Freak (Lily's POV)

My mum took me to the train station this morning.

It's not any train station out of the ordinary. It's not something special for wizards and witches or anything. It's just King's Cross, a Muggle train station that I'd used many times before, completely unknowing that there was magic inside of it.

I'd gotten my train ticket inside the letter from Hogwarts. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket for the 5th time today, making sure my eyes weren't fooling me. Sure enough, just like all the other times, the purple train ticket read: Platform 9 ¾

I pushed my cart in front of me, which held my trunk and my pet cat, Moonshade. My stomach did a flip as we arrived at Platforms 9 and 10. My parents hurried up from behind me, panting hard. I hadn't realised I'd been running, I was just so nervous.

Where would Platform 9 ¾ be? I stared at the wall between the Platforms. Obviously, there was some kind of magic here that I didn't know about.

Tuney scoffed from behind me. "Well looks like there is no Platform 9 ¾ . What did we expect anyway?"

My parents looked at me, wanting answers. "I dunno," I said. "We'll just have to wait for some other wizarding family to come up, and we'll ask them."

Tuney rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Lily. How are we going to tell your type of people from normal people like us?"

"Like that," my dad said, nodding over to a boy with blonde hair, pushing a cart much like mine. He could've been any normal boy, except for the fact that in his cart was a trunk, old and worn and an owl with pretty red-brown feathers was sitting in a cage on top. Not many Muggles go around carrying owls around King's Cross.

My mum quickly rushed over to them, and I followed closely. "Excuse me?" she called out to the boy's parents. "Could you show us how to get to Platform 9 ¾ ?"

The boy's mother, who was a very beautiful women with curly blonde hair that went down to her shoulders, smiled. "Of course! This is your daughter's first year I'm expecting?" She looked down and smiled at me, and I nodded.

"Yes," my dad said, hurrying up to the boy's parents. "We're Muggles and we have no idea how to do any of this!" He laughed at his own joke.

The adults shook hands, my parents introducing themselves ("I'm Daisy Evans, and this is my husband Luke,") and the other boy's parents introducing themselves as well ("Well, I'm Lyall Lupin, and this is my wife Hope.") There was much more hand shaking.

"Mom!" complained the boy, pointing at the clock. "The train will be leaving soon!"

"Ah yes, the train!" Hope said. "Well go on Re, show the girl and her family how it's done."

The boy took a deep breath and then ran straight for the wall between Platforms 9 and 10. Tuney, who'd I'd completely forgotten about (which made me feel bad) screamed. I had to admit I was slightly frightened too, but just as the boy should've hit the wall, he disappeared through it all together.

My parents both sucked in their breath and I clapped my hands together in excitement. This was amazing! "Can I go now too mum!?"

Mum looked at Hope worriedly. "Will we be able to get on the Platform?" she said with doubt.

Hope nodded. "If your daughter is a witch, she and her family should very well be able to. Now if you excuse us." She and Lyall quickly followed their son through the Platform wall.

I looked at my dad, who took a quick breath, and then nodded.

I looked at the wall, which looked solid and stable. I took a deep breath, just as the boy did before me, and pushed my cart super fast toward the wall. I didn't slow down my run. Just before I would've hit the wall, I closed my eyes.

I felt as if I was walking through water, or maybe Jello. It lasted for just a moment, and then I felt cool air rush against my face. I opened my eyes.

There in front of me stood and huge red train with The Hogwarts Express, gleaming in gold letters on the front of it. Wizards and witches of every size and age were all hurriedly getting their children aboard the train. I couldn't help my mouth from hanging open as I watched the busy scene in front of me. It wasn't that it was much different from Muggles getting on the train, but the fact that I was HERE! HERE IN FRONT OF THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS. HERE GETTING READY TO GO TO HOGWARTS! I couldn't believe it.

My parents and Tuney came tripping out of the wall behind me, looking flustered and amazed. Tuney gaped at the wall at which she had come from, and my parents looked at the train in awe.

We saw the blonde haired boy wave us over, so we all walked over to him and his family. Our parents immediately fell into conversation, and Tuney was still looking around her, mouth open.

"So er hi?" the boy said to me, looking at me sideways. He had older faded clothing on, as if his family didn't have much money.

"I recognize you from Ollivanders," I realized. "You're the boy that came in a tripped." I smiled at him.

