Snivellus (James' POV)

I just couldn't believe it.

Here I was, sitting on the Hogwarts Express on my way to Hogwarts.

Oh no, that's not the part I don't believe. I always knew I'd get into Hogwarts. I'm just too awesome not get into Hogwarts.

The part I couldn't believe was that, I had just sat down in a random compartment across from a guy who looked like a first year, and I think I've already found my best friend.

His name is Sirius, Sirius Black and he's so much like me. We're both first years, we both have black hair, we both LOVE Quidditch, the Falmouth Falcons are both of our favorite Quidditch teams ("Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads!" I laughed), we both are purebloods ("Though I honestly hate being one," Sirius says. "My whole family thinks it's such a huge deal, and that anyone other than purebloods shouldn't be alive. It makes me sick!"), and we both have super annoying parents (though mine's in a they-won't-leave-me-alone way and Sirius' is in a they-are-so-rude-and-they-hate-me way.)

But yeah. It's awesome.

So basically, we were in the middle of discussing the Falcon's last game and how their new keeper totally sucked when this boy with greasy long black hair came in the compartment, already wearing his robes and sat down across from us.

Now look. I have short black hair that never lies flat and glasses. Not the greatest looks but it's okay. Sirius has shoulder length, thin black hair that curls slightly at the bottom. He's really handsome, and I bet he'll be one of those boys that has all the girl trailing after him, you know, like in those Muggle movies? But this boy, oh lord. His hair was so thick it was a wonder it was combed through well. And it looked so greasy--not to be mean or anything but *gag.* His clothes were nice enough, but he was skinny and didn't look well cared for, and his hair was down to his shoulders, like Sirius', and that just made me jealous because everyone has long hair these days but my mum didn't let me grow mine out. Ugh.

The boy sat across a girl with long red hair. I hadn't even noticed her come in! She was leaning her head against the window, and unless I was mistaken, she was crying. She caught sight of the boy across from her and turned her head away. "I'm not talking to you." she spat.

I caught Sirius' eye and he shrugged. We both turned back to watch the newcomer and the girl.

"Why not?" said the thick haired boy, who was obviously confused.

"Tuney h-hates me. Because we saw that letter from Dumbledore."

I looked at Sirius again. He raised an eyebrow at me. A letter from Dumbledore?! The headmaster?

"So what?" said the boy, who looked more annoyed now than confused.

The red haired girl glared at him. "So she's my sister!"

"She's only a--" the boy stopped mid-sentence and pressed his lips together.

The girl was now staring out the window, ignoring the boy.

"But we're going!" said the boy happily, obviously trying to get the girl to forget about the subject. "This is it! We're going to Hogwarts!"

A rush of joy went through me at these words. He was right! We were going! I looked at Sirius and I could tell he was thinking the same thing.

In spite of herself, the girl looked up and half smiled.

"You better be in Slytherin," the boy said to the girl, obviously happy that she was perking up a little.

"Slytherin?!" I couldn't help myself from saying it. Who in their right mind want to be in Slytherin? No good wizards had come out of that house! "Who wants to be in Slytherin?" I joked, looking at Sirius. "I'd think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"

Sirius frowned. "My whole family have been in Slytherin," he said matter-of-factually.

"Blimey," I said, trying for another joke. "And I thought you seemed alright!"

Sirius grinned this time, much to my liking. "Maybe I'll break tradition," he said thoughtfully. "Where are you heading, if you've got the choice?"

I pretended to lift a sword and swing it around, and I was happy to see that the red haired girl was smiling.

"Gryffindor," I said swinging the sword. "Where I will dwell with a brave heart! Like my dad!"

The boy next to me scoffed. I glared at him. "You have a problem with that?"

"No," the boy sneered. "If you'd rather be brawny than brainy--"

"Well, where're you hoping to go, seeing as you're neither?" Sirius interjected.

I swear we died of laughter, Sirius and I. I laughed so hard I thought I would suffocate. I only stopped when the red haired girl stood up glaring at the both of us. "Come on, Severus. Let's find a different compartment."

"Oooooo...." I said and Sirius laughed so hard, tears formed in his eyes.

Severus stood up and sniffed, a tear running down his face. Then he turned and followed the red haired girl out of the compartment.

"See yeah later, Snivellus!" Sirius called after them, as the girl slammed the compartment door.

We both sat there, crying from laughter for a while.

"Snivellus!" I said cackling. "You're brilliant!"

"Well that's what he gets if he's gonna sniffle all the time!" Sirius sobbed, wiping his eyes with his shirt sleeve. "Come on, let's go get our robes on!"

Okay, okay so that might've been a little mean, but it was a joke! 

Anyway, that is how I met my best friend.  
