DfD 23

Just passing his office door Nadia came around the corner, her eyes sparkled before turning into saucers. Watching her seemed to prove even more interesting, the woman nearly pissed herself.

    “Morning?” Trinity said, watching Nadia’s reaction.
    “Morning, princess” Trinity frowned, just when in hell did Nadia start calling her that.
    “Princess? Why are you calling me that?” Nadia squeaked, turning a light shade of green. Before she could answer Hades walked out of his office, she could just make out his form walking through his side of the castle.
    “Hades” Trinity turned to see him stop, her eyes turned back to Nadia to find the woman gone. Well that was odd…she thought. Shrugging she’d ask her about it later, first she needed to talk to Hades about something. Ceb jogged slowly after her, making their way to the god.

Hades had half expected to see Trinity soon, Eros had said he would check up on Than for him. He figured Trinity would becoming to inform him of what was going on, since the was part of their agreement. What he found out just be looking at her nearly knocked his head off, she reeked of Thanatos. Not in a bad way, but in a way he never thought possible. The damn fool claimed her, and what made it worse was she looked none the wiser about it.

His anger spiked, he’d been a bloody fool for taking Persephone without her consent. And for the rest of his life he was making up for it, now Than had gone and pretty much done the same thing to Trinity. Only difference was she was weaker then Persephone, the woman had been through her own hell, one even Hades couldn’t understand how she had made it out alive.

    “I was wondering if we could talk?” She asked, her eyes slightly higher on his then once before.
    “Sure” Motioning to his office. It took every once of his will not to scream, condemning his castle to the darkest pity of his world. Oh was Thanatos in for some shit, he’d have that man by the balls by the end of the damn day. Taking a seat she sat in front of him, the hell hound laying at her feet.
    “What can I do for you?” The words meant so much more to Hades, but he new she’d only take them as they sounded.

    “So I was wondering about a few things” Her leg crossed the other, bouncing a little with nervousness.
    “Go on” Relaxing as best he could. Her smell was strong, even with the smell of a shower lingering on her.
    “Since I’m sort of dead…or all dead” She frowned, unclear as to what she was now.
    “Your fully dead love” She nodded glade to have it cleared up.
    “Why can I still feel pain?” His heart sank, she’d already started the change, it would only be a few more days and she’d be in full blow agony. Hades gulped wishing for a stiff drink, something to take his mind away from her.

    “Umm, just what exactly do you mean?” She explained her problem, something about running barefoot down the hallway. He sighed nodding.
    “That’s normal. Your still attached to your body, so you can still feel things. However you can’t die from blood lose or, even being stabbed.” She made a odd noise, shrugging her shoulder like it didn’t matter in the least.
    “I had another question”
    “Alright” This time he got up, reading a glass of something strong. There was no way he ‘d be able to talk without a drink, or some kind of distraction. He’d just finished pouring the glass ready to sip it, when she asked her question.

    “Why did you want me to do with Thanatos exactly?” Hades chocked, banging on his chest to remove the burning fire sliding down the wrong pipe.
    “Are you alright?” She asked, pushing out of her chair.
    “Yes….quiet fine” Wheezing the fiery breath. Trinity gave him a ‘are you sure look’ to which he nodded several times, taking another sip.
    “First sips always the best” Ginning cheekily at her. Something about the way he was acting didn’t settle Trinity’s nerves, he was skittish, and very off. She watched him take a seat, lowering the small crystal glass to the desk.

    “So?” She inquired, hoping he’d just tell her and not beat around the bush.
    “I have to ask a question first” Trinity frowned, answering a question with a question was a Childs move.

    “Fine” Nothing she could do about it.
    “You wouldn’t happen to be falling for him, would you?” At that moment she was thankful she to didn’t have a drink of some sorts, or it would of ended up all over him. Holding his hand up before she spoke, Hades needed her to really think about this…her life depended on it.
    “Before you answer me. I want you to really think about it, it could be more of a future yes. But I need you to be completely honest with yourself”  He noticed her face scrunch up, the way her brows rose, the thinning of her lips made him believe she was either about to shit herself or she was truly thinking it over.

If Trinity were to be honest with herself, she wasn’t really sure how she felt about Thanatos. Yes he was sexy, powerful, all man and a hell of a god. But what did that mean for her, she was nothing more then a human….shell. Was it even possible he’d fall for her, sex between a man and a woman was different then…love. She wasn’t ready to release the chains on her heart, wasn’t ready to put everything on the line. Pain would be very possible, the hurt he could cause her would be the death of her.

But the heart of her yelled out to be heard, she wanted to take a chance, pain and all. Was it wrong not to feel towards the god, he had his own pain. Who knew how long he had been in his own living hell before she showed up, Trinity had noticed he’d changed in the last few weeks around her. Thanatos became softer more carrying, but was that enough for a mans heart to heal. Sucking on her lips she’d have to give Hades an answer, the man looked positively into whatever she was about to say.

    “I think…” She started ready to admit her feeling for Thanatos, when the door opened reveling a stunning woman.
    “Bloody hell, he claimed her?” Trinity’s eyes widened, Hades groaned shaking his head.
    “cla…clai…claimed me?” Trinity turned to Hades, who’s face was both annoyed and sympathetic.
    “Shit….he didn’t tell her?” The woman asked, walking to Hades.
    “No Love…he didn’t” Hades hissed, teeth clenched as death eyes glared at what Trinity believed was his wife. She made an ‘O’ face, before lowering her head. A small smile on her face did little to ease Trinity’s mind, had she just fucking heard right. Thanatos claimed her? Her hands shook creating a think layer of sweat, throat shut down from any function of making words. Hades sighed rubbing his nose, he looked like he’d just taken a hit to the balls.

