ATE Extra Archives

The extras are getting harder to navigate, and when I need to look something up for reference, it becomes difficult.

So here's basically a table of contents, with short descriptions.

It will be updated with every upload of extras.

Also, if you haven't read the extras, spoiler alert; this is meant mainly for those who have already read it in order to find a specific one easier.

Of course, the descriptions aren't too in-depth. If you want to read this without reading the others, you should be okay.

Extras 1:

Garden: Ink has a garden.

Missing: Dusty goes missing.

Rescue: Dusty gets rescued.

Leader for a Week: Dusty gets temporary control over the empire.

Painless: Dusty goes on a mission.

Nightmares: Ink has nightmares.

Punishment: Dusty wants to be punished because he did a bad, but Ink doesn't know how to do so.

The Newcomer: Dusty meets a new friend, but he feels envy instead.

Rescue (Alternate version)(Bad ending): Dusty does not get rescued.

Illness: Dusty gets a cold.

Dungeon: Ink and Dusty visit the dungeon.

The Takeover: Fell recounts Ink's plot to take over the multiverse.

Daily Life of a Guard: Fell recounts his daily life.

Failure: Ink stops the plot to overthrow him.

Revived: Nighty's gang sees the light again.

Pets: Dust bunnies.

The Rival: Someone tries to take Dusty's job.

Error 404 - File not Found: Error recounts his life after the execution.

Horrortale: Dream recounts Horrortale's capture.

Tricks: Ink thinks that Dusty is going to a pet show and acts accordingly.

Visiting: A new high rank visits Dusty.

Mission: Mail.

Torture: Ink teaches Dusty the art of torture.

Scare: Dusty wants a glass of water.

Check: Dusty checks on the high ranks.

Coercion: Papyrus recounts the reson why he joined Ink.

Lies: Papyrus does a good, but is countered by Ink's bad.

Another Toy: Dusty gets his own toy.

Human: Dusty visits his human.

Introduced: Nighty's gang gets a tour.

Jacket: Ink tries to take Dusty's jacket, and dress up occurs.

Papy: Papyrus tries to escape being a toy.

Accepted: Nighty's gang has a good day.

Compliments: Dusty compliments Ink in paraghraph form.

Care: Ink and Dusty take a day to relax.

Walk: Ink and Dusty take a walk.

Extras 2:

Kidnapped: Dusty gets kidnapped.

Ignorance: Papy does a bad.

Hide and Seek: Ink and Dusty play a game.

Reverse: Ink and Dusty are switched in a different multiverse.

Celebration: Papy has his anniversary party.

Begging: Dusty begs for his brother's life.

Bath: Dusty takes a bath.

Carve: Ink hears of the term "Soul Carver" and intends to see it for himself.

Need: Dusty has torture withdrawal.

Kneeling: Ink gives a speech about how he's better than everyone else.

Demon: The fact that Ink is possessed by a demon is exposed.

Painting: Ink makes a painting.

Realization: Ink discovers Dusty's ability to not feel pain.

Breaks: Ink and Dusty take breaks.

'Amnesia': Ink has amnesia..or does he?

Comfort: Dusty comforts Ink on a bad day.

Blame: Dusty has the lowest self-esteem of all time.

Reward: Dusty gets a reward for being a good toy.

Sense: Dusty's sensible personality commits die.

Protecting: Papy protects Dusty.

Brother: Dusty is mean to Papyrus.

Birthday: Ink has a birthday.

Insanity: Ink suffers in isolation, and Dusty feels pity for him.

Withdrawal: Dusty has another torture withdrawal. *Nighty's gang edition*

Initiation: Swapyrus gets to join an evil army.

Death: Ink makes Dusty commit no-nos.

Switch: Ink and Dusty switch bodies and mock eachother.

Arena: Ink has a gladitorial arena.

Stolen: Hoep is stolen, and Dusty gets an attitude.

Childlike: Dusty is an innocent bean, and Ink is cruel.

Rain: Ink and Dusty play in the rain.

Extras 3:

Camping: Ink and Dusty go camping.

Papa: Ink adopts Dusty.

Visit: Nighty's gang visits Dusty in a dream.

