Chapter 36: Old Pieces

Hi, lovelies! Hope that you are all doing well. I've read all the comments on the last chapter. As much as I don't want to give y'all a spoil alert. I can assure that Andrew will not cheat on this story, here's why. Before I became a wattpad writer. I did read stories, and one things that I've noticed. Some of the stories that I can across had one thing in common. They had the same plot. Someone cheats on the relationship. I know that cheating can be reason why that cause a relationship or marriage to crumble but there's many other reasons that can break a relationship. That why I will not be doing that. I will be honest that I did think about making Andrew a cheater, at first. Its very challenging to be a writer. You want the audience to like the stories. And of course, many other reasons. Every writer is different however ways they decide to write their stories it should be for their own reasons. Because they're are the ones that holds the pen. Lol, I will stop rambling now. But I want my story to be different or at the very least be based on what people actually go through in real life, you know and take something out of this. A lesson of such sorts. So, my loves put your hearts at ease. Because this story will NOT be cheating scandal kinda story. (I apologize in advance for any grammar errors) Okay, carry on!

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** Andrew Pov **

I zoomed off the streets. With not a care to where I was headed. I just had to get away and cool off. My phone rings.

I knew who it was. My wife.

My hands gripped on the steering wheel, tightly.

I can't go back, now. I needed space.

If I did..I know that I will say things that will ruin our marriage even more, or we'll both say somethings that we will regret.

After hours of driving through the road, I navigated the car to a near hotel that caught my attention. Check in. Open my room for tonight. Sat on the edge off the bed. Everything clashed back in my thoughts.

Today was like a nightmare that I didn't want to replay.

"what have I done" I stood up walked around the room, unawarely.

Flashbacks and flashbacks plays repeatedly in my mind.

Out of rage, I slammed the closests things that my hands came contact with. The room was now filled with shattered glass.

I chose to head back home. But before going back. I made a quick stop in the liquor store. To take off the stress that's has stored up from my body in months from work and the difficultly of conceiving a child. It's not the wisest thing to drown myself in alcohol but I don't want to feel the way I'm feeling now. It's sucks and hurts so much that I'm in the brink of losing everything and don't have a clue on how to fix it.

On top of it all, I took it out one the least person who deserved my wrath.

I walked back to my car. Press on the vehicle engine to return to home. I hope that we can somehow be on good terms and minutes after, I was there.

The house was quiet.

I search and search. She was not there.

Did she leave? I smirked.

Heck, I would not be in shock if she did leave.. I'm too blame for my foolish actions.

The closet still contain her clothes. Suddenly, I had a idea to where she could've went.

** Linda Pov **

After settling in at my bestfriend, jackie home. I decided to take a quick shower. My mind reflects back on Andrew, again.

No, stop, Linda.

I pulled myself together. And refused to cry for what will be the hundredth times. I washed my hair just as I was getting ready to pick the hair conditioner.

The very same man that has clouded my head shows up.


well, close to being naked. With notthing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

"what are you doing here" I jump covering my body with the shower curtains.

I peeked behind him trying to see if someone else was there.

"jackie and joseph are downstairs. don't worry I locked the door" he unwraps his towel gets in the shower. I stared at him blankly.

"what?" he asks as he rubs soaps on his bare chest.

"what" I repeated.

What he says.

"I'm having a hard time understanding to why you are here," I moved on the other side of the tub letting him shower.

His back is now facing me. And he continues on showering pretending as if I'm not there.

"I'm taking you home" he turns my direction.

"I'm not going anywhere" I stated.

"yes, you are" he speaks, firmly.

"no, I'm not" I response back.

"Lin-" he gets a bit angry.

"don't Linda, me. I called and called you. Lord, knows how many texts messages. Then I called you again. When you finally decide to answers your cell. You claim that there's nothing to talk about. And you hunged up did you not" I let everything out.

It felt good, really good.

"I don't what kinda game your playing. I will not participate in it" I tried to get off the shower.

He, then forcibly, yanks me back in slams me back against the wall. Making it impossible to escape.

I tried to read him.

But I couldn't. It seems like all sorts of emotions flashing through his eyes that mirrored my own. I was angry. So, was he.

The only different was that he's capable of turning that into something more. He looked like a drunken mess and even smelled like it.

I peered at him.

He doesn't say a word. But caress my cheeks with his hand.

I watched him, cautiously. Just when I'm ready to speak. He shuts me off with an aggressive kiss. I tasted liquor on his lips.

He rakes of alcohol. This is where being short and freakishly small does not pair up, well. He was enormous. I was not. As David and Golaith. On this case, I was David. Unlike david, I didn't know if I could win the battle against an intoxicated man.

"s-stop-" I strived to fight him off. But failed, too. From our bodies was slighlty cover with soap.The water on the shower sprinkles through my eyes fogs me from seeing, clearly.

Cuts me of with another hungrily kiss. As he continues touch my body, roughly. Unexceptedly, he picks me up. Puts me further up the wall as he locks his hands around my thighs. Making sure that my legs secured on his waist.

"A-Andrew, no-" I sobbed.

He was the opposite of loving, tender, gentle. His touches was not the same. It was forceful. He was drunk.

And I..I just wanted it to be over. I gave in as he made love to me. Appears to be the only option I had left. To be able to escape this nightmare.

° Minutes, later °

We silently walked back to the bedroom. I go through jacky, guest closet to see the clothes that she allowed me to borrow.

"get your stuff, were leaving" he commands.

"I'm staying" I informed.

