Chapter 3: You're Fired βœ”

Up in here with an update!

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Linda Pov

Where is he? I've waited and waited for his return. Still no, signs of him. Now it's past eight in the evening, Mr. Henderson was nowhere to be found. I cleaned, cooked, to keep me occupied as I waited. Wherever he is... I hope that he's okay.

Oh my gosh!

I sound like a worried wife.

Weirded out by the feeling I decided to watch my favorite tv "Awkward" distracted from going insane.

Calm down, Linda. He will be here, shortly.

Just in time, the door creaked open.

He's here.

Where's my lip gloss? How's my hair? Now I'm freaking out!!


Andrew Pov

Ted's is right about everything, although he comes up with dumb ideas. Linda was the only option I couldn't afford to mess it up. massaging the back of my neck. I walked into my house. Seeing that she was waiting for me made me smile.

Of course, she's waiting for you. She can't leave without your permission, remember??

"G-Good evening, Mr. Henderson," she said as she stuttered.

"You're fired. I no longer need your services." I went straight to the point.

She stares at me for a moment then begins to weep. "I... I don't understand.."

"I'm firing you. Because I want you to marry me." I rubbed the back of my neck.

She gazed at me with confusion written all over her eyes. Then slaps me hard across my face in the realization of what I just said.

I had that one coming.

"Hear me out; I know you need the money. And I need to find a bride in less than a week. We can help each other out--" I added still rubbing my cheeks.

And another one. Linda slaps me again, then was taken back by her bold action. Quickly soothed the cheek that she had just slapped to comfort me.

"W-why me?" she asked nervously.

"Because I trust you, Linda. I can't say the same for you. Why didn't you tell me you were in debt?" I spoke as I tipped her chin up to meet my eyes.

"It does not concern you, Mr. Henderson," she said, kept her eyes on the floor.

Doesn't concerns me?

I took a step back as I felt my anger build up.

"... Didn't you think I would've helped? You work for me. I don't want you begging for money elsewhere when I could provide." I nearly shouted pacing back and forth.

Wow! I need to chill because I sound like her husband.

I cupped her face to feel her soft brown skin.

"Mr. Henderson.." she misread my motivates and took several steps back. I pulled her back in my arms, held her as her palms settled in my chest.

"Please. Give it some thought." I whispered in her ear gently. Fighting the urged to kiss the tip of her ear sensing her discomfort, I let her go. She nodded in agreement took her belongings and stepped out of my house, and watched as she drove off.

What have I done?


A/N: I know this a bit short. But It's a filler chap! And I'm working on the next chapters right now.

Probably will update two chapters tomorrow if I have time, Stay Tuned!

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Peace out✌
