Chapter 29: Sisters' Gifts βœ”οΈ

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Andrew Pov

"Tonight, we're playing good cop and a bad cop." I smirked.

Her eyes widen in horror.

"Give it back, Andrew!" she aimed to get from me but I held it, higher.

"Or what?" I challenged.

The perks of being tall.

"Andrew. I'm serious." she tackles me down and we both fell to the ground.

"So, am I." I looked into her eyes.

Feeling the tension between us she attempted once again to throw me off topic.

"I thought you wanted to talk?"

"Believe me I do. But this is way more interesting, babe." I held up the cuffs.

"Andrew!" she tried to grasp it once more.

"Linda.." I shift our positions and hovered above her.

The tip of our noses was brushing each other, slightly.

"A..Andrew..." I felt my wife breathing patterns change. Her needs mirrored my own.

I chuckled. I guess that she knows what I'm thinking about too.

I caressed her cheeks. "Linda."

I spoke her name hoarsely that hinted every emotion that ran through my veins.

I've never wanted her as much as I did now.

"Why haven't you wore those exotic clothing that had been purchased from my dear, sisters?" I glimpsed at her lips.

She blushed. "Because they're a bit out of my comfort zone ."

"I'm dying to see you wear them." I teased.

Her eyes widen by my confession.

I know that those clothes are the complete opposite of her personality. Knowing her, I am convinced that she won't wear them now, anytime soon.

But I guy can dream, right?

* Linda Pov *

I bit my bottom lip.

Just do it, already, Linda.

You're married to him.

"What are you thinking?" He stared deep into my eyes.

"N..nothing" I lowered my gaze at his tie that I itched to untangle.

Untangle? Maybe that's a bit too much.

As if he read my mind.

He guides my left hand to his tie. "It's alright."

I think I can do this.

I've never undressed--This is actually my first--

Focus, Linda.


I succeed to untie it and we both watched it slide off the floor. Next, I stripped off his dress shirt.

He waited patiently until I was through.

The table was reverse and now it was his turn. He began by shedding every piece of clothing that I had and soon left me with undergarments only.

He was unsure to continued as if it was up to me to decide what to do next.

I froze.

When my hands almost touched his belt.

Maybe, not this.

Shivering by the sight of something awakening that belong to him.

I slowly let my hands travel back up through his bare chest.

My mouth became dry as I examined every feature of my husband body.

He was wonderfully made.

He looked so yummy...

Linda, he's not a piece of meat.

If he was. Then he would be very tasty.

What's happening to me?!

I shook of my thoughts, wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Do, um, you want to stay here," I trailed off because we're still on our bedroom floor. The bed was not too far away from us. "Or we..."

That's where I wanted to be with my--

Wait, what? Did I just say that..?

Before I knew it Andrew stood up taking me along with him.

My not so functioning legs were somehow secured at his waist as he walked us toward the enormous bed.

"I will be gentle--" He lays me first on the bed. Then follows after me. "I promise."

"I trust you." I glanced up at him.

I'm not as nervous as I was before. Which was a good thing cause I didn't want to be nervous? At least not anymore.

"I think I'm gonna have to tie you up just in case." he takes my left hand connects it to the bed frame and locked the handcuff on my tiny wrist.

"You don't have to do that. I'm already willing to do this--without these!" I point with my free hand at the handcuffs.

He laughs.

Seriously, this is amusing?!

"It's not funny, Andrew. How would you feel if I locked you up with handcuffs?" I asked my laughing husband.

He stops to laugh, raises his brow with excitement.

"I will actually consider that very much." he traces my bottom lip with his right thumb.

I rolled my astounded by his demand.


Of course, he would want to do that.

"Since you're gonna consider that. I will not give this up then." I tested him by sealing my legs closed preventing to have access.

He sighs. "I meant it in a good way." he departs them, again.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Now no more talking, sweetheart." he became to kiss me all over.

"But we haven't talked about--why--have been arguing," I said between in our kisses.

"Linda, you know why we've experienced misunderstanding in."

He strips off the top piece of my lingerie leaving me... "How about we fix it by.."

Suddenly I felt a cool breeze twirl around my chest.

Yep, he left me with nothing, but my underwear.

"My wrist hurts, Andrew." my cuffed hand began to ache.

He smirks.

His hand traveled down my thigh taunting me. "Once I'm through with you. It won't just be your hand aching."

"You said that you will be gen--" I flinched, unexpectedly.

He explores my features some more, stops inches away from my womanhood.

Okay, there will be tsunamis flood down there if he doesn't stop with the teasing.

"Are you...?" he was ready for the main event.

I nodded to agree and picking up on his question.

As much as I didn't want to admit I was too. With that, we did what we both wanted to do, for a while. This time I didn't make excuses. I was very occupied with what his gifted hands were up too that I didn't make excuse. And I simply allowed my husband to achieve what he had in mind.

** A couple months, later **

We've just gotten back to home from our honeymoon trip.

After that night we've been having a lot of alone time together. If you know what I mean.

It's still all new to me. But I'm now enjoying our special time.

"We're having dinner at my parent's home." he came back in our room after he finished making a phone called.

I dried my hair with a towel. "That sounds great."

"Maybe we can.." he came behind me and snaked his arms on my waist. "Before we leave.."

"We just did that. You're just full of energy, aren't you?" I was shocked by his request.

He replies matter factly. "Well yeah.

Uh-huh, I don't think my legs can endure any more of that right now.

"Are you're grandparents coming too?" I somehow managed to change the subject.

"I think so," he added.

"Then we should get ready to go, babe." I kissed him lightly on the cheek and untie arms his off my waist.

He sighs in defeat.

"Alright, but you're gonna it up to me." he scored another kiss.

I nodded and resumed to drying my hair.

Andrew was dressed casually in a cotton cashmere v-neck sweater, dark blue jeans. While I wore a black jumpsuit with plumps heels. After we were done getting ready. We found our car and drove to Andrew's parent home.
Twenty-five minutes we're there.

"I see that everyone is already here." All the family cars were parked. Andrew and I got off the car. We walked in their massive home. I spot Sarah and Jennifer with their husbands coming our way. Before they can get to me so we can have our girls chat.

Andrew's grand-parents approach him and I to interact with us.

"Andrew! You're one lucky man." Grandpa paul kisses my cheeks. "How are you Linda?"

My husband groaned. "Grandpa."

"Very lucky." grandpa Paul added as he kisses my hand.

"I'm doing great," I answered Andrews's grandfather with respect.

Grandpa Paul's wife comes my way.

Always my husband senses my discomfort. "You'll be fine."

He knew that it was about his grandmother, Martha.

"Yeah. Sure." I nodded.

Breathe. Breathe.

I don't know why I was nervous to see her.

Well, maybe cause she doesn't say kind words to me.

I gulped. "Hi! grandmother!" I spoke with a very cheerful tone.

"I see that you're not with a child." grandma Martha says flatly as she poke my flat tummy with her index finger.

My smile went into a frown.

And she's at it again.

Oh, lord give me strength.

This dinner is going to be very interesting.


A/N: Hope that you all enjoyed this chapter!! My favorite movie. "A walk to remember" came on, its just ahh!! Love that movie!! It's the best! Any questions, thoughts, feel free to leave a comment down below

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