He sighed. "I thought we made?" he smirks. Continues, on to dry his hair.


How did we made up. His not even willing to talk about it.

Stupid, me. Of course, he would used that to lure me back in.

"that wasn't making up! practically did that on your own terms..against my" I choked to say.

Because he would furious if I utter his name. He saw right through me. And knew what I wanted to say. Tony.

"don't compare me to that guy!" he roars. I flinced by his outburst.

"h-how can't I? You've given me every reason, too" I cried.

His face soften. But masked it right back with pride.

I scowled. Men with their pride. Why can't he just--

"Think what you want. I'm done talking about this" he spoke harshly.

"so you make love to me. And what? Things are suspose to magically go back to normal?" I reply in disbelief.

"were leaving that's final" he gritted. Proceed to wear his clothing.

"are we going to talk to about what's killing this marriage, slowly" I dressed in a Burgundy dress and a black shirt.

"there's nothing to discuss" he says.

"Then, I'm not going no where"I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

"why, are you being stubborn" he yells, runs his hand though his hair.

"why can't you just put your pride aside. So, that we can talk about what's bothering us!" I shouted.

Andrew pushes the nearesr wall. We heard footsteps coming toward the door. Then stops. They chatter towards the door.

"I knew this was a bad idea. They're going to awake our baby" Jackie husband, Joseph says.

"they need to communicate. Now,hush," Jacky replies.

"Linda, are y'all okay" jackies asks with concerns.

"yea, we're just talking" I response.

Andrew doesn't bother to acknowledge my closet friends.

"Andrew, don't you lay a hand on my bestfriend, you hear" she warns.

We overhear jackie, husband Joseph calm her down. Then the door jams open displaying jackie, and joseph now in the room. With us. Jacky looks relief when she saw that I was okay.

"I wouldn't say the same for your brother, Tony" Andrew take his coat starts to leave the room.

"d-don't," I tried to stop him from speaking about my horrible childhood without my permission.

"don't what? When are you going to tell her?" he stops. Turns around.

"that's not for you to decide. How dare you" I yelled.

"how long did you wait to tell me. You left me clueless! I wasn't...I couldn't..." he steps forward to me and I took several steps back.

Jackie and joseph weren't sure if they should intervene or not. But joseph watched Andrew cautiously in case he attempts to do something.

"what does he mean about, Tony?" My friend, jackie gazes between Andrew and I.

"maybe, you should ask her about it" he walks out the door.

I was planning on telling her about it... just not now.

Joseph follows after my husband, Andrew.

Leaving, Jackie and I to remain, alone.

I sighed. We stood there quietly. She waited until I began to tell her. Everything.

When I was through I felt as if a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry" she hugs me tightly as she apologizes on her brother's behalf.

"y'all need to see a marriage counselor" she says after moments of silent.

"no, we'll get through this..with God help" I reply.

"you know I'm all about Jesus too, but y'all need to professional help. My marriage counselor is also Christian. Joseph and I were on the same situation y'all are experiencing now"

"...There was no trust..I suspect that he was cheating...and one day he had enough of my BS. He threaten that he will leave. I was pregnant with our baby boy, noah. Maybe it was pregnancy hormones. I kept praying. Dr. givens is a very close friend of mine. She help us to have an healthy marriage, again" she explains.

"okay.. I will think about it" I reply.

"okay" she hugs me, again. Leaves the room so I can rest. Before sleeping, I prayed to God for guidance.

Because I've never experience such trouble as this. I'm at war with my husband. And I was running out of options to how we'll overcome this.

When I was done. I slowly, fell asleep. In hopes that tomorrow will be a better day.

° The next day °

"where are we going?" I asked my bestfriend who refuses to spill the beans.

"You'll will see" she says with a big smile. We've been driving more than hours.

I didn't have a clue to where was taking me. Finally, we pulled up. She parked the car.

"okay, close your eyes" she says.

"what?! No,--" I exclaimed.

"trust me. It will be fun" she says.

Fun? I had another found with my husband. I didn't have time for fun.

I was curious to know. So, I went along with her plan.

We get out of the car. She guides to where we were going as I blindly walked to the unknown place.

"alright, you're ready go to go. Okay, see you" she storms off leaving me in a place I was not very familiar with.

I scanned the building. It was beautiful. Filled with glass windows. I walked inside. As I examined the building.

My phone buzzed. I read the text:

»» From: Jackie Bowden

««To: Linda Henderson

I wasn't sure if you were going to go along with this. Because you've always bailout on anything that required you to get out of your comfort zone. So, I set y'all up. You'll thank me, later ;)

Xoxo, Jackie!

No, she didn't.

I said that I will thing about it. I did not except to this, now. Just I was about to reply to her text. Someone bumps into me from the back. We both lands on the front desk of the place.

"oh-" I began to speak.

"sorry--" the man starts to say.

"...Linda" he adds, making a bit unease by his intense stares that pierced straight through my soul.

"good afternoon, I'm susanne Starks. How may I help you?" The receptionist asks us in a friendly manner.

I didn't know if I should go first. So, I waited.

"Dr. Givens" we spoke in unison.Looked at each other, puzzedly.

I'm going to get jackie for setting me up. And mostly thank her. Because this might just be the thing that we'll restore my marriage.


Woot woot, more than 3,000 something words of writting! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, lovelies. I have a really bad headache, plus my hands are tired from writing so much! but I know that y'all deserved a long chap! Any questions, thoughts, feel free to leave a comment down below.

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