Dick, Kory, Cassie, and Conner go outside the RV to talk.

"All I'm saying is, it's complicated," Kory sighed.

Conner argued, "I mean, not really. He wants me to come to LexCorp Tower tonight at 8:00 p.m."

Cassie sighed and crossed her arms, trying to figure out what to do.

"Look, we're talking about Lex Luthor here." Dick said, "He's the only man Bruce Wayne was ever afraid of."

Conner said, "Superman's not afraid of him. Neither am I."

"You should be. He spent the last 40 years trying to kill Superman. He tried to kill you, too," Dick argued.

"He failed. He's just a man. He doesn't have superpowers."

"Not all of us do."

"Dick. The whole reason we came to Metropolis was so that I could meet one of my parents. Okay, so it wasn't the one that I wanted. Am I supposed to just ignore him? Walk away?"

Dick shook his head, "No. You deserve to know your parents. Everyone does. It's just Lex Luthor never shows his cards. We don't know what he wants."

"Lex doesn't make himself known unless he wants something. My main concern is that he's going to use you in some way. Maybe in a way that takes you away from us, and that's... that's what I'm worried about." Cassie grabbed one of Conner's hands, "He may be genetically related to you, but we are your family. He knows kryptonite works on you, and I am positive he has some. Not knowing what he wants could put you in danger."

Conner nodded his head, starting to understand their hesitation.

"Then maybe we should find out," Kory offered. "I mean, if he is up to something isn't it better that we know?"

"The man's a psychopath," Dick looked at her.

"I know. You won't get any argument from me there, but... ultimately, it's not our decision. It's Conner's."

Cassie looked at Conner, "It's your choice to go or not. We just want you safe and to come home afterwards. We'll be with you no matter what you choose."

"I wanna meet him," Conner finally said.

Dick nods, "Okay. I don't like it, but if it's gonna happen, Kory's right. We should get as much information as we can first."

"So, what do we do, call him and ask for a quick chat?" Kory asked.

"That's not really my style," Dick smirked.

Kory smiled, "Yeah. Me neither."

"I'm going to borrow a few satellites, do a scan for kryptonite, just... just in case," Cassie offered.

Conner nodded as a thank you. They all got back into the RV.

Kory blasts open a door tossing aside a few guards.

One tries to alert backup, "Alpha two. I have a breach Top level. Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

He tries to attack Kory but she knocks him aside.

Another guy comes up and she knocks him aside, just as easily as the first one. A third man comes up and she grabs him, throwing him against the wall. He grunts out and screams as Kory throws him.

The first man gets back up and Kory tosses him down a hallway. A fourth guard comes up from a different direction and throws a few fists towards Kory.

A fifth man comes up and holds a gun up to Kory. She takes his arm and twists it, he screams out in pain.

Lex finally stands up and walks away from the table and the fight.

Kory continues to fight the men, throwing a few punches and tossing them around as Lex Luthor pours himself a glass to drink.

One of the men gets thrown into the table causing a few things to clatter around. She flips the last guard standing and sighs.

"Sorry to interrupt your meal. I would have beamed a message into your head, but... this seemed like more fun."

Lex turned to look at her, and stands up.

"Well, what a pleasure to meet you, Starfire. Or may I call you Koriand'r?"

"You can call me Kory... Lex."

"May I offer you some Spaghetti Puttanesca? Or perhaps a glass of wine?"

Kory chuckles, "No, I'm okay. Thank you."

"I understand there've been some... changes on Tamaran. Komand'r has now rightfully taken the throne?"

"That's right."

"And now she possess the power... you've always thought of as your own."

"Yes, yes, but you know, it's for the best really," she sighs. "She's... she spent her whole life feeling denied. Overshadowed. Less than. But of course, you woudldn't know anything about that, would you?"

Lex chuckles, "We have much to discuss. This way, please."

"What a quaint little place you have here."

"Allow me to show you around. May I give you a tour?"

Dick, Cassie, and Tim are listening into the conversation.

