Cassie stretches for a few minutes, several muscles aching from lack of use. She goes over to her closet and changes clothes. She also grabbed her phone, opening it to see all of the chaos she missed. She sighed and grabbed her laptop, she places it down and grabs her notebook.

She sends out email after email and makes a few phone calls. She's checking up on her Gotham Tech employees and trying to figure out a way to get safe water again.

She called Eli, her assistant, "Hey!"

"Of course you would pause your vacation because of some chaos."

"I know I know. Chaos in Gotham is nothing new. Will you tell the chemists to run some tests on the water please? Ask for Amanda to run point on that. I want a full diagnostic on what exactly is in it as soon as you can."

"Of course, contacting her now."

"And how many people do you think would be willing to man about twenty pop-up stations? Places with tons of water bottles and first-aid?"

"Not sure how many have been affected so far, but I can make a call. Most of our relief support is located in Metropolis though so that will be a problem."

"How so? Just fly them in with the jets."

"National guard put a blockade, no one in no one out. Not even privates."

"Oh. Well let me handle that. Make that call and have them ready to go by end of day. I'll make sure the Guard let's them land."

"Yes ma'am. Stay safe."

"You too, Eli. Thank you."

She hangs up, and calls her friend in the Guard.

"Veronica! So glad you picked up!" Cassie smiled.

"Cassie, I love you- so please tell me you are not in Gotham."

Cassie made a sound, "How did you know I was calling about that?"

"Because you have a knack for knowing everything the second it happens."

She chuckled, "Well what can I say, I'm good at what I do. I do have a massive ask of you."

"Ok shoot. I'll see what I can do."

"I know there's a blockade up but I was hoping you could make an exception for a jet or two I have coming in early tomorrow morning."

Veronica sighed, "What kind of jet?"

"A relief team. They will have clean drinkable water and tents to pitch up around town for first-aid to help the people. Not much but a little help could be useful right now."

Veronica's voice lowered to a whisper, "I'll see what I can do. There's talk of abandoning Gotham completely so I'm not sure what all I can get you."

"I won't give up hope on this town. We'll find a way to heal everyone infected by the water. Gotham won't be lost forever."

"If anyone can do the impossible it's you, be safe Cassie."

"You too."

She hangs up and sighs, running a hand through her hair.

A message goes off to the entire city, from Crane, "Gotham City used to have a protector, a guardian angel. But Batman abandoned Gotham and left Nightwing and his friends in his place." Titans wanted goes across the screen. And scenes of him fighting go across, "But what has Nightwing done? He's robbing you. Poisoning the very water you drink, the water you give to your children. Nightwing is a criminal. Protected by Gotham City Police. Only you can stop him. There will be a $50,000 reward paid to the person who brings him in. Dead or alive. But take heart Gotham, a new hero will rise, and you will know his name. Red Hood."

Cassie sighs, knowing what that would mean. She traced the video and saw where it came from. She found Jason's phone number that way. She needed to wait until he was alone to call him.

Her laptop got a warning go off, the front gate was opening. She saw a van pull out, and sighed. "I'll tell them hello when they get back."

Jason hangs up on Molly and ignored her calling him back. His phone rang again and he just rolled his eyes, ignoring it. It kept ringging so he picked his phone back up, the caller ID threw him off. It read: V. That was not the contact he was expecting to see.


"Glad you picked up, we have a lot to discuss."

"Cassie? You're awake? Since when?"

"This morning. I haven't seen the others yet, are you ok?"

"No, no I'm not."

She sighed, "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. I wish you never left SF."

"Me too, Cassie. I... I regret leaving."

"Want to help me fix things?"

"Of course I do. What can I do?"

"I need you to play along, with Crane I mean. Do you know what he's planning?"

"I know he wants the Manor. That he's hoping to flush the Titans out so we can take it."

"That's good, that could work. Do you know exactly what he's planning to do that?"

"No, he only tells me right beforehand to do something."

"Ok, I'll be keeping an eye on things from my end. Just be careful Jason."

"Why are you trusting me? You know what I did to Hank don't you?"

