Cassie gets a call from Donna. "Donna? You found Rachel yet?"

"No. I think Rachel may have killed another guy."

Cassie sighed, "Send me any photos. I'll see what I can do. But Donna you better get up to the tower, there's something else."

"I'm on my way."

Donna hung up and Cassie sighed.

Donna is looking at Gar's bloody paw print when Cassie walks into the living room.

"What happened?"

Cassie explains, "I'm 99.9% sure it was CADMUS. They came for Conner, but took Gar when they found out what he can do."


"Yeah. I'm-" Cassie stops when Donna gets a call from Rachel.

She answers and puts it on speaker so Cassie can hear, "Rachel. I've been looking everywhere for you. Where have you-" her phone crackles.

Rachel in a breaking voice, "Donna..."


"... I need you... Elko Diner..."


The phone disconnects. Cassie and Donna share a look.

"Go. I'll dig up more on CADMUS. Rachel needs you. I'll come up with a plan to get the boys back."

"Are you sure?" Donna looks at her apprehensively.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure. Go."

Donna nods and leaves.

Cassie texted Jason asking if he and Rose were ok.

She got a short response from him, "Yep, we're good. Found a place to stay."

She quickly texted him back, "Please stay safe and call if you need anything."

All she got was a thumbs-up emoji. A similar interaction had been happening for the past few days, but this time they actually found a place which she was happy about. She didn't want to tell him they were in trouble and needed his help because she knew he would just be angry and not want to come. She'd text him and Rose when Donna came back.

Cassie had complied with everything she possibly could about the CADMUS building. The past six month's guard schedule. Everyone who had access to special parts of the building. She even found the name of who was controlling everything, other than Lex Luthor: Mercy Graves. Oh, how she wanted to punch that bitch in the face. She also found out that CADMUS was planning a not-so-legal auction, for Conner. She wasn't sure how Gar fit into the plan just yet but she knew he was somehow involved.
