The Strange Eyes (Sirius' POV)

**************Little tiny bit of wolfstar in this chapter for your enjoyment ;)*****************

Something you need to understand is that the Hogwarts Express isn't a small train.

It isn't even a large train. It's huge. So, James and I, had to walk through about 20 cars just to get to the middle of the train.

In the middle of the train is a car made for the student's pets. The car was full of cages with owls, frogs, cats, rats etc. The car smelled really bad, as I'm sure you can believe.

We dragged our trunks through feathers and animal droppings and found ourselves in another car. This one had two columns of skinny doors on either side of a hallway, in which a few boys like ourselves were walking down. In front of the many skinny wood doors were seats, which were almost all taken by girls waiting to go inside one of the skinny doors and change into their robes. Quickly, I lead James past all of the girls, who were all watching to make sure we didn't stick around for too long.

The next car, was just like the one we'd just been in, but it was the changing room for boys. James and I sat down on one of the seats, pushing our trunks underneath it, and waited for a changing room to empty.

Two separate rooms were available at the same time, so James and I each went in one and got changed. Unfortunately, I'd buried my robes underneath all of my other clothes so I had to dig around and find them, completely messing up the trunk I'd neatly packed the day before. I scowled and threw one of my school books to the side. Where are my robes?!

I heard a knock on the dressing room door and I heard James say "Meet you back at the compartment, kay Sirius?"

"Yeah, no problem," I yelled back, flinging more clothes out of my bag. "Ah HA!"

I quickly put on my robes and threw everything back in my trunk, no longer caring about the un-neatness of it all. As I threw the last book in, I tried to shut the lid of the trunk but it wouldn't move.

"Ugh!" I yelled and rearranged everything in my trunk. Then I jumped on the lid to make the trunk stay shut. "There!" I said in triumph and latched the lid. I swung the door to the dressing room open and ran out, only to have someone run head-on, straight into me!

My trunk landed where my feet had been, and I tripped, feet slipping backward and landed hard on my back. As I realized what happened, the boy who'd run into me tripped over my trunk, screamed and landed on top of me, his nose brushing the tip of mine. I sucked in my breath and stared right at him, his eyes looking deep into mine.

It only lasted for a second though.

"Oh my gosh!" the boy cried, pushing himself up on his hands, that way our noses were no longer touching. "I'm so sorry!"

The boy had neat blonde hair, was wearing robes, and his face was as red as the train we were riding. He struggled to his feet, which only made him trip again and land on his bottom next to me, looking completely mortified. He looked at me sheepishly "S-sorry. I'm so clum--" he broke off suddenly, staring at me, eyes wide. It was as if he was looking at me for the first time.

The truth was, I wasn't thinking at all of how this kid had just run into me, or about the fact that I was laying on the ground of a train. I was just staring at the kid, unable to speak. He was normal, completely normal except for one thing....his eyes. They were so...weird!? Is that the right word? It wasn't weird like, in a bad way, it was weird in like an odd, unique, but still kinda cool/creepy way. I didn't know how to describe was just different.

His eyes were brown, like tons of kids' were, but around the pupil, there was a pure yellow ring. The yellow color didn't blend at all with the brown until the very edges of it, as if it wasn't supposed to be there. But it wasn't like, misplaced, it still fit in his eye, if you will. And the ring was thick too. It wasn't like a random splash of yellow in his eye, but a whole circle of pure mustard colored yellow that surrounded the black dot in his eye. It was so strange. If you're not understanding what I'm saying, I don't blame you, because I can't even explain how weird it was.

They were quite honestly beautiful.

So I just layed there, looking at the kid's eyes.

"I um..." the boy said, looking uneasily down at me. His face was even more red than before. " you need some help up?"

"What? Oh yeah..I mean no," I said sitting up. "It's uh bumping into me...and all..."

The boy nodded slowly, looking at me weird. Then he stood up, picked up my trunk, and handed it to me.

I stood up and took it. "Er..sorry about that," I said. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

"Yeah me either," the boy said slowly, still looking at me as if I was crazy. I couldn't blame the kid, I had been staring at him as if he was some kind of monster.

"So, uh yeah sorry," he said, and then quickly walked down the hallway, through the crowd of boys waiting to get changed. I saw him exit the car through the opposite door I'd come through.

Remember when I said I was a boy who loved mysteries?

I stared at the door in which the boy had went through, thinking about his strange eyes....

Finally, I walked through the door I'd come through and back to James and I's compartment.

"There you are," James complained. "What took you so long? The food trolley came when you were gone."

"Got stuck in the crowed," I muttered, not really focused on what James was now talking about; the sweets they'd had on the trolley.

I had a feeling that I'd found a much bigger mystery to solve than R.J.L.
