Chapter 23

•°•I like being alone, 

because I should be true to myself

Like the flowing wind

Like the stars above the clouds

I want to go far away, 

I want to shine brightly°•°


Author's Pov. 

Now let me introduce you all to my real family." He smirked and asked one of his men to bring them inside. Everyone’s heart thudded wildly in their chests as they all looked at the entrance of the mansion door. 

The door was slammed open and two people entered inside. Everyone froze as soon as they recognized one of the people.

“No it can’t be” Dylan mumbled still in a state of disbelief looking who was in front of him.

There stood Abigail with a sick smirk on her face

Everyone was stunned looking at Abigail. Meanwhile 

hazel was confused because obviously she didn’t know who was standing there. 

Abigail noticed it and her smirk widened looking at the confused hazel. She leisurely walked in followed by none other than her mother. 

Everyone saw her mother and Abigail was a typical carbon copy of her mother. Same eyes. Same hairs. Even the bitchy aura they carried was same. Dylan clenched his jaw looking at them. 

He saw some difference in his dad and frowned. Something was not at all right. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. He saw how Abigail gave him a flying kiss making him cringe. 

She walked past him and now stood directly in front of a kneeling hazel who had no idea what was going on. Abigail bent down as she placed her hands on her thighs looking sickly at hazel. She tapped her nose twice making hazel flinch

“How are you doing hazel?” she now stood straight as the words left her mouth

Hazel froze. Her body went numb as finally everything started clicking in.

Let me introduce you all to my real wife and daughter

Abigail was Kevin’s daughter.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and released a shaky breath. She couldn’t understand what to feel. One part of her wanted to feel anger for what Dylan did to her. One part wanted relief that she wasn’t the reason of Aunt Melisa’s death.  

A lone tear left her eyes. She was abused mentally and physically both for no damn reason. She slept with nightmares by her side. Cried every night. For what. No reason. She just felt like a toy that was used and tossed by people.

 A chuckle left Abigail’s mouth as she saw the tear left her eyes.

Roma who was apparently Abigail’s mom marched towards Kevin and gave him a hug after pecking his cheek. She stood beside him with a smirk. Her eyes twinkled with an evil glint in them.

Abigail stood up when she got silence as an answer to her question and then walked away standing in the middle of the hall.

She twirled around looking more sadistic as she spoke”finally.every company, every property. Everything is mine and only mine.” She spoke and clapped excitedly. Her screechy voice made everyone flinch while roma smiled lovingly at her daughter. After all this was all done by her for her only daughter. 

“Yes my baby this all is yours and only yours” she spoke darkly. Lia closed her eyes to control her temper. This was now getting too much. She couldn’t even imagine what her best friend might be going through right now.

 Just because of some stupid selfish assholes she was suffering. She glanced at hazel only to find her blind eyes helpless and emotionless. This was the thing she feared the most.

 Lia knew now there was no turning back. All this has made a deep hole in hazel and it cannot be filled again no matter what. She tried everything she could to keep her happy to not let her fall in the pit of depression but today nothing was in her hand everything. 

Every damn thing slipped out of her hand. Now no matter what she does nothing can heal the deep wound.

“Now only one thing is left” roma spoke as a smirk came up on her face.

“Ahh I have a surprise for you all. You want to see” she spoke as she looked at the faces which had distress written all over. Dylan groaned inwardly he didn’t have any energy left to face what is next. 

Roma raised her hand and snapped her two fingers in front of a guard who immediately nodded and left from the front door. Everyone’s eyes followed him as he moved out. 

The whole hall was filled with silence and the next moment he came back. The sound of footsteps had everyone’s head snapping in the direction. Everyone froze looking who as standing there with the guard.

Dylan’s throat dried as his eyes moistened looking at the person


Only a mere whisper left his mouth as he looked at the old lady who was held by the guard in a death grip with gun on her head. Her wide fearful eyes looking around. Dylan couldn’t believe his eyes. 

He for a second thought he was hallucinating. His mom stood right in front of his eyes after two damn years that he thought he would never see again. 

The tears formed in his eyes as an overwhelming sensation gripped him. A huge ball of lump formed in his throat. His mind was in turmoil. This was too much. Way too much to take in. his mind was a mess

Hazel heard Dylan’s whisper pretty clearly and her shoulders stiffened in shock as her lips parted in disbelief.

Others were just looking at the scene enfolding in front of them with stunned eyes. Soon enough mellisa was also made to kneel. She looked at Dylan who was looking back at her with tears in his eyes. Mellisa’s tears started falling as she sobbed

“Dylan my child” she kept looking at him and why not she was looking at him again after more than 2 damn years.

“Mom” Dylan whispered again as mellisa cried even more. Her ears were longing to hear that word from so long. Only she knows how she lived for two years without him. Her only child.

 Missing him every day. Crying and begging the two bitches who stood there to just show him his picture but no. she was kept in a plain white room with no pictures. No furniture but just a bed and a washroom.

 Clearly she hadn’t even had a glimpse of her son for past two years. It was as if even the walls of the room started torturing her. Mocking her of her loneliness, of her deprived freedom, of her weakness.  

She was going mad from time but only one hope kept her alive that one day she will meet her son. And today she had a weird relief in her heart and that was even if she dies today she would die happily as she has finally seen the face of her son for whom she has longed. 

Without thinking twice she stood up to run and hug Dylan but before she could her arm was caught in a death grip she looked at the owner who was holding her hand and saw Kevin standing there with an emotionless face















 “just on-n-ce”

She begged and struggled harshly but Kevin just shook his head and pushed her down on the floor. She closed her eyes and sobbed.

Dylan clenched his jaw. The man in front of him was nothing but his enemy now. The worst person in his life and he hated him to the core.

Roma clapped her hands slowly as she laughed lightly before speaking “oh god. What a beautiful reunion of a son and his mother” she wiped the non-existent tears dramatically.

Abigail walked towards Dylan and traced her finger on his jaw 

“you know Dylan I have always been in love with you. And I assure you this step brother-sister relationship will never come between us we will get married and live happy life after we get rid of some disgusting people” 

Abigail spoke and pecked Dylan’s cheek. Dylan’s nostrils flared in anger as he tried to control himself. Abigail then stood up and spoke In  a sing song tone. 

“Now time to die”





Yeahh guys I can imagine your stunned faces. Soooo how was the surprise. Hmm? 

yeah Dylan's mom is alive

I'm sure you all didn't expect this to happen right? 

Well well hold onto your phones tightly since there is more to come. What do you think will happen next?? 

Some questions ⬇

Will hazel die?

Will mellisa die?

Will kevin die?

Will dylan be able to save hazel?

Who will win?

Follow me on insta too if possible. Link in my bio or simply type author_rosalia. Dm me a hii and we can be friends. 

Will be waiting eagerlyyyyy for your votes and loads of comments and follows.

Bye guys

Take care

Luv Rosalia❤️