The boy blushed and ran his fingers through his hair nervously. "Yeah," he said shyly. "I'm a cults."

I smiled and stuck out my hand "Lily Evans," I said, introducing myself much like our parents had done.

"Remus Lupin," he said taking my hand and shaking it. "So, you're Muggle born. Was it crazy finding out you were a witch?"

"Oh yeah," I said. "That's a story all right." I stared at the Hogwarts Express dreamily. "I can't wait to get going."

Remus Lupin....where had I heard that name......the book that Sev took from Tuney's room! It had belonged to Remus Lupin!

Remus nodded, the same expression on his face. "I've wanted to go ever since I was little, and now it's finally happening!"

I looked at him and smiled, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tuney, glaring at me and frowning.

"Uh, be back in a sec," I told Remus, and then quickly walked over to where Tuney was standing.

Tuney looked at me, and then turned her back on me, her nose in the air. "I'm not talking to you," she spat.

"...I'm sorry Tuney! I'm sorry! I know you want to go to Hogwarts! Listen---" I grabbed my sister's hand and pulled her to face me. Tuney desperately tried to pull away but I kept my grip.

"Maybe once I'm there---no listen Tuney" I yelled as she tried to pull away again. "Maybe once I'm there I'll be able to go to Professor Dumbledore and persuade him to change his mind!"

"I DON'T----WANT---TO---GO!" Petunia yelled, yanking her hand out of my grip. "You think I want to go to some stupid castle and learn to be a--a.."

Tuney's eyes scanned the Platform, watching cat's mewling in their owners arms, owls fluttering and hooting in their cages, looking at all the students, some already in long black robes and pushing trunks into the red train. I watched her with worry and sadness, waiting for what she was going to say next.

"You--you think I want to be a----a freak!?" she spat.

I did a double take and stared at her, my eyes filling with tears. "I'm not a freak!" I glared at her, my sadness instantly turning to anger. "That's a horrible thing to say!!"

"That's where you're going," Tuney said, looking thrilled that she could make me feel so bad. "A special school for freaks! You and that Snape boy...weirdos, that's what you two are. It's good you're going to be separated from normal people! It's for our safety!"

I looked at my parents, who were still happily chatting with the Lupins. I looked at Remus, who was now putting his trunk in the train, and stroking his beautiful owl. Then I turned to Petunia, my voice low and angry.

"You didn't think it was such a freak school when you wrote to the headmaster and begged him to take you in!"

Petunia turned just as scarlet as the train behind her. "Beg!? I didn't beg!"

"I saw his reply, he was very kind."

"You shouldn't have read--" whispered Petunia angrily. "That was my private--how could you?!"

Just then, I saw Severus and his mum a while away, Sev happily drinking in the scene, his mum looking just a sour as ever. Petunia followed my gaze, and she gasped.

"That boy found it! You and that boy went sneaking in my room!"

"No ---not sneaking---" I said, now super defensive. "Severus saw the envelope, and he couldn't believe a Muggle could have contacted Hogwarts, that's all! He says there must be wizards working undercover in the postal service who would take care of--"

"APPARENTLY, WIZARDS POKE THEIR NOSES IN EVERYWHERE!" screamed Petunia, now super pale. "FREAK!" and then she ran off to my parents, so I couldn't follow her with a comeback.

Remus, now back out of the train, stared at me with wide eyes, and then looked at Petunia shocked. His parents then joined him, and after giving me an 'I am so sorry,' look he got on the train, which was now about to embark.

Quickly, after grabbing my things out of my cart and kissing my parents goodbye, I jumped on the train just as it started to move. Tons of parents were yelling things at their children from the windows, and handing them last minute objects. I waved at my parents cheerfully, who were now also reminding me to write often and to wash behind my ears. I didn't make eye contact with Tuney.

As soon as the Hogwarts Express, left the station completely, I chose a nearly empty compartment with two boys in it, both with black hair, who were talking among themselves. They didn't notice me enter the compartment, which was fine by me. I could already feel tears coming to my eyes.

I sat next to the window, and put my head on the cold glass, tears streaming down my face. Tuney hated me. She called me a freak. All thanks to Severus and I being different. It wasn't fair.

I watched the world go by, thinking of Hogwarts, but all of a sudden, it didn't seem like such a great place to be.

I stroked Moonshade sadly and listen to the boys across from me, clearly they were excited, but why wasn't I?