Immortality: Ink explains what it is to be immortal.

Crying: Dusty cries.

Induction: Soldiers join the army.

Video games: Ink is a murder mystery pro.

Cruelty: Ink tortures Dusty with nice cream and a blow dryer.

School: Dusty goes to school.

Forget: Dusty gets amnesia.

Disobedience: Papy wants to stay asleep.

Spectate: Dusty watches Ink torture someone.

Hatred: Dusty expresses his hate for Papyrus in a hallway.

Joyride: Ink commits grand theft auto.

Confession: Dusty reveals that all the high ranks have emotional issues.

Catch: Papyrus rescues Dusty in Grillby's.

Hurt: Dusty has had enough bullying and asks Ink to help.

Discipline: Ink beats Dusty publicly.

Attention: Ink neglects Dusty.

Behavior: Ink recounts another normal day of manipluating Dusty.

Abducted: Dusty gets kidnapped. *Papa edition*

Harm: Ink gets hurt, and Dusty gets help.

Knights: Ink and Dusty have a conversation about knights.

Science: Dusty is hit by a laser.

Life: Dusty recounts another normal day.

Cold: Dusty asks Ink why his room is Antarctica.

Family: Dusty has family problems.

Testing: Ink tries to torture Dusty with a book.

Isolation: Ink isolates Dusty for the first time.

Commands: Ink orders Dusty around.

Tailor: Ink rips Dusty's jacket, and Dusty cries about it.

Blanket: Blue and Dream give Dusty contraband.

Cheer: Thunder and Lightning cheer up Ink.

Extras 4:

Reset: Dusty gets reset.

Grief: Dusty dies, and Ink cries.

Drowning: Dusty doesn't like drowning.

Isolated: Dusty is isolated again.

Crack: Papyrus worries about Dusty.

Rock: Dusty accidentally hurts Ink.

Destruction: Dusty's Hope falls in lava.

Arts and Crafts: Ink and Dusty have an activity time.

Sick: Ink gets a cold.

Heirs: Ink has children.

Treats: Dusty likes tree berries.

Conquering: Dusty conquers an AU for Ink.

Trouble: Ink hurts Papy, and Dusty gets neglected.

Ink's View on Heroes and Villains: Ink explains why he is a hero.

Captive: Ink's chikdren get kidnapped by the resistance.

Resistance: Classic makes his rounds in the resistance base.

Schemes: Paint has a grudge against Dusty.

Relieved: Nighty's gang visits Dusty in Ink's room.

Disturbance: Dusty has a nightmare.

Laws: Ink upholds his laws.

Chicken: A chicken bites Dusty.

Logo: Ink gives his empire a brand.

Ticklish: Dusty is ticklish.

Picnic: Dusty, Ink, Fell, and Papyrus have a picnic, and Ink and Papyrus have a war.

Manners: Ink is well-mannered. 

Documents: Ink tortures Dusty with a file.

Purring: Dusty purrs.

Extras 5:

Oops?: Ink tries to conquer another multiverse.

Negative: Ink forces Dusty to eat a black apple.

Murder: Dusty hears his old nickname.

An Omega Problem: Ink summons Photoshop Flowey.

Intimidation: Dusty gets stuck in a T-pose.

Redeem: Ink feels remorse.

Baby: Dusty becomes a baby.

Collar: Ink collars Dusty permanently.

Strict: Dusty leads a meeting.

Feeding: Baby Dusty gets fed.

Fun: Dusty tortures a Papyrus.

Guest: an unfortunate forced Destroyer Error falls into ATE, and Ink takes advantage.

Blankets: Baby Dusty gets a cold.

Returning: Dusty gets returned to Ink after getting thrown into a portal.

Friendly: Ink tortures a child.

Underestimate: Ink gains stalkers.

Swearing: Fell showcases fruity language in front of Dusty (no actual swearing).

Massacre: Ink kills people.

Mathematics: Dusty doesn't understand geometry.

Physics: Papy doesn't obey the laws of physics.

Armor: Ink makes Dusty wear a suit of armor.

Error: Nighty's gang comes with Dusty to visit Error.