"So far nothing," Tim sighs.

Dick says, "Just give her some time."

Cassie checked on the progress, "Just need a few more minutes to do a full scan of the building, would prefer if I had gone myself-"

"No," Dick interrupted.

She rolled her eyes, "It would have been faster to have the scanner onsite so we just have to be patient for the receiver to pick anything up. Kory's got this."

Jim says, "Welcome to the Daily Planet archives. Outsiders usually don't get access to this kind of stuff, but considering it's you guys I'll make an exception."

"Thanks," Conner says.

"Every single issue dating back to our very first day of publication, November 2nd, 1775."

Rachel looks around, "This is insane." Jim chuckles. "How do you find anything?"

"Ah, it's all cataloged. Well, most of it. We're digitizing as fast as we can. Thanks to the Wayne Technologies department we are making considerable progress. The Luthor section is just down there."

Gar says, "According to Dick, Lex Luthor never tips his hand."

"So, we need to see what cards he's showing and then try to figure out what he's holding," Conner said.

"Okay, so we'll need everything you've got on him," Rachel tells Jim.

"Everything? I mean, that could take months to go through."

Gar chuckles, "Don't worry. He's a fast reader."

"I mean, I believe you, but still. Can we narrow it down? I mean, we got a lot on the guy. We got... felony arrests, felony convictions, capital crimes, crimes on the high seas, space-based crimes, philanthropy."

Gar said, "Oh, definitely the pirate-"

"Philanthropy," Conner corrects.

"Okay. Let's head to my office. We can pull it up on the server."

They walk down the aisle but Rachel pauses and goes the opposite direction.

Kory is looking at a very large painting.

"Powerful, isn't it?" Lex asked. He passes her a glass. "Gautier 1762. I acquired this bottle at auction. It was found in the sealed-off compartment underneath Jean-Paul Marat's bathtub."

Kory grimaces, "It taste like it."

Lex chuckles. "To new friends."

"We'll see," Kory scoffs.

"I have so many questions for you."

A chime went off, and Cassie looked at it, "Kryptonite scan complete." She sighed and furrowed her brows at the result. She ran a hand through her hair. "You're good to release the bug."

Kory lets go of the device and it flies to where it's needed.

"So much I want to learn about your planet, history, your abilities."

Kory points her drink at him, "I have a few questions for you, too. Why do you want to meet with Conner?"

"Doesn't a father have a right to meet his son?"

"A desire doesn't equal a right."

The bug enters Lex's computer and gives Cassie and Tim access to what they need.

Tim looked at the screen, "It worked. Unbelievable."

"The unbelievable thing about Bruce's toys is never that they work. It's what they do."

"I will take that as a compliment considering it's my programming, had a bit of help with the engineering." Cassie smirked, "Coding could use some updating, haven't look at this toy in a few months."

Dick rolled his eyes, "Only you would think something incredible needed updates."

Tim looked at all the data coming in, "I got personal, medical, finical, schedules, calendars." Tim chuckles, "Hell, I've even got his Twitter account."

"Mmm, could be better." Cassie grabbed her notebook and made a few notes of things to add and make better.

"How?" Tim asked.

"Need to add faster downloading speed, a few more firewalls, way to track his digital footprint, like typing speed and mouse movements, I mean really I could make a very long list."

Tim just looked at her, "You can do that?"

Cassie paused typing, "Um I mean... yes. It's a complicated system but I have everything built for it on L.O.V., she's just back in Gotham."

"Can I use L.O.V. next time we go back?" Tim asks.

"If you want to lose your hands then sure."

Tim chuckles and looks at Dick, "She's kidding right."

"No, no she is not," he crosses his arms.

Tim's smile drops and he focuses back on the screen.

"What do you want?" Kory asked.

Lex says, "I want Conner to stay with me. Here in Metropolis."

"Excuse me?" Cassie asks, turning her full attention to the audio. So do Dick and Tim. 

Starfire chuckles, "No. No. That's... that's never gonna happen."

