

We are staying in the woods to sleep we are already half way there.
We are in the hidden sound village, it's close to the border.

I sent a letter to Kakashi sensei before we left the hotel just to say that we are going back.

As I promised I did continued my Hokage studies even though maybe me leaving was a problem for them.

Even though they maybe won't let me become a Hokage anymore. I would be sad but Sasuke is first. He was always my first priority.

His safety is first, not like he couldn't protect himself.
But we both need each other and we know that.

Currently we are lying in the ten,t I'm zoning out.
Sasuke is sleeping with his back to me.
Or maybe he isn't sleeping I can't really decide. He was always a quiet sleeper, he doesn't really move in his sleep and he is a light sleeper. So it's very easy to wake him up, not all the time.
When we are fucking the whole night he usually passes out and sleeps like a baby.

We haven't started planning but at that night I asked if he even want a wedding, he said yes.
So we will have plenty of things to plan, and with my studies it will be hard to manage but I am happy and that's the most important thing.

I sigh ,but at least I will have a real family.

I will be no longer going home to a empty house.
I was also thinking about buying a big house with a garden.
Sasuke didn't said anything to my thought but he agreed that it wouldn't be a bad idea.
We would have plenty of space and we could spar in the garden, have a dog or a cat.

I know Sasuke prefers cats but, I will be okay with anything.
After all we are starting a whole new life.

I should go to sleep.
I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of the outside world.


"Are you excited to go back?" I ask as we were walking back, I caressed Sasuke's hand as we walked.

"I was enjoying travelling with you, it's very different than being alone but yeah I guess I'm kinda tired sleeping on the floor." I listen to him as I kick a little rock while walking.

"Hmm I just hope i won't get a big lecture." I laugh, but I was sure Iruka is gonna yell at me.
Even if he was very nice to me when we meet.

"Well you did left a letter." He shrugs, I smile how naive.

"Yes I did, but was it enough though?" I put my other hand in my pocket as I keep looking around like I have never been there. I have been here for multiple times.

"We are almost there, we have to walk through a bridge then we are at the gates." Sasuke informs me and I just nod.

We continue to walk in a comfortable silence.
As we see the bridge I look down at the water.
I take my hand out of my pocket and grab the wood rail on the bridge.
I can see my ring shining in the sun.

I smile to myself as I look at it.

"Idiot, come on we are almost there." I hear my fiance say it from the end of the bridge.
I just laugh and smile widely as I jog next to him.
He shakes his head but I can see him smiling.

"Do you wanna go to Ichiraku? Ya know, I'm kinda hungry and I haven't ate Ichiraku in months! And the other ramens doesn't hit the same." I roll my eyes and look at Sasuke waiting for his answer.

"Yes we can go. You and your ramen addiction." He mutters, I still heard it even if he was trying to be quiet.

"Hey! It's a valid addiction okay? Damn babe, you really hate ramen that much?" I ask and laugh, how could I marry him if he doesn't even accepts my addiction towards ramen!

"No I don't hate ramen, but I couldn't eat it everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner like you." He says, I roll my eyes at his harsh hurtful words.

"Blah blah- ramen is a food from heaven. You can't disagree." I say dramatically and I act like I'm crying.

I hear Sasuke chuckle a little, oh how much I love making him laugh.

"Oh we are here." I hear Sasuke and I look up to really see, that we are infact at the gates.

"I can go to Kakashi sensei you can go home or wait for me at Ichiraku." I say and look at him as we step in the village.

I could feel people looking at us, like we are outcast, it's stupid.

"No, I will go with you."
I smile and we go to the Hokage office.

Luckily we don't meet with anyone familiar.
So we don't have explain things, I don't have the patience for that right now.
It would just ruin my good mood.

We walk up the stairs and knock, I could hear some faint noises but I couldn't really recognize it.

"Come in." I  hear Kakashi voice I look at Sasuke who has no emotion on his face. Always his emotionless poker face.