Vantablack: Ink consumes black apples and becomes more evil.

Repent: Ink consumes golden apples and becomes good.

Cannibalism: Hororr eats Ink.

Bring Your Baby to Work Day: Ink brings baby Dusty to a meeting.

Medieval: ATE in medieval times.

Gone: Classic dies.

Big brother: Baby Dusty meets Papyrus.

Cell: Classic Sans recounts his first days in Ink's dungeon.

Mastermind: Dusty being the bad guy for once.

Another Torture Short Because We Deinitely Need More Angst: Ink beats Dusty.

Petting: Ink pets Dusty.

Alive: Hope has been watching those horror movies about dolls.

Bandaids: Baby Dusty discovers bandaids.

Windowsill: Dusty enjoys Ink's windowsill.

Playing: Ink plays a game with Dusty, but it is a torture game.

Reasons: Fell tells Dusty a story about Ink.

Amusement: Ink takes Dusty to an amusement park.

Thunder: Baby Dusty is afraid of thunder.

Balloon: Dusty plays with a balloon.

Extras 6: 

Light: Dusty is diagnosed with trauma. 

Alphabet: Ink corrupts one of the most innocent things in the English language.

Giant: Dusty has a science-induced growth spurt.

Progress: Ink has a pleasant talk with Classic.

Demand: Dusty demands something of Ink.

Protest: Dusty feels the consequences of a protest he didn't even take part in.

Photos: Ink and Dusty get their picture taken.

Babynapped: Baby Dusty is kidnapped, and Ink has a mental breakdown (not that bad).

Nature: Dusty takes a stroll in Ink's garden.

Wind: Dusty is sensitive to the wind (I will not lie, this is kind of based on me in the winter).

Defiance: Dusty recounts his first week in captivity.

Breaking: Dusty recounts the moment when Ink finally broke him.

Future: Ink and Dusty look into the future.

Dark: Dusty recounts Papyrus's turning (this is Vantablack btw), and Fell gets him nice cream.

Impressions: Ink enlists Dusty to help him win a "best empire" contest.

Pointless: Ink tries to get a clingy Dusty to go away.

Christmas: Ink is the Grinch.

Meeting: Papyrus is bad at planning interventions. 

Darker: Dusty is treated very badly and needs help.

Blue: Dusty thinks about why Blue is such a good friend.

Attempt: Dusty tries to escape.

Capture: Dusty accompanies Papyrus to a base in a universe, and it gets attacked.

Buddy: Dusty meets a new (very new, never seen before) friend. (I just got the wonderful idea to introduce Dusty to Dustbelief Papyrus- I should totally do that in Extras 7).

Nom: Baby Dusty likes to eat things that are not food.

Invasion: Cape recounts the story of his AU's capture.

Fighting: Ink spars with Dusty.

Paranoia: Cape recounts his week in the dungeon.

Coincidence: Papyrus comes to rescue Error while Dusty is visiting.

Attack: Dusty has a torture withdrawal. *Unintended attack edition*

Exhaustion: Dusty is tired, and Papyrus tries to help.

Introductions: Cape meets high rank eighty-three.

Ghost: Ink turns Dusty into a ghost. *flashbacks to that one short series I lost about Dusty dying and cries*

Sand: Ink makes the one typo that all Undertale fans fear.

Taming: Ink explains how to tame a wild Dusty.

Yet Darker: Ink forces Dusty to take a harmful substance.

Saved: Broomie gets murdered, and Ink is free.

Extras 7:

Consideration: Dusty decides that Papyrus is not all bad.

Darkest: Dusty learns some things.

Spies: Ink interrogates possible spies.

Curtains: Error dies.

Intelligence: Dusty is not smart.

Escape: Dusty escapes.

Warmth: Ink tempts Dusty with warmth.

Rake: A variant of Dream dies from a rake.

Growing: Baby Dusty grows up.

Time Travel: Ink travels into the future (this is one of my favorites).

Succession: Dusty takes Ink's job (this one, too)

Crawler: Ink turns into a baby.

Mommy: Dusty is led to believe that Fell is his mother.

Red-Handed: Ink stops a babynapper.

Recovery: Dusty begins to recover from his experiences.

