The Quiet Obvious Witch (Severus' POV)

May 24th, 1971

I'm here writing because I believe that something of most importance is going to happen to me. I was, before this day, content with this stupid diary sitting on my bedside table collecting dust. However, I have a feeling that things are going to happen soon that should be written down. Something big is going to happen soon, I can feel it (and I'm seriously hoping that the big thing is being let into Hogwarts!) And so, I got out this diary, and I'm going to write down everything important in it at the end of everyday. Just in case.


I peered through the bushes at the two girls in front of me.

One, was quite obviously my age. She was average height for 10 with auburn hair that curled slightly at the ends. She had almond colored eyes that were often squinted up in a smile. Today, she wore a jean skirt and a pink top with puffy short sleeves. Her white sneakers were on her feet, as always. I knew her name all to well, Lily, though she didn't know I knew and much less knew that every day of the week at 17:00 sharp, I'd been watching her with much curiosity.

The other girl and short brown hair that, much like her sisters, curled up at the ends as well. The girl was older (maybe 12?) and her small brown eyes were also squinted up, but not from smiling, but from worry. Every day I watched her yell at Lily, telling her to be quiet or to stop doing something. She would glance around her, making sure no one was near (But quite honestly, who would be at the old playground they were playing at, when there was a perfectly new one near the front of the neighborhood?)

I watched and waited. I knew Lily would do something soon. I just needed one more tiny bit of proof--one more tiny little thing and I would know for certain I was right about Lily. There was no other way of explaining the things she was doing.

Lily was staring up at the bar that held up the old rusty swings. Her older sister was sitting on the swing farthest from where I was hiding, watching Lily carefully.

"Tuney?" Lily said curiously, "Is it true, that the Mason's boy died from falling after trying to balance on that bar?" She pointed the the rusted bar that held the swings from above.

Tuney snorted. "'Course not, Lily. Simon's brother just sent that rumor around the make himself special. Though," Tuney said looking at Lily. "Simon did get a bad head injury from it. Didn't get out of the hospital for weeks. That's why the Masons moved, they had to live closer to the hospital."

Lily continued to look up at the bar, it's red paint peeling. "The kids at school say that if you make it all the way across that thing, you'd be the greatest kid in the neighborhood." Tuney snorted a looked away from Lily probably, I thought, checking for more nonexistent people. I watched Tuney quietly, allowing my head to come slightly out of the bushes so I could see her better. All of a sudden, Tuney went ridged and quickly whipped her head around to face Lily, as if someone from that way had smacked her.

I inwardly screamed and tugged my head out of view. Doing so, I leaned back and sat on a twig which made a loud CRACK as if someone had Apparated nearby. I'd surely been spotted. They would find out and get scared and never come back, and I wouldn't be able to ever tell Lily who she was. Who she really was. However, when Tuney screamed, her voice wasn't speaking in the direction of me.


Quickly I staggered upright and peered through the bushes once again, determined to see what Lily was doing. And there she was. Somehow Lily had managed to get herself on top of the rusty pole and was standing right in the middle of it, not looking like she could even possibly fall, though her feet seemed to be on the very edge of the 3 inch thick bar. In fact, it seemed that Lily was rather hovering over the bar, so the just the tips of her toes were touching it.

"COME DOWN! YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE SIMON DO YOU?!" Tuney's voice was so high pitched, that I was surprised all of the bats didn't come to her, thinking she was one of their own.

Lily sighed and jumped down, landing somehow very lightly on her toes. "It was only a little bit of fun, Tuney."


"Hush Tuney, before you tell the whole neighborhood.

Tuney's eyes widened and she looked around rather scared. "You need to stop," she said, taking in shaky gasps of air. "Mummy said no. If you were seen," yet again, Tuney looked around the small old park quickly. "Just please Lily, please stop doing things so drastic. Oh, if you'd fallen, Mummy would've never ever forgiven me. Never ever...."

Tuney walked over to a slide and sat down at the bottom of it, still muttering to herself, though I was too far away to hear what she was saying.

I focused back on Lily, who was now sitting on a swing, glaring at her older sister. At this point, I knew I was right with my theory. The problem was, how was I going to tell Lily?