"It might." He takes a sip, "After all, it is his decision."

"He knows who you are. What you are."

"That's exactly the point. He doesn't. I want to give him the benefit of my knowledge and guidance. And I want him to be prepared to one day... take over as President of LexCorp."

Dick and Cassie make eye contact, giving each other a worried look.

"You know what I think? I think what you really want is to own the thing you created. You consider Conner your possession. He is not. He has compassion, empathy, moral intelligence. All of which make him far stronger than you. In every way. You want him to be your personal weapon. He will never be that."

Lex looks through his telescope. "Isn't that exactly... how you're using him... Richard?"

Cassie looks around, "He can see you. Get away from the windows."

Dick does the opposite and looks out, seeing Lex in the other building looking at them.

"Hasn't Bruce taught you any other way?"

The door opens.

"I'd like you to meet some friends of mine."

Cassie points at Tim to grab his staff, and he does. She quickly types a few things into her computer making sure everything was transferred over, and shot a quick message to the others making sure they were ok. She shut the laptop and threw it into her bag.

"Remember, Richard. This is me..."

"Stay with me Tim," Cassie looked around the room as Dick went to go check the entrances.

"Being gentle."

Dick looks back at them, "Tim, stay down. Cassie you got him?"

"Of course I do. Be careful."

Three men come out from behind stacks of supplies.

Dick sighs, "Ninjas."

They start to throw knives at them and Cassie pulls Tim off to the side to avoid getting him. Dick hits the knives with his escrima sticks.

They grunt and rush towards Dick. He hits the first one to reach him but the other two quickly overtake Dick. He is fighting them three on one.

Cassie quickly grabs a row of knives from her bag making Tim look at her confused, not entirely sure where she even had them.

She motioned for him to stay down and quickly grabbed a blade, and tossed it.

It landed dead center in one of the ninja's elbows, making their swings delayed and painful.

Dick kept fighting throwing kicks and punches where needed. Despite the ninjas having swords and small blades.

Cassie threw another knife this one hitting the sword holder in the hand making him drop it.

Tim starts to move forward.

"Hey, hey, hey. Tim no, do not do that," Cassie rushed forward stopping him from getting in range of being hit.

"I can help."

"You haven't been training he's got this."

Dick loses one escrima stick and Cassie sighs. She grabbs another knife and tosses it at the third man, this one landing in his shoulder. Dick twists the knife making the ninja scream out.

The sword welder swings at Dick and he has to use his last escrima stick to block the attack.

Cassie grabs a few bindings out of her bag and cuffs the two ninjas already down to make sure they wouldn't cause them any trouble if they woke back up.

Tim makes his staff full, making Dick notice.

He twists and hits the man. Dick shoots electricity at the ninja with his weapon making him collapse.

Dick breathes heavily and stands back up.

"You good?" Tim asks.

"I hate ninjas."

Cassie's watch chimes, "More incoming. Tim be ready."

A few more men come out from the stairwell.

Dick sighs wearily, "More ninjas. Okay." He picks up the fallen sword."

The new ninjas yell and rush towards them. Cassie rolls her eyes and pulls Tim back a bit to give Dick space.

Dick slashes with the sword also yelling and grunting trying to block the attacks.

The lone ninjas from the first attack that wasn't bound gets back up.

"Shit." Cassie grabs another knife and looks at Tim. "Ok, Tim stay towards the outskirts and keep your distance. But go."

Tim hesitantly nods and hits the one that had just gotten up making them yell out.

Cassie throws a knife at one of the other ones attacking Dick and slices through their heel making them drop to the ground.

Tim's staff gets trapped by a ninja's twin sai and panics for a second.

He gets shoved back and Cassie twirls around knocking the ninja onto his feet.

One of the ninjas that was attacking Dick realizes she's a threat and moves to attack her. She spins around stabs him in the chest shoving them away from her and they stumble to the ground.

She turns back to Tim and sees him trying to fight the ninja.

