DfD 1

Trinity suspected she lived a good life, nothing really eventful came out of it. She was only thirty four when the stray bullet, caught her temple. It wasn’t like she had planned on going into the bad part of the neighborhood, but it was the shortest way to her home. Bring in the only income wasn’t easy, but she managed somehow. Trinity loved working it took her away from her thoughts, she’d always wanted to be a singer. Something she would never become, but there was no sense in getting angry about it now.

When her soul floated out of her body, she got a good look at the little punk who shot her. Instead of get angry at him, she simply sat around her bleeding out body till the cops showed up. By then a black cloaked man came to her side, he didn’t speak or even have a face. Creep as he was she didn’t dare tell him no, floating/walking with him he took her to what looked like an underworld.

Her mother had been a Christian, while her father was a drunk. Trinity wondered what her mother thought of this place, it wasn’t anything like what they talked about in church. The earth hard walls were almost completely black, while they did hold a few rare looking gems that would have fetched a pretty penny top side, Trinity just kept walking.

Something about the cloaked figure told her he wasn’t in the mood to be waiting on her, while she fingered the shiny objects. No sooner had they gotten to the cave like place, did she see others who were looking just like her. Some had looked completely normal, while others were covered in what looked like blood. The cloak motioned for her to get in line, which she did but not before she watched his disappear.

Sighing she stood behind an older woman, she must of died of old age. Turning around the woman smiled sweetly at her, but she’d noticed Trinity’s head. Her eyes widened a little, taking in her appearance. Today had been a baggy jean, white tank top day. Her combat boots were the only thing she liked about the whole outfit.

    “Oh dear, what happened to you?” She asked, it was low and grandmother spoken.
    “I got shot in the head” It came out like it was an everyday thing, it felt…odd.
    “Oh my! That’s dreadful” Trinity shrugged, not really. She didn’t have anything else going on, her mother had died when she was twelve and her father….well he was a bastard. No siblings to speak of, though she didn’t put it past her father for sporting some without her knowledge.

She noticed Trinity’s lack of emotion, and her eyes gave her pity. Another she didn’t need, Trinity wasn’t into that. She’d been perfectly fine with what happened, if anything the little bastard who couldn’t shoot right had done her a favor. The line moved, but only a few bodies worth. Was this like a never ending line to hell, or was she going to face a series of judges? The questions remained, as two more people filed behind her.
    “I’m Rebecca dear” The nice older woman said, holding out her hand.
    “Trinity” Shaking lightly, though she doubted that made a difference. They were dead after all. Once again the woman smiled, just like all grandmothers did.
    “That’s a beautiful name”
    “Ah...thanks” Rubbing her neck. It’d been a long time since she’d heard a complement, about anything having to do with herself. Sadly Trinity didn’t catch much attention, she was plain with brown hair and dull green grey eyes. She’d tried many times to change her look, but it failed. Instead she just cut her hair so it was feathered, giving her a more feminine appearance.

Again the line moved only, only giving her a few steps closer to the large boat that rocked a little as spirits climbed into it. The man who helped them in was old, but still good looking. It reminded her of a moat that the boat sat on, swirling around before vanishing around a corner. When the boat was full he would push it off the short wooden dock, steering it with the current. Light blue lights followed him as they drifted, but it was the shiny moving objects under the dark water’s surface that had her squinting to see it better.

    “There mermaids” Rebecca answered, sighing a pleasant sound.
    “Mermaids?” Trinity frowned, what was this place…Narnia? She watched closer when a large sea green tail flicked the surface of the water, causing ripples to circle around the area. Across the dark river was another tunnel, it looked fairly lit up but it was the tall figure that caught her eyes. She couldn’t make out his face, as it was shadowed. His black clothes looked fitting, even gave him a dangerous persona. Bad boy! She thought, shaking her head when she realized she’d been gawking.

Returning for more passengers, the old man seemed to carry no more than ten people per trip, which would mean she’d been on the boat after this load. Wonderful. Once again he drifted down the tunnel, leaving a few to chat quietly like the place was a library. Still her eyes caught the dark figured man on the other side, what was his deal anyways. He’d lent himself against the wall, arms crossed like this was the most unappealing thing to do. Trinity scoffed at him, at least he could go as he pleased.

Touching the dock boat man ushered the next group in, sighing out loud Rebecca looked over her shoulder.
    “You can sit with me dear” Again with the kind smile, Trinity wasn’t use to all this damn attention.
    “Gee thanks” Gulping her nervous back down. Being dead, or even brought to a place like this should have made her more frightened, but it was the old woman’s kindness that had made her tummy do cartwheels. The line behind her had grown, even children had been placed in the line. She shook the thoughts out of her head that a child shouldn’t be in a place like this.

