DfD 19

Smirking he took the chocolate and her fingers into his mouth, making sure to roll that very tongue over the tips of her fingers. It caused her to squeak, chuckling he chewed the piece.
    “Its good. You were better”  Blush crept over her cheeks, giving her a very endearing look. Plucking another one out of the box, she let him have the first bite.
    “Well what’s in side?” He frowned, not sure.
    “No clue” Shrugging. Trinity popped the white chocolate with brown drizzle into her mouth, smiling as she closed her eyes.

    “Hazelnut, with white chocolate.” she purred.
    “How do you know?” He asked, interested if she really was a big fan of the chocolate.
    “It was one of my favorites, I’d know just about any of these blind folded.”

    “Really?” He inquired, not believing it in the slightest.
    “I’ll have to see about that” Trinity winked at him,
    “By all means” Grabbing another chocolate. A twinkle in her eyes, just daring him to go through with it.

Thanatos walked down the hall, blissful as men come. He and Trinity spent a few hours, talking, eating chocolates and he’d even made her laugh. What a joyous sound that was. He was so happy he hadn’t even been able to do paperwork, his fingers kept tapping allowing his eyes to glace at the clock. Gods he couldn’t wait to take her out on a date, giving him more time to spend with her.

Nadia had already been spoken to giving her a good indication as to what he wanted, she’d said she would take care of everything. Once upon a time he’d of wanted Nadia but not anymore, Trinity was all he could see himself having. To pass time he would go check on a few things, a trip to the lower level would do some good. He hadn’t been down their since Trinity’s arrival, and he was expected to go down every so often to over see everything.

The area grew darker the only light was from the forever burning torches, it gave the place a medieval feel if ever he thought. But that time had been one he very much liked, swords were common unlike nowadays. Entering the cavern Charon nodded to him, before pushing the boat away from the dock. Checking each person over, his eyes stopped suddenly to a figure that he’d never forget. The back of his hair stood on end, teeth barred ripping a roar loose before releasing his wings.

Trinity lay her back against the bed, feet propped on the tall post. Humming along to a good tune, she was glowing with happiness. Thanatos had shown her a side of himself, that she guessed he rarely showed at all. They killed only a quarter of the box, but Trinity didn’t dare eat anymore. She liked sharing with him, and their light conversation help in all of it. He seemed okay with talking with her, even more so with joking.

The occasionally flirting wasn’t half bad either, catching herself doing it a time or two. Ceb was sound asleep on her bed, but it was sudden for the hound to start growling. Frowning at him she tried to sooth him, but he jumped off the bed scratching at the door.
    “What’s wrong?” Swaying her feet to the floor, walking to him. He whined, nudging her with his heads. This was odd behavior for the beast, he’d never whined before. Come to think of it she never even saw him use the bathroom, which was puzzling. Opening the door her walked out, but waited for her.

    “Your not lassie” Closing her door, he jogged making sure she kept up to him. Trinity was starting to worry, he was clearly wanting her to follow him but where she hadn’t a clue. Soon she found herself running down a dark hallway, lit with fiery torches that gave her the feeling of being in a dungeon. The echo of a roar sounding much like Thanatos, was enough to send her blood running cold.

    “Thanatos?” Looking at Ceb, he took off running leaving her to chase after him. Trinity ran as fast as her bare feet would allow her, the hard ground cut her feet making it painful. She’d of sworn being dead meant no pain, but she’d have to ask Hades about that. The hallway opened to a caver she’d known anywhere, looking across the water she saw Thanatos pinning a being to the wall. On lookers kept out of his way, one arm dangled at his side while the other looked like it was straining no less then holding a feather.

Ceb barked but that didn’t stop Thanatos, Trinity moved a little blocking the torn with her body so she could see who he had. She screamed when she realized it was her father, blood rushed to her face gripping it. Ceb ran down a thin bridge, leaving Trinity to gasp at the sight. The sirens swam under the bridge, glaring at her for all she was worth. Thinning her eyes out at them, now was not the time to piss her off. Dashing across the bridge she cleared it before one of their tails rocked it, which would of sent her crashing into their territory.

    “Thanatos let him go” Running to his side, the man either didn’t hear her or refused to comply. Grabbing his arm, she tugged on him.
    “THANATOS!” His eyes were stalk black, fading to a grey at her voice.
    “Trinity!” Her father croaked, dropping to the ground grasping for air. Thanatos looked like he wanted to say something, but she pushed her back against his chest keeping him out of arms reach of her father.
    “What are you doing here?” She snapped, glaring at the man as he greedily sucked in air. His face was pale, sporting a nice shiner. She guessed Thanatos had given it to him, she’d remember to ask him about it tonight.

    “Your alive?” He asked. But she simply shook her head.
    “No, this is the Underworld. You can’t live here” Folding her arms over her chest. He pushed himself up the wall, holding onto it for support.
    “Then…what?” He couldn’t even form normal sentences dead, no real surprise there.
    “I died Mike, I was shot in the freaking head.” Poking her temple. She’d stopped calling him dad years ago, and he’d never ever cared.
    “A about a month ago” Shrugging. His eyes scanned all over her.