Dick slices a ninjas with the sword making them scream out. His momentum spun him around to face Cassie and Tim.

Cassie flips a knife and tosses it over Dick's shoulder, hitting the last ninja he was fighting and making him collapse.

He nods in thanks but the one wielding two swords gets back up and Dick nods for her to help Tim and she nods back, going around them.

The ninjas surges towards Dick and starts to attack him. Dick loses his sword and has to block the attacks with his arms and starts punching the ninjas.

Cassie reaches Tim and shoves the ninjas off of him. Tim takes several steps back trying to get his bearings.

Cassie reaches into her bag and grabs out a small objects the size of her fist. She presses a button and it turns into a staff. Tim looks at her shocked.

"Mimic me," she tells him, she places her right hand closer to the center of the staff and her other hand only a few inches away.

He nods and copies her.

"Lose grip."

Dick slides and grabs the sword again, hitting the ninja attacking him making him groan out and drop his sword.

The ninjas attacking him recovers from the fall and gets up. He surges towards Tim, kicking him.

"Oh!" Cassie twirls the staff and jabs the ninja with it. She turns it and smacks him in the leg making him stumble. He quickly recovers and goes back after Tim while he is still on the ground.

"Firm grip! Twist!" Cassie instructs. She quickly grabs a knife and throws it, hitting the ninja in the elbow again, making him drop one of his weapons.

Dick also throws a star hitting him in the back, making the ninja groan out.

"Stomach!" Cassie shouts out at Tim.

But before Tim could do anything Dick grabbed onto the ninja and slammed him against the window.

Cassie sighed and helped Tim up, "You did good. No injures, and held your own for a bit there."

Tim gave her a hesitant smile.

Lex inhales seeing how his men failed, "I liked those men. All I ask is six months. If you believe you know Conner's answer, then you'll have no problem conveying my offer. I expect an answer tonight."

Dick sighs, "Let's go."

"All right," Tim said.

Conner points at the screen, "Even bigger question. Why does Luthor suddenly have a charitable foundation, anyway?"

"Because he's dying," Dick says walking into the room, with Kory and Cassie.


"Lex Luthor has six months to live."

"What are you talking about?"

Kory explains, "He wants you to stay with him. Learn how to run LexCorp. Learn about him while you still can."

"How do you know all this?"

"Oh I let one of these loose in his penthouse," Kory holds up the device.

"It's a superbug from WayneTech. Made by Cass a few years ago." Dick says, "It hacked into Lex's files and revealed multiple visits to medical clinics all around the world."

Kory points at the screen, "This guy right here, his name is Arthur Holmwood. He's the world's leading expert in kryptonite poisoning. Luthor was diagnosed two years ago. And there's no cure."

"My scans also indicate he has a significant amount of kryptonite in his system," Cassie sighed. "Nothing in the files said how he was poisoned. My guess is he was expermienting, and something went wrong."

"This changes things," Conner said.

Dick nodded, "It does. We think Lex wants to use you as a way of saving himself."

"Holmwood created a theory. It's called, um, radical mass transfusions."

Conner whispers as he types the phrase in.

"It's blood, organs, everything."

"You're the closest living genetic match," Dick says. "You're body's obviously stronger than his. There might be a way he can use it to fight his disease."

"Okay. Uh... a blood transfusion. People get those all the time, right? If that's all he's asking..." Conner says.

Kory speaks up, "Conner. You can't be serious."

"Conner, the amount of kryptonite in his system..." Cassie sighs, "It's infected every cell in his body, he would have to completely drain your system for even a slight chance the transfusion would work. I'm sorry but I think it's too late to save him."

"Maybe you're wrong, maybe he just needs a little bit of my blood and he'll be ok. It is mixed with Superman's, I mean shouldn't that help?"

Dick sighed, "Can we talk?" 

Conner followed Dick off to the side.

"A dying man is like a cornered animal. That's when they're most dangerous. Listen, Conner, at the end of the day, it's up to you. But if my opinion means anything, I wouldn't get within a mile of Lex Luthor."

