DfD 8

Her movements seemed to match his own, never going slower or faster than his intended speed. Orpheus smiled she’d just been a little timid, Trinity reminded him of a little mouse. Skittish but very sweet, once you got her comfortable he could see she would warm right up to you. Picking up the pace, he was pleased when she smiled a little more, keeping right in line with him. He’d also taken notice that quite a few Gods had their eyes fixated on her, she was after all a rare being in the royal house.

When the song came to a close he kissed her cheek, causing the rubies to once again burst forth. Eros walked over giving the two a warm smile, his white toga draped around his torso showing off the hard chest glistening in the candle light.
    “Hello Miss Trinity” Kissing her hand as well. Trinity smiled managing a hello, but her mind was elsewhere. She’d been wondering how many gods had planned on kissing her tonight, and just how she wouldn’t die again of a sweet heart attack. The gods chatted as she tried to regain control of her rapped heart rate, she needed to control herself. The last thing she needed was for them to find out she was fluttering like a school girl over a crush, Trinity’s eyes settled on the gods looking for a flaw to clear her mind. But somehow she was disappointed that there weren’t any, how was it a god was flawless? Something about that didn’t seem fair.

The loud squeak that shot through the room was no other then Trinity’s when a hand snaked around her shoulders, looking at the culprit who had brought more than half the room to her eyes, Trinity nearly gasped at the stunning man.

Thick blonde hair hung a little longer then Orpheus’s, deep set in brown eyes that reminded her for a tiger’s eyes flashed at hers. Biting down on her lip, Trinity hadn’t a clue who this God was.
    “Aw Dionysus” Orpheus greeted, but the man simply smirked swaying a little under Trinity. Now that she got a better look at him, Dionysus or so he was called, looked rather….drunk.
    “Who…is…the lovely….maiden” He slurred, rocking his head to one side looking at Trinity. In his free hand he held a glass of dark colored wine, Trinity looked over at Orpheus who gave her a reassuring smile. It did little to appease her, knowing the only reason her father ever beat her was when he was drunk.

Trinity fidgeted uncomfortable with the whole party, more so now that Dionysus was hanging all over her like some kind of frat boy. Her eyes trailed all over the room, hoping to find Nadia so she could save her. But instead Trinity stopped breathing altogether, when Thanatos was staring right back at her. A drink in one hand he’d pushed himself up against the back wall, away from all the dancing, chatting and interaction. She felt her thighs tighten as he didn’t break the eye contact, he was no more covered then any of the other men.

But Thanatos held his height, build and all that was a god of death well. Trinity watched as he slowly lifted the crystal Tom Collins glass to his lips, her mouth dried thinking of what he would taste like. Would he be sweet or bitter, hard going down or smooth? She bit her lip, which Trinity swore she saw his eyes darken. Nadia was know where insight, making him her last bit of hope. Trinity just hoped he’d be able to read her face, and not just read it but actually help her. Taking a look at the men who clearly had forgotten she was there, Trinity gave a pained look to Thanatos.

Thanatos watched her the moment she stepped into the large room, he’d been waiting to see her. Something he loathed, but his mind wouldn’t stop buzzing till it got to drink her looks in. When she arrived Thanatos nearly dropped his crystal glass, she was dressed in his colors with black gold clips holding up her rich hair. The toga fir her curse, showing off her long legs every time she took a step. Normally Nadia would have been his eyes personal choice, but he was finding it impossible to look away from Trinity.

Soft full petal lips touched the glass, for once Thanatos didn’t want the whiskey he’d been nursing. His eyes darkened taking the time to study her movements, the fabric between her breasts pooled giving more definition to the woman she really was. Smoking eyes brought out the intense grey green colors, they almost seemed to freeze the room. Thanatos was about to confront her when Orpheus himself stepped put, it put Thanatos’s plan to a crashing halt.

The soft growl that left his lips was unheard, when he witnessed the God kiss the fair skin. Trinity blushed hard but didn’t move, he wondering if Orpheus was her type. It only proved to piss him off more, she was meant to be for him, or at least that was the vibe he got from Hades. The man was blunt and could never hide his true intentions, at least not from Thanatos. Being possessive wasn’t a trait he took pride in, he’d must rather the woman stand up for herself. But for once he felt the need to rip the gods arm off, only to beat it with him till it no long was of use.

Pushing his back against the wall, he waited for the right opening. Orpheus was a good god, however he was blind to seeing many things. Sure he could sing like an angel and woman swoon all over him, but he was also very clueless to the real world. Trinity would see that if she had half a brain, and soon she would return to him. If Hades said she was for him only, then it was only a matter of time before the woman would come crawling back where she belonged.

Thanatos was having a harder time controlling his temper, watching the two glide across the floor like a pair of love birds. It sickened him to think she even liked a man of Orpheus’s style, he was weak as far the gods were concerned. The man didn’t play a part in wars, battles or anything that would render him to strike another. Thanatos was a warrior, it was what he was good at. Fighting was just another part of his being and he liked the thrill that came with the swinging of a sword, the cried of warriors willing to fight for what they believed in.

