LI - 4 - Plans



The bad people had taken me away from Dusty; they hurt him badly, too! They made him sleep before taking me away; I was scared! I wanted Goopdad! I wanted Kills, Cousin Horror, Crossy, Uncle Erry, and Dusty! They had taken me to a different place and put me in a bedroom. They said that they would take care of me; I hoped that wasn't the same "care" as Goopdad's stories..I was scared of those stories. Goopdad told them to me when I was bad; the last time was when I sneaked to the basement alone..I wasn't going to do that again. I saw that the bad people were pretending to be nice in order to gain my trust, but I wasn't going to trust them; I had promised Dusty that I wouldn't, and I knew to keep promises! Goopdad said that promises were special, and breaking them was really bad! I didn't want to be bad! I had been left alone by the bad people, but they said they were coming back. They left me some toys, but I didn't want to play; I wanted my family! Dusty was hurt..the bad people had hurt Dusty! I wanted to go home..everyone nice was at home. When the bad people came back, they were smiling; I didn't trust them.

"Hello, Ink!" The one wearing a crown waved.

"Home!" I demanded.

"Ink, this is your home now." The tall one said.

"No! Wanna go home! You bad!"

"Ink, we're not going to hurt you!" The blue one picked up a toy. "We just want to be your friends!"

"No!" I knew that they didn't! Dusty told me so!

"Gosh, what did Nightmare do?" The tall one groaned.

"I don't know..maybe we should introduce ourselves." The blue one walked up to me, handing me the toy; I put it aside. "Hello, Ink! My name is Blue!"

"Bad Blue!" I didn't like Blue. "Dusty hurt 'cause you!"

"Um.." Blue walked away to the other bad people. "Next?"

"I'll try.." The one with a crown approached me. "My name is Dream!"

"Bad Dream!" I didn't like Dream, either. "You make family sad!"

"..." Dream walked away like Blue did. 

"I'll go." The tall one came up to me last. "My name is Swapyrus, Ink."

"Bad Swap-Swapy.." I couldn't say that, but I didn't like him, however way he said his name!

"You can call me Swap."

"Bad Swap!" I didn't like Swap. "You hurt Dusty most!"

"We did it to save you!"

"Nuh-uh! You meanies! You hurt family!"

"Ink, they aren't your family!"


"They kidnapped you and made you think they were your family!"

"Nuh-uh! They family!"

Swap frowned. "It seems that this will be harder than we had expected.."

"Well, the judges are here.." Blue mentioned. "Maybe they'll have ideas."

"Right.." Dream walked back over to me. "Ink, can I carry you?"

"No!" I didn't want bad people to carry me! Only family was allowed to carry me!

Blue sighed, picking me up.

"Down!" I cried. "Down, down, down!"

"Come on, Ink." Blue didn't put me down.

The bad people took me to a different room with a big table and lots of chairs; there were more people there, but I didn't see my family..they weren't here! The other people looked like my family, but they weren't..I wanted Goopdad! I wanted to go home! The bad people put me under the table before anyone could see me; they were hiding me away! I didn't want to be hidden away! I wanted help! I hoped the other people weren't bad people, too, but Dusty said not to trust anyone; I wasn't going to. The bad people started talking after they had hidden me under the table; Blue was holding me in place to make sure I couldn't escape..

"Welcome, judges of the multiverse!" Dream pretended to be nice, but I knew he wasn't. "Today, we have good news and bad news!" 

"What's the good news?" Another person asked.

"We have found Ink!"

"What's the bad news?"

"Um..Nightmare's gang turned him into a baby..and brainwashed him.."

"We need to get the old Ink back!" Blue stated, putting me on the table; he wasn't hiding me anymore..?

"He's adorable!" Another tall skeleton noticed my cuteness; I couldn't blame him for that reaction.

The other people started saying how cute I was, too; if I could use that to my advantage, I would. Not even bad people could resist my adorable face! I decided to act like a baby - a smaller baby - to get home; if I could make one of them take me home, I would have been able to see my family again!

It had to work.


Goopdad. (Cannot. Get. Over. Name.)


