Sebastian rises from the pool of blood as his followers chant. Someone places a cloak over him.

"Come my son," May says to him. "Your transformation is almost complete."

The audience kneels and recites, "We pledge to you eternal devotion."

Sebastian looks at them, "I feel... different. What have I become?"

May looks at him, "You are everything. Your power will have no equal. Your followers will do anything you ask."


Everyone stands up.

May smiles, "Come. We must prepare for the journey ahead."

"What's next?" He turns to her.

"Next, we bring back your father."

The followers all exit the room and Sebastian finally turned around. "Why is she still here?"

Behind him was Cassie, completely frozen, surrounded by purple mist.

"Who's there?" May asked, not seeing anyone.

Sebastian slowly walked over to her, and placed his hand on her shoulder, he gasped as he heard a voice speak.

"Her strength, I need her strength," a deep raspy voice spoke.

The purple mist around Cassie started to swirl and concentrated just around her eyes, revealing her to May.

May took a step backwards, not understanding what was going on. "What is this?"

"This isn't your doing Mother?" Sebastian let go of Cassie and turned to May.

May just looked at Cassie's frozen state.

"There was a voice, said it needed her strength."

May's eyes widened, "Your father must need her then. We'll have to bring her with us."

Cassie remained unresponsive to the two of them.

Cassie's eyes fluttered opened and she quickly sat up, everything that had just happened rushing back to her. She looked around and realized she was on the van.

"Whoa, whoa," Gar rushed towards her. "Take it easy."

"Gar? What- what happened?" Cassie frantically looked around and noticed the others weren't around. "Where-"

"Cassie- Cassie- Cassie let me explain!"

She finally stopped and let him speak.

"Ok, what do you remember last?"

Cassie sighed and thought, "Um Sebastian, he had just joined his mother and had just gotten his powers, I think he was screaming?"

"Oh good, you remember a lot more than they thought you would. Is everything blank after that?" She nodded, "Ok so what Dick thinks happened is that Sebastian's scream affected you a lot more for some reason, or maybe just hit you harder since you were so close to him and it just took you longer to wake up as his scream knocked everyone out. You were the only one still out cold when everyone else woke up so Dick picked you up and brought you to the van."

Cassie's brows furrowed, "But I don't understand how-"

Gar chuckled, "Hey don't question how, just be glad we are all alive."

"Ok? Um where's Gray?" Cassie stood up and immediately got dizzy and had to sit back down.

"Oh-" Gar grabbed onto her to help her sit back down. "The others are out on recon, Sebastian and his mother are out looking for something. They are trying to figure out what so we can get there first."

Cassie nodded, "Ok, um give me- give me like five minutes and I can help search with my laptop."

Gar grimaced. 

"What? What's with that look?"

"Well... your laptop got destroyed at S.T.A.R. Labs after you left to go get Conner."

Cassie sighed and slumped against the seat, "How?"

"Not sure exactly, I just remember it being in pieces last I saw it."

Cassie groaned. "I had a backup at my place in Metropolis, I'll text Gray and let him know where we are at."

Gar smiled, "You think of everything."

Cassie furrowed her brows at Gar. Something felt off but she couldn't pinpoint what it was.

Cassie grabbed her keys and Gar followed her out of the van, towards the building.

The pair made their way inside and Cassie paused about to say hello to Mr. Andrews, the man who is at the front desk/gate but he wasn't there.

"What is it?" Gar asked.

Cassie shook her head and kept walking, "Um, nothing. Come on." They reached the elevator and she pressed the button to her floor. After a few moments they walked out. Cassie furrowed her brows again.

Gar gave her a look, "Cassie? Are you ok?"

"Were you able to read any of the numbers in the elevator? I... I don't remember reading them."

"Well you did live here for a long time, wouldn't it just be muscle memory?"

Cassie sighed, "I guess. Come on."

He followed her down to the end of the hallway and got to her door, she put the key into the door, but didn't turn the key. She just turned the handle to make sure it was actually locked. It wasn't.

"Gar... be ready, just in case," Cassie whispered to him.

He whispered back, "Why?"

She slowly opened the door and grabbed the pocket knife off of her entrance table, and held up her watch. She tapped it twice to start a scan for heat signatures. Two others were in the apartment with them, in the guest bedroom.

Cassie took a deep breath and showed the watch to Gar, he nodded and they both headed towards the guest room, being as quiet as they could.

They were only five steps into the place when the two people quickly bolted out of the room and started firing at them.

Cassie gasped and ducked behind the couch, pulling Gar with her.

They stopped firing and Cassie turned to Gar to tell him the plan but her eyes widened, a large red spot was beginning to form on his chest.

"Gar? Gar!" Cassie dropped the knife and grabbed onto him, trying to stop the bleeding.