She sighed again, "Yes I do. And I fully expect you to take ownership of your mistakes, but right now I'm talking to my Jay-bird. Not whoever the Red Hood is. You're not on that drug anymore right?"

"No, we've been out for days."

"Good. Withdrawal symptoms are the worst, I'm sure. But at least you have your mind back, Crane is manipulating your anger. Don't let him anymore. Turn the script on him, use your anger to manipulate him instead."

"I'll try. I just, I just want my family back."

"Family makes mistakes. It's your responsibility to own up to them, and do something about it. You're not anyone sidekick. Not Batman's, not Nightwing's, not Scarecrow's. No one's. You are Jason Todd. Don't forget that."

Gar says, "So we turn ourselves in and then what?"

"And then we post bail, continue doing our work, but in a less public way," Dick explains. "Work in the shadows, take this city back night by night. It's not gonna be easy, and it's not gonna be fast, but we can do it. If you have a better idea, please, now's the time."

"They hate us," Gar sighs.

Kory argues, "They've been manipulated into hating us, by Crane."

"Conner, Blackfire, what do you think?"

Conner looks at him, "It was brutal out there. I don't want to be looked at like that again."

Dick looks to Blackfire.

"Well, surrender isn't my thing. But I am used to people looking at me like I'm a monster, so whatever you all decide on, I'm in."


"We've played it by the book so far and this is where it's led us. So maybe you're right. Maybe we try a new way. I'm in."

"All right, then. Let's suit up. We go in together. As a team. As a family."

"And here I thought you all would need me," Cassie smirked from her place leaning against the staircase.

They all turned to her. 

"Cassie!" Gar shouted and ran to her. He was the first to pull her into a tight hug.

"Oh!" She chuckled, "Hi Gar. I've missed you too!"

He pulled away and Kory was the next to pull her into a hug. "Oh how I am so glad to see you!"

She smiled, "I'm glad to be awake, I missed seeing your face, Kory."

"Oh, this is my sister, Blackfire."

"It's nice to meet you, is it cool if I give you a hug?" Cassie hesitated, not wanting to scare her.

Blackfire looked unsure about the question, "Um... yes?"

Cassie chuckled and pulled her into a hug. It was a little stiff since she wasn't accustomed to hugs, but Cassie didn't care.

She pulled away and gave the taller woman a smile before turning to Conner.

He enveloped her incredibly quickly. "Do not do that again. It was awful."

"I will do my best to not Conner. Promise," she smiled.

He hugged her for a few more moments before she turned to the last one left.

Dick hadn't moved from his place in the center of the room. The tension between the two was thick.

"Hey, Gray," she took a few steps towards him.

Kory started to usher the others away, knowing the two needed some time alone.

"Um, so I'm sorry about not telling you what I was going to do. I didn't want you all to worry, and then to come back- you all were doing so well in SF, and coming back here would have been going backward so I just didn't tell you. I'm sorry."

He stayed silent and just looked at her.

"I... um... I don't really remember everything from this go-around. I think it had something to do with the serum I made, which blocks those memories to protect itself, so that's an upside. I won't have any new nightmares," she chuckled. "I know it was really bad timing, so I'm really sorry I haven't been here to help out with things. But I'm here now."

She was right in front of him, only a few inches separating the two of them. Still, Dick hadn't said anything.

Cassie whispered, "Gray please say something."

Instead, Dick placed his hands on each side of her face and pulled her into a kiss. It said everything he needed it to. Everything he couldn't put into words. 

How scared he was. How much he missed her. How he needed her to be ok. How unsure he was about her condition. How he wasn't sure if he would ever get the chance to tell her just how much he loved her.

The kiss took Cassie by surprise, but only for a moment. She melted into him. Her hands gripping onto his shirt, pulling him closer. Her breath only being caught for a moment. 

They stayed that way for several minutes, and when they pulled away he placed his forehead on hers, arms snaked around her waist. Both panting heavily. 

"I missed you," he whispered.

She whispered back, "I missed you too."

"Don't- don't ever do anything like that again, ok?"

"I don't plan on it."

"Good. 'Cause I- I can't lose you. Not ever."

"You won't. I can't lose you either."

"You won't."

She pulled him into another kiss, he pulled her as close as he could. 
