The Two Letters (Sirius' POV)

I was eating an apple for breakfast when the family owl, Aquarius flew in the open window. It was August 27th and when the owl landed on the table in front of me, holding a letter with a red seal on the back, I flipped out. "AH HA!" I yelled, ripping the letter from the owl's claws and trying to open it with much enthusiasm and excitement. I had been expecting this letter ever since I turned 11 on November 3rd and I knew very well what was inside. If I could only get this dang red seal to come off without ripping the whole thing. "KREACHER! KREACHER!" I screamed. Instantly, and ragged old house elf appeared at my side with a loud crack. Imagine an elf, a human like creature with pointed ears, big feet and a long nose. Now, picture that elf being about 3 and a half feet tall with huge bulging, colorless eyes and tons upon tons of wrinkles. Picture him being bald and wearing nothing but an old dirty rag around his waist. Basically, picture the most pathetic, disgusting elf you've ever seen. That was Kreacher.

"Yes Master Sirius?" he said, in the timid voice of an old man (though it was probably a bit more high pitched than that).

"Get me the letter opener," I demanded, and with a crack, Kreacher was gone. You see, Kreacher is owned by my family, the Blacks, and he has to whatever any of us say, and he has to punish himself if he disobeys. He's really handy if you need something fast, because he can Apparate anywhere in the house and get things instantly. Sure enough, Kreacher was back with another crack with the letter opener, looking just as ugly has always. I snatched the tool away from him, and opened the letter with a slice, as Kreacher hobbled away muttering under his breath; "Ungrateful Master Sirius. Never says please, never says thank you. Master Regulus is so much kinder to Keacher, yes he is. But filthy Master Sirius isn't like his brother or his kind mother, no he is not. The ungrateful little piece of scum, yes he is..."

I threw the letter opener at him and he darted away quickly, looking frightened.

I tugged at the piece of parchment inside the envelope and quickly unfolded it , my anger at Kreacher instantly leaving.

{Sigh in Google Docs I had a picture of a Hogwarts letter here but ugh Wattpad why can't you allow pictures :(}

"IT'S HERE!" I yelled at no one. 'FINALLY IT'S HERE!! I speed read the letter 5 times, and then the list of school supplies that followed it 8 times. Hogwarts!! HOGWARTS! "I GOT INTO HOGWARTS!" I screamed. I was going to the world-famous school for learning magic! I was going to learn how to be a wizard! I would get my own wand and learn to fight off my enemies with spells and jinxes! I would learn potions and all about magical creatures and GET AWAY FROM MY STUCK UP, PUREBLOOD CRAZED, ANNOYING AS HECK, FAMILY! I was jumping up and down, celebrating with myself and waving my letter in the air. Tomorrow, I would hop on the Knight Bus and go to Diagon Alley and get all of my school supplies (including my wand!) and then soon, I'd be boarding the Hogwarts Express and leaving my family for a good three months (maybe even 6 if I didn't come home for Winter Break!) I couldn't wait. I ran upstairs to my room and flopped on my bed, exhausted from all the celebrating I'd been doing. Then I realised what this meant. It meant, that I had a chance of getting in Slytherin. Both my mother and my father had been in Slytherin. Slytherin, was rumored to be a house where no good or kind wizards or witches came out of, and based on my parent's attitudes, I reckoned those rumors were true. If I was sorted into Slytherin, that meant I'd be following in my parent's footsteps...and that was the last thing I wanted to do. No. I could NOT be in Slytherin.

Just then, a paper airplane flew in my window.

This would not have been odd if an owl was carrying it, but the plane had just flew in by itself, as if someone had intended for it to.

I snarled and picked up the paper plane. Probably some Muggle kid, thinking it was some kind of joke. I was about to throw the plane back out, when I realised that Muggles couldn't see our house, it was enchanted by magic. I stood there, staring at the plane. It looked beat up and was slightly damp, as if it got rained on, or skidded over a puddle. The paper was thick, not like ordinary parchment and then I realised, to my great surprise, it was an envelope. Quickly, I unfolded the plane and stared at the envelope. With shaky hands, I opened it (it was much simpler to open than the Hogwarts letter, for there was no seal) and pulled out a piece of parchment, which was perfectly dry, just a slight bit wrinkled. I sat down on my bed again, and read it.

It was some sort of letter, meant for Ada Lupin, whoever that was. The letter was very unclear, as if the writer, R.J.L (someone someone Lupin I assumed) had a feeling someone else would read it, and didn't want to give too much away. The only things I could take away from the letter were that R.J.L wanted his sister, Ada Lupin to come home, because whatever she was trying to find (some kind of cure...but what for?) didn't exist. R.J.L had a dream about something horrible that happened to him six years ago, and he wanted to talk to his sister about it, but no one seemed to know where she was. And also, R.J.L was obviously a wizard (or maybe a witch, there was no proof he was a guy) since he mentioned he couldn't send the letter by owl. I re-read the letter and pondered over a few things. I always loved mysteries and I wondered what R.J.L's dream was about, and what kind of cure his sister was looking for. I wondered if his sister had ran away from home, after all no one knew where she was. I also wondered when the letter had been written (there was no date) and why R.J was so brief and full of mystery in what he was writing. It seemed, that R.J's method on getting the letters to his sister was folding it up and throwing it out the window, in hopes that it might find her.

Puzzled, I put the letter on my bedside table and let my thoughts wander back to Hogwarts. I wondered if R.J was going to Hogwarts and what age he was. Maybe, there was a chance that they could even meet on day. But then again, I had no idea where the letter had come from. Heck, it could be from miles away or houses away. The way of unknowing was making me uneasy. Why was I even getting myself all worked up about this stupid letter anyway? I sighed and rolled over on my side, thinking about the many questions I had. 
