Chapter 27: Wine Tasting βœ”οΈ


Linda Pov

"You ready, sweetheart?" My husband came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist that mimics a Calvin Klein model.

"Almost," I applied my foundation by Estee Lauder.

Then he drops it without having a care in the world.

"Andrew!" I briskly covers my eyes.

"Aww, come on. You've already seen it numerous amount of time." he comes before me and removed my hands from my eyes.

But I shield them back on by closely my eyes tightly.

Honestly, I don't think I can overcome my shyness just like that.

Yes, I'm married.


This should be a normal, right?! To see my beloved husband this way, every morning.

Am I wrong?? Sadly, for me it will take some time to get used too.

Which is ironic, cause I was not acting shy on our honeymoon.

In fact, I was behaving like a teenage girl with raging hormones ready to lash out at my husband the first time we bedded together.

"It doesn't matter. Plus I don't want to see it in the daylight." I blushed a little.

He sighed, "Alright, open. I'm clothed."

I took his word. And open my eyes slowly.

He had already worn a dark blue suit (white dress shirt) with a blue tie along with it by Giorgio Armani.

He looked good.

Really good.

"I won't let you get away with it." he puts his strong hands on my hips.

"Next time," he gazes at me with hunger in his shade of blue eyes. That seems to capture my eyes instantly.

Oh no. I know too well what his thinking about.

He wants too--

"I...haven't recovered, Andrew." I said in a low tone but he still heard me.

"That's what you said last night, and the night before." he combs a hand through his hair sounding a bit irritated.

Yes, I know I was holding out on my own husband which was quite unfair.

But I don't know--

"I know. But I just need more time, okay." I reply unable to face him.

He groaned as he tried to keep his cool.

"Please, don't be mad." I tried to reason.

Of course, he has every right to be mad. I caused this.

"Just don't take long." he murmured, shutting the door behind him.

I looked myself in the mirror. And clothed in a beautiful ivory dress pair with white plumps heels.

I have to admit this dress did show off my curves all around.

I don't want to make it any harder on him than it already is.

"Maybe I should go change," I said to myself.

"Change what?" Andrew comes back into our room for the car keys.

"Nothing, let's go." I grab my purse turn off the lights and was already outside in the car waiting for him.

"What was that about?" was the first thing he asks as he got in the car.

"It was nothing," I reply forcing a smile that I really wanted to appear believable.

"Nothing?" he repeats and shrugs. "Yea, right."

Of course, he doesn't believe me. I didn't dare to say another word nor did he. There was so much tension in the car that I didn't know how long I could endure it.

Today, we were suppose to go on a nice dinner then visits a friend of Andrew's that happens to be a wine investor.

Not too far from the restaurant.

I couldn't wait to take a sip of that wine.

I've been acting too weird.

"We're here." he announces and gets out the car first to open the door for me.

I feel even more guilty about what not too long ago.

He still does nice gestures for me even after we've just had a little misunderstanding before coming here.

"Thank you." I reply.

He smiles takes my left hand as we walk in the restaurant.

"Bonjour, madame et monsieur, " the waitress greets in a thick French accent.

Andrew did all the talking cause I didn't have any clue of what they were speaking.

She returns with our alcohol beverages first then brought our food.

The foods were of this world. They were delicious,they are so worth gaining 10 pounds.

I was so focused in what I was eating I nearly forgot that Andrew was also with me.

"I see somebody was hungry."I heard my husband chuckles.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I.." I wiped any invisible food crumbs that I thought was on my face.

"It's okay, Linda," he says as he makes eye contact with me.

For the rest of the evening, we were talking all formal with each other. From the yes's, and no's. To the okay's and maybe's. And then I understand.

It was torture.

Which really bothered me. I just want to be on good terms with my husband again. I sobbed on the inside.

The waitress comes with the dinner bill. Andrew's makes the payment we then leave and drove to the wine investor that was few blocks away from the restaurant.

"There he is," says Andrew we saw someone come out a huge mansion.

We both got out the car to greet him.

