Chapter 40: Broken Promises βœ”οΈ

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Jacqueline Pov

Out of all days he chose to come today. Out of all days he comes to visit, me. Like why today? There's no way I think that the universe desperately wanted them. My brother, Tony, and Linda. To be in the same room just for the heck of it.

Now's was not the time. I've just found out the sickest twisted messed up act my brother tried to do to in the past to someone. Attempt Rape or other names they have in the dictionary for what he had in mind to do to her.

Anything that can shatter a boy or girl childhood dreams or worse change them in the worse way. It's just wrong. Period.

He tried to do that to my best friend! Like why? Why her? She's like a sister to me. She didn't deserve to go through, I know that he was a pre-young adult year, back then. Just getting off the teenage stages. He was curious. He wanted to experience things.

Still, that doesn't give him the right to do that! Heck, he doesn't get the right to do that to anybody! You just don't go around trying to do experiments on someone's best friend.

That's just twisted.

Most of all what mosquito bit him so that he can show his face here. At this time.

Nobody else knows about the incident but Joseph, Andrew, Linda, and I.

If she had told more people about it., that's not the Linda I know it takes her time to fully open up to people. It's still up to her to do whatever she decides to do. I'll have to go against my brother on this. And support her.

Because I will not be sided with my brother dumb decisions. I'm a woman, too. God forbid that I go through that too. What happened to Linda could've happened to me. That could've been me...

Linda Pov

How? Why was he here?!

Finally, I've gotten my life on track. My marriage was back on track.

Oh God, why do you want me to feel this. To go through this, again. I've buried my pain for a very long time that it no longer bothered me.

My heart didn't want to reopen those past wounds that nearly broke me.

Gazing at my best friend. I didn't want to believe that she was behind this. She was among of the few that I trusted. I wanted it to remain that way.

"Please, please, tell me that you had nothing to do with this, Jacqueline?" I pointed at the man.

"You gotta believe me. I didn't have anything to do with this." Jacqueline replied. Her husband, Joseph came to the scene. Feeling the tension in the room. His eyes went directly to who was behind the problem. Tony.

He sighed.

"You need to leave," Joseph says in a firm tone.

"What? My brother in law kicking me out too?" He replied.

"Tony, Tony, Tony.." I felt my husband's tone boiled with rage.

With Joseph stating the name of the man that almost destroyed my youth. My husband now knows that this is the Tony. Battling with my own fears. I..I wasn't aware that my husband was still clueless and didn't know that this was the man that ruined me.

"Oh, pretty boy thinks he can take me?" He laughs.

Andrew Pov

I want more than anything to wipe that smug off his face. With my fist.

My hands tighten.

"Don't, please." Linda whispers as she cries, while gripping my arm tightly for comfort as she trembled.

Jacqueline Pov

"What's taking soo long, baby" some Bratz barbie looking woman with ombre hair wrapped her arms around my brother's waist.

Didn't know that he was a swirl too.

While I'm all excited to see my brother finally joining the fun side, best kinda love.

My girl, Linda and her husband, Andrew didn't look to happy to this barbie girl, though.

Gotta a feeling that I'm about to find out why.

Andrew Pov

For her to be here too. I can't help but think that they plotted this. This gives me a better reason to really punch him.

"Hi, Andrew." Emma batted her lashes at me.

Annoyed with her presence. I remained silent. And more interested in figuring out what's wrong with my wife who now had covered her mouth.

The only she was communicating with me was through the mumbling. I'm not very skillful to understand anything that did not produce a voice.

"What is it, sweetheart?" I asked concernedly.

She pointed upstairs with her free hand.

"Oh! your wife not looking so good as always," she mutters the last word rolling her eyes.

"Y'all know each other?" Tony asked Emma who was still gazing as if I'm a new pair of shoes.

"Yes, he's my long time, ex. But what I know what now that's once you go black you never go back" she purrs at her new playtoy while Tony didn't stop looking at me to see if whatever planned she had worked.

I chuckled.

Did she come here to make me jealous?

"Oh, heck to the no. Linda this the girl you told me about?" Jacqueline asked.

"Get her out my house--Scratch that both of y'all need to leave!" she added.