"I hear you. But you're the one who told me I deserved to know my parents. Maybe he's a terrible person. But I have to find that out for myself. And I have to know it before I can know what to do about it."

"You don't owe him anything."

"Maybe he owes me something."

"Like what?"

"Answers. Why was I created? For what purpose?"

"I understand. Trust me. But none of that matters to him. His purpose is not yours."

"I still need to find out."

"I can't tell you what to do. I can tell you this. You're apart of our family. And if you leave, it's gonna hurt us."

"I know. I'm sorry Dick. But I have to do this." Conner walks down the aisle, away from them.

Cassie notices Dick was by himself and quickly takes off down a different aisle to catch up with Conner before he walked out.

"Uh excuse me? Are you leaving without saying goodbye?" Cassie had caught him before he left the building.

"Cassie I need to do this."

She gave him a gentle smile, "I'm not here to stop you from going. I... I actually think it's a good idea for you to get to know him. Have a conversation, dinner, find common interests."

"Wait what?" Conner stepped closer to her, "You do?"

She nodded, "Before Lex hated Kal-El they were actually friends. I'm hoping when he mets you and gets to know you he'll remember that friendship. I just hope he doesn't disappoint you. And I really really hope he doesn't hurt you."

"I can protect myself."

Cassie smiled, "I don't mean physically hurt you. Because that's not all you are, your physical strength is only part of you. It's not everything you are. No I'm talking about in here." She placed her hand over his heart, "You have an amazing heart. I don't want you to lose it. I don't want to lose my goofball Conner who loves helping me chop onions in the kitchen, or is the first one to give me a hug no matter what is going on. I don't want you to lose who you are by his influence."

"I won't."

"I'll hold you to that. I mean it. Lex Luthor is extremely charismatic, that is what makes him dangerous. He's manipulative even when you don't think he is. Just... just be careful. I hope he answers all of the questions you have, and I really do hope you get everything you want out of leaving. I just... am going to really miss you."

Conner smiles and pulls her into a hug, "I will text and call often with updates on how I am. I promise."

"Good. I'll worry. You can tell Lex if he doesn't allow you to call or just update me a minimum of once a week I will show up in his office and he will not like me."

Conner laughed, "I promise. I'll miss everyone too."

She pulled him into one last hug and gave him a forehead kiss.

Cassie watched him walk away and Dick came up from behind her with Kory and the others.

He grabbed her hand and she leaned against him.

Kory was sitting in the passenger seat of the RV, "I hate Lex Luthor."

"Yeah, I hate him, too," Dick said.

Cassie sighed.

"I know Conner needs to do this. For his own personal growth. I needed it too. It's a painful thing, not knowing where you come from. But people like Lex Luthor... they only destroy things."

"Like you said, it's Conner choice. I just hope he made the right one."

Kory sighs.

"I have a bad feeling. Someone should have gone with him... I don't like this. Something isn't right," Cassie's brows furrowed and she pulled out her laptop trying to find literally anything helpful.

"I actually hate tomatoes, Raven. Gross," Tim says picking up a slice of pizza.

Rachel starts to choke.

Gar sits up, "You okay?"

Cassie looks back and sees Rachel, she gets up and notices Rachel hadn't taken a bite yet. This was something different.

She starts screaming and the boys grab onto her, but she starts to fight them.

Krypto starts to bark. Cassie quickly gets to Rachel's side. Dick slams on the brakes.

"Rachel!" Cassie screams.

Gar shouts, still holding onto her, "Rachel! Rachel!"

Cassie turns around and grabs a vial of sedative, and a needle in case they needed it.

"Dick!" Gar screams out.

He yells, "Rachel!"

"Try to get her still!" Cassie instructs.

Rachel immediately stops screaming and looks around at everyone.

"What happened?" Rachel asked.

Cassie sighs in relief and sets down the needle, "Ok ok, give her some space, let her breathe."

"Rachel, are you okay?" Dick asked.

She nods, but still looks very confused. 
