The Clock Tower (Severus' POV)

"Okay look," I whispered to Lily, once we were done laughing at what had happened in Charms. "I called you here because I need to tell you something. It's big, it's serious."

Lily nodded, her hair looking like fire in the light from the clock tower.

I took a deep breath and began. "So last night I snuck out of the common room. I couldn't sleep and I needed something to do!"

Lily raised her eyebrows and then nodded again.

"When I was walking," I continued, "I heard McGonagall and Dumbledore talking farther down the hallway! I quickly dove behind a gargoyle just in time and I listened to their whole conversation!"

Lily's eyes widened. "Sev, what did you hear...?"

"Long story short, McGonagall is worried about Remus Lupin not being safe at Hogwarts. She believes that the Ministry is going to come after him!"

Lily's forehead crinkled. "Why would she think that?"

"Because," I explained, "Dumbledore cast a spell on the Ex Minister of Magic, making him let Remus into the school, despite that fact on what he is. The past Minister remembers nothing, but McGonagall knows if the Ministry finds out Remus is at school, they'll lock him up."

"Wait wait hold up," Lily said. "What do you mean by 'Despite the fact on what Remus is?'"

I took a deep breath. "The Ministry didn't want Remus at the school because they believe he is something dangerous. I don't know for sure what, but I have a guess."

"What do you think he is!?"

I hesitated. "I think he's a Death Eater."

Lily's eyes went huge. "A Death Eater?! That's crazy Sev!? Why would You-Know-Who take an 11 year old as a Death Eater?"

I shrugged. "You-Know-Who is always surprising us. I wouldn't be surprised if Remus is a Death Eater!"

"But this is Remus we're talking about Sev! He's so sweet and kind. Him? A Death Eater!?"

"That might just be his cover up," I said certainly.

Lily rubbed her hand through her hair. "But why would Dumbledore let a Death Eater into the school!?"

"That's the thing," I half yelled. "Dumbledore thinks Remus is innocent! But that's why McGonagall is worried. She's not certain Remus isn't a Death Eater. And she's worried that Dumbledore will be sacked for putting that spell on the Ex-Minister."

"Why'd he put a spell on the Minister again?" Lily asked.

"Because, Dumbledore knew the Minister would never let Remus in Hogwarts without putting a spell on him. Dumbledore wanted Remus to be at Hogwarts so badly because it's been Remus' dream since he was little. And also, Dumbledore doesn't blame Remus for being a Death Eater, he thinks Remus was brainwashed into doing it by someone called Greyback."

"But you just said you think Dumbledore doesn't believe Remus is a Death Eater," Lily observed.

"Well, yes but I'm just saying, the reason Dumbledore wanted Remus in Hogwarts was because he blames Greyback for something he did to Remus. I think Greyback was the one that brainwashed Remus into becoming a Death Eater."

"Okay..."Lily slowly said. "So, basically Dumbledore put a spell on the Minister of Magic, making the Minister let Remus into Hogwarts. The Minister had no memory of doing this, so McGonagall believes they will lock Remus up and sack Dumbledore if the Ministry finds out Remus is at Hogwarts."

I nodded.

"So now," Lily continued, "Dumbledore believes Remus is not harmful to the school, and is letting him stay at Hogwarts, but McGonagall is worried because she's afraid Dumbledore will be sacked for casting that spell on the past Minister and because she thinks Remus is in danger from the Ministry."

"Yes," I said.

"And you think the Ministry didn't let Remus into the school because he's a Death Eater?"


"But Dumbledore isn't worried at all about Remus being at Hogwarts?"


"Well then," Lily conclude. "I don't think we should jump to the conclusions that Remus is a Death Eater. There could be many other explanations for this. If Dumbledore thinks Remus is alright at Hogwarts, Remus is alright."

"But," I protested. "What if Dumbledore is wrong? What if You-Know-Who is using Remus to get something in the school that he wants? What if this is You-Know-Who's big plan!?"

Lily stared at me. "I don't think so Sev."

"Okay well let's just say I am right. What do you think You-Know-Who'd be after in Hogwarts?"

Lily hesitated, looking out the clock tower window. "Dumbledore's downfall," she said at last. "You told me that Dumbledore is the only wizard alive that isn't afraid of You-Know-Who. You said Dumbledore is the only one that has stood up to You-Know-Who and has come out of it alive. Doesn't it make sense that he'd be after Dumbledore?"

I stared at her. "You're right....probably. Do you really think You-Know-Who is still after Dumbledore? After all this time?"

Lily nodded. "If I wanted something done, really badly, I'd never give up on it. I'd always try and get it done. Always."

I nodded, staring at the giant clock behind her. "Well, maybe you're right. Maybe Remus isn't a Death Eater. Either way though, the teachers are worried about something to do with him. I'm not letting my guard down, and I suggest you don't either." I looked at her. "You have to admit though, you've noticed something odd about him, haven't you?"

Lily hesitated and then nodded. "Sirius, yes I know I hate him," she said as I rolled my eyes. "But he's always looking odd at Remus for some reason. I don't know why but maybe, maybe he's suspicious, like you."

I didn't like the fact that Sirius and I were both trying to crack the mystery of Remus Lupin. I sighed.

"We'd better get to class, second period is almost over."

She nodded and, together, we ran back through the corridors, heading for Potions class.

I still don't know about Remus. Is he bad? Is he good? If he's not a Death Eater, what is he? Why are the teachers watching him closely? Who is Greyback? Why would the Ministry be after Remus? Why wouldn't they let him in the school in the first place?

So many questions.....and I was going to answer them all!
