Chapter 20: Second Thoughts βœ”

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Linda Pov

Once we all went back home. My parents also came. Because my mom was eager to know when we will finally tie the knot. Our marriage date. We decided to be wedded a month from now. Which will also be close to our 4 months anniversary. My future sister in laws, Jennifer and Sarah were beyond excited because they will get to buy me gifts for the wedding.

"Aren't you excited?" My mom asks me. when I walked her out the porch as they were about to head home.

I faked, smiled.

"Oh Yeah."

Of course! My mom knew something was bothering me.

I'm kinda nervous about it. Because I'm a twenty-two-years old that barely has her life together.

What if we fall out of love?! Or he falls out of love with me. It can happen. In the beginning, our marriage was not about love. I know Andrew says that he loves me all the time. But--

"What wrong, sweetie?" My mom asked with concerns.

"N-Nothing, I'm fine." I smiled.

I should really stop watching romance movies. I'm a hopeless and romantic now.

I glanced at my husband who was in the hallway of the house speaking with my father. Andrew's dad also joined their conversation.

Andrew catches me starting and I turned my head to gazed my mom.

"Don't you worry. You're going to be a great wife." she hugs me. My mom did see me gazing at my husband.

She knew my worries were about him.

"See you later, my princess." my dad came after they finish talking. Andrew parents stayed inside the house.

I said my goodbyes to my parents. Then Andrew stood behind him me. He slides his right hand on my waist.

"Take care of her, you hear!" my father advice Andrew while getting in his car.

My dad always says this to Andrew.

"Will do, Mr. Smith," Andrew replies. I don't think my father heard.

Then I saw my dad raise a thumbs up from his car seat. Well, I guess he heard him after all.

"Call us, when you can!" My mom said as she stood on the right side of the car.

"I will, mom." I waved my parents goodbye and watched them zoom off the s

Andrew and I went back inside. The house was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I looked at the clock it's midnight already. Everyone probably asleep right about now. I raced up to our room while Andrew made sure that all the doors were locked. Taking the opportunity to change into my nightclothes before he joins me. Dressed in a silver silk short nightgown with my underwear and a strapless bra underneath. I never really felt comfortable just wearing my nightgown without putting on panties and bra to go with it.

I did try it on once when Andrew and I were sharing separate rooms. But I've felt too exposed. All my business being out. I didn't like that.

"The doors are closed." he comes in. I peeked in the corner of my eye. And he starts to undress already. Literally threw everything on the floor. Kept his boxers on.

I held out an one moment hand signal cause I was now in the middle of prayer.

That's one of my pet peeves when someone interrupts me. When I'm speaking to heavenly father. No matter how busy our lives are. It wouldn't hurt to take a minute or two to just interact with God.

Andrew nodded and lets me continue. Once I was done. I wide smile curved in my lips.

He's a keeper.

My heart soared through the roof.

I see that he was praying also.

So I went to the bathroom in the meantime. And picked up his clothes that were on the floor and neatly folded them back in the closet.

"So, what was that about earlier?" he hugs me from behind.

"Oh! um--my mom and I were just talking." I replied.

"Really? You looked worried," he stated.

I bit my lip. Didn't think he'd noticed.

I walked toward the bed and got in.

"Tell me, sweetheart." he climbs in bed with me and laid next to me.

I paused. I should just tell him.

" love me?" I finally to him what was wrong.

"I. Love. You. and only you." he tipped my chin up made me gaze deep into his eyes.

I lowered my gaze down.

"Are you having wedding jitters?" he pulls closer and my hands lays in his chest.

"w-we didn't get married at the beginning for the right reasons. What if you find--someone--else--in the future?" I went on and on about my insecurities.

"You think I'm going to stop loving?" he raised a brow.

"If--If you do. Just let me know--" I tried to say.

"Stop talking." he gritted.

Okay, no one has ever spoken to me that way.

"s-stop talking?--don't speak to me that--" I started to say.

"Why on earth would I stop loving you!" he got off the bed and looked at me blankly for an minute.

I was not going to let him talk to me like that--just because he's my husband.

But then again I started this fire.

"How can you doubt us?! after everything we've been through so far" he paced around our room.

"I-It's not that I don't have any faith--in--us--I just want to be sure" I followed him out the bed also.

I approach him to put him at ease.

"If we were officially married. I would take the time to demonstrate how much I treasure. love. care. for." he cups my face and just started at me for awhile.

"Every single days of our lives. and you would never have any doubts of my love for you, sweetheart." he tilted my nightwear straps down. causing it to almost drop to the ground.

"A-andrew.." I placed my hands in my chest preventing it from falling.

Both straps were laying lazily on my shoulders making my collarbone more revealing.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything. Let's just go to bed." he took my hand we went back to bed and slept.

Β° Next morning Β°

Today was our last day staying at Andrew's parents home. Sarah and Jennifer will be leaving today too.

Jennifer insisted that the girls go shopping. I took that opportunity to meet wedding planners that will be setting my wedding.

As usual, I got dressed in the bathroom and Andrew at the room. I wore a floral sundress with beige pumps.

"You look nice." I compliment him. He wore a short khakis and sky blue polo shirt. The boys are going golfing.