    “Trinity my dear. Thanatos is a fool of a man, but his heart is in the right place. Please try not to be upset, though you have every right to be.” His throat pitched, Trinity looked at him wondering why the man looked like he was in more pain then her. Ceb whined at her feet, but she didn’t have the power to comfort him, never mind herself.

Her voice broke, releasing what sounded like a mouse.
    “You smell like him dear.” The woman replied. Trinity laughed bitterly, no wonder Nadia looked positively sick. She thought she was going crazy, her mind buzzed with so much pain, anger and confusion she had to get out. Rising to her feet Ceb got up, hair covered her face eyes daring to water out.
    “Trinity?” Hades stood, but she raised her hand. Trinity couldn’t hear anymore from them, she had to hear it from him…
Leaving the office she paced herself to his office, for all reasoning to fly out the god damn window. How could he…she snapped. Why would he….her heart countered. Trinity was fully prepared to speak in normal tones, talk about it….but at his office door she lost something dear.

Twisting the knob with enough force to break it, she caught him off guard. His hands cupping his face looking ill, Than’s eyes looked red rimmed. He regretted claiming her, had to be. Trinity’s lip twitched the way a wolf ready to snarl would, livid was not how she felt. Betrayed, confused and above all hurt. He’d used her for sex claiming something that never fully belonged to him, sex was one thing. Trinity had been fine with doing the extremely hot deed with him, but claiming her was another who fucking book shelf she didn’t even know that library had.

    “WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?” She bellowed, causing Ceb to slink to a back corner. Fists balled up, eyes thinning as the seconds ticked by.
    “Trinity…I” Pushing out of his office chair.

    “YOU BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU” She didn’t even want to hear his bullshit lies, he’d been deceiving her from the get go. In a flash he was on his knees in front of her, trying to take her hands in his. She lashed out snapping them away, her eyes glaring down at him.
    “Please, forgive me” Her bitter laugh, stung him more. Even though she was screaming, swearing and refusing his touch it had been the painful look in her eyes that killed him the most.
    “Forgive you? I have forgiving you multiple times, all of which you turn back around to bite me hard. I will not forgive you ever again” Her voice dared to break, but she willed it to hold a little longer.

    “Please don’t do this to me” He begged, making her eyes widen for a second.
    “DO THIS TO YOU? I DIDN’T FUCKING CLAIM SOMETHING THAT WASN’T MINE” She screamed, shaking the walls of the room. The fire flickered, as her power cursed over her body. Thanatos reached for her, push Trinity stepped back. He could see her bright blue aura rising, with every pain she felt it grew larger. Thanatos had forgotten to take the soft approach, her words of taking something that wasn’t his snapped a thread holding him together.

    “YOU MINE. I DIDN’T TAKE ANYTHING THAT WASN’T” He bellowed back. The unexpected slap across the face, nearly shattered his world. Trinity cringed as her hand felt like it hit a concrete wall, just what the hell was he made of. She used the pain to fuel her anger, he had no right.
    “You’re my soul mate” Thanatos countered, turning his head slowly to her.
    “SOUL MATES DON’T DO WHAT YOU DID” Screeching she head thrashed back and forth, a few tears flung to the floor. He took a step only to watch her take two backwards, no matter how close he tried to get she would make progress away.

    “I love you” Holding his hands out.
    “No…no you don’t” Shaking her head, more tears spilling out.
    “Yes I do. Your mine” He tried to reason with her, but all she did was shake her head. Thanatos’s heart stopped, her cries of pain shoot the whole house.
    “I HATE YOU! Why did you do this to me, what the hell am I now. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? I HATE YOU, I FUCKING HATE YOU!!” The pounding of her feet dashed out the open door, leaving him stunned. His knees once again slammed hard against the carpet, taking the full blow of his weight. Without any control his power unleashed stronger then ever before, the defying screams were heard in Hades office.

Persephone looked at Hades, who held his head. Twisters formed larger then before, ripping up the garden shattering water fountains. The water sprayed against the castle walls, ripping random gems from their homes. Trinity dashed down the hallway screaming out as the pain increased, it seemed the further she got from him the harder it was to breath.

She hit hard against a wall gripping the fabric over her heart, shaking it off she ran harder. The door to the garden had already been ripped clean off, gasping at the twisters that swirled around the garden she screamed running out into them. Lighting cracked over head, thunder matching its brothers cries. The heavy drops of rain started so fast it became a thick sheet, making Trinity’s vision blurred. Between her already thick tears, the rain took all other visibility away.

Every inch of Thanatos’s office was consumed in blackness, death ate all the living things. Whirlwinds took over tossing random books, the fire roared licking outside of it pit. He felt like he was loosing his mind, it was being tore from his very soul. Thanatos could feel her growing weaker, her body became less available to his senses the further she got.

The dead branches to thick black trees, snatched at her clothes tarring them as she ran. Trinity had already lost a shoe to the growing mud, she’d tossed the other one in the process. Her hair stuck to her face like moss to a tree, eyes burned so much she had a hard time keeping them open. Stabbing shots of agony rocked her core, tripping her along the way. Crawling she needed to get away from him, the further she got the better. Another wavy of suffering caressed her body, screaming reaching her hand to take another pull her head rested on her arm.

Taking in gulps of air, Trinity couldn’t feel anything. Numb to the idea of her life, numb to the fears, feelings and all that she had left. She had been nothing when alive, a shell of a woman. It made no sense to her why a man like Thanatos would want such a broken creature, she could only think he gained some new power, or would use her as his play thing. That very notion made her cry more, hadn’t she been through enough, wasn’t her first life hurtful enough.
