DfD 18

Walking to stand behind Thanatos, he heard the destined warning of the growl he released. Eros knew the temper the god had, he was after all the god of Death. But that did little to frighten Eros, he’d not die at his hands, nor any other god. You couldn’t kill one god without disrupting the balance, however that didn’t mean you couldn’t beat them to a pile of bones and blood.

    “Searching for places to dine, are we?” He was cautious when he leaned against the back window, Thanatos’s posture had bent inward. Like a tiger ready to strike out, Eros had seen this behavior before on him.

Keeping his growls low, Thanatos tried hard to pretend he wasn’t standing a mere two feet behind him. He’d wanted to do this on his own, he didn’t want to ask for Eros’s help in wooing his mate. Trinity was different special to him, in more then one way. By doing this he hoped to learn more about her, see a few new sides of her. Picking out a place to eat had proved to be more tedious then he thought, what would she like, want, would he pick the right place.

There were more then a few places in the states to pick from, or maybe a different country would be best. His head started to throb, it began to hurt more when the love pike started talking once more.

    “I no you don’t want my help….”
    “Good observation. You can leave now” Thanatos snapped, cutting him off. Eros sighed.
    “But…you might want to hear what I have to say, I know woman better then any man.” Eros made sure not to say god, that would just irritate Thanatos more.
    “What?” He grumbled, holding his head.
    “If your looking for a place to put you first…few…. Impressions to the side, I would go here” Waving his hand he changed the screen to a small Italian restaurant in California.
    “Its simple yet very fancy, she can wear a gown or even a simple dress. You were given her file, correct?” Thanatos groaned, damn you Hades.
    “What of it?”

    “Come now Thanatos, that is your best weapon. You’d not enter a battle with just a skinning knife if there were battle axes laying around, now would you?” Thanatos huffed, swiping his have over the desk bringing out the file. Eros opened the file, keeping to the first page.
    “Here we are” Pulling out a small list.
    “What is that?” Leaning over to the one sheet. Eros smiled.
    “This my good man, is your saving grace. All woman…and I do mean all, have a few things in which they bless themselves with. Weather it be sweets, shoes, dresses or even a hand bag.” His finger scrolled down the list, looking at what it said.
    “Yaaa ha…your in luck. She’s got one”

    “Yes bit of a surprise to me to, most woman have a few. Seems your woman is a bit less….interested in things. Says here she likes…ha…odd.”
    “What?” Thanatos glared at him.
    “She had a sweet tooth.” Chuckling. Thanatos frowned, taking the paper away from him.
    “Godiva?…Isn’t that a noblewoman who rode naked through the streets in the 11th century?” Eros laughed.

    “Yes, but this is also the name of a chocolate store. A very well known chocolate store, woman flock to it. She likes the covered strawberries and the truffles. Good to know” Patting Thanatos on the back. Frowning Thanatos hadn’t a clue what all this was, he knew what a strawberry was. And since it was a chocolate store he figured the berries were dipped into them, but he’d never heard of a truffle. Unless you were talking about the kind that came from the ground, but those weren’t to be eaten in themselves.

He suspected keeping himself from the world, was going to make him less knowledgeable to thinks Trinity knew about. Knowing he was going to have to know what a truffle was he dared to ask, further giving the love bastard a huge ego.
    “What is a truffle?”
    “Aww yes, that is a small round chocolate ball of sorts, it has filling in the middle that add to the taste. Here look up the store” Swiping his hand over the screen once more, leaving it to bring up the Godiva store Trinity liked.
    “There’s so many” Scrolling down. Eros chuckled at the god, had he not locked himself away he’d of known of all of this.

    “Yes, they also come up with holiday themed ones as well. Like for Christmas they do an eggnog one, nod bad if I do say so myself.” Shrugging.
    “You’ve eaten one?” Rising his brow to Eros.
    “Oh yea, there good. Heavy on the stomach, but woman swear by them. Specially when that time of the month comes.” She shivered. Thanatos cocked his head to the side, what was Eros talking about. Woman now had a month to themselves, when did that happen and why didn’t men have one.

    “That’s for a latter time” Eros replied, shaking his head. Shrugging Thanatos let go, he’d ask Trinity about over dinner maybe.

Trinity sat in her room, brushing out her hair. She’d left it in a ponytail far to long and it needed a good brushing before she washed it out, her shower was already hot when she walked in. Tapping the Ipod on its self letting the speakers go to full volume, her music beat through the shower. Bouncing off the wall, giving the music a really nice echo for her to sing to.

    “I'm waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust
I'm breathing in the chemicals” Humming a few parts, as she washed her hair with the Vanilla shampoo.

    “I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive”

Trinity grabbed the Gardena body wash, lathering the green luffa she bought a while back. Covering her body in head to toe in the fluffy white foam, she hummed more tunes.

