ATE - 24 - Desert

I had been Ink's toy for ninety-four years and two months. My brother was trying to rekindle our relationship, at least to the point where I would actually talk to him without Ink having to order me to. I wasn't quite sure what to do, but I knew the one person who would be: Ink. Ink always looked out for me and gave me the best advice, and I knew that he would know exactly how to handle my problem. As for other things, the name "Soul Carver" had been becoming somewhat of a calling card; Ink seemed to like it, and he even made it an official title! Ink said that I would be doing a special job today; I couldn't wait to find out what it was! When I woke up, I found Ink smiling; today looked to be a good day.

"Good morning, Dusty!" Ink greeted.

"Good morning, Ink!" I returned. 

"Did you sleep well?"


" look like you have something on your mind.."

"I do."

"What is it?"

"My brother..he's been trying to talk to me. He makes it seem like he really cares..I don't know what to do.."

"Well, I don't think it's worth it. Tell him to leave you alone until he stops."

"Thanks, Ink."

"Of course! I can't have my little Soul Carver confused, now can I?" Ink patted my skull; I knew that he was right. "Now, would you like to know what you'll be doing today?"

"I'd love to!"

"You're going to help train a few guards!"

"That sounds fun!"

"It does! You know what to do, right?"

"Of course!"

"You're such a good little Dusty!"

"When do I start?" 

"In an hour, but I want you in the waiting room with the students until then; if you need any help or have any questions, just ask the trainer!"

"Okay! What are you going to be doing? If it isn't too much trouble, of course."

"Wonderful question! I'm going to have a little talk with your brother about your problem; I'm sure that he'll leave you alone after that."

"You're the best, Ink!"

"Thank you! Now, you don't want to be late for the training!"

"Okay, Ink! Bye!" I waved as I made my way to the door.

"Good bye!" Ink returned the wave.

I began to make my way to the training section of the compound. I had been there many times before with Ink; he liked using me as a dummy, but I didn't mind - why would I ever mind? On my way there, I passed my brother in the hallway; I managed to ignore him successfully, though. I didn't understand why he kept trying to talk with me; didn't he understand that I wouldn't fall for his tricks again? Maybe he was just too thickskulled to realize. That frown he wore would have melted my soul in the past; now, it did nothing. When I reached the training section, I noticed that the swapped Sans and Dream were training the new guards today; they were good friends. I took my seat in the waiting room next to a few students; I knew why Ink wanted me to help today: there were many more students than usual, and three instructors could do more work than two. I listened to a few conversations as I waited; one of them was right across from me, and it was undoubtedly the most memorable. One guard was being sent through the routine once more due to improper conduct, and he was telling a new guard about mostly everything. 

"Now, these three are the most important out of all of them." The older guard held up a picture.

"I recognize one of them..the one that changed me.." The newer guard still hadn't recovered mentally.

"The one that changed you would be called Ink. He's the leader of this empire, and he's not one to mess with. Do you know the extent to which he changed you?"

"He told it true?"

"Unfortunately, yes. You have to obey every order given to you, or you risk losing your brother."

"What happens if you do? D-do you still have to follow orders?"

"He'll find some other way to control you.."


"His main attacks are paint-based, but he can also use his large brush as a weapon. If you ever see red paint, don't touch it - it burns worse than anything else."

"Who's this?" The newer guard pointed to the picture.

"That would be Ink's left hand, Papyrus; he has a nickname, but few use it. He used to lead the resistance against Ink until he was captured by his brother and forced to join. He does a lot of the dirty work for Ink..if only to keep his brother from doing it."

"Why would his own brother capture him?"

"Dust - an unfortunate soul. This is him: Ink's right hand." The older guard pointed to a different part of the picture. "If you ever see him, it's safe to say hello - just don't bring up his brother."

"Why not?"

"I don't really know. I've only been here for a decade or so; in all the time I've been here, I've never figured out why he hates his brother so much. There are rumors that Ink brainwashed him, and they're honestly believable; I couldn't tell you past that. Dust is probably the one you have to look out for the most; if you ever get him angry, run."


"They call him the Soul Carver for a reason."

"The what?!" 

"The Soul Carver. Either by Ink's orders, someone making him angry, or his work, he has done this to thousands of souls." The older guard pulled his soul out; I had touched it.

" are you still alive?!"

"Nobody knows. The pain never fully goes away, either. It's a permanent reminder of your disobedience, and not even a reset can take it away."

"How did could he.."

"Rumors say he practiced on himself."

"Why would he do that to people?!"

"He's insane. What else needs to be said?"

"That isn't good enough! I need to know!"

"Look, I think the instructors today know why; ask them, but I have no desire to know about that..that..that murderer."

"Why are you guys talking about murderers?" The swapped Sans walked up.

"You know why Dust is Dust, right?" The older guard wondered. 

"Well, I do, but it's not exactly the happiest fairytale.." 

"This kid wants to know why."

"I'm not a kid!" The newer guard crossed his arms. "Why, though?"

