chapter 16

•°•I feel it deep inside, I'm gonna lose the fight

Eventually I know that I'll be crossing the line

I try warning myself, 'cause I'm in need of help

Can't hold me back, already standing right at the edge

Out of control°•°


Dylan’s Pov.

Tears burned at the corner of my eyes as I remembered our beautiful relationship. Which is now destroyed. I threw the guitar on the floor as it made a thud sound

 I clutched my head in my hands Forget about destroyed it's not even there anymore. I hate her and what I have been doing with her. I'm sure she hates me too. 

Everytime I hurt her only one thing strucks my mind 

'Am I doing the right thing or am I doing wrong'

I shook the thought away immediately as I myself didn’t know the answer to the sentence. I sighed and laid straight on the bed looking at the ceiling blankly. After a while sleep consumed my eyes.

I groaned when I heard my phone ringing. Picking it up from the nightstand I looked at the caller only to find anton calling.


“your watchman isn’t letting me enter your house” he spoke annoyingly. I suddenly then remembered dad has appointed a new watchman and he doesn’t know Anton.

“wait” I spoke and cut the call. I got up from the bed stretching a bit . I could have easily asked anton to give the watchman the phone but what is the fun in that?

I will love to watch anton’s annoyed face when I reach downstairs towards the main gate I saw what I expected ‘anton standing at the gate while taping his foot restlessly on the ground restlssly’

I reached there and signaled the man to open the door. Anton glared at me before getting inside while I just smirked at his reaction. Soon we both were inside the dining room and I saw what I expected the least.

Hazel sitting there

I thought she won’t come down after our encounter but guess I was wrong. I just shook my head and headed towards the seat with anton following.

Miss Martin who was placing plates on the table

hazel might have heard our footsteps since she froze for a second and then gulped

 just then Miss Martin entered with a bowl in her hand. She smiled looking at the anton

"dylan, Mr. Romano please have a seat I was just going to serve dinner" she said softly.

Anton looked at miss martin and spoke" Please Miss Martin call me are elder than me" He said softly while I rolled my eyes

Miss Martin nodded and smiled softly at him. We both sat down on the prespective seats. All the while Hazel sat silently not doing anything. 

Anton looked at her knowing very well she knows he is here but still didn't greet him. He sighed and spoke "Hey hazel" ...

I smirked knowing very well she remembers her place and is still scared making me feel content

I  looked at her waiting for her reaction" hello"...she spoke softly.

The door bell rang and I frowned thinking of who might be there. I looked at anton to find him smirking t me and that moment I knew something was wrong

one of the maids from kitchen went to the door to open the door

 and my eyes widened as soon as I heard the voice

"DYLAN BABYYY" The voice screehed and I glared at anton with a clenched my jaw knowing very well why he did it.

He was taking revenge because I made him wait for fucking five minutes

This bitch

Abigail came with her little minion trailing behind her. I clenched my jaw when she hugged me from back and placed a kiss on my cheek

“how are you doing Dylan baby?”

She asked in a sweet voice. I wanted to cringe so hard but controlled my self and nooded . she sat beside me while brittany sat beside anton.

All the while I noticed hazel was silent and I am glad she was but Abigail decided to open her big ass mouth

 " Oh hey Hazel! I'm sorry I didn't notice you. After all even If I would have noticed I would not talk to a ugly person like you" 

She spoke innocently battling her fake lashes. I clenched my jaw and silently glared at anton who looked at me with a face which spoke that now even he is regretting the decision of calling both if these bitches here

I looked at hazel only to find her face neutral. I knew she was trying hard to keep her face neutral and was trying to control her emotions . I was about to say something but before I could Brittany cut me off and spoke

"Well well I guess with the pass of time she even became dumb. Because no one listens to her or more precisely she's not worth talking to that's why she decided to stay silent Also because"

I froze. She hit the weak nerve which was hazel’s blindness. I was about to shout at her but she beat me to it

"She finally realized she is just an Ugly. Damaged and useless bitch whom no one wants to know"

My head snapped in her direction and my eyes burned with rage. I then looked at hazel whose tears were ready to fall. My eyes widened and I was about to speak when again I was again cut off by another voice

"Well everyone is not like You Brittany" The voice spoke. My head  snapped in the direction of the entrance along with others.

