chapter 9

The crowd cheered and clapped for her. Lia was jumping backstage and as soon as hazel came back to the dressing room Lia hugged her tightly


"You were amazing" Lia exclaimed excitedly.

She mumbled a soft thankyou..

What she didn't know was this was just the calmness before the storm which has already startes brewing.....


Author's Pov...

The event was over and Ms. Joan was more than happy. She was also relived that the reputation of the college didn't spoil.

Hazel and Lia were in the parking lot. Suddenly Lia got a call and she left hazel beside her car not before telling her to not move.

"Excuse me " Hazel heard a masculine voice speak from her behind.

She turned around looking at nothing confused. Alexander looked at the timid girl . She looked cute. Fragile and timid. More like a scared little kitten.

"Yes? " She said. And he felt her voice like heavens.

"Well your singing was amazing" He said softly. He didn't wanted to scare the girl away. The next second he felt his heart getting out of his chest when she smiled at the compliment.

She looked cute as fuck and he just wanted to pull those cheeks and kiss the fuck out of her lips.

But he controlled himself and decided to introduce himself "I'm Alexander. Alexander North and as for your name I know it already. " He said.

She smiled softly at him trying not to embarrass herself and try being friendly completely forgetting about the guy who has made her life hell.

They started talking casually about normal things and likes and dislikes. She was waiting for Lia and just then she arrived.

" I'm sorry Hazel but I won't be able to drop since I need to reach hospital. Mom's health is not good so I gotta go"

Now Hazel was worried. She didn't know where Dylan was .

She was brought out of her trance when Alexander cleared his throat "Don't worry I'll drop her " Lia looked hesitant but nodded and went after bidding bye to both of them.

"So let's go to my car Ms. Hazel " He spoke smiling. His friend and sister long forgotten. Hazel nodded and both were about to go but before they could go a voice stopped them

"No need she comes with me and will go back with me"


Dylan was with Abigail when she saw Hazel talking with Alexander and an evil idea popped in her mind. She knows Dylan forbade Hazel from talking to any male. She smirked before saying

"Isn't that Hazel with Alexander dylan? " She asked innocently and that was enough for him to snap his head towards the direction she was looking


"No need she comes with me and will go back with me"

Dylan spoke and Hazel felt her blood drain out from her whole body and her body tensed while Alexander clenched his jaw.

"Am I right Hazel? " He asked Hazel with a hidden threat in his voice which said to not to deny him. Hazel gulped the lump forming in her throat before speaking

"Yes Alexander he is right. I don't wanna disturb you " As soon as she said it Dylan took her wrist in a painful grip and started dragging her not before sending a harsh glare towards Alexander.

When he was sure that they were far away he started dragging her more harshly.

she try to decrease his pressure on her wrist but it was of no use she spoke "Dylan walk slowly I will trip and fall" But instead he started dragging more harshly making her trip and stumble.

She winced and whimpered but it had no effect on him

Soon they reached his car and he opened the passenger seat and pushed her inside he closed the door with a thud and got inside the driver's seat himself.

He was burning in rage and he wanted nothing more but to punch Alexander on his face until he couldn't recognise himself anymore .

he was watching everything from afar how Alexander approached her and was trying to flirt with her.

What angered him more was that she was smiling laughing and talking to him very nicely.

his last ounce of patience broke when he offered her to ride with him and she agreed.

The atmosphere of the car was tensed and she could feel his wrath burning like a volcano inside him. Ready to burst out any second. She kept silent all the while.

As soon as they reached the mansion Dylan got out of his side and without wasting time started dragging hazel with him. She followed him silently.

As soon as they reached the living room he dismissed all the maids and chefs and ordered them to go home.

They all left but not before giving the look of sympathy to the girl who was trembling like a leaf.

"What were the rules" He asked. Her eyes widened. She completely forgot about them. And today she was talking to Alexander.

Getting silence as the answer his rage, anger, madness and irritation reached his peak and he shouted like an angry lion "WHAT WERE THE FUCKING RULES HAZEL"

She flinched at the loud voice. Her soul shook inside her body and her heart fell in the pit of her stomach. She took a deep to gather her courage and spoke

" ma.a.king f.fri.ends" She stuttered


"Fol.llow y.yo.our ev.ery"


"Ne.e.ver voi. Ice"


She thought for a while.

" to t.a.alk to.o any.n.yone. o.o.ther Lia. Sp.ecia..a.aly b.o.ys" She whispered because she knew this was where she was wrong but it wasn't her fault that he approached her.

He took steps forward and held her waist pulling her close. Burying his face in the crook of her neck he inhaled her intoxicating scent and spoke" And what did you do. Hmm? " His voice calm yet dangerous

"I disobeyed you" She croaked out.

"Yes you disobeyed me and don't you think you should get punished "

As soon as he uttered those words her world crumbled down in fear and anxiety.

Hmmm someone is in grave trouble...

Soo Alexander or Dylan..... Don't be to fast to choose you don't know Alexander... Yet😉🙃
{Spoiler alert}😗🤭

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Next update after 75+ likes and 5 more followers.. Complete the target get the chapter

Alsoooo the chapter is not edited so.....


Bye guyss

Take care

Luv Rosalia ❤️
