The Secret of Remus (Severus' POV)

Can you believe it?! Lily got in Gryffindor! Gryffindor! Along with that stuck up James Potter and his idiot friend Sirius! Ugh! Those boys Peter and Remus got in it too. Could anyone I know get in Slytherin? Anyone?!

Gryffindor got nearly all the kids too, though Slytherin did seem to get the second to most. All the kids in Slytherin seem to be fairly nice. Especially Lucius Malfoy, the boy prefect. He's super cool and has a great sense of humor.

But anyway, there was no way Lily wanted to be in Gryffindor, I'm sure of it. After all, why would she want to be with Potter or Black?! I mean come on! You should've seen the look she gave Sirius when she sat down next to him. Haha!

Anyway, how do the teachers expect me to go to sleep when I just arrived at Hogwarts!? There was no way I was just going to lie in my bed in the boy's dormitories and wait for morning to come.

So, I'm going to put this diary down and most definitely NOT sneak around. 

I got out of bed and snuck out of the boy's dormitories, careful not to wake any of my fellow first years who were sleeping peacefully around me.

I honestly just wanted a look around the school in peace, I wasn't expecting to see anything crazy or out of the ordinary to happen. Just a walk around in silence, that way I could find my way around for class tomorrow.

So when I heard an older man's voice along with Professor McGonagall's from around the corner, I completely freaked out and dove behind a giant gargoyle, which was conveniently bordering a wall nearby.

"Are you sure about this, Albus?" McGonagall was saying, her footsteps echoing in the silent halls. "We're putting a lot of pressure on the boy just by letting him in the school, and now given what happened at the sorting, every child in Hogwarts knows his name! After all, no doubt they were listening since his name quite obviously wasn't on the list..."

"I understand your concerns, Minerva, but I've spoken to the boy's parents, and he has kept his secret for years. They believe he'll be no threat to the school whatsoever, and I trust them on that."

I held my breath and listened to the old man--Albus--speak. His voice was very soft, and rather rough, but it was kind and certain. Albus...where had I heard that name before?

It took all my effort not to gasp out loud. Albus Dumbledore! The headmaster!

Oh lord, if I was caught hiding here, I was so dead. I'd be expelled for sure. It wasn't even my first full day yet!

I crouched down as low as possible behind the giant statue, making sure none of my hair was visible and none of my nightclothes were showing. I breathed silently, making sure there was no way my foot could slip out from under me and no way I could be seen from any direction.

Suddenly McGonagall's footsteps stopped in front of the gargoyle. "I'm worried for him," she said, lowering her voice. "You know that the Ministry's had it out for his kind ever since Greyback. If they find out he's here...he would be in massive danger, not to mention the fact that you would surely be sacked--"

"And I'd have a very fine Headmistress to take my place," Dumbledore said unworried, his footsteps now stopping as well. I could picture his long white beard swishing as he did so. "Besides," he continued, "the Minister gave me permission to let Remus in--"

"With all due respect, Stevens has been sacked for this very reason!" McGonagall said rather angrily. "They found him under a minor persuasive/memory charm in his office and they didn't know who cast it or what information he leaked! They had to sack him for being so careless! Albus! You went through a great risk getting the Ex-Minister to let Remus in the school! Now the Ministry is searching for evidence on who could've casted the charm, and to make matters much worse, Stevens doesn't remember giving you permission to let Remus in, so none of the Ministry knows we have him at our school! If Remus let's his secret out, he will most likely be locked up, and you'll be sacked! Was it really worth all that, Albus!?

Dumbledore stood quietly through McGonagall's rant, considering what she said. "I," he said simply, "didn't wish to let Remus' life long dream die simply because of what he his. He's a very nice, smart, undangerous boy. But think Minerva. If I went up to the Minister and asked him to let Remus into the school without casting that charm on him, do you think he would've agreed no matter how much I tried to persuade him?"

I listened to Dumbledore, only taking in quick shallow breaths. What were he and McGonagall talking about? What was wrong with Remus?

McGonagall hesitated. "No," she sighed at last.

"Correct," said Dumbledore, his tone not changing. "And, if I didn't cast that charm on him, don't you agree he would've been outraged that another one of Remus' kind escaped his grasp? Don't you agree, that he would've had Remus taken away and locked up for good?"

McGonagall sighed, but was determined not to give up her side of the argument so easily. "But Albus," she complained. "You couldn't have just told Remus' family that no, Remus couldn't go to Hogwarts?"

"It seems unfair to me," Dumbledore countered, his tone still even and light, "that Remus wouldn't be able to go to Hogwarts, just because of Greyback's actions."