I smile and open the door.

"Kakashi sensei!" I look to the right and see Sakura standing there too.

I gulp I can see her hands form in a fist, I glance back to Kakashi fearing for my life.

"H-hey Sakura chan we are back." I say while rubbing my neck, she only narrows her eyes at me.

"Naruto, how did you think that you could just leave like this you idiot!" She says I instantly put my hands in surrender.
As she was swinging she stops and gasps.

I look at her in confusion.

"Sakura I would like if you didn't punch Naruto." Kakashi said making a pausing motion with his hand.

Sasuke was just standing there quietly, not saying anything.

"What the fuck!" She says and immediately grabs my hand where the ring is on my finger.
My eyes widen, horrified.

Fuck! I didn't want them to know it this soon!

"What is this ring?" She holds it in front of me like it's not my hand.

I glance at Sasuke  waiting for his approval,he just nods that I'm free to tell them.
Well I guess it was time to tell them right? Even though I wanted it more better, maybe during a dinner or something.

God how should I say it?
Hey I'm going to marry Sasuke beacuse we have been secretly dating for almost 1 year? Surprise!

That sounds stupid right?

"You are going to get married?!" She yells, I whince as my ears ring.

"Yes , you and Kakashi sensei probably heard the rumors. They were... well true." I look at their reaction Sakura jaw dropped and Kakashi just nodded.

I sigh and continue, it's so wrong to tell them like this.

"Sasuke and I have been dating for almost 1 year in secret. I proposed so we are going to get married." I finish as I feel like all the stress disappeared off my shoulders.

Sasuke shows his ring too on his hand, for proof.

I wait, seconds pass but they felt like hours had passed.

Sakura finally smiles and hugs me.
"I can't believe that you kept it as a secret from me! You idiot you should have told me!" She hugs me tightly crushing my bones.

"S-sorry Sakura chan." I hug her back, tightly. I am glad that she is happy for us.

"And do you guys plan to have a wedding ?
What kind of flowers are  going to be there? Where is the place the party will be?" She ask a lot of questions, and I suddenly freeze.
Too much questions that I can't give an answer.

"We haven't decided anything , we didn't even started planning." Sasuke finally talks too, saving me from this conversation.
I just smile at him and see Kakashi walking towards us he ruffles Sasuke hair.

He just winks at me and I smile proudly.
After all everything is amazing right now.

We hear a knock as Shikamaru and Ino steps in.

He looks up, they both stop in the door surprised seeing us here.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Ino asks, and I smile. It's great to see them.

"Ohhh nothing, just Naruto is getting married!" Sakura explains, with a loud scream.
Ino gasps and Shikamaru doesn't have any particular reaction. He probably expected it, not like I am shocked at it.

"What? What do you mean he is getting married? And to who?" She ask in disbelief, she probably didn't knew.

I laugh and put my arm on Sasuke shoulder and shows her our rings.

"Who would have guessed?" Shikamaru said in a monotone tone.

I laugh and Ino was happy for us.
It's great to share my happiness with my friends.

"So this one?" I look around in the house, it was nice.

Sasuke smiles and nods.

"Well one less thing we have to deal with." I say and grab him by the waist and pull him in a kiss.
I kiss him softly tasting his lips, we had so many things to do these weeks.

"I'm gonna go and talk with her about the papers. And we can move our things tomorrow already." I say and give a quick kiss and go out.

We bought our new house we are going to move our stuff in tomorrow. It will be good, it's one of the thing that we can cross from our list.

It has two bathroom one upstairs and one downstairs.
It has a beautiful big garden.

It's beautiful and the people around here are friendly and open minded. It's a great neighborhood.

It has been 1 months since we got back to Konoha and everybody knows about us already.
Words spread quick here.

We have been planning the wedding we already know where it's going to be.

It will be beautiful.