"Thanks," he said dryly. Before I could ask him if he was still mad about yesterday.

He left the room without acknowledging me.

I went downstairs to join everyone. Sarah and Ethan weren't at the table.

"Good morning!" Jennifer greets me. She looked between Andrew and I with a puzzled look. Andrew sat next to his father.

"Morning," I replied.

"Look who decided to join us." Jennifer says. Sarah and Ethan finally came.

"Wow! Sarah. Your hair looks great." Jennifer teased.

Sarah's nice curly hair looked as if someone has been running their hands. I'm guessing that someone was her husband, Ethan.

"y-yea, thanks." she says and quickly looks away.

Ethan's dress shirt buttons were buttoned unevenly.

"You had some?" Jennifer mouthed so no one could hear.

"Good morning, everyone!" Sarah blushed and took a bagel stuffed in her mouth. To avoid her sisters more questions. I took a free sit next to Andrew. He passed me breakfast but didn't make eye contact with me. I just ate my breakfast quietly. Once we were all done.

"I-I'm going golfing with the guys. If you need anything call me." he gave me an awkward hug.

"Okay" I replied.

This was really awkward.

He leaves with the guys but then comes back as if he had forgotten something.

"I can't stay mad at you for long." he kisses me on lips.

I pulled him into another kiss.

"Come on! We're leaving, Andrew." Jason says from the door.

"Go, Andrew." he tries to grab my behind but I shooed him away.

When the guys left it was only Sarah, Jennifer, and I.

"Yes! No grandma, martha" Jennifer was trilled that she will not be with us when we go shopping.

Andrew's dad went to drop the grandparents back home.

So we got ready to leave too.

"Y'all ready to shop?" Jennifer shouts.

Sarah and I just laughed at Jennifer's outburst. We all got in the same car and headed to the mall.

"So, you got some, didn't you?" Jennifer asks from the driver seat. "I did what Linda and you advice. I told him how I felt about everything. Then we did it last night. And this morning" Sarah blushed.

"That's why you had an extreme hairstyle this morning." Jennifer teased.

"Your the one talk--we hear you and Jason last night. Y'all need to keep it down" Sarah says.

"What about you? Linda. Andrew didn't look like himself this morning." Jennifer says.

"W-we had gotten into a fight last night. I questioned his love for me. About our marriage--I asked him what if he finds someone else--or we just don't love each anymore." I explained.

"Do you want him to find someone else?" Jennifer asks.

"No!--of course not, I love him." I confessed.

"Then that's all that matters. Don't worry too much. My brother loves you. I see the ways he looks at you." Sarah adds in.

"Y-Yea, you're right." I nodded.

The rest of the drive we listen to music.

"We're here." Jennifer curved through the entrance. We got off the car.

To shop into we literally dropped. We were there for about an hour.

We all bought materials for our houses.

I met with an wedding planner that Jennifer knew well at very same mall we were in.

We looked through her best works on the wedding catalog.

I picked the ones. I liked from the catering. Viewing. Etc.

"I like this one." I placed a finger on the picture.

"Great choice." says the wedding planner.

I give her my email address and cellphone keep me update. I signed a few papers.

I sent Andrew's the picture of how our wedding will looked. Then we went to a food court to eat.

"Here's an early gift from me." Sarah took out a black Marc Jacob's bag.

I peeked inside their were all beautiful silk nightgowns in ivory. red. blue. And black.

"Thank you" I told sarah. She nodded and kept eating her food.

"And here's mine." Jennifer hands me a bag in white that also from Marc Jacob's.

I gazed through what my sister in law bought me.

There was a one piece black lingerie with two thick straps on both thighs area with stockings for the legs.

Another was a red see through nightgown connected with a bra and panty under.

Then I saw a pink furry handcuffs.

"I-I don't think I will be needing this." I secretly gave her back the handcuffs making sure no one saw it.

"Yes. You will. This is when you two have a fight. You tie him up-" Jennifer grins and placed the cuffs back in my hands.

"I'm not going to do--" I choked on my drink.

"Or have him tie you up." she explains.

Seriously, my sister-in-law had a wild imagination.

I felt myself blushing.

"Can we end this convo. Your making her blush, Jennifer." Sarah cuts in.

"Alright, but you will thank me later, Linda." she says as we through our plastic plates in the trash.

"It's six in the evening. The guys are probably back by now." hopped into the the car.

Sarah was on the driving seat instead of Jennifer.

Couple minutes later, we came home.

"I smell food!" Jennifer says as we got in the house.

Andrew's and the guys were making dinner. But his parents have not arrived back.

"Sarah! Jennifer! Linda!--we didn't expect y'all to come back this earlier." Ethan says startled by our appearance.

They were caught off guard seeing us.

"He means that we were trying to cook dinner for y'all as a surprise." Jason clears his throat.

They had the dining table set up with candle lights for a romantic theme. Ethan fried the steaks. While Jason and Andrew chopped the vegetables and cooked the brown rice.

My sister-in-law went to showered their husbands with affections for the surprise dinner.

I just stood there awkwardly.

"Where's my kiss?" My husband notices that I still standing there like a statue.

I walked his way to reward him too.

"Right here." I smiled between our kisses. All the doubts I had about us seemed to disappear with every kisses.