    “I raise my flags, don my clothes
It's a revolution, I suppose
We'll paint it red to fit right in

I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse

Rising her body off, Trinity smirked. Being dead means no shaving, since nothing grows. Good thing she found that out now, or she’d of been livid if she cut her hair.

Crossing the hallway, Thanatos knocked on Trinity’s door. No answer came slowly he opened it calling her name, the sound of water running lead to him understand the no reply. Eros had left him to do as he pleased, giving some advice to the date tonight. Without helping himself Thanatos had bought Trinity a good size box of those truffle things, some many he wondered if she’d get sick. He’d hoped she wouldn’t eat them all at once, but refused to get the smaller box.

Upon entering her room, he’d just planned to leave them on her bed with a small note. But the music called to him, finding he saw pressed up against the door frame of the bathroom. Her singing voice had his eyes closing, the song was one he’d heard before. Mostly song by a male, but it sounded beautiful never the less coming from her. She hummed a few tunes, rising herself off.

Thanatos hadn’t even noticed the water turn off, till Trinity nearly screamed.
    “Holy shit!” Grabbing the curtain to hid herself. Quickly he turned around, giving her some privacy.
    “Forgive me” Stammering on his own tongue. He heard her grab the towel.
    “Thanatos, what are you doing in here. Didn’t you ever hear of knocking first” She sounded annoyed, but a little amused the same.
    “I did knock. But you didn’t hear me” He corrected, making sure she didn’t peg him as a peeping Tom.

    “Well what are you doing in here?” Standing behind him now, he peeking seeing she had the towel covering the most delicate parts of her body.
    “I wanted to give you something, but I got caught in your voice” The blush the crept over Thanatos’s face, had Trinity nearly ‘awwing’ at him. He looked so damn innocent, it was almost painful.
    “Give me something? Like what?” She nearly forgotten his words. He stuck out a gold box, with a chocolate colored bow on it. Her eyes widened, she’d known the box anywhere in the world.


She sucked in a little air, making sure she wasn’t drooling. It’d been a long time since she treated herself, in fact she couldn’t even remember the last time she had.
    “Godiva?” Her eyes rose to the pleased looking Thanatos.
    “Yes, Truffles” He edged the box closer to her, the very large box. Holy shit how was she suppose to eat all of those, she bit her lip thinking of how much weight she was going to gain with just two. Taking the box she could practically smell the wafting chocolaty goodness already, damn it and she’d just lost three pounds to.

    “Thank you” He smiled, and not just any smile a breath taking, here’s my panties I’ll blow you now smile. Trinity didn’t no what she wanted to taste first the chocolates, or him. She licked her lips without thinking, it lead to his eyes darkening. Turning on heels Thanatos left the bathroom, Trinity squeaked grabbing his shirt. Both seemed surprised by her actions, maybe more so for Trinity.
    “Don’t you want any?” Referring to the box.

    “But they are for you” His eyes held a certain question to her, but she wasn’t sure what it was.
    “I can’t possible eat them all, besides I don’t mind sharing with you” She didn’t know where her sudden gumption came from, but she again wanted to slap herself for being so bold.
    “I wouldn’t mind, if your sure” Trinity’s heart brightened.

    “I don’t just let me get dressed.” Thanatos nodded, exited the bathroom fully allowing her to close the door. Sitting on her bed, he smiled. Moments later she walked out in tight black pants, with his shirt on. Drying her hair like she had the first night he’d spent with her in the hotel, her hand clapped over the box. Giving him a smile she tossed the towel to a hamper, sitting next to him.
    “How’d you know I loved these?” Pulling the brown bow off. Thanatos shrugged, he’d never tell her he’d red it in her file. Eros had mentioned that was a really bad idea, something about invading her privacy.
    “You just seem like a sweets woman” She looked up, pulling the lid off.

“Really?” He nodded, Trinity never thought herself a sweets kind of girl. But then again had she gotten to go out more, she would of loved to try all kinds of desserts. Indulging the fat kid in her.

Thanatos watched as her eyes turned into sparkling gems, seeing all the tiny round chocolates. Some covered in a white dusting, others held a drizzle of white, dark or bitter sweet chocolate. She bit her fingernail, running her eyes all over them. It was adorable the way she couldn’t pick which one to eat first, like this was the most difficult task she had ever had. Chuckling he couldn’t help himself, her eyes lifted.
    “Nothing, having trouble?”
    “They all look so yummy” She titled her head, smirking at him.

“Take your time” He’d very much like to stair at her as long as possible, before long she picked up a dark chocolate with red drizzle. Biting into half, she moaned. The sound was more erotic then he’d expected it to be, her eyes closed licking her bottom lip to get the little filling that slipped.
    “Here” She held the other half to him. Trinity watched his eyes look to her, then at her hand. Thanatos almost looked worried, was he grossed out. Trinity frowned, leaning closer to him.
    “For Christ sake, you stuck your tongue down my throat, and your worried about cuties‘?” Thanatos eyes widened, was she teasing him.
