Chapter 17: Keep Holding in Lies


Copter washing some plates when a big bang of sound made him to stop. He went in the living area, just to see who the visitor of this huge house. He sees Kim walking towards him.

"Are you OK?" Kim utter when he already near at Copter.

"I-I am O-OK." Copter stuttering since he didn't expect that Kim will come back home.

"Are you sure? Did someone hurt you?" Kim ask while walking around in Copter's body. Just to check if there is bruises or scratches.

"I am OK. Why are you here?"

Kim stops and face the man who felt him worried. "This is my house. So, what are you expecting?"

"Not that. I thought, you are going to spend your night again to Mr. Tee's house." Copter say.

Then he walk back in the kitchen, just to continue washing the plates. Kim follow him.

"How are you? And Dhara?"

"We're fine. But your daughter always asking me when you will come home."

"Where she is? Did she fall asleep already?"


Copter turn back to Kim who's standing beside the table. He pull away the apron he use and back it in the proper place.

"Do you want to eat?"

"What did that witch do to you?" Kim change the topic.

"Did Mr. Tee told it?"

"Say it? Or what?" Kim is started to irritate.

"If Mr. Tee, didn't say it to you. Are you going home? Or maybe! It is the reason why you coming home tonight?"

Kim sigh. "I am worried. You didn't know how witch my mother is. She will never forgive or forget you, easily."

"Then, don't feel worried. I can manage everything." Copter pass by in Kim and walk upward.

"You didn't know what she can do to you." Kim follow Copter.

Until they enter Copter's room.

"You didn't let your mother to do anything to me, right?" Copter face Kim. "Or are you going to run away again?"

"I am just giving you a warning, Copter. She's witch." Kim sit in the bed beside Copter.

"I know. I already said to you, I can manage whatever she can do." Copter stand when Kim trying to lay his head in Copter's shoulder but he failed.

He fall in the bed. He looks to Copter who's busy in looking something in his closet.

"Are you not mad at me?" Kim utter with his lifeless voice.

"For what?"

"For what I did. I left you hanging and chose Tee."

Copter pause a bit and face Kim. It took a minute before him, utter something. "I know that you are going to choose him, no matter what. In fact, I am just stranger who's leaving in your house. And always believing in your lies."

Kim can't look straight since he knows how much he hurt Copter's feeling. He always repeats the same mistake. And he knows that it continues until he totally lose Copter.

"Good night. Take some rest." He stand and walk outside.

"Kim!" Copter utter something that made Kim to stop before going out.


"Why Mr. Yada is always in your side? He is the general secretary of Moonshine. But it looks like that he is also your private assistant?"

"Why all of sudden you ask me? In fact, I already answer that."

"I just want to ask you again."

Copter look to Kim, straight to those tiring eyes. Say it! Say at least one truth. Say it once! And I am going to hold you. His thoughts while looking and waiting in Kim's response.

Kim sigh first. "Because I have vehophobia." Then he turn back and continue walking.

He's surprise when suddenly Copter hug him from his back that made him to stop. Copter pull his face in Kim's back.

"Are you OK?" Kim ask when he heard Copter's cry.

"Thank you! I will keep holding in your lies." Copter utter.

"But I am saying the truth. I have vehophobia."

"I know. That's why I am going to keep holding. Even you are going to choose Mr. Tee at the end."

Kim slowly shown his smile. "Thank you for trusting this liar man."





The man owned the name, turn to Tee's office. Tee standing and smiling towards him.

"Come. I am going to tell something." Tee's words before he walk inside.

Copter stand and follow his boss. He is facing Tee now, while his boss checking a folder. It took 10 minutes before Tee close it and lend to Copter.

"I already saw your designs. It's great! And I like some of it. But -." Tee pause a while. He sees the smile written in Copter's lips. Then, he continue. "But this is not pass my standard. So, revise this." He became serious, suddenly. And it break those smile.

Copter took the folder in the hand of his boss. His hopes crash into pieces. He slowly walks away.

"I need the revise one within one week." Tee say that made Copter to stop and face him.

"But Mr. Tee, I work it for one month. And I didn't know if I can do it for one week. It's too short span of time." Copter complain.

Tee smile first. "I am a good friend but not a good boss. So, you have one week to do it."

Then Tee's attention is back in his table and continue typing in his laptop. But he stops when he notice that Copter is standing again in his front. He slowly lift his head.

"Is Mr. Kim OK?" All his worries is written in his face.

Tee smile when he sees how worried this man. "He's OK. He got a bit ill but he is OK when I left him sleeping." He face his laptop again. "He had a low stamina. Easily got sick." He added while his eyes focus in what he is doing.

"I really don't know him. Even a little." Copter mumble.

He realize that he is always encountering the jerk CEO but he didn't know anything, aside that he had a daughter and witch mother. In fact, that he is leaving with the man who pestering his life ever since.

Tee stops and face again his employee. "Do you want to know Kim?"

"No!" Copter wave his hand just to say NO and deny what he really wants.

"Kim had a dark family background. He had a witch mother that you already encountered and a cold-hearted father." Tee stand from his chair. "He had one brother who's 10 years older than him. Kim is a fruit of unfaithfulness of his mother. In short, Ms. Sunisa had an affair with someone. It is Kim's biological father." Tee sit in the couch. "Take a sit Copter." He offer the sit.

Copter didn't response and stay standing where he is.

"I thought, you want to know him? Kim is the person who will never tell his life to anyone. So, you have no choice to listen and ask me."

Then Copter follow his boss. He sit comfortably.

