At the beach, they are all sitting around a bonfire.

Dawn smiles, "Hey. Look what the surf dragged in."

"I was beginning to think you blew us off," Dick laughs.

Jericho signs, "Homework, it never ends." Dawn translates.

Cassie signs back to Jericho, "Don't I fucking know it?" Which makes him laugh. None of the others see the interaction.

Hank is holding a football, "Ah, it did for me. One day I woke up, no school, not books."

Dawn looks at him, "Weren't you expelled?"

"Some say."

Dick chuckles, "Well, Stereolab released a new Japanese pressing today."

Jericho signs, "Twelve-inch?"

"Twelve-inch and the LP. Both on clear vinyl."

Dawn chuckles, "A little profanity. He says, 'Take all my money, please.'"

"Sure," Dick laughs.

Donna catches the ball Hank had thrown, "Ok, record geeks, come back to the party, please." She throws it to Jericho who throws it to Hank. The three begin to throw it around. Cassie is sitting against a log typing, she still had her dissertation due soon, she had been tuning out most of the conversations they had been having in order to focus.

Dick asks Dawn, "You okay?"

"I hate this."

"This is the only way. Trust me. If you start feeling weird, just think about Garth."

"I just like the kid."

"So do I. But he's Deathstroke's son."

"Are we sure of that?"

Dick turns and looks at him, "He's the one."

Hank laughs, "So there I was, sixth grade, braces, and doing the full Spanish version of the Macarena... the whole five-minute version."

Dawn chuckles, "Mmm-hmm."

"Tiffani Hernandez and her friends are sitting there, laughing at me while I'm doing this thing, dancing my heart out. And I swore then and there... I'd never dance again." Hank takes a drink.

Donna teases, "Never?"

"Never, ever."

Dick looks over to Jericho, "Hey, that's a cool little cuff thing. The Eye of Horus. Where'd you get that?"

Jericho signs and Dawn says, "He said, 'It was a birthday gift.'"

"Who from?"

"His dad."

The others watch him a little closer, Cassie had stopped working a little while ago, but now she wishes she hadn't.

"Is he still in the picture?"

Jericho looks down.

Dawn leans closer to him, "Hey, I get it. Not everyone has a family you want to talk about."

Jericho nods.

"I was raised by a borderline psychopath. We don't get to choose our fathers," Dick reassures him.

Dawn translates as Jericho signs, "He said, his dad was a war hero. Before he was born, his dad was in the army. He was part of a special unit called H.I.V.E."

"What's he doing now."

"He doesn't know. They don't talk. He hasn't lived with them in a few years."

Donna opens the cooler and hands a can to Jericho, "Fresh one?"

He accepts it.

Dick presses on, "Why's that?'

Jericho takes a drink.

"Everything changed after my dad retired from the military. He went into business with a buddy of his. A man named Wintergreen. His dad said his new business was risk assessment for an insurance company. He went from hardly home to nearly never. And then...men came to their house looking for his dad, one of them slit his throat. When he came home from the hospital, his dad was gone. We all have family stories, right?"

"That's a rough one, Jericho. I'm sorry," Dick looks at the kid.

Hank makes a toast, "To fucked up families. Only ones we've ever known."

Dick raises his drink, "Cheers."

"To family," Dawn toasts.

They all cheer their cans. Jericho smiles at them.

Cassie catches his eye and signs, "These weirdos are the best family I've got, we all understand how you feel. Trust me."

He gives her a small smile and nods.

"Would you have it any other way?" he signs.

She grins, "Never."

The two often had small conversations in ASL that the others didn't catch, sometimes Dawn did, but only because she usually translated for Jericho. Cassie learned the language as a teenager since she had plenty of time on her hands. She figured it would be a good skill to have, and she's used it plenty of times.

Donna holds a tablet with all the information Cassie had gathered, "Meet Wintergreen. Aka William Randolph Wintergreen, Special Forces. Slade ran into him on a UN mission in Bosnia."

"Uncle Wintergreen was also Slade's best man at his wedding. The insurance job was just a cover for assassin work," Dick adds to her explanation. Donna hands Dawn the tablet. "Wintergreen was the main contact for clients looking to hire Slade aka Deathstroke."

Donna says, "We ran Wintergreen through Bruce's facial recognition software. Pulled up an address in Bernal Heights. House looks lived in."

"We should move now."

"No recon first?" Hank asks, "This is Deathstroke we're talking about. I want to know what kind of shitstorm we're walking into."

Donna explains, "Look, I know we all want this over as soon as possible. I just don't want to miss him if we have a chance now."
"We catch this Wintergreen guy, I say we cut ties with Jericho. Leave him out of this," Dawn reasons.

Hank agrees, "Dawn's right. We got what we wanted."

"Let's get Wintergreen." Donna takes back the tablet from Dawn and hands it to Cassie.

