Chapter 21

°Every time I close my eyes

Oh, I always see those eyes

So I wanted to forget

All the pain since we first met

If this isn’t real

 someone wake me from this dream•°•


Hazel's Pov. 

“What are you doing” I really didn’t want anyone to see us like this. God knows where lia disappeared leaving me here to deal alone.

 I bit my lip when I got silence as his answer. I sighed in tiredness leaning back on the couch as I closed my eyes

But my eyes shot open when I heard the sound of gunshots


As soon as the gunshots were heard hazel flinched hard and held dylan’s hand. On the other  hand dylan froze. 

As if getting in his senses again he got up and took out his gun from his waist band but a tight grip on his wrist made him look back only to find hazel holding his hand tightly looking around fearfully. 

He held her hand tightly making her tensed body relax.

“come” was the only word he spoke before he started to drag her with him towards the back door of the mansion but before he could the whole place was surrounded by men wearing blacksuits pointing guns at them.

Just then a man spoke


“I need all the guests out of the party leaving the family members and these couples” he spoke pointing gun at hazel and Dylan.

 Dylan clenched his jaw in rage as he pushed hazel behind him. The guest left fearfully without any delay not glancing at the men or at anyone.

 Soon the mansion was closed and Dylan, hazel, mr. and mrs. North. The dead silence in the living room was broken when Alexander and mihaela were dragged by few of the men inside.

“leave her” Alexander kept growling at the man who was dragging mihaela by her hair while she was crying. Both of them were pushed on the ground .

One of them pointed a gun at mihaela’s hed and spoke “ unarm yourselves” as he pushed the gun on her head more making her whimper . 

Dylan slowly bent down and kept his gun down pushing it forward. One of the man took it from the ground and went back to his position.

“Hold them”

The head of the men ordered making his men to come into action. One of them held hazel by her upper arm who was standing behind Dylan and pulled her back


Before Dylan could complete his sentence he was also held by two men and was pushed down on his knees. Other men did the same. Now everyone was on the ground with each man pointing gun at their head.

“what the fuck do you want?” Alexander growled getting a punch on his face in return making him groan as he cursed under his breath.

Hazel was silently crying while still grasping the situation. She struggled making the man push his gun more into her head

Just then the door of the main gate slammed opened making the three couples head snap towards there direction. 

The person stood there all in his glory. As everyone froze looking at the person at the entrance. 

Only one whisper left Dylan's Mouth


There stood dylan’s dad Kevin with a cruel smirk on his face as tucked his both hands inside his pant pockets. Dylan couldn’t belive his eyes.

 The person in front of him was complelty unrecorgnisble to him. The man looked like a total monster.  The person who just gave warm smiles was giving a clever aura around  

At that moment they couldn't understand a thing. All looked at kevin with confusion adorning there faces

"Dad you are behind all this " Dylan spoke confused gesturing to the now deadly cold environment.

Kevin just smirked in response and spoke " What do you think son? "  He asked with a sickly sweet smile making him cringe.

" Well yes I am behind all this since I wanted to surprise you all"

All the while hazel was frozen. She couldn't believe that he was the same person who always comforted her when Dylan said something disrespectful to her or tried to bully her And here he was sounding so psychotic

"Uncle what are you saying? "  She asked confused.

SHUT UP " He suddenly shouted making everyone flinch. He moved towards her and then  

He took out his gun and hit her head hard with it making her head turn to the other side. 
Everyone gasped looking at his inhuman behavior with her


Blood gushed out from the cut trailing down her cheek as more tears fell from her eyes and a wince left her lips. She looked down. Her tears soaking her puffy cheeks.

He squeezed her cheeks making them pucker out. Dylan looked at the scene unfolding in front of him with stunned eyes.

"Why are you doing this kevin? " This time it was Mr. North who asked the question. Kevin let out an evil laugh and spoke.

"Well well. Let me just tell the truth since no one is going out alive from here leaving me. So the truth goes to the grave with you all" He shrugged and then asked one of his men to bring a chair he sat on it like a king and then spoke

" Well from where should I start" He kept a finger on his chin and spoke like an innocent child.

