Chapter 24

Roma clapped her hands slowly as she laughed lightly before speaking “oh god. What a beautiful reunion of a son and his mother” she wiped the non-existent tears dramatically.

Abigail walked towards Dylan and traced her finger on his jaw “you know Dylan I have always been in love with you. And I assure you this step brother-sister relationship will never come between us we will get married and live happy life after we get rid of some disgusting people” 

Abigail spoke and pecked Dylan’s cheek. Dylan’s nostrils flared in anger as he tried to control himself. Abigail then stood up and spoke

“Now time to die” 

 With that said Abigail took out her gun and pointed it at the head of the person. Everyone around the room froze looking at whom she was pointing the gun at. It was none other than


Everyone looked shocked and at the same waited for Kevin’s reaction but to everyone’s utter confusion he was looking unfazed by it as if he knew this was going to happen. 

On the other hand Melisa closed her eyes as her tears flowed down her eyes falling on the marble floor. Indeed she also knew this was going to happen after all both the couple did this to keep hazel and Dylan safe.

Again an evil laugh bubbled from Abigail’s mouth as she enjoyed the condition everyone was in.

“Shocked? I see” she spoke and nodded as she looked at everyone’s expression.

“You all are going to die anyway so it’s no use of keeping the secret within me and mom. After all you all have the right to know before you take this secret to your graves.”

She turned and looked at her mom who was already looking at her “mom why don’t you do the honors to say the truth”

Her mom nodded and started to speak “so I and Kevin were best friends from college. I loved him but he didn’t reciprocated my feeling I didn’t wanted to destroy our friendship so I decided to bury my feelings but then this bitch Melisa came as a new student in our college and Kevin started loving her the day he saw her. He started spending more time with her rather than me. Our movie nights were destroyed because he has to go on dates with her. Our club pans were ditched because he wanted to spend nights with her and just day by day the feelings I buried scratched and I knew that I had to have Kevin by hook or by crook.”

 She completed the Para with a dry chuckle. The room was now dead silent. Nothing can be heard but just the deep heavy breathings of everyone there

“I tried everything. Every damn thing but nothing worked and finally the day I dreaded the most came. Kevin proposed Melisa in front of the whole college and she also accepted the proposal. I saw everything that day from afar and my insides burned knowing he couldn’t be mine.”

After that day I started plotting my plan on how to get him to myself and I did. On the night of the graduation party I drugged him and made him have sex with me” she spitted not even ashamed of what she was saying.

"I did thought after I drugged him and made love to him he will accept me but the other morning was completely opposite from what I thought. Instead of accepting me he humiliated me and called me a slut who only wanted him for money. He degraded me and my feelings and left. Left. Leaving me alone to deal with myself. “

Roma glared at Kevin who glared back with the same intensity knowing it was never his fault.

"After a few months I found out that I was pregnant. Again a hope of light came into my life. I thought maybe. Just maybe for the sake of the child he will accept me and so I went to his mansion and told him everything in front of Melisa. What shocked me was he clearly denied saying the child wasn't his and dragged me out of his mansion leaving me alone"

"Tell me what my fault was?” She asked innocently.

(A/n: yeahhhhh bishhh it wasn't your fault. Not at all. )

Lia gulped down knowing the woman needed help.

"Him being the billionaire nothing was kept secret and just two days later I found the news of Melisa being pregnant with his child and that was the last straw" She looked a Dylan with fire burning in her eyes.

"That was the last straw. That day I decided to take everything away from him whatever belonged to my child. The state, the property, the love of a father. Everything. EVERYTHING BELONGED TO MY DAUGHTER. NOT HIM!!!! “She screamed the last part breathing heavily.

"The love of a father, the luxury, the happiness everything belonged to Abigail not him" She pointed at Dylan who was just too numb

“I waited for Abigail to grow. To be mature enough and then I told her everything. Each and everything that happened and she supported me. “Roma spoke slowly opening the stitches of their plan.

"Two years ago on the day before Hazel's concert I went to meet Kevin and Melisa. Dylan and Hazel were not at home and that was good enough for me" A cynical smirk appeared on her face as she continued

“I threatened them to make Melisa go to the concert because that was the initial starting of the plan. The day of the concert when the accident happened hazel was unconscious and that was the time my people kidnapped Melisa and brought her to me. All the time Kevin was just a puppet to my words. He did what I told because he wanted his wife safe. And then we made a deal"

" The deal was I will keep Melisa safe and just when Dylan and Hazel will be eligible to sign for themselves the property they owned I will return her back to Kevin and then the family can live happily on the roads for all I care" She spat.

She then turned to Hazel and spoke” And yes Hazel everything your uncle spoke was just a part of the plan"

Hazel's head was spinning badly. She didn't know what to say and what not too. She was numb. Her ears were ringing.