After Dust had taken Ink to a safe room, Killer and I had gone to find the intruders..long story short, there were a lot of intruders. We ended up having to fight over fifty judges at once, but the thing that worried me the most was the fact that my brother and the swap brothers were nowhere to be found..I wondered where they were. After a rather long - if six hours was long - battle, all of the judges were successfully portaled to their AUs. Actually, the battle was only four hours long, but finding the judges and making sure to send them to their respective AUs took longer than we had anticipated. When the last judge was returned to his home, we were, admittedly, exhausted; four hours of battle was liable to take the fight out of even the best warriors, but we had to make sure Dust was all right. We didn't exactly know where he had taken the child, but it would have no doubt been in one of the panic rooms; we would find them soon enough.

"Can't we go to sleep?" Killer had a lot of energy, but even he was feeling the effects of enhaustion.

"We need to make sure Ink is okay." I shook my skull.

"I'm sure he's-" Killer was cut off by a startling sound: a scream. "Wh-what was that?!"

"Paperclips!" Error pinpointed the source of the scream.

"Let's go!" I wasn't going to waste any time.

We started for the paperclip storage room, making our way there in two minutes. When we entered the room, we found the hidden passageway open; if my eyelight wasn't deceiving me, that was a horrible sign. We entered the passageway, finding that the door to the panic room had been kicked down, but that wasn't what we were looking at. Dust had definitely taken Ink here...we should have been there sooner. Dust lay face down on the ground, unconscious, and Ink was nowhere to be seen. I rushed over to Dust, finding that he was not simply sleeping; red marks littered his bones..there had been a confrontation, and it seemed that Dust hadn't been able to fight off whoever had attacked.

"Dusty!" Killer exclaimed, turning the unconscious skeleton on his back; I had never seen Dust so injured..

"He needs medical attention now!" I had to turn my attention from Ink's disappearance; Dust was in too bad of a shape to ignore, and I knew that Ink's old friends, at the very least, wouldn't have allowed any harm to come to him, especially as a toddler. 

Dust was taken to the hospital room, where I began to clean his wounds; they were worse than I had thought. As I cared for Dust, Error began a preemptive search for Ink's code, hoping to find the universe he had been taken to. I eventually managed to get Dust's condition under control while Cross searched for Ink in the panic room; he wasn't there, but Cross had managed to recover the camera footage from it. While the panic rooms were meant to protect those inside, we wanted to make sure of what had happened to avoid misunderstandings; we didn't want to start a fight with someone if they hadn't taken Ink, even if it was obvious who had taken him. Once we had placed Dust in his bed, we decided to take a look at those recordings to see who we were going to annihilate- I mean hunt down.

"There should be good." I noticed the presence of Dust's brother in the film.

"All right." Error was in charge of the recording, since he knew how to use it. "Speed it up a little..and there goes the door."

"These guys are the worst searchers ever.." Killer remarked, noting the horrible searching of Dream and the swap brothers; I would have thought that they would have been better at searching.

"Th-they found him, though." Cross admitted.

"Talking..battle.." Error was skipping through those parts.

"Hey, wait!" Killer stopped the recording. "What the heck do they think they're doin'?!"

"My goodness.." I had never..Dream..he wouldn't..

"This's.." Horror couldn't voice his thoughts.

"Wh-why would they d-do that?" Cross was crying.

"..." Error had nothing to say.

The recording was fast forwarded to after the..event. 

"They're takin' him!" Killer was angry; an angry Killer was never good. 

"W-we need to get h-him back!" Cross was cross; they had crossed the line. "Th-they might h-hurt him!"

"They wouldn't hurt a kid.." Horror couldn't believe it.

"As far as I'm concerned, Dust is a child." I narrowed my gaze on those responsible. "We are going to get our youngest back, and we are going to do it before that trio gets any ideas."

"Just point me in the right direction." Error was ready.

"We just need that universe." 

"I'm on it."


Ink. Again. Because cute baby is cute.


I had managed to win over the bad people with my cuteness; they really liked me now! I still wasn't going to trust them, though, since Dusty told me not to, and I wasn't going to be bad like the bad people. The bad people were actually being rude; they didn't let me do what I wanted to do! I wanted to go home, but when I asked, they said no..I wanted my family. The bad people had taken me away from the others and put me in a different room while the others talked. The bad person named Swap was really mad at me; I didn't know why. I couldn't make him like me by being adorable, since he didn't care. I had asked a lot of times to go home, but they said no every time, and Swap got more angry every time. I was going to ask again, and I hoped tha they would say yes this time.

"Can I go home?" I used my most adorable face.