"As you may know Naruto and Sasuke are getting married. And they will need wedding gifts but there will be a mission on that time. So we are going to choose 8 people who can't go. And this is how we are going to do this.
Who buys them the best gifts can stay and party with them." I look around there was like 40 people and this isn't everyone.
I sigh, being a hokage is hard.

"Wait, you mean who will buy a shitty gift will have to go to the mission?" Ino ask, everybody looked around the room confused.

I nod, I didn't had a better idea. Naruto has way too many friends.

"You guys are all dismissed, have a great day." I smile and sigh.
This is going to be hell.

There is only 1 month left and there is still a lot of things to do. I sigh and go back to the tons of paper work that are waiting for me on my desk.


I was walking down on the streets I had to buy some groceries for lunch.
Naruto was studying since after a big lecture that he can't do things like this from Iruka, that he can't just disappear and then come back engaged.

Kakashi did let him continue, that was nice from him, so Naruto now has to study more.

So he is reading and trying to do learn how to be a Hokage.

He told me that he won't let things happen like with my clan. He won't let kids take care of such a big problems.

Like my brother.

He also said he won't let the elders have rights to choose and make rules.

I'm kinda satisfied with that, even if I still want to break their neck or watch them die slowly I will be satisfied with them not being able to decide things.

I wonder what would Itachi think? Or how he would react if I told him that I'm gonna get married.

I should stop thinking about him right?
It would just open the old wounds, they are healed but they only say that with time it will make it better,it's to give you comfort.

It doesn't get better, you just learn how to live with the pain.

I pick up some tomatoes and salad.
Of course cup ramen for Naruto, he deserves it of course.

I go to the cashier to pay.

"Anything you would like?" She asks with a genuine smile, I am not used to this.
When I came back they didn't treat me this way.

"No thanks, that would be all." I say and before I get out the door.

"Have a great day." I say and exit the store, it was all surreal for me.

I look down at the bag wondering if I missed out anything.

I accidentally bump into someone.

"Sorry." I apologize.
Naruto said that I should just apologize even though if it's not my fault.

It would make me look better in people's eyes, not like I care about their opinion.

"Don't even worry about it Sasuke." I hear my old teacher Iruka sensei say.

"Oh Iruka sensei, I'm sorry I was just looking down if I got everything for lunch." I say and bow politely. He smiles at me.

"I heard you two bought a new house. I haven't had the time to look at it." He said ,Iruka was always nice and he was very dear to Naruto. He had my respect, he was one of the very few people who were kind to Naruto when he was a kid.

"Oh yes, well you can come with me and take a look at it maybe even help Naruto with the Hokage studies." I say, I guess it wouldn't hurt if he came over.

Luckily the house isn't in the center of the village, it would be a big problem since it's always so loud here and crowded especially during the morning.

So it's very quiet and peaceful there. I like it there.
There is a pond in the garden and Naruto wants fishes in there.

I told him if he wants some we can go and buy.

"He is working hard then. That's good." He nods, I smile thinking back how much he was whining to me about the books they gave him.

We got there after two minutes.

"Oh this is a good neighborhood." He looks around, I agree.

"Hmm yes it's very peaceful and quiet." I explain him, it was quite nice yes.

I open the gates and let Iruka in first.
He looks around watching the flowers we had planted.

I get in first to say that we have a guest.
"I'm home." I shout and get my shoes off.

I show Iruka where he can put his shoes, I tighten up my fingers around the bag.
I was nervous, no one came over since we bought the house.
I walk through the hallway and see Naruto sitting in the dinning room, books and papers around him.

"Hey babe what's up?" He ask as he greets me with a quick kiss.
I smile and go to the counter to pack out.

As Naruto noticed he started smiling more widely.

"Ah Iruka sensei, I haven't seen you in a long time." He  smiles, he gets up and hugs him.

"Oh yes, I meet with your fiance he accidentally bumped into me and we talked about how you guys got a new house. He politely invited me and I was just had some free time." He looks around while explaining.