On lookers watched, but Trinity nor Thanatos seemed to care. Mike watched her for a few minutes, before clearing his throat.
    “You could of told me” Trinity’s brows rose.
    “Are you fucking stupid?” She asked bitterly, before finishing.
    “I’m dead you idiot, I can’t call you nor would I have”
    “Watch your mouth you ungrateful little bitc….” Thanatos growled at him, pushed against Trinity’s back. Her hand arched touching his chest to calm him, his temperature was a blazing fire. Mike took a step back again pushing himself flush against the wall, Ceb growled a little making the man gulp.
    “You sold yourself to the devil, didn’t you?” Trinity scoffed at him, what a moron she thought.
    “No Mike I didn’t sell anything, I live here. And I’d watch what you say to me.” With Thanatos standing behind her, and a hell hound at her heels she didn’t fear Mike anymore.
    “You’re my daughter I can say whatever I damn well please.” He snapped, waving his hand a little but stopped when Ceb snapped one of his jaws.

    “Not here you can’t. This isn’t like when I was a child, you can’t beat me for talking back. Matter of fact you can’t do shit, your dead. What happened slip on the remote heading for a beer?” She was almost certain the man died drinking his problems away, but she really didn’t care. Her feelings for him were no more, like the rain to a desert it was no more.

He didn’t answer her, which meant she was pretty damn close to getting it right. She laughed bitterly, Trinity always thought the man would die with a beer in his hand.
    “Your not even worth my time, your sick is what you are” Shaking her head.
    “Watch it girl, I wont hesitate to clean that mouth of yours out” Trinity felt her anger rise, she’d put up with his abuse for as long as she could remember. Fists balled up tightly she hulled off and socked him in the jaw, rocking his head into the wall.

    “Like that? That what you were planning. Go a head and try. I wont be your bunching bag anymore, you miserable bastard.” Thanatos touched her arm, relaxing her a little from the shaking. Swiping his mouth, the trickle of blood came out. Thinning his eyes out, Mike lifted his arm to strike her. Thanatos’s lip twitched wrapping his wings around Trinity, as the man’s fist hit his wings.

He screamed out in pain at making contact with them, holding his hand with the other. His wings retracted smirking at the man, Trinity looked up at him, receiving a shrug. Just what the hell was his wings made of, diamonds.

    “I told you messing with me here, wont work your on your own. I wont be doing anything for you. I hope for your sake this is the worst you go through, cause not even I know what happens once your on the ferry.” To Thanatos’s surprise she grabbed his hand, pulling him away from her father. Ceb snorted three times giving a final growl, before jogging to their sides.
    “TRINITY, you can’t leave me here. I’m your father damn it” Trinity stopped her back to him, chuckling her neck turned in between her and Thanatos.
    “No, your not. Maybe once you were, but that died with my heart mike. To me you are nothing, shame mom couldn’t see what you’ve become” Sighing she turned around, but Mike was to furious to just let her leave.

    “You little fucking whore, fucking demons now. Should of known you’d stoup that low.” Trinity’s hand tightened over Thanatos, she could feel the dark aura leaking out. His body was shaking eyes returning to their dark state, worried she’d have to pull him off Mikes cold body she grabbed his neck pulling him down to her.

Thanatos felt the soft petals of her lips, consuming his every thought. She was direct in taking over his movements, groaning into her he wrapped his arms around her. One arm seemed to believe she wasn’t close enough, so with fast movements it snaked under her behind lifting her off the ground. Trinity wrapped her legs around him, loving the warmth that spilled between her thighs. Her arms wrapped around his neck, dangled between the pair of wings.

Breaking the kiss she smiled at him, noticing he was back to normal. Thanatos turned sideways, giving her a better look at Mike.

“Better be careful how you talk about Thanatos, he’s not called the God of Death for nothing Mike” Her eyes sparkled at the title Thanatos held, swearing he saw her smile he kissed her cheek.
    “Come on Ceb, lets go home” The hound ran across the bridge followed by the two of them, Sirens frowned crossing their arms. They wouldn’t dare try to tip the bridge with Thanatos walking across it, Trinity smirked at this leaning to the Siren.
    “You have my permission to knock his sorry ass into your waters” Pointing at Mike as he continues to curse her name. The Siren turned to look at Mike who was on the edge of her water, screaming Trinity’s name out, he’d be an easy target. The Siren grinned showing her sharp teeth, looking back at Trinity.

    “Consider it done, princess” Before Trinity could correct her, she dove under the water. Thanatos grabbed Trinity’s head pushing her down.
    “Thanatos, what gives?” Trying to push her head back up.
    “Trust me, you don’t want to see.” It was after his words that a large splash came, followed by the eerie screams of Sirens muffling Mikes cries for help. Trinity shut her eyes tightly, pushing deeper into his chest. Maybe she shouldn’t of said anything, didn’t that make her a worse person.
    “Than?” She whispered,“Yes?”
    “I shouldn’t of done that” He kissed her cheek, rubbing her back.   
    “As far as I am concerned you have every right. That man was evil, never think him better then you. Ever.” He nuzzled her cheek, the same way Ceb would.
    “Did you punch him?” Trinity lifted her head, knowing it was safe to do so.

“I might have, once or twice” Shrugging. Her eyes pricked, that had been the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her. When a tear rolled down her cheek, he stopped walking swiping her cheek with his thumb.
    “Trinity?” Thanatos was worried she was upset with what he’d done, had she still loved the man?
    “That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me” Sniffling, he softened his eyes more.
    “I’d do it again, but well….yea” She giggling, nodding laying her head back down on his shoulder. Thanatos sighed in relief, so far everything was perfect. Walking to her room he entered sitting on her bed, letting himself enjoy her closeness.  His wings scrunched against his back and the bed, Trinity lifted her head eyeing them.