"Well, we have some time before the lesson starts." The swapped Sans took a seat. "Dust used to be one of the first people to oppose Ink; he knew Ink was evil before even I did! Everybody thought he was dead for good after Ink executed him and his friends, but his universe went through a reset, and he was brought back. Before Ink could take over, he managed to escape his universe with his brother and joined the resistance to fight back. His first mission was an attempt to capture Error..but he didn't make it. When Ink found out that he was alive, he decided to make him his own personal plaything, and he tortured Dust every..every day. After decades of torture, Dust simply couldn't take it anymore; he started to lose his mind. At that point, he started to develop somewhat of a disease - I think humans call it Stockholm syndrome - that made him actually grow attached to Ink. Ink used it to his advantage, and he tried to replace Dust's brother's place in Dust's mind. After a while, he did it. He forced Dust to grow a hatred for his brother, and once that was settled, he made Dust capture his brother; everything fell into place after that. Papyrus keeps his brother out of harm's way, and Dust keeps Papyrus under Ink's control.."

"But.." The newer guard couldn't believe it. "Doesn't Papyrus love his brother?"

"We're not allowed to speak about it while Dust is near.."

"What do you mean?"

"He's been listening." The swapped Sans looked over to me; I waved.

"Wait, he's been there the entire time?!"

"I get to help train today." I smiled.

"That's good news." The swapped Sans stated. 

"Wait.." The older guard hummed. "If you've been listening..did you do it to yourself?"

"Yep." I pulled out my soul for the others to see.

"Ouch..why'd you do that?"

"It doesn't hurt.."

"It doesn't?"

"He can't feel pain - side effect of torture." The swapped Sans explained.


"Well, it's time to begin the lesson; you know what to do, right, Dust?"

"I've been through it about two hundred times.." I reminded.

"Wait, you took this course two hundred times?!" The older guard was shocked.

"No, that's silly!" I laughed. "I was the dummy two hundred times!"

"When you say decades of torture, you mean it, don't you?"

"Afraid so." The swapped Sans confirmed. "Let's get going."

After this, the students and instructors entered the main training area, and the training was ready to begin. The swapped Sans and Dream demonstrated the attacks, while I ensured that the students were performing correctly; it was a good teaching strategy. The main attacks were finished within three hours, and by the end of it, every student was efficient enough in every one. Secondary attacks were covered next, and they were some of the hardest, due to being used while main attacks were already in motion; students sometimes took three training sessions to master them. After four more hours, they were finished. This was a basic training session, which meant that unique attacks were not covered. It was time for questions now, and the students would certainly have those after all the effort they put into their attacks; they seemed invested enough.

"If two attacks were to collide, would it be proper to summon another to prevent peripheral injury?" A student inquired.

"If it's powerful enough, it would be wise." Dream confirmed.

"What if you're in an area with suppressed magic?" Another asked.

"That is covered in a different lesson." The swapped Sans enlightened.

"How many lessons are there?" A student was bored.

"As many as you make it." I replied. "Act like that every lesson, and you might end up doing a hundred."

"What would happen if I insulted you?"


"What about your brother?"

"Still nothing."

"You're a weirdo."

"Yes, I am."

"Your brother's an idiot."

"You don't know how much I agree."

"Is it too much to ask to be suspended?"

"We don't suspend students, but if you'd like, I could give you something to cry about instead."

"What are you gonna do, take my candy bar?"

"No, but if you keep pushing, you'll find out."

"Maybe you should just stay quiet." The swapped Sans suggested.

"I don't like your stupid regime!" The student was dead set on getting into trouble. "I want to go home! I want to be left alone!"

"Please, just be silent!" Dream requested.

"I don't care about any of you or your idiotic leader!"

"Oh, no.." The entire room knew that he had made a big mistake.

"If you value your life, run!" Someone shouted.

"Why should I?" The student didn't know what he had just gotten into; I pinned him in an instant. "Hey! Let me up! Get off!"

"Nobody talks about Ink like that." I unsheathed a dagger. 

"W-wait! I-I was just joking! Ink's great!"

"That's what you'll be saying for a long time." 

"P-please, don't!"

I started my work, and the entire room knew that it wouldn't be pleasant. The student begged for mercy, but he received none; I never gave mercy. Ink said that mercy was only to be used when you knew you couldn't win a fight with someone; I could win in a fight with this student, and he knew it. After a minute, I left the student on the floor, screaming in pain; he wouldn't speak of Ink like that again. The training session ended soon after that, and I returned to Ink's room to find out what he had done. When I got there, I noticed a bit of red paint where it hadn't been before; it was mixed with blood, unsurprisingly. Ink was smiling, and I returned the happy expression by habit.

"Hello, Dust!" Ink giggled. "Did the training go well?"

"Yep." I answered. "Only one large offense, but it won't be happening again."

"You took care of it, I assume?"

"I always do."

"You're such a good Dusty!" Ink patted my skull; I loved that.

"What did you do today?"

"Just that talk with your brother. I don't think he'll be bothering you again."

"You're the best, Ink."

"I know! Now, I have a bit of work to do; would you like to help?"

"I'd love to." I unsheathed a dagger.

~~~chapter end woot~~~

Dust bean isn't very nice right now..

Thanks for reading my crazy writing!