"Kicking out relatives now?" Tony shook his head.

"Yes, now. Goodbye." Jacqueline stated.

Linda Pov

Feeling in sick, again. I covered my mouth over with my hand. I was going to puke. Andrew didn't make it easier on me by him not knowing what I was trying to say.

Really I didn't have the strength to hold it anymore. I barfed it.

Jacqueline's beautiful white rug was now polished with the meal that I ate earlier.

"Ugh," I said nauseously but somewhat relieved that I was able to get it out of my system.

"Are you....?" My husband questioned. Jacqueline helps me up to walk me to the bathroom when as Andrew stood to eye me blankly.

Andrew and I attended many doctor's appointments for him to sense pregnancy symptoms. But I think he was having a hard time picking those signs right now.

"Pretty boy got you pregnant? You could've been my baby mama, If I had....." he smirked.

Knowing well that his comments will set my husband off. And it did.

"You bastard!" Andrew charges at him. Both falling to the ground. Wrestling with each other. Andrew got the upper hand. He punched Tony multi times blood began to show on his lip.

"Andrew, stop it!" I cried.

"I got this, Linda. Jacqueline, take her where she needs to be. You go on." Joseph assured persuaded me to go get cleaned with the assists from his wife. We reached the bathroom. My body hastened on the toilet seat.

"I'm sorry about the carpet." I apologized.

"Oh, we were thinking about to replace it, anyways. You can throw up on it anytime" she says holding up my hair. She got up scattered through her bathroom cabinet.

"Here take this. Cause girl, you are so pregnant!" she says excitedly.

"Ughh," I vomited.

"I will be at the hallway if you need anything." she smiled. After taking the test. Quickly I left the room. I didn't even read the pregnancy test. Because of I...I don't think I was ready too.

"Sooo, what it is?" Jacqueline asked eagerly.

"I didn't look at it yet.." I murmured.

"Take all the time you need." My best friend hugs me. And didn't question my reasons behind not finding out the results.

My stomach growled. "Can we go to eat?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yea, sure." she nodded. We walked downstairs. The house was quiet.

"Glad, y'all could join us." Joseph smiled fixing a seat for his wife. Andrew pulled out a chair for me.

"You don't ever have to worry about them, again," he reassured intertwining our hands as he massaged my knuckles with his thumb.

Emma Pov

"What did you see in that boy? He's soft" Tony scowled.

"I don't know, money," I replied. He was the only man dumb enough to still rock with me. After I cheated on him.

"Wipe that blood off your lip. People will think that we're on to something." I replied aggravated. This isn't how I planned things to go. I wanted him to see what he left. Any man would love to have all of this.

How dare they threaten my life! It's a free country I can do whatever I want.

Linda Pov

"Are you sure that it's food poisoning?" My husband asked as he dries my nude body with a towel. After we bathed.

Yes, I told my husband that my symptoms were a result of food poisoning.

"I think so-" I replied then quickly jumped out the tub. To the toilet and puked.

"I'll set up a doctor appointment right away." he held my hair to prevent it from diving into the dirty toilet water.

"No! I..I will do take care of it!" I responded.

Now I wished that I looked to the pregnancy test.

Part of me, feels that he'll be disappointed. Once he knows that I'm not pregnant. It hurts me to sees him be unhappy. Cause I can't do the one every woman should be able to do.

He dropped the subject. We got ready for bed. He wraps his arms me.

"This will help," he says softy plants tenderly a goodnight kiss on my lips as his hand stroked my stomach to soothe the pain. I prayed. Oh lord, I really hope that I'm pregnant. Because I want him to be. Because this man deserves to be a father.

Few days, later

Andrew Pov

"How was your day?" My wife greeted me with a hugs and kisses. Hugs are great but I'm a big fan of kisses. Especially sharing them with her lips.

"Good. Great." I couldn't resist and kiss her some more.

Man, I really missed those lips of hers.

And I really missed this too...

"Andrew!" She yelped slapping my hands away from her beautiful curvy derrière. Unlike most women that go to drastic measures to achieve the perfect curves. Letting some doctors inject cement on the backside. Instead of being proud of what God had naturally blessed them with.