Shatter: Dusty's frail mind shatters, but Brush is here to help.

Carwash: Ink takes Dusty through a carwash.

Impossible: Papyrus and his resistnce soldiers try to rescue Dusty again.

Pet: Dusty enjoys being Ink's pet.

Appreciation: Dusty spends some quality time with Papyrus.

Pitch: Dusty gains Ink's trust.

Dustbelief: Dusty meets Dustbelief Papyrus (I did it!).

Demotion: A high rank gets demoted.

Repute: Cape has a reputation.

Interrogation: Dusty interrogates a rebel.

Protected: Dusty's family cares for him.

Shadow: Papyrus tests Dusty.

Disowned: Cape gets disowned.

Solemnity: Blue is not as happy as Dusty thinks he is.

Desperation: Cape tries to escape the dungeon.

Reassurance: Cape helps Dusty recover from a nightmare.

Perfect: Ink lists the reasons Dusty is the perfect pet.

Friendly: Ink forces Dusty to torture Fell.

Extras 8:

Multiversal: Dusty gets sent to a different multiverse.

Inverse: ATE is swapped!

Commanding: Dream lives a day in the life of a commander.

Alternates: Papa timeline meets Heirs timeline.

Watching: Dusty's family watches him get tortured.

Matters: Dusty's family gets revived. *Papa edition*

Desires: Ink punishes Dusty by not letting him torture anyone.

Resisting: Cape joins the resistance.

Brand: Dusty's family see his brand.

Try: Ink tries to get Dusty back from the other multiverse.

Challenge: Ink challenges his soldiers to a defensive test.

Clone: Ink clones Papyrus.

Punishing: Papyrus punishes Dusty. 

Approaching: Papyrus talks to Cape.

Replacement: Ink's (tor)mentor takes over the empire.

Surety: Dusty can't tell if he's asleep or awake, but Ink can help with that.

Darkness: Papyrus commits a Dusty crime.

Reunion: Dusty is rescued by Papyrus.

Heritage: Dusty gets a toy (not Papy, this time).

Tickling: Ink tortures Dusty with merciless tickles.

Ink Cuddles: Dusty.

Floaty: Baby Dusty floats.

Purpose: Cape finds his purpose in life.

Mama: Dusty plays hide and seek with Fell and Ink.

Bunny: Dusty is the bunny king, and all must bow before him.

Hiding: Ink is afraid of Error 404.

Night Terrors: Dusty wakes up screaming from a nightmare, but his family help him.

Lineage: Ash is revealed to the empire.

Guest: Dream visits Dusty.

Wishing: Error and Dusty discuss their wishes.

Extras 9:

Nothing: Dusty does nothing.

Payback: Ink gets slapped with some very cold revenge.

Possessive: Dusty wants Ash to himself more than he already gets him.

Mercifully: Ink definitely does not overthrow the resistance. Nope.

Recompense: Ink is found after being slapped with sixty years' worth of revenge.

April: Ink discovers April Fool's Day.

Ignored: Dusty and his family ignore the high ranks.

Outdoors: Ink takes Dusty outside to relax.

Limitless: Dusty can't stop torturing people.

Chaos: Ink wakes up to Dusty, Dusty, Dusty, Dusty, and Dusty, as well as Dusty and Dusty, and maybe a few more.

Experiences: Dusty has a great time.

Another: Dusty is kidnapped by a bad guy.

Visitor: Dusty visits Dream.

Checked: Broomie vists the empire again.

Learning: Ash is bad at learning things.

Falling: Cape recounts the falling of the resistance and the expert way in which it was handled.

Protective: Dusty won't let anyone hurt Ink.

Throne: Ink finally falls to the temptation of a golden throne.

Alone: Dusty fails surviving.

Feared: Ash becomes afraid of the bean.

Snooping: Dusty gets into Ink's camera footage.

Playdate: Dusty plays with his definitely-okay-and-not-hurting friends in the resistance base!

Comforted: Ash finally realizes that he likes spending time with Dusty.

Gifts: Ink gets a menacing tower of presents every year for his birthday.

Three in the Morning: Papy and Dusty get a drink of water.

