Dick opened the door for Cassie, "Ladies first."

"Such a gentleman," she winked at him.

He chuckled and followed her inside. They both made their way to Cassie's typical room and set their things down.

"Let's unpack later, I want to see the boys," Cassie said, tapping a few times on her watch.

Dick nodded, "Think they are downstairs?"

"Mm, they were but they are heading up the elevator now," she smiled at him and grabbed his hand. "Come on."

Dick pulled her closer, and gave her a deep kiss. She hummed into it.

He pulled away and sighed, "No more peace and quiet with just the two of us."

Cassie laughed and pulled him out of the room into the main sector as the wall opened up.

Tim was the first one out of the elevator. Jason following.

"Cassie! Dick!" Tim cheered and rushed over to them, his arms open wide. The adults both chuckled and hugged him. "Man have I missed you both."

Cassie grinned and nodded, "We've missed you too."

"It's good to see you Tim," Dick pulled away from the hug. He turned and gave a nod, "Jason."

"Dick," they both fist bumped.

Cassie let go of Tim and turned to Jason, "Come here."

He rolled his eyes but let Cassie pull him into a hug. She wrapped her arms tight around him, and he returned the hug.

They stayed that way for a moment as Tim caught Dick up on everything going on.

Cassie pulled away from the hug, and gave Jason's arm a squeeze. She whispered, "You wanting to talk later?"

He nodded quickly.

She smiled, "We will. Come on."

Dick looked at her and she gave him a nod.

"The others are in the Cave," Tim grinned.

Dick asked, "Others?"

Cassie smirked, "Our friends, love. In the elevator boys, come on. Let's go say hi."

Dick chuckled as he walked out of the elevator, "Of course they sent you."

Donna and Kory grinned at him. Dick walked forward and hugged Kory first.

Tim and Jason walked out of the elevator and let the others reunite. Tim had a wide grin on his face. Jason had a reluctant small smile on his.

"It's good to see you Kory," Dick said.

Cassie laughed as Donna yanked her into a tight hug.

"You're an idiot for coming back to this damn town," Donna held onto her.

Cassie squeezed her, "I could say the same about everyone in this room. But you know Gotham is home."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." They pulled away from one another.

Kory and Donna switched places. Cassie grinned and pulled Kory into a hug.

"I've missed seeing your face," Cassie said.

Kory hummed, "Wish we were doing this in some other city."

They both chuckled.

Dick gave Donna a brotherly hug.

"Be on your best behavior," Donna said.

Dick's brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"Cassie," Roy Harper spoke up, walking over to them. "Been a while."

"Harper," Dick let go of Donna and walked over to Cassie's side, glaring at the red-haired man.

Roy raised a brow, "Grayson."

Cassie rolled her eyes and looked at Dick, "My love."

Dick tore his gaze away from Roy's and his gaze softened, "Yes?"

"No fighting," she pointed at him.

His shoulders released tension, "No fighting."

Roy's mouth dropped in shock.

"Whipped!" Donna covered her mouth and shouted. She fake coughed, "Oh sorry there was something in my throat."

Everyone laughed.

Cassie took Dick's hand, "Whatever. Want to fill us in on what's been going on?"

Cassie paused walking out of the WayneTech building. She looked up from her phone and searched for the car Dick was in. He was picking her up after her day of checking in on things at the main office.

"Dr. Astor is that you?" Joseph Powers chuckled and walked over to her, "I didn't realize you were back in Gotham."

Cassie gave a polite smile, "Ah just for a few weeks. Always going back and forth between cities ya know?"

"Ah, always the traveler. Say you don't have any plans tonight do you?" Joseph asked.

Cassie hesitated.

"I only ask because Maria and I are hosting a small dinner tonight with a few friends and we'd love to have you if you're open to it?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out an invitation. "Invite only. You know Maria and her flare for the dramatics."

Cassie chuckled and took the invitation, "I'd be delighted." She looked down at the invitation, "Oh up in North Gotham. I didn't realize you had any property up there."

"Well that is what we are hoping to accomplish with the dinner. We want to buy the building we're renting to host so we can turn it into a youth center for North Gotham. We invited to owner tonight so maybe you could help convince him? Maybe throw out an idea or two as to what the center could become?" He asked.

Cassie gasped and nodded, "Of course! I'd be happy to help. I know Northside doesn't get as much love since it's over the bridges so I'd love to throw some ideas out and get something going if they agree."

"You are the brilliant mind of innovation, Doctor." He grinned, "I'll see you tonight."

She grinned and nodded, "See you tonight."

He walked away and she glanced down at the invitation, spotting an owl logo that made her furrow her brows.

A horn honked at her and she looked up. Dick flashed her a grin through the rolled-down window.

"Joseph Powers being involved with the Court of Owls seems like something out of a tv show. I mean someone with the last name Powers wants power over the whole city?" Dick laughed.

Cassie grinned, "I know. Seems a little too on the nose, but this owl cannot be a coincidence. I just have a bad feeling about him. And his wife has always been a pain."

He made a noise of agreement. 

Dick and Cassie pulled into the manor driveway.

"Who's that?" Dick asked, seeing a strange car parked by the front door.

"Mm, looks like Jacob's, pull around," Cassie said.

Dick did as she said and parked the car. The pair of them got out as someone walked closer to them.

"Oh," Dick shared a look with her. "Maybe he's looking for Bruce?"

"Oh! Richard, Cassandra," a man's deep voice cheerily spoke. "How wonderful that I ran into you two." Jacob Kane, Bruce's uncle, stopped in front of them, a wide grin on his face. "You two wouldn't happen to know where Bruce is, do you? I can't seem to get ahold of him and well with Alfred gone I just can't quite seem to find him anymore."

Dick crossed his arms, "He's out of town actually. Was something wrong?"

"No no, of course not. I just wanted to get his input on the gala we are having on his parents anniversary for the foundation in a few months. Hmm, you wouldn't happen to know where he's gone off to?" Jacob asked them.

Cassie shook her head, "Sorry he just kinda jetted really quick. Not sure how long he's going to be gone for. But I'm sure whatever you go with Bruce will love."

Jacob nodded, "Of course, of course. I just... to be quite honest I've missed seeing Bruce and just wanted to see how he was doing. Is- is he alright?"

Dick and Cassie shared a look.

"He's as well as he can be. Stays busy to keep his mind off of things," Dick said.

Jacob chuckled, "Just like his father." He sighed and looked at his driver who was trying to get his attention, "Oh yes yes. I'm coming Albert. I'm so sorry children but I must be off, unfortunately I can't stay for tea."

Cassie politely smiled and nodded, "Maybe another time then?"

"I would love that. Do take care you two, and will you please ask Bruce to give me a call when he gets the chance?"

"Of course," Dick said. "It was nice seeing you Jacob."

"Likewise!" Jacob got into the car and his driver slowly pulled away.

"Hmm," Dick's brows furrowed.

Cassie watched the car leave, "Think he's wanting to ask for money again?"

"Oh absolutely, what's your bet?"

"7 million."

Dick smirked, "You went low, I'm saying 28 million."

The pair chuckled and walked into the house, arm in arm. 