I thank God for my wife. She may be shy, sometimes. But she's very comfortable and most of all love her body.

"What I didn't do anything?" I chuckled. As I snaked my arms around her waist. To her bottom and succeeded to get another squeeze out it.

"Behave," she warned.

"I just love your-" I played innocently.

We were interrupted by the telephone ringing.

I groaned. "What do you want, grandma?"

"Andrew, I need to talk to you alone! Oh about some very important things, please do hurry," she says over the phone dramatically.

My wife looked worried about hearing the news. I sense that grandma, Martha was up to her old tricks. I did inform my wife that grandma, Martha tried to match me up with a woman named Lucy Hamilton. While Linda and I were apart due to our marriage counseling, exercise.

"Alright, I will there."I sighed. Clicked off the phone. Seriously, I can't spend quality time with my wife. Without the interference of my grandma. She has been calling for the days for no apparent reason claiming that it's urgent.

"I think you should go see her." my wife advice.

"Then you are coming with me" I pulled her closer to me tracing my hand through her collarbone working up discovering her sensitive spot dipped in to nuzzle her neck.

Linda Pov

"You don't need her. She can't even get pregnant!" Grandma, Martha spat.


For thirty minutes I've sat here. Sat here and listened. Politely I listened her speak horribly to me. Because she wasn't happy to see that Andrew brought me to their lunch date. It's not okay for me to be here.

But it's okay for her to bring the ideal woman, Lucy Hamilton.

The woman that she believes should be with her grandson. A grandson, that's already married. That grandson just happens to be my husband.

"Enough!" Andrew roared.

"Now, she got you speaking badly towards your elders." Grandma, Martha scowled.

"I'm tired of this. I'm tired of you butting in my life! What is that you want from me? Huh? I've purchased clothes, shoes, cars, anything that you've wished for. I bought it. What else do you want from me?" Andrew spoke angrily. Today might be his breaking point.

"I want you to marry a white woman." grandma, Martha stated. Noticing that Andrew was on the edge of losing it. Losing all respect, he ever had of his grandma. I squeezed his hand. The woman looked uncomfortable to witness Andrew and I displaying public affection. My husband calmed himself before speaking.

"...I can't give you that. I love my wife. No one. Not even she can ever never replace my wife." Andrew smirked directing his gaze the woman. Then looks back to grandma, Martha.

"Lucy Hamilton here got everything she that lacks. She's fertile. Comes from a well-known family-" she explains.

That's it. I've enough of this.

I cut in. "I know that you're npt fond of me. That's okay you don't have like me. You don't have to like me at all. But you'll respect me. I am Andrew's wife. My husband belongs to me. Always will." I stated. Out of shock, grandma Martha and Lucy mouth fell wide open with their eyes twitching turning red with anger.

"Where did I go wrong with you?!" Grandma Martha asked.

"My parents raised me well. But that's something you can ask your parents." my husband responded. Andrew and I got up to leave. With them staying there. On our way out, Lucy rushes toward us.

"She's can't breath, Andrew!" Lucy exclaimed.

"She's up to her old schemes. She never ceases to amaze me. Let's go, Linda." smirked Andrew taking my hand.

"I think she's in trouble." Lucy panicked.

"Whatever, it is you can take care of it." gritted my husband.

I gotta I bad feeling about this.

So I hurry back with Lucy to find out what's really going on. Andrew had no choice but to follow.

I stopped. Grandmother, Martha looked close to death. She's gasping for air. Unable to speak.

"I think she's having a heart attack!" Lucy announced.

"Andrew! call an ambulance." I shouted as Lucy and I tried to help Martha.

Andrew Pov

"This was her own doing. If she dies. I am not responsible for her death. I'm done...I'm just done!" I informed grandpa, Paula. Running an hand through my hair.

The whole family was here. Worried sick about the most stubborn in the too busy getting into other people's business instead of taking care of her health.

"Babe..I know that right now is not a good time. But I really need to talk to you." she says nervously bitting her lips. That stirred through my groin.

Dang, I wished that we were home. Alone. Right now. I groaned with the thought we might be here for hours.

"What's the matter? I asked.

"..I think that...I am...." she gulped as she shakingly reveals a white object from her purse.