“You know why I did so because I wanted Kevin to feel how it feels when someone plays with your emotions. I enjoyed how all your expressions were when he said he was the reason behind her blindness and that Dylan was not his son" She shrugged.

“Even if for a short time I enjoyed how every time a hurt expression would cross over all the faces when he would say something venomous. So yeah this was the whole deal. I Separated Kevin and Melisa for two years threatening the life of their dear children and I enjoyed every bit of it watching how Melisa cried every night. How every time I would meet Kevin and see desperation in his eyes to know if his dear wife was fine or not"

“In all now we are balanced and I am in peace"

She clapped her hands and Abigail nodded. The gun on Kevin's head moved as she pulled of the safety and touched the barrel of it on his head.

Bang!!! !!

A loud sob escaped Melisa’s mouth as she closed her eyes as soon as the gunshot rang in her ears. She didn't have the courage to see the love of her life laying dead.

"ABIGAIL!!!” A shrill sound had everyone's head snapping towards the voice and they froze.

There was Abigail lying dead on the cold floor with a bullet between her eyes.

Roma ran towards her without wasting time as she knelt down beside her daughter holding her face in her hands patting her face as if she will wake up by doing so


When she didn't Roma stood up like a raging bull and looked around to find the person who shot her dear daughter.

“Enough with the drama bitch. How dare you destroy my parents wedding anniversary”

Everyone's head snapped towards the stairs as they saw none other than Alicia North standing there with a gun in her hand with a frown on her face.

“How dare you kill my daughter? You pathetic slut" She screamed and Alicia clenched her jaw. She was just in her night dress with a messy bun over her head. Now who would sleep during a celebration and that to at their parents own anniversary. Truth to be told Alicia loved her parents to the moon but sleep is the thing which overpowers everyone.

She did everything she could to get up before the celebration. Putting alarm that would ring after every fifteen minutes but it went in vain the moment she putts of the first alarm that rang and turned off her phone.

Now she woke up to some noises. She was not a fool to just run out to see who it was and so she hid behind the pillar above the stairs and heard everything that was said from Kevin's confession to roam’s shit and now she was pissed. 

Damn pissed. And Alexander knew a pissed Alicia was never good and so the result was in front of them.

Roma in anger didn't notice that she was unarmed and furiously marched towards her who stood on the stairs. 

Alicia waited patiently as she reached the stairs. And now she was standing just a stair away from Alicia as her height automatically looked short because of the difference in the stairs.

Alicia looked at the woman blankly. Roma raised her hand to slap her but before she could Alicia held her hand and jerked it back harshly making roma loose her balance as she shrieked. 

Everyone gasped as they saw roma's body tumbling down each step of stairs until reached the end and fell limp.

Anton, Dylan and Alexander didn't waste time and overpowered the guards whose leaders were now lying dead as they killed each one of them one by one.

One after the other gunshot was heard until it was dead silent. Melisa didn't waste any time as she ran hugged Dylan crying looking at her son. 

She kissed his face repeatedly and Dylan was in the same spot not wanting to get away from his mother's embrace.

“Why the fuck were you listening to the drama when you could have easily killed them before just like you did now?" Alexander growled at his sister who rolled her eyes and spoke "Didn't you see brother how half truth is so dangerous" She spoke while looking at Dylan and then looked at Alexander “This is the reason I waited for the whole truth to come out" She shrugged.

Everyone stood up slowly from the kneeling position. Lia limped towards hazel and softly hugged her. Hazel couldn't control herself as she cried silently in her embrace. 

Lia stayed silent as she knew how much hazel needed this. She just stood there hugging her and soothing her hair. She could feel hazel still shaking with maybe fear. Lia was scared to but sometimes you have to be strong for your loved once even when you are weak.

Slowly she detached herself from lia and wiped her tears. A shaky breath escaped her lips as she took a deep breath and spoke the sentence Dylan was dreading the most

" I want to come with you Lia. I couldn't live at that same place anymore. After knowing the truth if I went to that place again. I will die. I will die because of suffocation”

Lia nodded eagerly. This is what she always wanted. To take Hazel with her and at least let her live a peaceful life.

They went away

This time Dylan couldn't stop her.

Not by force

Not by pleading

Not by Manhandling her

Because now it was too late.


heyyy guys here is the chapter and book 1 officially ends here. if you want to read book 2 go to my account and follow me to get updates on the published book. i gave book 1 an open ending for those who wanted it to end in book 1.

if you want to read more. stay tuned. also if you enjoyed the journey. do give this book a star.

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I would love to see my old and loyal readers in book 2 too. See ya

follow me on insta to guys. lin in the bio. dm me a hii and we can be friends

Ps: book 2 is published

bye guys

take care 

luv Rosalia❤️

