Chapter 19 (Hawks)

I can barely think as I run about, searching for my son. If he got away, where would he have gone? Come on, brain, think! I need to find him. As I search, I come across multiple Commission workers who seem okay, but many more who are in conditions so bad that I can barely even recognize them.

I find Miran, one of the few Commission employees who I consider a friend, in the support room, clutching his illusion extender as if his life depends on it. He's asleep, passed out from what seems to be quirk exhaustion, but ultimately alive. If I had more sense than panic, I'd probably call for someone to come get him, but instead, I shake the rainbow haired man awake. I need to know if he saw what happened to my son.

"H-hawks?" The man asks groggily, his eyes opening to a shade of light blue. He slowly sits up, setting the toggle looking support item to the side. "Did I save them?"

I don't know who all he tried to protect, but there were definitely plenty of people who were slowly getting up as I passed. Each one got bombarded with questions from me on if they saw Kaito, but none of them had which worries me more. "There are a lot of lower Commission employees who are slowly waking up, but Miran, I need to know, did you see what happened to Kaito?"

Miran shakes his head. "Kai was in the support room with me when it happened. I practically shoved his choker into his hands and told him to run for his room, that I was setting up an illusion barrier to protect as many people as I could. Unfortunately, I don't remember anything after that."

"Fuck!" I growl.

Miran watches me closely, his eyes shifting from light blue to red. "He's a strong boy, Hawks. Just trust that he'll be okay."

As a hero, I have to work on evacuating the building, so I send out my feathers to get everyone out, including those who seem dead, just in case they are able to be saved. As my feathers move people, I continue to search the building for Kaito, but it becomes increasingly obvious that he's not there.

The final room that I enter is the main meeting room. I've been avoiding it this whole time in fear that Kai could have been in there and severely hurt.

Inside what's left of the room, I'm not as upset as I thought I'd be, seeing the President and Vice President of the Hero Commission crushed under the rubble. They deserve it for everything that they've done to Kaito and I.

As I stand there, trying hard not to break down again, I try to think of where my son could have gone if he was able to escape. Of course, why didn't I think of home. He has a key in case there's ever a situation where he has to go home without me, so maybe, just maybe, he'll be there. Without thinking any further, I launch myself out if the massive hole in the building and fly home as fast as my wings will carry me. Please be home, Kai. Please. Momma needs you to be home when he arrives. I don't know how much longer I can hold out from panicking again. I've never not known where he was. Kai has always either been at school or the Commission building, or home with me. He's never been just gone.

The apartment door is locked when I arrive, so I fumble for my keys, begging the entire time for Kaito to be stretched out on the couch when I get inside, but he's not. The keys drop from my hand as soon as I recognize that no one has been in the apartment in over a week. Just to be certain, I send feathers to search. If Kai is here, he'd grab one and come out to find me, but all of my feathers come up empty. Where's my boy? I can't handle this pain and fear.

Without anywhere else that I can think of to check, I pull out my phone to see how Touya’s search I'd going. I have no idea where he went, and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep myself stable while I'm completely alone. My home screen makes me pause as I gently run a finger across the image of Kaito’s face staring back at me. The picture is fairly new, one that Kai insisted on us taking and making the home screen on all three of our phones. Touya is smiling, actually smiling, brightly as he does his best to hold both Kaito and I close to him. I'm standing to Touya's right, and Kai stands in front of us, trying not to block either of our faces with his wings. We're all smiling because we can finally be together, and I desperately need that back. My baby can't be gone. I need to find him.

I finally find the courage to pull up the phone application, about to click on Touya’s contact, when my phone starts ringing. Due to being a hero, I have multiple precincts in my contacts, and the number appearing on my phone belongs to the one processing all the villains from the Liberation Army raid. What could they be fucking calling me for while I'm frantically trying to find my son. I'm sure whatever they're calling for could fucking wait.

With a disheartened sigh, I click accept, knowing that I can't ignore the police just because I want to find my son. No matter how much I want to ignore it, I have to answer.

"You've reached Hawks, how can I help you?" I ask in what Touya has jokingly called my customer service voice.

The officer on the other end of the line sounds exasperated. "We have a kid here from the villain raid, but he won't talk. The Commission has you listed as one of the heroes with knowledge of sign language, is there any way we can get you to come translate for us? We're trying to find out who the kid's parents are because he seemed more like a hostage than a member."

I'm doing my best not to start hyperventilating again. A kid who won't talk? "Can you describe the kid?"

I can hear the woman's confusion as she answers me. "White hair, massive blue wings."

My sigh of relief is definitely audible to her, but I don’t care right now. Kaito is okay, and the police found him. "I'll be there as fast as I can."

I don't even bother locking the door on my way out of my apartment, too focused on getting to my son. It takes me far less time to get to the precinct than it usually would from my apartment, and I don't stop running until I reach the desk. If I didn't need to ask where to find him, I probably wouldn't have even stopped then.

Before I can even speak, a dark haired woman walks into view and calls out to me, waving for me to follow her. I'm anxious, having to walk at the same pace as the woman, but it'll only be a little while longer. He'll be back in my arms soon enough.

As soon as the door to the room Kaito is in opens, I literally fly to him and wrap my baby boy in my arms, using my wings to shield out any unwanted intruders. My baby is back in my arms, and no one is going to take him away again. No one.

I don't know when either of us started crying, but I notice that we both have moist spots on our shoulders after a while. He must have been so scared, being taken to a villain hideout, then dragged to a police station to be questioned. I know how police can get if you don't answer them verbally, so the yelling that I'm sure he had to endure probably added to his stress levels.

I haven't released him yet to assess him for any damage, just choosing to hold my son tight, swearing to never let him go again. I'm afraid that if I let go of him, it will have been a dream, and I'll wake up to find that he's still missing.

After a while, I feel someone try and shift my wings apart, so I harden them so that whoever it is will cut theirself rather than succeed in separating me from my son. It takes Touya calling out to me, to realize that it's my love wanting to get in here with us, wanting to clutch our baby boy as close as I am.

When I spread my wings enough for Touya to slip in and join us, I can see his eyes misting up. I can tell that he's been holding his emotions back this entire time, and now, seeing our boy safe and sound in my arms is enough for his worries and fears to finally surface and be released in the form of tears.

As weird as it may be, I find myself smiling at the tears in his eyes. Since his reconstructive surgeries, he hasn't cried, and I've been worried that his tear ducts could still be inoperable, but now, he's showing the results of the surgeries that the Commission had him go through. It may be an odd thing to focus on, but now that we're back together, as a family, I can focus on something other than the pure terror that I felt while he was missing.

Next chapter will be posted on TheWriterShikari787's copy of the story.