Tuney had now sat on the swing next to Lily, glaring at the ground. Lily was kicking her legs back and forth, making the swing go higher and higher, swinging fast and faster...

I knew what she was doing, for I'd seen her do it twice before. Lily was super high now, higher than her sister and then, Tuney seemed to be realizing just what was happening.

"Lily don't do that!" shrieked Tuney.

But, just as I'd guessed, Lily had let go of the swing and was soaring higher higher into the sky, like a rocket taking off. She shrieked with laughter and then did a front flip mid-air, just as she was falling faster and faster still to the asphalt below. Then, not to my surprise, Lily landed far too lightly on her feet, and stared at her sister as if nothing unusual had happened.

Tuney had stopped her swing and just sat there looking at her younger sister. "Mummy told you not to," she said in a barely audible whisper. "Mummy said you weren't allowed."

"But I'm fine Tuney!" Lily said with a giggle, her curls bouncing. "Watch what I can do!"

She ran over to the place where I was hiding. I held my breath as she picked up a white flower that had fallen from the bush and ran back over to Tuney. Tuney, had gotten up, her eyes still squinted up in a frown, but I could tell she was curious on what her sister was going to do.

I peered into Lily's hand and saw that the flower was opening and closing it's petals on it's own accord. Tuney's face was full of pure horror, much to Lily's disappointment. "Stop it!" Tuney cried. "It's not right!"

Lily sighed and dropped the flower to the ground. She and Tuney stared at it for awhile, not knowing what else to do.

Anger was boiling up inside of me. Poor Lily! Tuney clearly didn't see how amazing her powers were. Even my powers weren't that strong! How could that Muggle Tuney make Lily stop doing the thing that she clearly loved!?

"How..." Tuney said, her voice trembling. "How do you do it?" There was a longing I heard in her voice. I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Well it's obvious isn't it?!" I said, jumping out from behind the bushes. Tuney screamed and stumbled backwards toward the swings. Lily, however, stayed where she was, obviously surprised, but even more curious.

"What do you mean, it's obvious?" she said, looking at me. I felt my face go hot and was suddenly aware of the huge coat that I was wearing, which was so large, it went down to my knees and went past the ends of my arms. However, I knew I must go on.

"I know what you are," I said, lowering my voice to show that I was being completely serious. "You're a witch!"

Lily stared at me, her mouth hanging open slightly, looking offended. "That's not a very nice thing to say," she said in a rather stuck up way. Then she turned around, nose in the air and joined her sister, who was still frozen with shock.

"No!" I cried out and ran to them, knowing I probably looked pretty ridiculous in the huge coat, but I had to make her understand. "You are a witch! I've been watching you for a while but there's nothing wrong with that! My mum's one, and I'm a wizard."

Tuney laughed so cruelly at this, I felt like I was being dunked in ice water. Obviously, her courage and scorn had come back, despite the shock he'd given her earlier. "Wizard!" she laughed. "I know who you are! You're that Snape boy! They live down Spinner's End by the river." She looked at me with such disgust that I wished I knew how to Apparate. "Why have you been spying on us?!" she demanded.

I felt my face turn a bright red. "Haven't been spying," I said brushing my long black hair out of my face. "Wouldn't spy on you anyway, you're a Muggle."

I doubted she knew the term, but she seemed to take offence to it. "Come on Lily" she said shrilly and spun her heel, dragging Lily down the street with her. Lily seemed glad to go, and followed her sister away from the old park. I groaned and sat down on the blacktop, the heat from it burning my legs. I'd planned this to be perfect. I'd wanted Lily to realize how special she was, and I'd been ready to teach her the ways of my world. I'd thought that, maybe, we might have even become friends. Never in my life, have I had a friend. But everything had went wrong. Now she thought I was some stupid person who called her a witch in a rude way, not in the respectful way I had intended.

I watched the two sisters walk down the street, not attempting to follow them. There was nothing else I could do.

One day though, I wrote down as I got home, after I already had written down the rest of the story, She WILL understand that I wasn't lying. She'll most likely get a letter from Hogwarts explaining everything. And then, she'll go back to that park and I'll be there waiting for her with my letter, and we'll talk, and she'll let me explain, and then maybe (just maybe) we'll become friends and she'll realize how special she really is. 