"No one knows about Kim's real father. They say, his real father is already died. He lives and grown up in the villa that far away in the city, it was owned by his family. Since Mr. Varodom didn't want to expose Kim existence."

Copter listen carefully and didn't let any single detail escape from his ear.

"The reason why Ms. Sunisa and Mr. Varodom already separated. In the villa, my father is the villa's chef, so I met Kim together with his cousin Hara."

Copter shock that made Tee to stop.


"Ms. Hara is Mr. Kim's cousin? Did I heard it correct?"

Tee smile when he learn something. "So do you think that Hara is one of Kim's girl in life?"

Copter look down. He felt unease, suddenly.

"So, I am right." Tee pause while waiting to agree the man in his front. Then, continue when he thinks that Copter will never say the truth. "Hara is Kim's cousin in his mother side. Ms. Sunisa is the only relatives Hara had." He look in his wrist watch. "I have a 30 minutes. So let's continue. 6 years ago, an accident occur that killed his older brother and the wife of his brother. Dhara and him, are the only survivor in that accident. He was the one who driving the car that time. Dhara is only 1 year old. It made him --."

Tee stops when someone's knocking in the door.

"Come in!" Tee utter.

Yada step inside after opening the door.

"Mr. Kim say that I need to get the files he was asking to you, Mr. Tee."

"Blue folder in my table." Tee short reply.

Yada took it. "Thank you, Mr. Tee. Mr. Kim asking why you didn't pick up you phone, Mr. Tee."

Tee looks at Copter first. He sees the pain in the eyes. "I will call him later."

Yada made his goodbye and left the two.

"Let's continue?" Tee ask after Yada close the door.

"But you need to call Mr. Kim."

"Don't mind him. He was bored in my house. That's why he is pestering my life. I silent my phone because he is disturbing me earlier." He pick up his phone in his pocket. He sees how many missed calls from his bestfriend. "It was a perfect entrance for Yada. Because Yada's purpose in Kim's life is being his private assistant. Kim had a vehophobia. Fear of driving since the accident. It change Kim's life."

Tee look at Copter carefully. He is reading what kind of things running in Copter's mind after hearing those words.

"Kim grown up from lies. He asking his life why his father, hate him so much. His father maltreating him when every time he made a mistake, even it was a little. He learn the truth when we are in the high school that he was not Mr. Varodom son. I witness all of that. Once in a month, he saw his father but he received such a treatment like that. And now, he was force to become the CEO. By his father and by his older brother. Dhara is not Kim's daughter."

The falling object came. Tee stops when the folder in Copter's hand is fall downward.

"Are you OK?" Tee ask him with worrying face.

Copter back in reality and took the folder. "I am sorry, Mr. Tee. I didn't imagine that Dhara is not his daughter. Dhara is a girl version of Mr. Kim"

"Hard to accept but it's true. Dhara's father is Kim's older brother. Kim blamed himself from the accident. The reason why he took and become a father figure to his niece. So now, I am hoping that you will understand Kim. He is scared to trust. Moreover, to take a risk. His life is already a risk. I and Yada, are the only person he fully trust. So, he always making a lies to every person he didn't trust."

The perfect timing that Tee's phone is flashing Kim's name.

(End of Flashback)



Copter holds those little hand of his daughter. He guide Dhara to swim.

"Daddy!" Dhara shout suddenly with a sweet smile in her lips.

His other daddy slowly turn his head and sees Kim is standing and leaning his back in the glass wall.


Copter's focus back in his daughter. "Yes, baby?"

"Daddy Kim is a good swimmer. Let him to join us." She whisper.

"But I am a good swimmer too." He whisper too.

"Hey!" Kim shout after seeing the two mumbling something that he didn't heard. He walks to get near in the swimming pool.

"Daddy! Come! Daddy Copter wants to see how great swimmer you are." Dhara compliment his daddy Kim.

Kim pull out his shirt that made Copter to gulp his own saliva. Then, a smashing and flashing water thrown to Copter and Dhara after Kim jump over the pool.

"Hey! Can you just be careful?" Copter exclaimed.

"Daddy Copter. Can you just pull out my hand?" Dhara ask his daddy that made Copter's attention back to him.

"No!" Copter exclaim. "It's dangerous, baby."

Kim swim towards them. "Dhara is a good swimmer. I enrolled her in the swimming class last year." He explain.

But Copter didn't mind Kim's words. That's why Kim hug him from back and made him to shock. And he suddenly, lose the grip in Dhara's hand.

"Hey!" He shout. "What the heck!" He turn around and his furrow head came.

"I told you. She is a good swimmer." Kim whisper.

Copter sees that Dhara is already know how to swim in her age. "Because I teach her how to swim." He added and pull out Kim's hand.

He went upward and shake off his body. He witness that Dhara and Kim's moment.

"Let's go, baby! You will get sick." Copter utter.

The two look at him.

"Who did you ask?" Kim playful smile.

Copter furrow head came of what Kim asked. Then, Kim lifting his daughter to get up. Copter took a dry towel to coil in Dhara's body.

"That's me! Daddy Kim." Their daughter pointed out herself.

"But I am his baby too." Kim complain.

"No! Daddy Kim. I am the only baby of daddy Copter." Dhara contradict his daddy Kim.

"I am your baby too, right Copter?" Now, Kim thrown the curse to Copter.

Copter rub his neck after witnessing the father and daughter war.


My Note:

VEHOPHOBIA - Fear of driving. This phobia affects personal life and work.

Another Update again. Finally! We reach the chapter 17. But this story is too long to narrate.

Enjoy this for now. Love lots!