A child’s giggles had her head turning, she was cute with blonde curls. Big blue eyes danced around as she refused to stand still, most children her age, which Trinity suspected was no more than five, wouldn’t sit still if their life depended on it. She’d seen the flicker of the tail, and curiosity got the better of her. It had seemed that she was here alone, as no parental guidance was telling her to return. Leaning over the edge looking at her reflection, something in Trinity clicked.

Instead of staying in line like she knew she should, Trinity quickly walked to the child. Something about those mermaids wasn’t right, she hadn’t seen their faces and it was like they were trying to lure people to the water’s edge with their tails. She grabbed the child knowing all too well the dark man, had scooped her out and was blazing his unseen eyes on her. It had been a good thing Trinity grabbed the girl, because as she turned her back on the water something sliced her back.

Grunting in pain which she didn’t think was now possible, her eyes looked over her shoulder at the very unfriendly mermaid. She glared at the sea creature, knowing all too damn well that was not a mermaid….but a siren. The female creature hissed at her pushing more out of the water, hoping to god that if she could feel its razor like claws that it took could feel her kick to the face. With her heavy boot she pushed it into the creature’s mouth, letting it wail in pain.
    “Nasty water witch” Trinity growled moving the child further away. That siren seemed to call out a few of her friends, which all glared at her and the child.
    “Give us back the child” She hissed, gripping the edge splashing her tail in an angry cat like manor.
    “Drop dead” She realized how stupid that sounded, but it couldn’t be helped. They hackled like a pack of hyenas, making Trinity’s skin crawl.
    “The girl looked into our waters, she belongs to us” Sticking out her hand. Trinity’s laughed dryly still holding the girl, making sure she didn’t return to the nasty water bitch.
    “I’ll tell you what, if you can come and get her she’s all yours” Smirking. She had no idea what had gotten into her, but she was pissed that she finally gotten a backbone, only to be dead. Figures. Their eyes narrowed, knowing they couldn’t walk on land. Trinity laughed, pushing the girl to where her spot was. Rebecca looked at her wide eyed, before lowering her gaze to the small child.

Besides the dark man, Trinity hadn’t a clue someone else had been watching her. Taking everything in, and seemed more then pleased about the whole ordeal. Stepping out of the shadows a few people jumped at his sudden show.
    “You there” He called, but Trinity didn’t even look his way. She was never called on, so why would it start now.
    “Woman!” Again there were plenty of other woman, more stunning then her so she kept facing the front taking steps when another person got into the boat.
    “Trinity Havon” He called. That got her attention, looking over her shoulder at the tall broad man her breath caught. Waving her to step out of line, she bit her lip looking at the child. The sirens were still lurking around, huffing she looked at Rebecca.
    “Please look after her, in case I don’t come back in time” Rebecca nodded, taking the girls hand. Stepping out of line once again, Trinity stepped to the twice her size man.
    “Come” Was all he said in the deep voice, as a cavern opened allowing him to walk down a path that hadn’t been there a minute ago. Gulping she did as she was told, whoever he was the man had plenty of power.

Further and further down they walked, till finally another opening split in two. She contained her awe when a brightly lit room came into play, it wasn’t dark and chilling like the line room. Its gold walls were overbearing, gems sparkled like some kind of pirate chest of treasure. Red carpet runners slithered over the gold floor, he took a seat at a very large chair watching her closely. With all the light she got a better look of him, dark, handsome and a little rough around the edges.

His face showed he couldn’t of been more than in his forties, but then again this was a dead zone so what did she know. Suddenly feeling very under dressed, compared to his wrinkle free black slacks, deep maroon silk shirt which held a large black cloak held on by gold looking lion head claps. Black as night hair was slightly longer than the standard military style cuts she would see, his beard was just as black looking perfectly groomed.

Thick fingers wrapped around the gold lion head arm rests, tapping slowly as if he was counting down the seconds till she burst into flames. Trinity was suddenly feeling very hot, like someone had lit the fire place, oven and turned the heat on in the house all at once. Twisting her fingers around each other, she waited for him to speak.

    “You are Trinity Havon is that correct?” It wasn’t really a question, since she’d come to the name like a pup.
    “Yes sir” Keeping her eyes low, as to not offend him. Only god knew how powerful he was, and she wasn’t looking to find out. He chuckled which didn’t sound a bit bad, if anything it warmed her in a good way.
    “Do you know who I am, child?” Trinity wanted to roll her eyes, she was anything but a child. But what was the point in pissing him off by correcting him, it really wasn’t that important.
    “No sir” He seemed amused, as far as Trinity was concerned.
    “I am Hades, and you my little lamb are in my domain” Epic. She thought, not only was she a child, but now a lamb. Trinity hadn’t even cared he called himself Hades, known as the god of the underworld. She kind of figured he was, the sirens helped with that little assessment. This whole place screamed underworld, and those movies about mythology didn’t do this place justice.