Their stood Lia with her arms crossed across her chest. With a raised brow. She heard it. She heard everything. Now she will also think that I didn’t defend hazel purposely . she walked in and held Hazel's hand and started taking her somewhere when I  stopped her "Where are you taking her"

Lia faced me completely and spoke

" It shouldn't  Matter you Dylan where I'm taking her because she is an adult not a kid who is kept under your guardianship and you have to look after her so in short Its. None. Of. Your. Business "

Her words burned my insides and I was about to say something but Anton stopped him. 

Soon both of them were out of the mansions while I  kept looking at their retreating figure. I took a deep breath

“get out” I hissed lowly and all three heads snapped towards me. I looked at Brittany and Abigail pointedly and spoke again “get.out”

They understood that I was in no mood of argument so without saying anything they both scurried out.

As soon as they were out I punched anton straight in the jaw making him groan.

“fuck” he cursed and glared at me before spitting out blood. Good thing he admitted that he deserved it.

But still decided to speak

“dude please cofirm if you want to play revenge- revenge or you want to mend your relation with haze because I am fucking tired of this shit. Whatever those two said to hazel was really wrong and I would suggest you to take hazel to the hospital and consult a doctor about her eyes before its to late and you regret it”

 he spoke calmly and patted my shoulder before walking out the dining  room.

I banged my fists on the table making the dishes clatter and make sound

“damn it”


Hazel’s pov.

 I took a shower and came out of the bathroom closing the door behind me. I sighed as I felt my tiredness going away after the long relaxing shower. I sat on my bed and looked blankly at space.

(a/n: looked blankly doesn’t means that she is ‘looking’ it means she’s just blankly staring at nothing)

I got on the bed completely and rest my head back on the headboard and Picked up the phone from the nightstand

“alexa open voice recorder” I commanded over my phone.

“okay opening voice recoreder”

I turned on the recording and started to record my day in the recorder. This was my daily diary. I loved to record it and sometimes to listen to it to rewind past memories.

 It made me feel free. 

No one other than me could hear what I was saying and it gave me freedom to say good, bad , worse about anything or anyone and the best thing was the voice recorder wasn’t going to judge me, give me sympathy or  pity  on me.

It wasn’t going to see me crying, laughing. Hell it wouldn’t show a single action but would be with me in my good and bad and that’s all it matters. I felt a wait being lifted off my chest after I recorded it. 

Asking Alexa the time I got to know it was 4:00 pm. I suddenly felt wet. Too wet down there and It didn’t take me long to know that I was in one of  the best day of the month. I sighed in frustration.

 I hated my periods. Which girl liked it ? the worse part about it was the cramps and the mood swings. I got up from the bed before there could be stains on the sheets. 

Going inside the washroom I discarded my stained underwear before grabbing a new one and wearing a sanitary pad. Washing my hands I got out of the washroom and laid straight on the bed deciding to take a nap.

After two hours

Opening my eyes I sat straight on the bed. Sitting there for a few minutes to get the sleep out of my eyes I got up and washed my face and then proceeded to go out of the room

Going down the stairs I went to the kitchen where I could hear clattering and talking of the maids and it silenced as soon as I entered inside .

“hazel dear do you need something” it was miss. Martin who asked and I smiled at the direction  from where her voice came. I nodded and spoke

“yeah I needed chocolate bar”

“sure” I waited for a few seconds 


“sorry dear but there are no chocolates left” I could feel the sadness in her voice. I shook my head.

“oh it’s okay. Is there icecream available in the freezer?” I expectantly asked hoping that there might be some. I really wanted to eat some.

“no dear” I groaned hearing her answer.

Not knowing why but my eyes watered and my lips twitched downwards. I nodded and made my way out of the kitchen only to bump into a wall. I rubbed my nose and was about to say something when I heard

what is happening here?”

It was none other than Dylan cooper


Hey guyssss so I'm backkk with another update. How was it? 

What do you think will happen next? 

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Also if you have made asthetics, posters or book covers or anything you can send it to me.. If you don't use insta no problem you can mail it to me

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Also the chapter is not edited soo..... 

Bye guys

Take care

Luv Rosalia ❤️
