chapter 17

•'•'•What should I do?

I can't stand being so weak

While I force myself to cover my eyes

I need to bring an end to this love•'•'•

Hazel's Pov. 

“oh it’s okay. Is there icecream available in the freezer?” I expectantly asked hoping that there might be some. I really wanted to eat some.

“no dear” I groaned hearing her answer.

Not knowing why but my eyes watered and my lips twitched downwards. I nodded and made my way out of the kitchen only to bump into a wall. I rubbed my nose and was about to say something when I heard

what is happening here?”

It was none other than Dylan cooper

I turned around and now my eyes were probably on the door . I heard footsteps near me and the next second his cologne hit my nostrils making me realize that he was standing just infront of me

“ oh dylan actually hazel wanted to eat ice cream but sadly there is none left” I heard miss martin say.

Before anyone could speak anything I spoke “ its not an issue miss martin. When you go grocery shopping  please remember to buy it” I awkwardly looked here and there and then made my way out of the kitchen passing by him as 

I felt his aura radiating beside me but before I could completely step out of the kitchen miss. Martin’s words froze me

“Dylan why don’t you take her out to the icecream shop if you don’t have any other work right now”

I bit my lip thinking of what will Dylan answer

“I’m sorry miss martin but I have more important works than taking someone out for shits like these” Dylan spoke harshly

(a/n: lol to the people who thought he would get a icecream sorry to break your thoughts )

. I scowled hearing his answer but what more can I expect him.

To take me to the ice cream shop

Nope. A big no.

But I was not going to let him go just like this as I remembered Lia’s words

Fight  for  yourself

I turned back and probably now I was facing his back. Since he was facing miss martin.

I held his shoulders and harshly turned him around.


Author’s pov.

While Dylan was still facing miss martin he felt a hand holding his shoulder and turning him around harshly making him taken aback at her sudden action. 

He looked at her to find her glaring at him with those blind eyes. He was quite amused by her actions.

“you don’t have to take anywhere if you don’t want. No one is begging you” hazel hissed making Dylan and miss.martin’s eyes widen in shock. 

Moreover raw anger surged through Dylan when he realized she insulted him and that too infront of someone. His ego felt slapped harshly by her words.

“even if you want to go somewhere you can’t because I am not taking you” he hissed back with same intensity

“how will you even take me somewhere when I don’t want to go that to with you” hazel snapped pointing at him.

Dylan raised a brow “oh then with whom will you go with”

“we have enough drivers to drive a damn car if I want to go somewhere” hazel spoke sarcastically. Her moodswings were only making it worse and was not helping to keep her mouth shut.

“if I command them they wont take you anywhere” he spoke casually.

“no problem then I’ll call Lia” hazel gave solution to his words with a shrug and grinned widely at her victory . Dylan huffed in anger and stormed out of the kitchen leaving hazel alone. 

When hazel felt he was not there anymore a giggle left her lips as she also made her way out of the kitchen with a proud face. Proud on herself .

She made her way inside her room

“alexa call lia from contacts” she spoke as she picked up her phone.



Hazel heard lia’s voice and spoke

“lia  lets go out. I’m getting bored “ hazel whined at Lia making her chuckle

“ I’m sorry hazel I would have came but I have to urgently go right now to my granny’s house and  you know its far from here” lia spoke apologetically

Hazel pouted but sighed “okay then see you tomorrow”

“sorry hazel and bye”   


Hazel laid flat on her bed staring blankly  at the ceiling.


After half an hour

It was still she didn’t move from her place just laid like a statue. Just then there was a knock on the door. She sat straight on the bed and asked the person to enter

“hazel dear here is your icecream” it was miss martin who spoke.

Hazel’s eyes lit in excitement hearing her words

“thankyou so much for bringing it so early for me miss martin” hazel spoke sincerely as she thought it was miss martin who bought it

Miss martin shook her head and spoke “ no dear it wasn’t me who bought it was delivered by someone and there is a note on it too” miss martin spoke  clearing the doubts. Hazel nodded and asked her to read the letter

“hazel I couldn’t come because I had to go to granny’s home but as an apology I sent this for you . hope you forgive me. Maybe we can go out next time.

Your bestie lia”

Hazel smiled hearing the words as miss martin handed her the box and made her way out of the room.

Hazel didn’t wait anymore and opened the icecream box and started devouring the ice cream


On the other hand miss martin came out of the room and looked at the person

“I did as you told young master”

Miss martin spoke softly as she looked at the young man who looked anywhere but her. He gave her a curt nod and asked her to get back to work. Miss martin nodded  and chuckled internally at dylan’s tatics.

Yes it was Dylan who went to buy icecream or more precisely the whole icecream shop for hazel after he heard her conversation with lia.


Thirty minutes before

He was just passing by when he heard that lia speaking she couldn’t come because the phone was on speaker and the door was half open. He saw how hazel’s face turned ashen after lia told her she couldn’t come.

He sighed running a hand through his hair and went down taking his car keys as he made his way out of the mansion nd drove his car to the nearest icecream store.

 Getting a good stock of icecream boxes he made his way back to the mansion he made his way in the kitchen and to his relief only miss. Martin was present there. 

He gave her one box of icecream and gave her the paper in which a note was written . telling her the whole plan both of them made way towards hazel’s room. He saw how her face lit when she got the box of icecream.

 He shook his head with a small smile and made his way towards his room. Opening the diary which he has hid long time ago he took out the picture looking at it. a full blown smile made its way to his lips as he looked at the was of them at a fashion show when they were merely five or six

Only one thing running his mind which was a mess

“should I forget the past and move on?”

There were two answers to the question A yes and a no

He was also unknown to the answer.iF he decided to go with a ‘yes’ as an answer he felt as if he was not doing justice to his mother and if he decided to go with a ‘no’ hazel’s innocent eyes would steal the sleep of his nights.


Heyy guys

So here is the update. Fine you all were partially right that he got her the ice cream 🤣😉... But we can't still gush over him just right now. There's more to come. 

What will happen next? 

What fo you think Dylan should go with A yes or a no to his own question. 

Please vote comment and follow please🥺❤️. Also guys now I'm available on insta too. You can follow me there to I'll be really grateful. 

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Also the chapter is not editied so.. .... 

Bye guys

Take care

Luv Rosalia❤️
