chapter 6

Normal People have no idea how beautiful the darkness is..... 



She fell on the floor. Dylan who was walking stopped hearing the sound and turned around. His eyes widened watching Hazel laying there unconscious on the ground. 

Because of falling her front of the head hit the cemented floor and slight blood oozed our of it. 

He knelt down near her. 

"Hazel" He said as he patted her face trying to wake her up. His heart thuded wildly in his chest looking her face paler then ever . 

Without thinking twice he pulled her bridal style with him and took her inside the mansion. 


Dylan's Pov. [A/n : Surpriseeee]

Without thinking twice I pulled her up bridal style and took her with me inside the mansion to a room. I don't know why her fainting got weird feeling in my heart. 

I put her on the bed and covered her with duvet. I touched her forehead and felt it burning. I sighed. I went inside the bathroom and filled a bowl of cold water and took a towel from the bathroom cabinet. 

I went outside and sat beside her. Keeping the bowl on the nightstand I soaked the towel and squeezed it to remove the excess water from it. 

Then I gently kept it on her head and pressed it a little. All the while I observed her face the whole time. A red bruise forming her swollen cheek and busted lip. Dried tears forming marks till her hairline. 

My courtesy. 

There was a time where I couldn't see a drop of tear in her eyes and now? I was the reason she was in tears. 

I chuckled at the irony of the situation. But what can I do . She is the killer of my mother. 

Just the thought had me wanting to smash everything inside the room into peices but I controlled myself and took a deep breath. 

After putting the wet towel over her head for some more time. I brought the first aid kit and took out an ointment and with the rough pad of my finger I applied it.

Her brows frowned in pain and she hissed a little. I tried to apply it more softly Then I already was. After that I again covered her sith comforter and left the room. 

Leaving the mansion I locked the door and got in my car and went to the place which gives me peace the most. My Mom's graveyard

When did my life became so messed up. It was just like yesterday I was happy with my family and today here we are. 

All because of one person

One stupid stubborn act

One stupid act

Everything messed in my life. 

Every fucking thing. 

I reached the graveyard and walked towards my mothers and sat down putting my head on the grave I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath. I was going to cry. 

Don't cry my son I'll always be there for you. 

Don't forget to be a good boy

Always be a kind person

Help those people who are in need

I'm proud of you my son

Don't be sad maybe it's time for me to go. But I'm glad I watched Hazel's performance before I die

Always be strong and Remember I love you

Maybe I'm dying today but I will always be there in your heart. 

Take care of Hazel and your father after I........die.

Don't cry. Don't be broken its all in the destiny. 

Mom's words rang in my mind and all the anger all the frustration all the sadness came out through me in my tears. 

A sob broke through me as I remembered all the moments with my family. Which I loved the most. Which I cherished the most. 

Mom and dad bickering over little things and then asking me who is correct. Dad making up to mom by taking her on dinner dates when she is angry. 

Laughing at silly things. Eating Mom's hand made food. Buttering her to ask dad to buy me cars, bikes and what not. 

I cried. I was broken. Death of a parent is not easy not at all. I have a saw it. Death of a loved one or a person really close to your heart leaves you alone. 

After mom died I have seen dad smiling the least. Going on buisness trips more often and keeping himself busy with work to keep away the memories of his wife. 

I cried and cried. Letting out all that I have stored in. I stood up on my legs and wiped my tears harshly. This happened all because of two people

One our enemies

Two Hazel

I hate you hazel I hate you from all my body. 

You disgust me. 


Author's Pov. [A/n: finally my turn. Lol]

He was just thinking from one side of the situation. He was punishing someone who herself was broken. Even her parents died. Even she lost her sight but Dylan was too blinded by revenge to notice. It


He went inside his car and went back to the mansion where Hazel was resting. Parking the car he went inside the dark silent mansion. Switching on all the lights of the living room he went upstairs to the room. 