"Of course, do you want anything? A glass of wine or water?" Naruto ask as he puts his hand on my waist as I am still packing the groceries out from the bag.

"Aw you got me cup ramen Sas thank you!" He smiles widely, I smile hiding my face with my hair.

"A glass of water is fine." Iruka smiles, Naruto nods and walks to get a cup and fills it with water.

Naruto gives it to him, and sits down too. Placing his books away.

"So how is the wedding planning going?" He ask as he sips a little water.

"It's going good, we only need the food menu completely and the letters from everyone that they can come." Naruto said, I nodded.

"We also need the flowers from Ino she still needs to get a few." I correct him, as I place the vegetables in the fridge.

"So everything is going great. That's good I'm so happy for you guys." He says.

I smile and sit down next to Naruto he puts his hand on my thighs, he is going up and down not in an erotic way more like a soft gentle way.
Of course not right now, after Iruka leaves he will probably jump on me, I am wearing my tight long sleeved turtle neck shirt, he loves it.
He says that my waist looks good in it.

Naruto gave Iruka a house tour.He looks around like a little kid.

But Naruto is happy he loves to talk about everything- basically.
I listen to them as I start preparing lunch.
They walk around talking about the pictures we have around the house.

"You should stay for lunch!" Naruto says as he wraps his arm around me putting his head on my shoulders.
Giving little kisses on my neck.

I blush beacuse we have never been affectionate in front of someone.

"I don't wanna interrupt and I have to go back to the academy." He says from behind us, I push Naruto a little embarrassed.

"Aww I can understand maybe next time? Let me know when you can come over!" He says and like a gentleman he is ,he walks out Iruka sensei.

"Oh god this was refreshing, I haven't seen Iruka sensei in a long time I had missed him." He says and gives me a quick kiss on my lips before he goes back to studying.

I cook quietly listening to Naruto mumbling under his nose.
Probably he is cursing.

I'm getting used to cook with one arm sometimes it is really annoying and I drop things a lot.
But Naruto is helping me patiently most of the times, but I scolded him to study instead of helping me.

Beacuse I can manage on my own, I can be independent alone.

After some minutes he finally gave in and started to work.

I cut the tomatoes for the salad.

As I was waiting for the fish to be cooked .
I poured some water in a cup and put it in front on Naruto since I don't want him to forget to drink.

He looks up from the books and smiles thankfully.

"Thank you babe, god I hate this." He groans and puts his head on the table.

"You need to study Naruto you are going to be the Hokage, and if you don't do it you won't be able to change this place." I say as I rub his back in circles.

"Ugh you are right, but it's still shit ya know." He takes a sip of his water.
He looks at me and grabs my collar to bring me into a kiss.

I kiss him back as I put my hands in his hair pulling slightly his blonde hair.
We move our lips it's soft and gentle.

God, I love this man.

I pull away with a small smile.

"When you are done we have things to plan about the wedding." I say and go back to the fish.
It's already perfect, good.

"Okayy! I can't wait to marry you." He said teasingly.
I roll my eyes as I get the fish on a plate.

"Do you want my last name?" He ask and I stop, I did thought about it.

I don't wanna remember my past anymore so I decided that I will use his last name and forget about the Uchiha.

"Yes, I don't wanna use the Uchiha anymore it would be like a new beginning for me" I shrug nonchalantly like it wasn't a big deal even if it was.
It was a big deal for me, the last Uchiha wouldn't exist anymore.

The curse through my blood would disappear, and with that Itachi's name too.
My whole family and my clan, I am betraying them, but it's for the better.
My life would be better.

"If that's what you, Uzumaki Sasuke does sound good." He says and he tries saying a few times.

I roll my eyes, I finished lunch so we put the plates down to eat.

This is a long chapter, so I hope you guys liked it.
The next chapter is the last one!