A servant walked to his side refilling his glass, giving him a look only to hurry off. Thanatos was almost certain his dark aura was leaking out, if anyone had been a full human they’d of seen their fate a long time ago. Mainly his power was used to correct the flow of sprits, fades and things of that nature, however he was stronger than most and because of this his power could destroy many.

It’d happen before with her, and he refused to have it happen again. Let alone for the same damn reason, a woman shouldn’t have that much power over a man. Thanatos was feeling weak around this particular woman, for Trinity to cause such a dramatic reaction out of him, scared the shit clean out. She caused him to become jealous, possessive, but above all desire. Thanatos hadn’t felt desire in a long time, at least not for a human woman. Sure he indulged in a few random goddess, he was still a man who had needs.

He took another long sip when the song came to an end, she was now surrounded by Eros and Orpheus. It wasn’t till Dionysus stuck his arm around her, that Thanatos pushed his heat around. The man was a drunk, the God of wine and all that was Merry. It caught him off guard when her eyes locked with his, Trinity refused to look away almost like she was silently begging him. Thanatos felt a pull to her, those eyes called screamed even to his very being.

She broke the contact only to return it a thousand time stronger, fear, terror even flashed the irises making Thanatos hold his breath. At that moment he stopped carrying what anyone would think, placing the glass down he used his power to vanish into a pillow of black smoke before smoking in front of Trinity. She gasped which almost made him smile, Eros, Orpheus and Dionysus looked at him weird. But he gave no thought to the next move he made, brushing Dionysus arm off her, Thanatos dared himself to pull her to him.

Trinity’s body pushed into Thanatos’s the sheer heat off the man was astounding, it rivaled any she had ever felt, which included the time she nearly burnt her face off when trying to retrieve a turkey from her oven. His large hand touch her lower back confirming he wasn’t letting go, instead of panicking Trinity gripped his body. She heard a low deep hum that sent her body into overdrive, danger was something Trinity avoided, but something told her that that sound wasn’t a threatening one, but one of pleasure.

Slowly he turned guiding her out of the party, Thanatos pushed her along feeling the base of his palms growing sweaty, and his nerves were getting the better of him. Being he didn’t like large gatherings this was a huge step for him, the need to get out of there was growing along with something else. Trinity was careful to keep in pace with him, she’d never forgive herself if she made him look like a fool. When two drunk goddess staggered out of a hallway, he didn’t think twice to pull her closer to his side.

    “Thank you” She whispered, keeping her hands cupped in front of her. He grunted making sure to keep his eyes off of her, but she could feel the quick looks he took. They entered his side of the castle which caused her to let out a sigh of relief, really a large of ice cream and a movie would have been a thousand times better than that. Thanatos stopped at her door, waiting, watching her ever twitch. His fingers flexed when he released her, the urge to pull her back was getting stronger. Trinity new she should break the silences, it was clear Thanatos wasn’t going to.

    “I’m sorry” Sucking her bottom lip in, slowly raising her eyes to his. They darkened at the sight she gave him, pushing her against the wall he pushed his hands against the black wall. Speechless her eyes refused to look away from his, Trinity thought that maybe she’d upset him once again.
    “I don’t know why you’re here, or what you want. But you are causing me to indulge in the idea of having a taste of mortal flesh.” It was deep, dark and a little angry. But what really had her was those eyes seemed to also refuse to look away from her, Trinity gripped the wall behind her waiting for him to do something, anything.

Thanatos studied her noticing the heavy rise of her chest, every upper breath caused the fabric to drift a little further down giving him a teasing view of what he wanted. Trinity’s fingers wrapped around the indents on the wall, as if she could just melt into them. But it was the way her tongue darted out awakening the light sheer of pink lip gloss that had the regretful growl leaving his throat. Her eyes widened making her head push further back, a pin pushed out dropping a few chocolate curls.

He didn’t mean to come off so harsh, but it was either that or he’d strip her bare taking her against the wall.
    “Perhaps I should just indulge myself in your body, before sending you back where you came from” His teeth snapped, the white becoming brighter. Trinity caught her breath, knowing all too well what he was talking about. It sent a wave of heart wrenching pain throughout her body, like a wild fire given permission to destroy everything in its wake. Gripping the wall more she heard him growl once more, before pushing off the wall and leaving her for his office.

With the doors loud bang her eyes watered, her fists clenched hard on the wall, so painfully she thought that maybe she was going to bleed. He’d gone and done a cruel thing, it was bad enough the man was stronger, sexier, and more than anything she had witnessed. Surely he knew he was better than her by far, but what really had Trinity pissed off was that a God could just talk to a woman in such a way. Not caring how she may feel, or reacted.