" Hmm. Well the thing is I'm here only for one thing and that is North's sign on the property papers naming them on my name" He grinned darkly. While the north family looked at him with wide eyes.

"I already have Hazel's sign on her parents property papers which they named under her name while they were taking there last breath in the hospital after the accident. From all fucking years till now I let this orphan live in my home so that I could get her sign of hers on the property papers. "

"Well her parents had a pretty large empire and they left her to me thinking I will kindly give her , her share of empire after she is capable of handling it. Those idiots thought I will give her everything like a good person but why should I. I was the one to take care of it then I should deserve it for the whole of my life" 

He spoke madly. Rage swirling his eyes. Hazel couldn't speak her word. It was as if her mind has went into the state of shock. 

"I did everything that could make her blind so that i won't have to hand her the empire knowing the share holders wont aprove for a blind girl as their head. I went to a doctor asking and bribing him to give me a drug that could make her blind and he did. He gave me  the answer that Swallowing an aspirin every week could triple your risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) which meant she can go blind
I always made sure it was mixed in her food everyday away from miss. Martin's eyes." 

Dylan's eyes widened hearing it as he looked at his father with rage in his eyes. He couldn't belive he uad called this disgusting man dad for years. Kevin continued

"Just one thing was bugging me and that was if she goes blind suddenly Dylan won't stop investigating on the matter untill he reach the right conclusion but gess what luck was on my side. She asked mellisa [Dylan's mom] to go with her to the concert and that was the best way to finish both of them."

"Both of them" Dylan whispered but kevin heard him

" Yes both since I wanted your mom to die so thatI could marry my girlfriend whom I have loved for years but couldn't marry since I was forced to marty your mom" Kevin spoke with disgust lacing his voice. Dylan's eyes filled with tears hearing his father's words.

Just how could he speak like this about his dead mother

" The accident which which happened that day was planned by none other than me. When I got the news that both hazel and mellisa were in hospital i rushed there only to know that mellisa died but hazel survived. "

"I was about to ask the doctor to remove the oxygen mask from her face also but then he told me she had become blind but not because of the accident. Again I had to bribe him to to say that she became blind because of the accident " 

He chuckled at the end. His eyes shining with a evil glint. A loud sob left Hazel's lips as she closed her eyes

" You are a psychopath " She screamed on top of her lungs. 

" That I am sweety. That I am"

Dylan couldn't belive his ears. It was as if his ears will bleed hearing all the bad things. All the time he was tormenting hazel for no reason.

 She was just a card his father played in this game of money. A lone tear left his eyes as he remembered every torture he did to hazel. One thing was confirmed she was not going to forgive him ever. Not in this life

Kevin then clapped his hands" Okay if we are done with the whole truth then it's time for you all to die." He removed the safety from the gun and pointed it at Hazel's head.


Hazle closed her eyes. That's it. This was her end and she was happy for it she didn't wanted to live anymore. She was tired of all these things. All the pain. All the torment.


And a gunshot rang through the dead silent mansion followed by Dylan's scream  making everyone's breath hitch





Heyyy guys so here is the update. How was the plot twist hmm? Did you all like it. Poor hazel what do you think happened to her. Do tell me in the comments. 

 My dearest loyal readers made me realize in the last chapter how much depressed I was sounding on not getting stars on the chapter... Now I don't even care since I have them 🥺❤️❤️....

Silent readers can go to hell for all I care 🤭

Next chapter will be up when I write it
Few questions ⬇

What do you think happened with Lia?

What do you think happened with Anton?

What do you think happened with hazel? Did she got shot?

Thoughts on Kevin?

Also nowwww the most awaited part starts and that is..... Dylan's regretting part. I'm gonna make him pay for what he did to Hazle😏😏 ......

Ufff I myself am giving you all spoilers for the next part. I'm a good author Aren't I 🤭🤭

Okay that's enough I guess.

Do vote comment and follow❤️🥰

Write loads of comments I'll be waiting eagerly. 

Also follow me on Instagram guys. Please . Link is in my bio or simply type me a hii and we can be friends.

Also the chapter is not edited so.....

Bye guys
Take care
Luv Rosalia❤️
