Cassie and Dick watch as a man catches Jason just in time. The two of them take off towards the ground floor, Kory following just behind them.

Dick reaches him first, "Jason?"

They find him near a car, holding the guy who caught him. The man had been shot.

"What happened?"

Jason looked at Cassie, then to Dick, "This guy just saved my life."

The man was gasping and trembling in pain.

Cassie got a closer look at the wound, "Come on we need to get him back to the tower. I need to get this out of him as soon as possible."

Jason walks off to his room, while Cassie rushes with Kory to the infirmary to begin working on the injured person.

Kory sets him down and Cassie sets to work. She knew had some medical training, taught to her by Alfred of course, so she acted like she was just removing a bullet from a regular person, but Cassie had her suspicions that this wasn't a regular old bullet. Kory was with her the whole time watching her as she worked. Cassie had gotten the bullet out of him and patched him up. He was stable, but his vitals were not improving.

"Is he going to be ok?" Kory looked at her friend.

"He's stable, but I don't know. He should already be improving, but he isn't. Makes me think that whatever he was shot with wasn't normal."

"What could it have been?"

"I'm not sure exactly, but I'm going to run a couple of tests, and see what pulls up." Cassie grabbed the bullet, careful to clean the blood off, "Oh and it's good to see you, Kory."

The women smiled at each other, "Maybe I should have picked a different day to visit?"

"Nah, you were right on time."

The two gently chuckled and Dawn walked in ready to help where she could. Cassie told her to change his bandages since they were already soaked while she ran some tests. Dawn agreed and Kory helped her while Cassie walked out of the room.

Cassie heads to the tech room and places the bullet in a special box that will scan it for any elements and compositions it may contain. It takes a while so Cassie left to check on Jason in the meantime.

Jason had his door open but was wrapping his hands so he could let his anger out on a punching bag.

Cassie tapped on the door not wanting to have him snap at her.

"Cassie I'm fine," Jason sighed.

"I'm not." He stopped what he was doing and looked at her, "I almost lost you, Jason. I-I can't lose you. I-"

"Cassie, you won't lose me. Luckily he was there to catch me, and don't forget you almost fell out too. I saw that."

"It doesn't matter what almost happened to me, Jaybird I can't lose you." She grabbed his shoulders, "I'm serious. I know you are angry right now so I'll give you your space so you can work through it, but do not shut me out ok? I need to know that you'll come to me when you need me."

"I will Cassie. I will. I just need to punch something right now."

"I know. I'm just really really glad that you're not seriously injured or worse. I really don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

Cassie hugged him without warning. Jason gave her a half hug. He didn't want to say it out loud but he was really grateful for Cassie, and her constant check-ups and hugs.

"Ok, I'll stop pestering you," she kissed his forehead and left the room. Jason leaves to the training room headphones in hand.

Dick leaves Jason and heads to the kitchen where the others are.

"What's with the Houdini act?" Hank looks at him.

Dick sets down his jacket, "What?"

"Out there with Deathstroke. You disappear and leave us in the dark?"

Dawn adds, "You go off by yourself with nobody to trade? No backup?"

"Can we not do this now?" Dick sighs, "I fucked up."

"No shit. Is there... is there something you're not telling us? Something to do with Deathstroke maybe," Hank shakes his head, not understanding why Dick did what he did.

"There's nothing. It was just a tactical error. I'll take care of it."

Dawn calls after him, "Where are you going?"

"I'll be back later."

Donna calls out, "People were just shooting at us, and you're gonna go out?"

Dick leaves them.

"Cassie, why aren't you stopping him?" Dawn looks at her.

"Me? Stop Gray when he's pissed? He only listens to me when he's in a good mood, literally nothing I say will get him to change his mind," she shook her head and drank some more of her tea.

"Cassie, you almost died because of Deathstroke, he'll listen to you," Donna says leaning against the counter.

"He hasn't even looked at me properly all night, no eye contact, no nothing. I could be shouting at him not to leave and he wouldn't hear me."

"He's a dick," Hank scoffed.

Dawn and Donna chuckle.

Cassie looks down at her drink, "He just needs to sort things out his own way. He'll be back when he cools down. He needs to land his punch somewhere and his somewhere is currently in an unknown location."

"I don't understand how you've put up with him for so long," Hank shakes his head.

Cassie shrugs, "I've never not dealt with him so I wouldn't know what to do without him. I'm going to check on the kids."

After Cassie checks on Rachel, Gar, and Rose, she watches Jason train for a minute and then heads back to the tech room, assuming the test had finished.

"Substance found: Kryptonite" was all the screen said. Cassie froze. She knew Clark didn't have any sons yet, and this definitely wasn't Kara. She didn't know who this Kryptonian was, but she sat down and got to researching every possible scenario to find out who this man was.

Cassie had come across a Cadmus project lead by an Eve Watson. The same Eve that had entered the building a few hours ago lead by a dog. Cassie had met her and left Rachel and Kory with her to help heal Conner. Conner had named himself because Eve had only referred to him as Subject 13 before he had woken up and told them.

After hours of combing through the Cadmus files, she left for her room to take a shower. She opened her door and saw a giant Joker symbol smiling at her. It was a playing card with a J and a very unsettling smiling face on it. It was the symbol for those marked by the Joker. Cassie frowned and moved one of her canvases to cover it, she'd have to get rid of that later.

What made Cassie's blood run cold was how it got there. She runs a hand down her face and goes to the kitchen to get some coffee, saying she'll get a shower afterward. Dawn and Hank were in there cooking dinner for everyone.

Jason storms out, Rachel following him.

"Don't fucking walk away from me," Rachel yells after Jason.

Dawn sets down her knife and walks over to the two, "Whoa. Hey, what's happening here?"

"Jason drew crucifixes all over my mirror."

Jason stops and turns to face Rachel, "Bullshit."

Dawn looks at him, "Jason, it's okay if you're angry."

"I didn't do shit, okay? Don't blame me for her voodoo issues."

Donna walks in, "What's all the drama about?"

"Somebody drew crosses on Rachel's mirror and she thinks Jason did it," Dawn explains.

Rachel crosses her arms, "I know he did it."

Hank walks up, "Cute idea with the bourbon bottle. Not my type though. I'm more of a sour mash guy. You ever go in my room and pull that shit again, I'll forget what team you're on."

Jason shakes his head.

Donna looks at him, "Why, Jason?"

"I don't know what happened, guys, but I didn't do it."

Dawn looks at him, "What about the picture of Ellis?"

"The orange soda bottle?" Donna questions. 

Rachel looks at them, "He did it to you guys, too?"

"Fuck this," Jason storms off, gently shoving Cassie off, who had tried to stop him from leaving.

Hank calls after him, "Hey, we're not done here, kid."

"You people are insane! I'd rather be with Deathstroke than you assholes. You think everything's my fault."

Jason runs off.

"He didn't fucking do it, you idiots. How the hell could he have known?" Cassie spits at them, more at the older ones and not Rachel, and goes after Jason.

The others were taken aback, Cassie never got angry with them.

The elevator dings and out walks Dick, he whispers, "He's here."

Hank turns to him, "What?"

"Deathstroke, here, in the Tower. He took pictures of all of us."

Gar walks in, "Can't a guy sleep in?"

"Dick, talk to me. What's with the gun?" Hank says cautiously.

"Jason. Cass." He takes off and heads up to the roof.

Cassie is standing with Jason, trying to get him to talk to her.

She notices that Dick had found them and left to give them some space. She knew Dick was the one Jason needed to talk to right now, Cassie could only do so much. 