Opening the door without knocking he entered inside 



Hazel opened her eyes and tried to sit up groaning a little. Pushing her hands on the mattress she sat and took a deep breath. 

Closing her eyes she rested her head on the headboard to stop her head from spinning. It was pounding already. She after few minutes turned and sat straight putting her legs down the cold floor. 

Though it was summer but a cold shiver ran down her when her warm feet made contact with the cold floor. With difficulty she stood up and walked straight with tiny minnie steps in order to not stumble and fall. 

She knew the direction inside the  mansion pretty well. She remebers when dylan brought her hear to show her the mansion his father gifted. 

Obviously before the accident. She sigged at the memory and reached the door. What she didn't knew was she was pretty close to the door. 

As soon as she was about to touch the door knob the door itself opened with a bang giving her body a push and she landed on the floor with a thud sound. 


Dylan looked down to see Hazel on the floor groaning in pain. Without wasting time he made her stand and helped her sat on the bed. 

He checked her temperature with his hand and found it normal. All the while Hazel's doe like wide eyes were trained on his face. She was sure that where she was looking was the place where Dylan was Standing. 

Dylan could feel her gaze but chose to ignore it. 

"I.I.. W...a...a..n.n.t  to.. Go.o.o " She stuttered in a weak voice. Sure her fever has come down but she was dizzy and weak from not eating a grain of food or drinking a drop of water since morning and according to her it was past 6 in the evening since the room felt a little cold because of the light breeze. 

Dylan stayed silen and didn't utter a single word. Hearing no words and silence as the reply Hazel continued

"Ple.e.ease  Dy.y.ylan ta.ake. . I I wi.ll not tell anything to anyone I pro.o.mise "

"  I'm h..ere.. " She merely whispered this sentence but he heard it. 

Her eyes watered again when she felt him silent again. No answer came from hisouth but instead he took a step ahead making her shift back on the bed. 

No sooner he had her pinned on the bed with her hands above her head in his hold. Her eyes widened and tears which were accumulated in her eyes started to fall. 

He hovered over her and her bossoms touched his rock hard chest. She was breathing heavily taking in their situation. He leaned in closer near her lips. As soon as she felt his ho breath on her nose and turned her head to the side making the kiss which was going to land on her lips to land on her jaw. 

A son broke through her as she was all under his mercy. He went down to her neck all the while tracing the path with his nose. Making her shiver and the hair of the neck stand. 

He dipped his face in the crook of her neck inhaling the scent of her hair he bit softly at her shoulder making her cry in disgust. 

"You want to go home. Hmm? " He asked in a cold voice with his head still buried in her neck. 

She nodded not able to form words

"WORDS" He shouted near her ear. Making her tremble and shut her eyes. 

"" She choked out. 

"Hmm.One last warning. One fucking last warning. If you tell what happened today to anyone or what I ever do to you or if anyone comes to know it by any chance then even god won't be able to save you from my wrath. I will ruin you  and no one will be able to save you. I will break you that no one will be able to mend you. Write my words in your thick skull. Do. You. Understand. Baby? "

He asked menacingly and Hazle was a sobbing mess by now. 

" I pr.o.omise No.o k.know" She croaked. 

He chuckled darkly and bit her neck harshly making her scream in pain but she was too weak to struggle. Nibbling the skin of her neck between her teeth he gave it a lick making her shiver. 

Sucking the spot harshly he left the skin and spoke "Good.or else you know the consequences"

He left her hands with a jerk and stood up leaving the door closing it with a bang making her flinch

Flashback ended


Hellooo my dearies
How are you all?

Hope you all are doing good. Here's the update. Sorry for getting late....

Do comment your thoughts on the chapter. I love reading them❤️💖

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I'm already having another chapter in my draft but I won't update untill I get 45+ likes on the chapter

Complete the target and get the chapter. Something interesting is waiting for you all in the next chapter

Bye guys
Take care
Luv Rosalia ❤️