McGonagall sighed again, longer this time. "Well Albus, you seem to have this under control. I'm just giving you a fair warning--"

"Which I accept with open arms," Dumbledore interrupted.

"--that," McGonagall continued. "you are putting a far lot of your plan on an 11 year old's shoulders."

I couldn't see Dumbledore's face, but for some reason I'm almost positive he smiled. "I understand that Professor, and I'm completely sure that Remus won't fail me."

I heard McGonagall sigh for a third time. "Goodnight Headmaster."

"Goodnight Minerva."

I sat and waited for both of their footsteps to fade completely away, and then sprinted back to the Slytherin common room as fast and as quietly as I could.

Only after whispering "Devil's Snare" in order to open the heavy metal door to the common room, and practically diving into the first year boy's dormitories, my heart stopped racing. I plopped down in my bed, which was second from the door on your right, and pulled out my diary. Something very important had obviously just happened.

Things I know:

McGonagall is worried about Remus Lupin's safety.

McGonagall is also worried that Dumbledore will be sacked for letting Remus into the school.

She is worried because Dumbledore put a charm on the past Minister of Magic, Stevens, which made it easy for Dumbledore to persuade Stevens to let Remus into the school.

Stevens got sacked for being so careless about what spells were put on him.

Stevens remembers nothing about letting Remus into the school, meaning the Ministry doesn't know Remus is at school.

Something is different about Remus. McGonagall and Dumbledore kept saying "his kind" when talking about him.

The Ministry has been hunting down Remus' "kind" for a while

McGonagall believes that if Remus' "secret" is revealed, he would be in grave danger.

Dumbledore believes that Remus is perfectly safe, and believes that Remus won't let his "secret" be revealed.

It was an extremely annoying list of things to know. Everything was centered around Remus, and Remus, was a topic I didn't understand at all. I knew so much, except for a few things....that were a huge part of the mystery.

Questions I have:

-Why do McGonagall and Dumbledore keep saying "Remus' kind" as if Remus was some special...thing.

- Why do McGonagall and Dumbledore talk about Greyback? They say, "after what happened with Greyback" and "it's all Greyback's fault that Remus is what he is now." Who is Greyback? What did he do to Remus?

- What is Remus' secret? Something about his "kind?"

- Why is McGonagall so worried about the Ministry "locking Remus up?"

-Is Remus dangerous?

-Why was Remus' name not on the Sorting Hat list?

So many questions that all fit together like puzzle pieces. It was a huge mystery, and obviously it was serious. Why else would McGonagall seem so worried?

I put my diary in my trunk and laid on my bed, thinking.

Remus was hiding something from the students, I knew that much, but what more could I do than just watch him closely?

Dumbledore said he wasn't a threat, surely Dumbledore was right.

I was nervous though. It was only my first night at Hogwarts and I already had a huge mystery to solve.

My heart thudded faster in my chest. Crazy things happened in Hogwarts. People died, people lied, monsters lurked in the shadows. The great He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, grew up here, in this very same common room. In this very dormitory. For all I knew, in this very bed.

That thought sent a shiver of terror up my spine.

You-Know-Who had killed here. He'd sent monsters throughout this very castle. Hogwarts had been the birthplace of his reign. It had been the food he needed to gain energy. He'd gotten all of his knowledge here. All of his power. And people say, even though he is now out there in the world, silent and waiting to strike, a part of him is always here, always living through something else......

Or someone else.

What if....what if the reason the Ministry of Magic wanted Remus Lupin locked up was because they had suspicions that he was working with You-Know-Who!? It was certainly possible. What if "Remus' kind" meant other....Death Eaters?!

My heart hammered super hard and I started sweating. But why would McGonagall and Dumbledore let Remus into the school then?

Because Dumbledore refused to believe that Remus was dangerous. He knew the Ministry thought he cast that spell on Stevens....because he believed the Ministry was wrong for thinking that Remus was a Death Eater!

What if Dumbledore was wrong? What if Remus really couldn't be trusted and he was working for You-Know-Who? What if this Greyback person was a Death Eater that recruited Remus to the Death Eaters! It would certainly be wise for You-Know-Who to have a spy in Hogwarts...especially if he wanted something in Hogwarts.

What would You-Know-Who want in Hogwarts? He had everything. Power, control, followers, the fear from other witches and wizards. What did he need?

I couldn't keep this to myself. I need to tell someone....

I'd told Lily everything about You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters. And I mean EVERYTHING.

Lily was the person to talk to. I knew she was.  