"No, Ink." Dream shook his head. "This is your home now."

"I want Goopdad!"

"Who?" Blue tilted his head.

"Goopdad!" How did he not know who Goopdad was?!

"Goopdad? Goop..Nightmare?" Dream wondered. 

"Goopdad is Goopdad."

"Will you quit asking to go back?" Swap looked angry. "You will never be in Nightmare's clutches ever again."

I started to cry; Swap was a meanie!

"Papy!" Blue was mad at Swap. "You could be nicer about it!"

Swap sighed. "You're right, Blue. Maybe I should give him a..super special apology.."


"But I think we should be alone for it; toddlers only."

"Hmm..okay!" Blue took Dream and left me alone with Swap.

He came down to my level on one knee and smiled; I didn't like that smile.

"A child, eh?" Swap scoffed. "It's only a matter of time before you grow up and I can take control once more."

"Wh-what?" I didn't know what he was talking about..but it scared me..

"Well, a child is of no use to me..I need someone with greater control of his powers. This host is rather dull, but he responds well to you will. I realize that I gave you too much freedom last time; I aim to change that. This time, you won't be able to access that stupid code of yours without my permission, and I'll have more severe penalties for fighting me; you will not escape from me this time. Until then, however, I'll have to deal with this host..he's less of a fighter than you were, especially after a few threats."

"Wh-who are you?"

"I am your master, Ink; I've simply lost control of you for a while, but don't worry..I'll get you back." Swap hit me hard.

"Ow!" I cried harder.

"That was for becoming a child, of all things; I'll punish you for disobeying me when I have control again."

"I-I want t-to go..h-home.."

"Your friends are coming; they're the ones who will train you to use your powers, after all. I urge you to listen well; I'll be needing your skill."

"Wh-why take me..if I g-go back?"

"..Good question.." Swap paused, thinking of something to say. "I guess I just wanted to scare you. Oh, it'll happen again, whenever I can spare some time; I wouldn't want you getting any ideas, though. If you tell a soul about me, your next punishment will be much more severe.." Swap pulled my head closer to his. "Child or not."

"P-please..l-let go.." I wanted Goopdad! I wanted my family! I didn't like Swap at all!

"Very well." Swap let go of me, and I ran to the other side of the room. "I'll make this rescue attempt simple; they should be here in five minutes. Don't move until they get here, unless you don't want them to find you."

Swap left me alone, and I stayed still; if he was telling the truth, I had to not move..I wanted them to find me. When it had been five minutes, the door opened again, and I looked; Goopdad! I ran over to him quickly, wanting to hug him.

"Goopdad!" I latched onto one of his legs, since I wasn't very tall.

"Ink!" Goopdad picked me up and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're safe! Are you all right? Did they hurt you? You're that good or bad?"

"H-home.." I wanted to go home.

"Ah, right. I suppose you can tell me when we get home. Hold on tight, this portal may be a bit bumpy.."

"Okay!" I held Goopdad even tighter than before; I was strong!

"Here we go." 

Goopdad opened a portal, and he carried me through to the living room; Kills, Uncle Error, Cousin Horror, and Crossy were here! They all hugged me, and I hugged them back. I loved them so much!

"Are ya okay, Inky?" Kills hoped.

"Did they hurt you?" Goopdad hoped not.

I nodded; Swap had hurt me..

"Who?" Goopdad looked mad.

"H-he said name w-was Swap." I hugged everyone tighter.

"Did he say anything else?" Uncle Error questioned.

"He s-said w-weird stuff.." I remembered something he said. "Wh-what's a p-punishment?"

"Who used that word?" Goopdad inquired.

"H-he did..he said i-if I told anyone, h-he would give m-me one.."

"I see..Ink, if you see him, I want you to come find one of us; we'll keep you far away, okay?"

"Okay..where Dusty?"

"He' bed.."

"Can see?"

"..I suppose he's bandaged up enough to allow you to see him; he's sleeping, though."


"Let's bring you to him."

Goopdad carried me to Dusty's room, where I saw Dusty on his bed. He was covered in looked like really big tape. I decided that I wasn't going to leave Dusty alone until he got better, since he needed people when he was sick. I hoped he would wake up soon..Goopdad said he was hurt bad..

I wanted to help, but I couldn't.

~~~chapter end woot~~~

Ink bean encounters a wild possessed Swap!

Thanks for reading my possessive writing!

