Good News and Bad News

Hello, my darlings.

As you can see from the title I indeed have good news and bad news regarding my stories, more so my ongoing (unfinished) stories such as.
Like A War.
Away From Home.
Always & Forever.

There's a lot that has been going on with my ongoing stories that I have listed. No, I'm not abandoning them. I would never do. But I will be working on my unfinished stories offline.

1. Like A War
2. Away From Home
3. Always & Forever

Good news, there's a brand new story that I am already half done with. Which you know about it here. 😊

The bad news, due to writer's block in this story "Like a War" and "Away From Home" "Always & Forever" I have decided to go steady on these stories. No, they are not on hold. I just have to figure out how the story will end and how to place everything together, offline. You will still get updates for them, but not as fast. My goal is to have them done and the rest published and finished later on.

Also, if you haven't there's two new chapter here chapter 26: 1+1 and chapter 21: Pants on fire. Check it out. 😏

Annnnd back to the good news.
Yes, it is an interracial book!

The new story will have diverse leading and supporting characters (as I'd promised) because it's about time for my dark skin sisters and brothers to shine. As I'd stated in my previous author notes.

No, it will not be a billionaire story, but I hope guys will still love it. I want to try to write in another genre such which is historical fiction story. I'm taking summer classes right now, ancient history and I also binged watching the movie, Troy. And they both inspired me to write this piece.

Here's a Sneak Peek of my story!

The Fallen Kingdoms

Copyrights Β© 2018 by itslovely23

All rights reserved

Many believed he was a gift to mankind. No one could defeat him. No one could challenge him, and those who did crumble at his feet. He has defeated many nations that dared to take his. He had the strength of Zeus, the heart of Aphrodite, and the wrath of Ares. He was unlike anything that a man has seen. Like he was one of the gods. Many believed he was, he was Achilleus. The son of a mortal Greek hero, Peleus and the goddess of water, Thetis. The great warrior who's favored by the gods and goddesses in times of wars to bring them glory.

He was destined to become the greatest of all times and many will remember him for that. Will his good fortune and path to destiny be put at a halt when he sets his eyes upon a woman of Ivorian descent in the land of his enemies drifts him of his ways? In which his desire to fight for her becomes greater than for his country.

- Itslovely23

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