She sighs, as much as she wanted to get Deathstroke she didn't want to hurt Jericho. He was a good kid who had been through enough. They all head out to the house.

Donna breaks down the door and they all storm in, but no one is home.

Dick looks around and no one is there, "They knew we were coming."

"Oh, there's no way. We moved too fast," Hank walks further into the house. Cassie pulls out her tablet trying to see if anyone but them was in the house, but no one was there. She was sure there were heat signatures only a couple of minutes ago.

Donna stops and looks at Dick, "Or maybe sweet Jericho played us."

"He hates his dad. You were there when he told us," Dawn defends the kid.

"More like love-hate. Either way, I saw we party with young Jericho again. See where it takes us."

Hank shakes his head, "I'm still with Dawn on this. I'm done playing that kid."

"Since when is separating children from their psychopath parents a bad thing? We're doing him a favor."

"We're not exactly Child Services."

"Maybe you forgot what his dad did. Garth is dead."

Dawn looks at her friend, "Nobody's forgotten."

"None of us. But maybe we've taken it far enough with him. We'll find another way," Dick tells Donna.

Donna turns to look at him, "So I'll just stand here and wait for this big idea?"

"I said 'we'. You'll be a part of it, too."

"Can't wait." She storms out of the house.

"I'll go tell Jericho."

Dawn follows Donna out of the house.

Hank follows after her. Dick looks at the cup of coffee on the counter and sticks his pinky finger in it, it's still hot. He glances at Cassie who furrows her brows. Someone was here and knew they were coming.

"Follow me," Dick leads Jericho into the living room. "Guys, I have great news."

Hank isn't facing Dick when he walks in, not seeing who was with him, "You're rejoining the circus?"

"No. You have to see this."

Dawn walks closer to him, "You should have called."

"Something came up." Dick nods to Jericho, "Go ahead. Show 'em."

"He's asking, 'Who?'" Dawn translates as Jericho points to the group,

Hank looks at her, "'Who' what?"

"Hank," Dick smirks.

"'Hank' what?"

Dick smiles, "Look at Jericho." Cassie cocks her head to the side and moves over to Dick's side, not really sure what was about to happen.

Jericho breathes deeply and transfers himself into Hank.

"I don't know what this is about, but I'm gonna-" he gets a dazed look in his eye, "Dance." Hank/Jericho grabs Dawn's hand, "Let's dance."

"What?" He spins her and they begin to dance. Dawn laughs.

"My mom taught me this one." He spins her again and then dips her.

Dawn laughs, "What's happening to Hank?"

"I'm not very good at this," he spins like a ballerina. Hank/Jericho chuckles.

Dick crosses his arms, "That's not Hank."

Hank begins to dance again. Dick and Cassie share a look and Dick just nods at her.

"So this is like Invasion of the Body Snatchers?" Donna walks closer to Hank and then over to Jericho and Dick.

Hank/Jericho says while dancing, "Kind of. I can make my consciousness jump into anyone I make eye contact with. I control everything. What they do, what they say. Hank has no idea I've rented him out."

"No way," Dawn looks closer at Hank.

Hank/Jericho signs to Dawn, "I hope this doesn't freak you out."

Donna looks from Jericho to Hank and back, "This is amazing."

"No," he pulls up his shirt and shows off Hank's abs, "This is amazing." He chuckles. "It sucks to have to give it up."

Jericho goes back into his own body.

"Did I just blackout? And pull my groin?" Hank holds his hip in pain.

Jericho looks down and signs sorry.

Hank advances towards Jericho, "What are you laughing at? Did you just-"

"He said, 'Sorry.' He's sorry," Dawn says as Jericho moves back and holds a hand out. Hank looks back at Dawn and then at Jericho.

"Where did you get this power?" Donna looks at Jericho.

Dawn translates, "He doesn't know. He thinks it's from the drugs his dad took when he was in the military."

Dawn signs to Jericho, "How long have you had this power?"

Jericho shrugs. "He doesn't know. Since he was a kid. The only person he told was his dad. Once. The only other person he's told is his mom. Until now."

"Body-hopping. There's so much you could do with that." Donna looks back at Dick who nods.

Cassie shakes her head at the two, their old habits certainly don't go away.

Dawn moves over to Dick, "Can I talk to you for a second, please?"

She walks away and he follows.

Cassie pulls Jericho off to the side while Hank and Donna chat.

"How are you? I know telling us probably wasn't easy," she signed, she didn't really want the other two to understand what they were saying.

"I was scared, but I'm glad I told you guys. Feels nice to tell someone who isn't family."

She put a hand to her chest in feint hurt, "Ouch I thought we were friends, and friends are pretty much family."

He laughed, "My bad, I'll have to remember that."

She smiled and Dick walked out asking Jericho to come with him and Dawn. He complies. Dick nods at Cassie and she knew he was going to tell him the truth. They had that friendship where words just weren't needed sometimes. Signed nor spoken.