Gar coughed and blood came out of his mouth.


A bag was thrown over her head and she was ripped away from Gar. 

Dick opened his eyes and gasped awake. Everyone else started getting up as well, looking around.

Dick panted, "They're gone. They're all gone."

"But we're still here," Kory stood up.

"Not all of us, Cass isn't here, neither is Gar." Dick looked to Kory, "Where were we?"

She sighed, "I don't know. All I could see was darkness."

"It was a death realm," Rachel answered. "Her powers sent us there."

Tim asked, "How are we still here?"

"Gar saved us somehow. I heard his voice in the darkness, Cassie must be with him," Rachel said.

Dick sighed, "Yeah, I think I heard him too."

"I did too," Kory added.

Tim asked, "So where are they?"

"I don't know. Gar's alive though, I'd feel if he wasn't. Cassie... Cassie feels different."

"Different? Different how?" Dick turned to her.

Rachel shrugged, "I don't know. Like someone's hiding her from me."

Dick sighed. Kory peered into the pool of blood.

"I should've killed him when I had the chance."

"Don't do it to yourself. We all made the decision to save him, together."

Conner speaks up, "Did we though? I thought you wanted to save him. I wanted to stop him."

"Maybe if you worked with us instead of going off on your own. We had to change the plan to save your ass."

"And look where your plan got us. In a big, empty B-movie Batcave. And all the bad guys scattered into the wind. Take a bow boss man."

Rachel kneels down and picks something off the floor, "Stop it. Jinx died for us. Fighting with each other is not going to change anything."

"What are you doing?" Tim looked at the object in her hand.

"Releasing her spirit from this place of evil." Rachel held her hands up and pink specs floated out of her hand to the sky.

Dick asked watching it float away, "How'd you do that?"

"I don't know. My powers are back, but they're different somehow."

"Let's get out of here."

Conner stopped them, "Hold on. There's something down here." He kneeled down towards a spot on the ground and punched it. He moved the debris out of the way and pulled out a box. He blows the dust away and it reads "LexCorp".

Cassie gasped awake, her heart racing. She placed a hand over her heart trying to calm it and looked around her.

She was in her room, sitting at her desk, in the Titans Tower. She furrowed her brows, "This isn't-" she paused, "Gar! Gar!" She tore open the door of her room and ran down the hallway to his room, "Gar!"

Rachel just so happened to be walking the other way, "Woah! Cassie! What's wrong? What happened?"

"Where's Gar?" Cassie rushed out.

Rachel pointed behind her, "In the training room, where I just came from. Why?"

"Training room? What-" Cassie ran a hand through her hair, "What happened in Metropolis?"

Rachel gave her a hesitant look, "We got new stuff and then came home... are you ok Cassie?"

The older woman sighed and ran a hand down her face, "I don't... I don't know."

"Was it the nightmare you just had? Must have been pretty bad to rattle you this much, need me to go get Dick?"

"No, no I'm ok. Sorry it just seemed... so real."

"How about we go get some coffee down the road? Wake you up a bit?" Rachel asked.

Cassie slowly nodded, "Ok yeah, coffee sounds nice."

"Ok, come on," Rachel hooked her arm in with Cassie's and led her to the elevator.

It only took them a few minutes to get to the coffee shop and it was relatively empty so they were able to order pretty quickly.

After getting their drinks the two of them stepped outside and took a seat at the outdoor patio the shop had.

"Feel a bit better?" Rachel asked after taking a sip of her sugary drink.

Cassie nodded, "A little. Thank you, Rachel."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She sighed, "Gar was shot and there was nothing I could do. But it just seemed... it seemed like it was actually happening, like I was awake. And now..."

"Now what? Now it feels like you are dreaming?"

Cassie nodded, "This feels just off, like everythings wrong and I feel like I'm losing my mind."

Before Rachel could respond they heard tires screeching and snapped their heads over to the sound.

An 18-wheeler's tire had popped and it was swerving around trying to get control again.

Rachel hopped up, "I got this! Stay here Cassie!"

Cassie stood up and tried to get people out of the way as she watched Rachel run into the street, summon her powers and aimed them at the trailer.

She was able to slow it down to a stop.

Cassie noticed just behind Rachel was another trailer going too quickly to slow down in enough time. "BEHIND YOU!" Cassie shouted with everything she had.

Rachel turned around, but there wasn't enough time for her to get out of the way or use her powers to stop the other trailer. She was thrown against the first trailer, the others one pinning her down.

"Rachel!" Cassie sobbed out and took off running.

People were screaming and running away and she shoved them aside to try and get to her. She could see Rachel's figure limp against the hood and tried to run faster.

Someone grabbed Cassie around the waist and threw a hood around her head. Making everything go black.