Choices: Dusty has to choose between Ink and Papyrus. He picks wrong.

Evaluation: Cape gets a job interview.

Show: Ink thinks that torturing someone publicly is great entertainment.

Good: Papyrus tells Dusty how a "good" brother is supposed to act.

Worry: Ash is kidnapped, and Dusty panics, overreacting to everything.

Froggy: Dusty befriends a frog.

Instruction: Ink tries to teach Dusty how to get people to listen to him.

Extras 10: 

Mute: Dusty goes mute.

Duo: Ink and Dusty both get captured by rebels.

Necromancy: Last Hope does not work.

Thunderstorm: Dream is afraid of thunder.

Job: Cape gets a job.

Celebrating: Paint and Brush have their twenty-second birthday.

Mistake: Ink turns Dusty evil again.

Burglar: A clumsy burglar tries to steal from an immortal artist with a watchDusty.

Better: Dusty is a good brother.

Satisfaction: Dusty tortures his brother.

Truths: Ash tells the truth.

New: Ink conquers another multiverse.

Fear: Dusty is afraid of Ink.

Masochism: Dusty decides that he wants to be tortured now.

Acceptable: Dusty is more of a good brother than last time.

Mental: Cape manipulates Dusty's emotions to help him in the end.

Dreamswap: Ink conquers Dreamswap.

Quickly: Ink proves that the fact that he saved a life does not mean that he is redeemable.

Abuse: Dusty is kidnapped by mean people.

Aftermath: Ink has been overthrown, and Cape is waiting for his trip home.

Together: Ink captures Papyrus, who proceeds to meet Ash.

Black: Dusty is content with his life.

Dread: Papyrus has a horrible nightmare.

Movie: Dusty and the Star Sanses have a movie night.

Alternatively: Ink conquers yet another multiverse.

Bad Day: Dusty has a bad day, but Papyrus and Ink are there to help!

Powers: Paint unlocks a new ability.

Dummy: Dusty is used as a dummy.

Hopelessness: Error and Dusty talk after Dusty loses hope. 

Extras 11:

Perfecting: Dusty is a great toy.

Domestication: Ink teaches Dusty the joys of cuddling.

Quarrels: Ink and Dream do not like eachother.

Reality: Dusty loses his grip.

Relapse: Dusty has a relapse.

Volition: Dusty experiences life as a robot.

Judging: Ink is a judge, too.

Inmprovements: Dusty proves that he is better than all those home improvement magazines.

Trauma: Dusty gets bullied. 

Lashing: Dusty gets whipped.

Guardian: Dusty gets a kid. 

Likeminded: Ink gets a new pawn, and Dusty gets a friend.

Beginnings: Dusty gets a new life with the potential for more trauma than ever before, yayyy!

Leading: Dream gets crash courses in obedience and loyalty at two different times.

Cactus: Cacti.

Home: Cape finally gets the bus ticket to his home.

Respect: Ink and Dusty fool around, and Dusty shows off how much trauma he has.

Insanity: Dusty hecking loses it.

Asylum: Dusty ends up in an insane asylum.

Determined: Dusty stays determined.

Changes: Reverse finally gets a sequel after 73694276446 years.

Goodbye: Papy runs away.

Extras 12:

Vengeance: Ink bullies Papy.

Like Brother, Like Brother: Papyrus gets well-acquainted with Paint.

Retirement: Ink retires.

Earn: Dream gets a new power.

Grief: Ink faces consequences for killing a child.

Hatred: Papyrus rescues a Dusty who hates him.

Perfection: Papyrus may or may not be a platonic yandere.

Changes: Nightmare figures out one of Ink's evil plans..and has to ignore it.

Work: Ink and Dusty share a work day.

Possession: Dusty gets possessed.

War: Ink finds baby Dusty a friend.

Yellow: Undertale Yellow exists.

Toybox: Ink gets some new toys, and Dusty doesn't feel special anymore.

Wrong: Papy will never forgive himself.

Worth: Ink reminds Dusty that he means something.

Extras 13:

Coming soon!

What to expect (not guaranteed!):

More "Goodbye"!

More "Papa"!

Requests are open!