"Ah!! Andre. Bonjour, Comment allez-vous?" The man seemed happy to see my husband.

I'm guessing they've known each other for a long time.

They spoke more words in French until Andrew introduced me.

"Benoit Auguste, meet my wife, Linda." says my husband.

The man looked the same age as Andrew only with dark neck length hair that was a bit wavy and hazels eyes with one dimple on his cheek.

I'm sure he has no problem in the dating area.

"EnchantΓ© de faire votre connaissance (nice to meet you) the man kisses both sides of my cheeks as a greeting that's a common thing in Paris.

"Let's go check out those wine, benoit." Andrew's change the subject he saw his friend continue to speak in French which I only nodded and said as a reply.

Benoit gave a tour of the entire house it was beautiful.

When we arrived downstairs to a placed that was a huge basement.

It was filled with wine bottles on the wall with different names and favors he explains to Andrew and translates for me.

"Oh! I will be back. I have great wine upstairs that I want you both to taste" he says in English but you can hear his native accent.

Andrew and I were left all alone in a room that had dim light but we were still able to see each other.

"I want to talk about what happened today." he approaches my direction.

"O-0h, okay." I gulped.

Really "oh" was all you can say, Linda?!!

"You're doing it again, Linda." he became a little frustrated.

"Doing, what?" I answered.

"You're shutting me out." he pointed.

Was I?

All of the sudden I was trapped at a huge table that pokes my behind on top of that Andrew making it impossible to escape on purpose.

"I wasn't..." I started to say.

My husband lifts me off the ground placed on the same table that my back was previously in.

He stood in between my legs.

"I will not hesitate to do what I wanted to do earlier with you, if you don't tell me the truth." he says with a straight face.

I looked at him.

Is he bluffing?

I gazed at him once more just to be sure. I was met with cool blue eyes that brought goosebumps in my body.

Oh gosh, He's serious!

"Earlier, I...was about to change into another dress that too revealing because I didn't want you to get worked up. Since we haven't..." I said while looking at the floor.

"Haven't, what?" He tips my chin up and smirks.

He knows exactly what I'm talking about but knowing him he just wants to hear me say it.

I held my ground. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

Two can play this game,

"Mr. Henderson."

"You only call me that when you're attempting to avoid something." his hands went on my back and he starts to unzip my dress.

"Have you lost your mind, Andrew!" I slap his hand off me.

"No, but you're about to lose yours." his hand went back on my dress and unzipped it in one swift.

Jennifer, was right absence does make the hormones grow fonder.

"Your friend can barge in at any minute." I held on the top of my dress like my life depend on it.

I was not about to be all bare in a table-- a place I've never been, before.

"Benoit takes forever. He will not be back as soon as you think." he cups my face with both hands as he kisses me.

His explores my features I felt his right hand go under my dress he began to pull something off.

"Wait, Andrew." I said.

But he kept me quiet with a passionate kiss. His hand lingers some more. Is he trying to take off my bottom wear?! In here of all places?!!

"Wait!!" I said when we broke off our kiss for breather.

I looked down my bottom wear that dangled on my feet.

"I will just takes this." my husband clears his throat takes my undies and puts it in his left hand.

Okay, just tell him.

"I know that we've only shared one time of intimacy together our wedding night, because you kinda hurt me a little. Ever since then I couldn't walk the way I normally do." I glanced at him.

"I-I wanted to wait to heal properly that's why I was referring too you, earlier." I explained.

"I'm glad you told me." he helps me zip back my dress just when he was about to put back my panties where it rightfully belong--

"Hey, found it!" Benoit held up the wine for us to see.

Andrew and I both jumped in surprise by his presence.

My husband quickly put my undies on his pockets before Benoit see it.

"Thank you, for the wine, Benoit. Wife and I really tired we will be heading home, now." Andrew spoke a few words in French than English for him to understand.

"We didn't celebrate, please stay--" Benoit tries to convince us.

"Next time, benoit, next time." my husband says as we left his friend building to head home.

